
Synonym for agree [verb]

The synonym agree synonymous definition words:
means "permission"
accede, permit, allow, assent, concede, acquiesce, consent, yield
- conjugate verb agree
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agree [verb]

means "agreement"
accord, correspond, conform, coincide, concur, harmonise, harmonize, match

agree [verb]

means "adjustment"
compromise, arrange, bargain, contract, stipulate
Further results for the word "agree"

accommodate [verb]

means "adapt"
agree, adjust, concur, conform, harmonise, harmonize

accord [verb]

means "agreement"
agree, concur, affirm, assent, coincide, correspond

acknowledge [verb]

means "admit"
tell, avow, agree, allow, concede, confess

approve of [verb]

means "consent"
grant, approve, acquiesce, agree, allow, assent

arrange [verb]

means "adjust"
negotiate, come to terms, agree, determine, establish, settle

assent [verb]

means "agreement"
accede, agree, concur, acquiesce, admit, consent

bargain [verb]

means "negotiate"
agree, contract, confer, arrange, make terms, transact

become [verb]

means "characteristic"
go with, flatter, agree, suit, compliment, enrich

bend [verb]

means "agreement"
acquiesce, agree, bow, give way, succumb, stoop

cohere [verb]

means "make sense"
agree, follow, relate, cohesion, harmonise, harmonize

compromise [verb]

means "find a middle ground"
come to terms, bargain, negotiate, conciliate, agree, arbitrate

concur [verb]

means "correspond"
conform, harmonise, harmonize, agree, tally, accord

confess [verb]

means "admit"
tell, avow, agree, allow, concede, acknowledge

conform [verb]

means "correspond"
agree, harmonise, harmonize, tally, match, suit

consent [verb]

means "approve of"
grant, approve, acquiesce, agree, allow, assent

lend oneself to [verb]

means "cooperate"
agree to, consent, participate, collaborate, agree

make sense [verb]

means "cohere"
agree, follow, relate, cohesion, harmonise, harmonize

meet [verb]

means "agreement"
agree, concur, conjoin, unite

mesh [verb]

means "blend"
intertwine, engage, agree, knit, weave, fit

promise [verb]

means "pledge"
agree, espouse, covenant, betroth, engage, guarantee

recognise [verb]

means "admit"
acknowledge, concede, agree, note, observe, grant

recognize [verb]

means "admit"
acknowledge, concede, agree, note, observe, grant

serve [verb]

means "agreement"
follow, satisfy, obey, answer, suit, agree

stipulate [verb]

means "compromise"
arrange, bargain, contract, agree

transact [verb]

means "negotiate"
agree, contract, confer, arrange, make terms, bargain

yield [verb]

means "grant"

agree on [verb]

means "agree upon"
fix, establish, settle, determine, appoint, prescribe, arrange

agree to [verb]

means "concur"
grant, accede to, acknowledge, admit, accept, allow, concede

agree with [verb]

means "concur"
approve, acquiesce, agree on, come to terms, assent, accede

agreeable [adjective]

means "amiable"
pleasant, pleasing, congenial, good-natured, cooperative, mild

agreeable [adjective]

means "acceptable"
reasonable, in accord with, amenable, fair, satisfactory

agreeably [object]

means "pleasantly"
politely, kindly

agreed [adjective]

means "settled"
decided, determined, concluded, resolved, closed

agreeing [adjective]

means "compatible"
agreeable, in agreement, harmonious, accordant, in accord, compliant

agreement [noun]

means "contract"
arrangement, deal, understanding, bargain, covenant, compact, transaction

agreement [noun]

means "conformity"
accord, concord, harmony, peace, assent, proportion, coherence

accept [verb]

means "agreement"
concur, grant, accede to, acknowledge, admit, agree to

accession [noun]

means "acceptance"
agreement, consent, assent, acknowledgment

accommodation [noun]

means "compromise"
reconciliation, settlement, agreement

accordance [noun]

means "harmony"
agreement, coincidence, parallelism, correspondence, eventuality, consonance

accordant [adjective]

means "agreeing"
agreeable, in agreement, harmonious, compatible, in accord, compliant

accordingly [adjective]

means "correspondingly"

acquiesce [verb]

means "agree with"
approve, concur, agree on, come to terms, assent, accede

acquiescence [noun]

means "consent"
agreement, concord, consensus, permission, concurrence, acceptance

adaptability [noun]

means "going together well"
unity, agreement, compatibility

adjustment [noun]

means "arrangement"
compromise, reconciliation, settlement, allotment, agreement, compensation

admit [verb]

means "permission"
bear, agree to

ambrosial [adjective]

means "enchanting"
glorious, agreeable, adorable, nice, delightful, sweet

amiable [adjective]

means "friendly"
social, amicable, genial, warm, charming, agreeable

amity [noun]

means "compatibility"
accord, rapport, agreement, equanimity, harmony, unanimity

amusing [adjective]

means "pleasant"
gratifying, delightful, agreeable, enjoyable, beguiling

appeasing [adjective]

