
Synonym for ban [verb]

The synonym ban synonymous definition words:
- conjugate verb ban
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ban [verb]

means "exclude"
bar, exile, banish, prevent

ban [noun]

means "prohibition"
interdiction, limitation, proscription, taboo

ban [noun]

means "denunciation"
anathema, curse, excommunication, malediction
Further results for the word "ban"

curse [noun]

means "denunciation"
anathema, ban, hex, commination, fulmination, imprecation

damnation [noun]

means "condemnation"
damning, ban, anathema, excommunication, proscription

deport [verb]

means "banish"
ban, drive out

drive out [verb]

means "banish"
ban, exile

embargo [noun]

means "penalty"
sentence, punishment, ban, sanction, injunction

enjoin [verb]

means "prohibit"
forbid, ban, exclude, interdict, preclude, proscribe

exclude [verb]

means "keep out"
bar, ban, ostracise, ostracize, rule out, embargo

excommunication [noun]

means "denunciation"
anathema, curse, ban, malediction

exile [verb]

means "banish"
ban, drive out

fulmination [noun]

means "denunciation"
anathema, ban, hex, commination, curse, imprecation

imprecation [noun]

means "denunciation"
anathema, ban, hex, commination, fulmination, curse

inhibit [verb]

means "forbid"
ban, prohibit, prevent, outlaw, interdict

interdict [verb]

means "prohibit"
proscribe, forbid, disallow, ban, halt, outlaw

interdiction [noun]

means "prohibition"
ban, limitation, proscription, taboo

keep out [verb]

means "exclude"
bar, ban, ostracise, ostracize, rule out, embargo

malediction [noun]

means "denunciation"
anathema, ban, hex, commination, fulmination, imprecation

proscription [noun]

means "prohibition"
interdiction, limitation, ban, taboo

sanction [noun]

means "penalty"
sentence, punishment, ban, embargo, injunction

taboo [noun]

means "prohibition"
restriction, interdiction, ban, exclusion, ostracism, proscription

banal [adjective]

means "commonplace"
mediocre, prosaic, common, stale, hackneyed, stock

banality [noun]

means "cliché"
bromide, platitude, commonplace, triteness, truism

band [verb]

means "action"
tag, bind, identify, mark, stripe

band [noun]

means "thing"
strap, tie, belt, ribbon, headband, strip, tag, girdle, bond, binding, fetter, cord, cordon, thong, harness, chain, stripe, strip, circuit, streak, meridian, line, zone, circle

band [noun]

means "animal"
group, pack, body, company, gang, crew, gathering, clique

band-aid [noun]

means "dressing for wound"
compress, gauze, cast, bandage, dressing, ligature

bandage [verb]

means "bind a wound"
swathe, tie, truss, fasten, bind, wrap, protect

bandage [noun]

means "dressing for wound"
compress, gauze, cast, band-aid, dressing, ligature

bandit [noun]

means "robber"
thief, brigand, highwayman, footpad

bandy [verb]

means "exchange"
give and take, reciprocate, retaliate, retort, requite, return

bane [noun]

means "affliction"
cancer, annoyance, curse, calamity, evil, misfortune, plague

bang [verb]

means "strike"
pound, batter, slap, burst, slam, smash, roar

bang [noun]

means "report"
blast, thunder, explosion, boom, crack, crash, whack

banish [verb]

means "expel"
dismiss, drive away, exclude, isolate, put away, discharge

banish [verb]

means "exile"
expatriate, deport, proscribe, cast out, displace, expulse, ostracise, ostracize

banishment [noun]

means "exile"
expulsion, exclusion, ostracism, displacement

banister [noun]

means "railing"
rail, grip

bank [verb]

means "movement"
turn, soar, slope, pitch, incline, angle, grade

bank [verb]

means "economy"
deposit, put aside, save, reserve, hoard, shelve

bank [verb]

means "action"
heap up, pile up, gather, dike

bank [noun]

means "thing"
line, panel, row, array, tier

bank [noun]

means "nature"
shore, coast, ridge, rim, shoal, border, slope, ledge

bank [noun]

means "geography"
embankment, mound, heap, hill, knoll

bank [noun]

means "banking"
financial institution, vault, treasury

bank [noun]

means "amount"
reserve, stockpile, supply, deposit, hoard, store

bank draft [noun]

means "cheque"
withdrawal, debit, draft, payment

banker [noun]

