
Synonym for hard [object]

The synonym hard synonymous definition words:
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hard [object]

means "characteristic"
firmly, solidly

hard [object]

means "activity"
vigourously, energetically, violently

hard [adjective]

means "nature"
stormy, inclement, severe, tempestuous, vigourous, violent

hard [adjective]

means "fact"
irrefutable, incontrovertible, undeniable

hard [adjective]

means "character trait"
unfriendly, harsh, unkind, unpleasant, shrewd, callous, unsentimental, unsympathetic

hard [adjective]

means "behaviour"
cruel, grinding, harsh, oppressive, rough, severe, unmerciful, unrelenting, severe, adamant, austere, callous, cruel, exacting, harsh, relentless
Further results for the word "hard"

alcoholic [adjective]

means "containing alcohol"

arduous [adjective]

means "laborious"
hard, severe, tough, difficult, exhausting, burdensome

astringent [adjective]

means "harsh"
severe, hard, rigourous, sharp, austere, stern

callous [adjective]

means "hardened"
hard, indurate, heartless, inured, cold, obdurate

compact [adjective]

means "dense"
hard, close, condensed, solid, compressed, tight

complex [adjective]

means "complicated"

complicated [adjective]

means "complex"

compressed [adjective]

means "dense"
hard, close, condensed, solid, compact, tight

concrete [adjective]

means "physical"
solid, firm, strong, compressed, hard, dense

convoluted [adjective]

means "complicated"

cruel [adjective]

means "behaviour"
severe, harsh, inclement, bitter, unrelenting, hard

dour [adjective]

means "austere"
severe, stern, bleak, grim, forbidding, hard

energetically [object]

means "vigourously"
hard, violently

exhausting [adjective]

means "laborious"
hard, severe, tough, difficult, arduous, burdensome

fatiguing [adjective]

means "laborious"
hard, severe, tough, difficult, exhausting, burdensome

firm [adjective]

means "characteristic"
solid, compact, compressed, condensed, dense, hard

grim [adjective]

means "austere"
severe, stern, bleak, dour, forbidding, hard

gruelling [adjective]

means "tiresome"
grinding, laborious, strenuous, tedious, hard, arduous

hard-hearted [adjective]

means "unyielding"
callous, firm, hard, obdurate, hardened, inexorable

harshly [object]

means "severely"
gallingly, hard, roughly

horny [adjective]

means "like cow's horn"
bony, hard, tough, cartilaginous

inclement [adjective]

means "severe"
harsh, cruel, bitter, unrelenting, hard, relentless

incorrigible [adjective]

means "hardened"
adamant, obdurate, stony, hard, shameless

inscrutable [adjective]

means "complicated"

intense [adjective]

means "profound"
strong, deep, extreme, hard

intensive [adjective]

means "deep"
intense, profound, hard

intently [object]

means "earnestly"
incessantly, hard

intoxicating [adjective]

means "containing alcohol"

iron [adjective]

means "characteristic"
hard, stern, harsh, unyielding, unfeeling, inexorable

obdurate [adjective]

means "unyielding"
callous, firm, hard, hard-hearted, hardened, inexorable

obstinate [adjective]

means "callous"
hard, hardened

onerous [adjective]

means "tiresome"
grinding, laborious, strenuous, tedious, hard, arduous

puzzling [adjective]

means "difficult"
abstruse, perplexing, hard, abstract, heavy, complicated

relentless [adjective]

means "severe"

rigorous [adjective]

means "severe"
harsh, rigid, hard, strict, inflexible, unyielding

rugged [adjective]

means "difficult"
hard, severe, trying

severe [adjective]

means "character trait"
oppressive, harsh, brutal, cruel, hard, extreme

shameless [adjective]

means "hardened"
adamant, obdurate, stony, hard, incorrigible

solid [adjective]

means "characteristic"
firm, substantial, sound, hard, compact, rooted

spirituous [adjective]

means "containing alcohol"

stale [adjective]

means "old"
dry, musty, flat, vapid, hard, hardened

stern [adjective]

means "harsh"
cruel, hard, severe, strict, firm, adamant

stiff [adjective]

means "property"
difficult, arduous, laborious, hard

stony [adjective]

means "unrelenting"

tough [adjective]

means "characteristic"
strong, firm, rugged, hard, vigourous, hardy

troublesome [adjective]

means "difficult"

unendurable [adjective]

means "laborious"
hard, severe, tough, difficult, exhausting, burdensome

unrelenting [adjective]

means "cruel"

unsentimental [adjective]

means "shrewd"
callous, hard, unsympathetic

violently [object]

means "vigourously"
energetically, hard

with difficulty [adjective]

means "severely"
gallingly, harshly, hard

hard to please [adjective]

means "querulous"
exacting, critical, fussy, demanding, imperious

hard-hearted [adjective]

means "unyielding"

hard-hearted [adjective]

means "heartless"
callous, unnatural, cold-blooded, unmerciful, unyielding, uncharitable, cruel

hard-working [adjective]

means "industrious"
assiduous, diligent, laborious, sedulous, busy, overworked

harden [verb]