means "entrepreneur"
investor, financier, capitalist, landowner, businessperson

bankrupt [adjective]

means "ruined"
insolvent, broke, busted, destitute, impoverished

bankruptcy [noun]

means "failure"
fiasco, bust, collapse, dud, failing

banner [noun]

means "emblem"
standard, ensign, symbol, flag, pennant, streamer, pennon

banquet [noun]

means "feast"
spread, repast, barbecue

bantam [noun]

means "little"
tiny, miniature, diminutive, dwarf, pygmy, small

banter [verb]

means "mock"
tease, deride, heckle, jeer, jest, make fun of, ridicule

banter [noun]

means "jest"
jesting, teasing, mockery, derision, repartee

bantering [adjective]

means "sarcastic"
satirical, ironic, facetious, dry, quizzical

contraband [adjective]

means "prohibited"
banned, illegal, bootleg, illicit, unlawful, forbidden

headband [noun]

means "strap"
tie, belt, ribbon, band, strip, tag

Lilliputian [adjective]

means "little"
petty, bantam, diminutive, microscopic

Treasury [noun]

means "financial institution"
vault, bank

affliction [noun]

means "curse"
cancer, annoyance, bane, calamity, evil, misfortune

auction [noun]

means "public sale"
disposal, bargain, bankruptcy sale

bar [noun]

means "thing"
band, ribbon, stripe

bar [noun]

means "nature"
bank, reef, ridge, shallow, shoal

battery [noun]

means "set"
series, array, chain, sequence, bank

beggar [noun]

means "pauper"
indigent, bankrupt, bum

belt [noun]

means "thing"
band, verge, zone, region, strip, stripe

bench [noun]

means "thing"
pew, bank, seat, stall, settee, form

binding [noun]

means "coupling"
junction, fastener, band, wire, adhesive, wrapper

bland [adjective]

means "flat"
insipid, tedious, banal, prosaic, uninteresting, tasteless

blast [noun]

means "roar"
boom, bang, clang, din, peal, blare

blasted [adjective]

means "damned"
cursed, accursed, doomed, banned

bluff [noun]

means "hill"
bank, headland, cliff, precipice

body [noun]

means "institution"
society, band

bond [noun]

means "fastener"
band, adhesive, cord, ligament, ligature, knot

break [verb]

means "finance"
bankrupt, make bankrupt, ruin

brigand [noun]

means "robber"
bandit, thief, highwayman, outlaw, thug, hoodlum

bromide [noun]

means "cliché"
commonplace, platitude, banality, triteness, truism

bump [noun]

means "sound"
thud, bang, clap, crack, crash, thump

bunch [noun]

means "group"
bevy, flock, host, pack, band, gathering

bursar [noun]

means "person dealing with money"
banker, purser, cashier, receiver

capitalise [verb]

means "finance"
back, bankroll, stake

capitalist [noun]

means "entrepreneur"
investor, financier, banker, landowner, businessman

capitalize [verb]

means "finance"
back, bankroll, stake

caption [noun]

means "title"
legend, inscription, heading, subtitle, underline, banner, band

cashier [noun]

means "person dealing with money"
banker, purser, bursar, receiver

chaff [verb]

means "ridicule"
banter, mock, deride, flout, gibe, imitate

clack [noun]

means "small noise"
clink, tick, snap, bang, crack, whir

clap [verb]

means "action"
bang, slam

clatter [verb]

means "rattle"
clamour, clash, clang, bang, clack, reverberate

clatter [noun]

means "racket"
noise, crash, rattle, clank, clang, bang

click [noun]

means "small noise"
clink, tick, snap, bang, crack, whir

cliff [noun]

means "nature"
hill, bank, headland, bluff, precipice

colorless [adjective]

means "common"
banal, uninteresting

colourless [adjective]

means "common"
prosaic, dull, same, banal, nondescript, prosy

commonplace [noun]

means "cliché"
bromide, platitude, banality, triteness, truism

company [noun]

means "assemblage"
group, corps, circle, band, body, gang

concentration [noun]

means "collection"
gathering, company, group, congregation, band, party

congregation [noun]

means "collection"
gathering, company, group, concentration, band, party

cooperate [verb]

means "unite"
confederate, band, join together, league, collaborate, ally

cordon [noun]

means "bond"
binding, fetter, cord, band, thong, harness

coupon [noun]

means "promissory note"
note, letter of credit, bank draft, cheque, draft

crash [noun]