means "toughen"
accustom, acclimate, brace, acclimatise, acclimatize, confirm, discipline, fortify

harden [verb]

means "solidify"
indurate, fossilise, fossilize, cake, ossify, fix, concrete, petrify

hardened [adjective]

means "tougher or stronger"
inured, toughened, callous, disciplined, trained

hardened [adjective]

means "no longer soft"
rigid, firm, stiff, taut, frozen, solidified

hardheaded [adjective]

means "shrewd"
practical, unsentimental, rational, business-like, headstrong, stubborn, realistic

hardheaded [adjective]

means "obstinate"
wilful, pigheaded, headstrong, unyielding, intractable, bullheaded, self-willed

hardly [object]

means "quantity"
barely, nearly, scarcely, perceptibly, merely

hardly [object]

means "frequency"
infrequently, rarely

hardly [object]

means "behaviour"
harshly, cruelly, rigourously, roughly, severely, unkindly

hardness [noun]

means "inflexibility"
austerity, stiffness, rigidity, acerbity, formality

hardwood [noun]

means "hard wood"
oak, ash, mahogany

hardy [adjective]

means "strong"
rugged, hale, tough, indefatigable, healthy, unflagging, robust

hardy [adjective]

means "bold"
dauntless, brave, resolute, courageous, daring

adventurous [adjective]

means "bold"
defiant, daring, hardy, audacious, stalwart, brave

austerity [noun]

means "inflexibility"
hardness, stiffness, rigidity, acerbity, formality

bake [verb]

means "action"
fire, temper, anneal, harden, scorch, char

brace [verb]

means "fortify"
harden, hearten, nerve, stimulate, encourage, strengthen

brave [adjective]

means "characteristic"
courageous, defiant, bold, game, chivalrous, hardy

brawny [adjective]

means "powerful"
mighty, Herculean, healthy, hearty, hardy, hale

burden [noun]

means "encumbrance"
cross, hardship, affliction, onus, ordeal, trial

busy [adjective]

means "characteristic"
industrious, assiduous, fraught, diligent, sedulous, hardworking

cake [verb]

means "activity"
crust, set, pack, encrust, stiffen, harden

calamity [noun]

means "adversity"
affliction, misery, desolation, misadventure, hardship, distress

chronic [adjective]

means "habitual"
confirmed, constant, hardened, tenacious, persistent, ingrained

coagulate [verb]

means "clot"
congeal, curdle, thicken, gel, harden, cake

cold-blooded [adjective]

means "heartless"

condensed [adjective]

means "compressed"
concentrated, dense, thick, solidified, hardened, consolidated

congeal [verb]

means "solidify"
freeze, harden, refrigerate, crystallise, crystallize, set

consistency [noun]

means "coherence"
texture, hardness, softness, density, firmness, viscosity

cruel [adjective]

means "characteristic"
uncharitable, hardhearted

cruelly [object]

means "harshly"
hardly, rigourously, roughly, severely, unkindly

cruelty [noun]

means "persecution"
oppression, hardness, despotism, domination, injustice, coercion

crystallise [verb]

means "solidify"
freeze, harden, refrigerate, congeal, crystallize, set

crystallize [verb]

means "solidify"
freeze, harden, refrigerate, crystallise, congeal, set

cure [verb]

means "process"
temper, fire, steel, harden

daring [adjective]

means "bold"
defiant, adventurous, hardy, audacious, stalwart, brave

demanding [adjective]

means "querulous"
exacting, critical, fussy, hard to please, imperious

despotism [noun]

means "persecution"
cruelty, hardness, oppression, domination, injustice, coercion

dictatorship [noun]

means "persecution"
cruelty, hardness, despotism, domination, injustice, coercion

diligent [adjective]

means "industrious"
hardworking, assiduous, attentive, busy, constant, occupied

discipline [verb]

means "instruct"
form, prepare, drill, control, harden, educate

doughty [adjective]

means "bold"
defiant, adventurous, hardy, audacious, stalwart, brave

durability [noun]

means "resistance"
invulnerability, immunity, hardness, endurance, impenetrability, immovability

durable [adjective]

means "tough"
sturdy, hardy

dynamism [noun]

means "activity"
nerve, verve, animation, hardihood, dash, energy

ebony [noun]

means "black tropical wood"

encrust [verb]

means "crust"
set, pack, cake, stiffen, harden, thicken

encumbrance [noun]

means "burden"
cross, hardship, affliction, onus, ordeal, trial

energy [noun]

means "activity"
nerve, verve, animation, hardihood, dash, dynamism

fight [noun]

means "character trait"
boldness, mettle, hardihood

fossilise [verb]

means "solidify"
indurate, harden, fossilize, cake, ossify, fix

fossilize [verb]

means "solidify"
indurate, fossilise, harden, cake, ossify, fix

fraught [adjective]

means "industrious"
assiduous, busy, diligent, sedulous, hardworking, overworked

fresh [adjective]

means "health"
hardy, hearty, robust, strong, vigourous, well

gel [verb]

means "clot"
congeal, curdle, thicken, coagulate, harden, cake

grievance [noun]

means "encumbrance"
cross, hardship, affliction, onus, ordeal, trial

guts [noun]