means "sound"
thunder, clatter, bang, peal, smash

crew [noun]

means "group"
pack, body, company, gang, band, gathering

curse [noun]

means "affliction"
cancer, annoyance, bane, calamity, evil, misfortune

cursed [adjective]

means "damned"
blasted, accursed, doomed, banned

damage [noun]

means "thing"
bane, scandal

damn [verb]

means "action"
consign to hell, accurse, curse, doom, proscribe, banish

dealer [noun]

means "play"
banker, player

deprive [verb]

means "strip"
bankrupt, dispossess, withhold, divest, dismantle, bare

desperado [noun]

means "outlaw"
bandit, criminal, miscreant, ruffian

diminutive [adjective]

means "little"
petty, bantam, lilliputian, microscopic

dinner [noun]

means "cooking"
meal, supper, repast, feast, banquet, refection

dismiss [verb]

means "reject"
expel, eject, discard, banish, decline, repel

dispossess [verb]

means "deprive"
bankrupt, strip, withhold, divest, dismantle, bare

dollar [noun]

means "federal reserve note"
money, bank note, currency, legal tender, coin, dollar bill

draft [noun]

means "banking"
promissory note, note, letter of credit, bank draft, cheque, coupon

dress [verb]

means "health"
bandage, attend, treat, bind

dressing [noun]

means "bandage"
gauze, compress, pack, treatment, adhesive tape, band-aid

drive away [verb]

means "expel"
dismiss, banish, exclude, isolate, put away, discharge

embarrassed [adjective]

means "broke"
insolvent, poor, impoverished, bankrupt

ensign [noun]

means "flag"
banner, insignia, pennant, streamer, jack, pennon

evict [verb]

means "expel"
eject, oust, remove, banish, cast out, deport

evil [adjective]

means "character trait"
amoral, baneful, unfavourable, bad, base, corrupt

excitement [noun]

means "thrill"
stimulation, kick, bang, boot, wallop, tingle

exclude [verb]

means "expel"
put out, eject, force out, eliminate, banish, reject

exiled [adjective]

means "without a country"
homeless, banished, outcast, wandering, refugee, vagabond

expel [verb]

means "dismiss"
dispossess, banish, discharge, drive away, drive out, exile

facetious [adjective]

means "sarcastic"
satirical, ironic, bantering, dry, quizzical

feast [noun]

means "celebration"
anniversary, carnival, banquet, carousal, ceremony, commemoration

flag [noun]

means "thing"
banner, emblem, pennon, colour, ensign, jack

flout [verb]

means "ridicule"
banter, chaff, deride, mock, gibe, imitate

fooling [adjective]

means "joking"
bantering, facetious, deceitful, humorous, smart aleck, insincere

footpad [noun]

means "robber"
thief, brigand, highway robber, bandit

force out [verb]

means "expel"
put out, eject, exclude, eliminate, banish, reject

funds [noun]

means "pool"
purse, reserves, pot, jackpot, bank, kitty

gang [noun]

means "group"
company, crew, band, crowd, party, set

gauze [noun]

means "dressing for wound"
compress, bandage, cast, band-aid, dressing, ligature

gibe [noun]

means "jest"
banter, fun, raillery, sport

group [noun]

means "people"
assembly, gathering, crowd, band, assemblage, bunch

hammer [verb]

means "activity"
hit, pound, strike, beat, bang, ram

heading [noun]

means "title"
legend, inscription, caption, subtitle, underline, banner, band

headland [noun]

means "hill"
bank, bluff, cliff, precipice

headline [noun]

means "title"
head, banner, caption, heading, streamer

heap [verb]

means "activity"
stack, accumulate, amass, bank, arrange, dike

heap [noun]

means "thing"
pile, accumulation, agglomeration, bank, collection, load

hill [noun]

means "geography"
bluff, bank, headland, cliff, precipice

hillside [noun]

means "slope"
grade, pitch, gradient, bank, embankment, acclivity

homeless [adjective]

means "without a country"
exiled, banished, outcast, wandering, refugee, vagabond

horde [noun]

means "group"
pack, band, mob, bundle, company, bunch

imprint [noun]

means "stamp"
logo, trademark, heading, emblem, banner

insipid [adjective]

means "flat"
bland, tedious, banal, prosaic, uninteresting, tasteless

investor [noun]

means "entrepreneur"
capitalist, financier, banker, landowner, businessperson

jest [noun]

means "gibe"
banter, fun, raillery, sport

joke [verb]

means "activity"
kid, tease, josh, chaff, banter

knock [verb]

means "action"
bang, beat

knock [noun]

means "sound"
tap, rap, thud, bang, thump, tapping

knoll [noun]

means "embankment"
mound, heap, hill, bank

land [noun]

means "nature"
earth, ground, bank, dry land, mountains

landowner [noun]

means "entrepreneur"
investor, financier, banker, capitalist, businessperson

league [verb]

means "unite"
combine, band, confederate, cooperate

letter of credit [noun]

means "promissory note"
note, draft, bank draft, cheque, coupon

ligament [noun]

means "fastener"
band, adhesive, cord, bond, ligature, knot

ligature [noun]

means "fastener"
band, adhesive, cord, ligament, bond, knot

line [noun]

means "thing"
stripe, streak, band

list [noun]

means "thing"
edge, border, strip, band

logo [noun]

means "stamp"
imprint, trademark, heading, emblem, banner

make fun of [verb]

means "mock"
tease, deride, heckle, jeer, jest, banter

malign [adjective]

means "malevolent"
injurious, pernicious, baneful, malicious, baleful, malignant

meal [noun]

means "thing"
repast, feast, banquet, spread, chow, refection

mock [verb]

means "ridicule"
banter, chaff, deride, flout, gibe, imitate

monotonous [adjective]

means "flat"
insipid, tedious, banal, prosaic, uninteresting, tasteless

noisome [adjective]

means "dangerous"
baneful, deadly, deleterious, destructive, detrimental, harmful

nondescript [adjective]

means "common"
prosaic, dull, same, banal, colourless, prosy

noxious [adjective]

means "harmful"
baneful, dangerous, deadly, toxic, deleterious, virulent

oust [verb]

means "expel"
eject, evict, remove, banish, cast out, deport

outlaw [verb]

means "ban"
interdict, prohibit, stop, deny, proscribe, banish

outlaw [noun]

means "criminal"
bandit, fugitive, brigand, desperado, highwayman, robber

pack [noun]

means "group"
horde, band, mob, bundle, company, bunch

panel [noun]

means "line"
bank, row, array, tier

party [noun]

means "group"
band, assemblage, multitude, assembly, mob, company

party [noun]

means "affair"
soiree, gala, fete, ball, fun, banquet

pauper [noun]

means "destitute person"
beggar, indigent, bankrupt, insolvent

pennant [noun]

means "emblem"
banner, ensign, symbol, flag, standard, streamer

pernicious [adjective]

means "harmful"
baneful, pestiferous, damaging, pestilent, deleterious, pestilential

pest [noun]

means "blight"
bane, epidemic, blast, pandemic, pestilence, plague

pestiferous [adjective]

means "harmful"
baneful, pernicious, damaging, pestilent, deleterious, pestilential

pew [noun]

means "lawn-seat"
bench, bank, seat, stall, settee, form

pile [noun]

means "heap"
accumulation, bank, assemblage, cock, collection, mass

pile up [verb]

means "heap up"
bank, gather, dike

platitude [noun]

means "triteness"
banality, insipidity, inanity, dullness, plainness

plop [noun]

means "sound"
thud, bang, clap, crack, crash, thump

poison [noun]

means "thing"
toxin, bacteria, bane, venom, germ, virus

pool [noun]

means "finance"
funds, purse, reserves, pot, jackpot, bank

poultice [noun]

means "bandage"
gauze, compress, pack, treatment, adhesive tape, band-aid

precipice [noun]

means "hill"
bank, headland, cliff, bluff

prosy [adjective]

means "common"
prosaic, dull, same, banal, nondescript, colourless

purse [noun]

means "finance"
funds, pool, reserves, pot, jackpot, bank

purser [noun]

means "person dealing with money"
banker, cashier, bursar, receiver

put aside [verb]

means "deposit"
bank, save, reserve, hoard, shelve

put away [verb]

means "expel"
dismiss, drive away, exclude, isolate, banish, discharge

quizzical [adjective]

means "sarcastic"
satirical, ironic, bantering, dry, facetious

raider [noun]

means "thief"
bandit, pilferer, looter

raillery [noun]

means "gibe"
banter, fun, jest, sport

rap [verb]

means "hit"
beat, knock, strike, whack, tap, bang

rap [noun]

means "knock"
tap, thud, whack, bang, slap, flap

recalled [adjective]