means "courage"
backbone, effrontery, nerve, spunk, grit, hardihood

heartless [adjective]

means "cruel"

herculean [adjective]

means "powerful"
mighty, strong, healthy, hearty, hardy, hale

heroic [adjective]

means "courageous"
defiant, bold, game, chivalrous, hardy, confident

imperceptibly [object]

means "undiscernibly"
gradually, hardly, scarcely

industrious [adjective]

means "busy"
assiduous, fraught, diligent, sedulous, hardworking, overworked

inflexible [adjective]

means "tough"
uncompromising, unyielding, hard-line

infrequently [object]

means "barely"
hardly, seldom, rarely, little, just

insensible [adjective]

means "apathetic"
impervious, cool, passionless, hardened, detached, insensitive

invulnerability [noun]

means "durability"
resistance, immunity, hardness, endurance, impenetrability, immovability

laborious [adjective]

means "painstaking"
detailed, assiduous, diligent, hard-working, industrious

little [object]

means "frequency"
barely, hardly, seldom, rarely, infrequently, just

mettle [noun]

means "stamina"
ardour, courage, bravery, fibre, hardihood, fire

occasionally [object]

means "infrequently"
irregularly, hardly, seldom, sporadically, uncommonly

onus [noun]

means "encumbrance"
cross, hardship, affliction, burden, ordeal, trial

oppression [noun]

means "persecution"
cruelty, hardness, despotism, domination, injustice, coercion

ossify [verb]

means "turn to bone"
petrify, fossilise, fossilize, harden, stiffen, congeal

petrify [verb]

means "ossify"
harden, solidify, clarify, fossilise, fossilize, strengthen

pigheaded [adjective]

means "obstinate"
willful, hard-headed, headstrong, unyielding, intractable, bull-headed

rarely [object]

means "barely"
hardly, seldom, little, infrequently, just

remorseless [adjective]

means "heartless"

resistance [noun]

means "durability"
invulnerability, immunity, hardness, endurance, impenetrability, immovability

rigidity [noun]

means "inflexibility"
hardness, stiffness, austerity, acerbity, formality

rigor [noun]

means "strictness"
severity, harshness, sternness, cruelty, hardship, hardness

robust [adjective]

means "vigourous"
healthy, hardy, stalwart, strong, strapping, powerful

rugged [adjective]

means "strong"
tough, hardy, healthy, sturdy, hale

scarcely [adjective]

means "barely"
scantily, hardly

sedulous [adjective]

means "diligent"
constant, persistent, weariless, zealous, hardworking, tireless

seldom [object]

means "frequency"
barely, hardly, little, rarely, infrequently, just

set [verb]

means "process"
harden, solidify, thicken, stiffen, congeal, jell

sound [adjective]

means "property"
whole, complete, entire, hardy, healthy, hearty

sporadically [object]

means "infrequently"
irregularly, hardly, seldom, occasionally, uncommonly

stiffness [noun]

means "inflexibility"
hardness, austerity, rigidity, acerbity, formality

stout [adjective]

means "strong"
robust, hardy, strapping, vigourous, stalwart, husky

strong [adjective]

means "property"
powerful, mighty, herculean, healthy, hearty, hardy

studious [adjective]

means "assiduous"
diligent, industrious, determined, hard-working, busy, contemplative

temper [verb]

means "process"
harden, solidify, strengthen, petrify, indurate, anneal

thick-skinned [adjective]

means "insensitive"
unfeeling, hardened, callous, dull, obtuse, pachydermatous

thicken [verb]

means "reinforce"
intensify, harden, buttress, fortify, strengthen, brace

thicken [verb]

means "coagulate"
condense, curdle, jell, congeal, stiffen, harden

timber [noun]

means "nature"
wood, lumber, hardwood, forest, timberland

tough [adjective]

means "quality"
durable, sturdy, hardy

tough [adjective]

means "characteristic"
hardened, rigid, inflexible, unyielding, uncompromising, hard-line

travail [noun]

means "drudgery"
sweat, toil, hard work, exertion, labour, struggle

travail [noun]

means "distress"
anguish, hardship, pain, suffering, torture, misery

tree [noun]

means "nature"
tree trunk, log, wood, hardwood, plant

trial [noun]

means "state"
affliction, ordeal, hardship, tribulation, woe, sorrow

tribulation [noun]

means "affliction"
ordeal, hardship, trial, woe, sorrow, misery

uncharitable [adjective]

means "heartless"

undaunted [adjective]

means "courageous"
defiant, bold, game, chivalrous, hardy, confident

unmerciful [adjective]

means "heartless"

unnatural [adjective]

means "cruel"
brutal, heartless, inhuman, evil, hard-hearted

verve [noun]

means "activity"
nerve, energy, animation, hardihood, dash, dynamism

viscosity [noun]

means "coherence"
texture, hardness, softness, density, firmness, consistency

weather [verb]

means "season"
harden, deteriorate, discolour, disintegrate

well [adjective]

means "health"
healthy, strong, hardy, robust, fit, hearty

wood [noun]

means "substance"
timber, lumber, hardwood, forest, timberland

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