means "dismissed"
discharged, expelled, banished, rejected, eliminated, removed

removal [noun]

means "elimination"
evacuation, expulsion, replacement, firing, banishment, dismissal

removed [adjective]

means "dismissed"
discharged, expelled, banished, rejected, eliminated, recalled

reserve [verb]

means "save"

reserves [noun]

means "funds"
purse, pool, pot, jackpot, bank, kitty

retinue [noun]

means "assemblage"
group, corps, circle, band, body, gang

ribbon [noun]

means "thing"
band, bar, stripe

robber [noun]

means "person"
thief, bandit, burglar, pickpocket, pilferer, pirate

rope [noun]

means "thing"
band, strap, cord, fastener, string, bandage

ruin [verb]

means "finance"
bankrupt, impoverish, drain, exhaust, fleece

sale [noun]

means "event"
discount, reduction, clearance, bargain, special, bankruptcy sale

settee [noun]

means "furniture"
pew, bank, seat, stall, bench, form

slam [verb]

means "impact"
close, bang, crash, push, smash, clobber

sling [noun]

means "suspension"
harness, strap, brace, compress, band, bandage

slope [noun]

means "nature"
hill, incline, grade, rake, hillside, bank

smack [noun]

means "snap"
bang, crack, noise

small [adjective]

means "size"

smash [verb]

means "hit"
bang, collide

smash [verb]

means "destroy"
demolish, wreck, ruin, defeat, bankrupt, overthrow

smuggler [noun]

means "robber"
bandit, thief, highwayman, outlaw, thug, hoodlum

soirée [noun]

means "affair"
party, gala, fête, ball, fun, banquet

stale [adjective]

means "trite"
common, dull, banal, humdrum, uninteresting, commonplace

standard [noun]

means "emblem"
banner, ensign, symbol, flag, pennant, streamer

stockpile [verb]

means "reserve"
bank, supply, deposit, hoard, store

store [verb]

means "activity"
cache, bank

streak [noun]

means "stripe"
line, strip, band, ridge

streamer [noun]

means "emblem"
banner, ensign, symbol, flag, pennant, standard

strip [verb]

means "activity"
deprive, bankrupt, dispossess, withhold, divest, dismantle

strip [noun]

means "thing"
band, tape, ribbon, fillet

stripe [verb]

means "action"
tag, bind, identify, mark, band

subtitle [noun]

means "title"
legend, inscription, heading, caption, underline, banner, band

supper [noun]

means "cooking"
meal, dinner, repast, feast, banquet, refection

swathe [verb]

means "bind a wound"
bandage, tie, truss, fasten, bind, wrap

taboo [adjective]

means "forbidden"
banned, restricted, prohibited, sacred, unclean

tape [noun]

means "thing"
strip, band, stripe, ribbon, fillet, strap

tapping [noun]

means "loud noise"
tap, rap, thud, bang, thump, knock

thrill [noun]

means "feeling"
excitement, stimulation, kick, bang, boot, wallop

tie [noun]

means "thing"
rope, band, strap, cord, fastener, string, bandage, ligature

tier [noun]

means "line"
panel, row, array, bank

tiny [adjective]

means "size"

titillation [noun]

means "excitement"
stimulation, kick, bang, boot, wallop, tingle

toxic [adjective]

means "harmful"
baneful, dangerous, deadly, noxious, deleterious, virulent

toxin [noun]

means "poison"
bacteria, bane, venom, germ, virus, miasma

treat [noun]

means "entertainment"
banquet, feast, fete, gift

triteness [noun]

means "cliché"
bromide, platitude, banality, commonplace, truism

troupe [noun]

means "assemblage"
group, corps, circle, band, body, gang

truism [noun]

means "cliché"
bromide, platitude, banality, triteness, commonplace

twit [verb]

means "deride"
taunt, tease, upbraid, banter, reproach, gibe at

unusable [adjective]

means "useless"
obsolete, bankrupt

unwholesome [adjective]

means "unhealthy"
sickly, corrupt, baneful, injurious, poisonous, noxious

useless [adjective]

means "unusable"
obsolete, bankrupt

venom [noun]

means "poison"
toxin, virus, bane

wrap [verb]

means "action"
enfold, envelop, swathe, enclose, bandage, roll up

yaw [verb]

means "bend"
curve, deviate, switch, change, shift, bank

zone [noun]

means "nature"
climate, meridian, latitude, region, band

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