means "accommodating"
agreeable, compatible, deferential, conciliatory, obliging, harmonious

appoint [verb]

means "agree upon"
fix, establish, settle, determine, agree on, prescribe

appointment [noun]

means "meeting"
date, interview, engagement, rendezvous, agreement, tryst

approachable [adjective]

means "receptive"
agreeable, congenial, friendly, accessible, attainable

approval [noun]

means "permission"
authorisation, authorization, consent, accord, agreement

arrangement [noun]

means "settlement"
compromise, agreement, adjustment, composition, combination, design

assignation [noun]

means "meeting"
date, interview, engagement, rendezvous, agreement, tryst

assimilation [noun]

means "acclimatization"
adaptation, adjustment, agreement, conformity

bargain [noun]

means "deal"
transaction, agreement, pact, contract, compact, concord

beguiling [adjective]

means "pleasant"
gratifying, delightful, agreeable, enjoyable, amusing

coherence [noun]

means "unity"
oneness, agreement, continuity, harmony, congruity, integrity

coincidence [noun]

means "harmony"
agreement, accordance, parallelism, correspondence, eventuality, consonance

combining [adjective]

means "cooperative"
agreeing, joining, conjoint, in league

communion [noun]

means "exchange"
union, fellowship, agreement, sharing, association, togetherness

community [noun]

means "affinity"
agreement, accord, kinship, harmony, likeness, uniformity

compact [noun]

means "arrangement"
agreement, understanding, treaty, settlement, concordat, bond

compatibility [noun]

means "harmony"
consonance, proportion, concord, balance, agreement, cohesion

compatibility [noun]

means "going together well"
unity, agreement, adaptability

compatible [adjective]

means "agreeing"
agreeable, in agreement, harmonious, accordant, in accord, compliant

composition [noun]

means "arrangement"
form, symmetry, proportion, harmony, consonance, agreement

concede [verb]

means "concur"
grant, accede to, acknowledge, admit, agree to, allow

conciliatory [adjective]

means "accommodating"
agreeable, compatible, deferential, appeasing, obliging, harmonious

concord [noun]

means "feeling of agreement"
unanimity, agreement, accord, peace, consensus, unity

concord [noun]

means "contract"
pact, agreement, treaty, compact, accord

concordat [noun]

means "deal"
transaction, agreement, pact, contract, compact, concord

concur [verb]

means "agree with"
approve, acquiesce, agree on, come to terms, assent, accede

concurrence [noun]

means "acquiescence"
agreement, concord, consensus, permission, consent, acceptance

confirmation [noun]

means "sanction"
authorisation, authorization, endorsement, ratification, agreement, approval

confirmatory [adjective]

means "affirmative"
acquiescent, agreeing, authorizing, sanctioning, supporting

conformable [adjective]

means "compliant"
acquiescent, amenable, submissive, agreeable, docile, obedient

congruity [noun]

means "unity"
oneness, agreement, continuity, harmony, coherence, integrity

conjunction [noun]

means "coincidence"
accord, agreement, coming together, parallelism

consensus [noun]

means "feeling of agreement"
unanimity, agreement, accord, peace, concord, unity

consent [noun]

means "permission"
authorisation, authorization, approval, accord, agreement

consent [noun]

means "acquiescence"
agreement, concord, consensus, permission, concurrence, acceptance

consistent [adjective]

means "conforming"
agreeing, agreeable, consonant, compatible, concordant, smooth

consonance [noun]

means "harmony"
agreement, accordance, parallelism, correspondence, eventuality, coincidence

consonant [adjective]

means "compatible"
agreeable, concordant, congenial, conformant, harmonious, congruous

contract [verb]

means "covenant"
pact, make terms, agree on, pledge, promise, assent

convenient [adjective]

means "favourable"
adapted, ready, opportune, advantageous, agreeable, suitable

cooperative [adjective]

means "combining"
agreeing, joining, conjoint, in league

correspondence [noun]

means "being alike"
agreement, conformity, accord, similarity, equivalence

correspondingly [object]

means "accordingly"

corroborative [adjective]

means "confirmatory"
collateral, agreeing, assenting

deed [noun]

means "document"
agreement, charter, paper, record, instrument, lease

delightful [adjective]

means "enchanting"
glorious, agreeable, adorable, nice, ambrosial, sweet

determined [adjective]

means "settled"
decided, agreed, concluded, resolved, closed

ditto [noun]

means "an identical item"
the same, likewise, alike, agreement

done [adjective]

means "settled"
agreed, signed, approved, compacted, determined

engagement [noun]

means "meeting"
date, interview, appointment, rendezvous, agreement, tryst

enter into [verb]

means "covenant"
pact, make terms, agree on, pledge, promise, assent

eventuality [noun]

means "harmony"
agreement, accordance, parallelism, correspondence, coincidence, consonance

favorable [adjective]

means "approving"
approbatory, commending, assenting, recommendatory, complimentary, agreeable

favourable [adjective]

means "approving"
assenting, complimentary, agreeable, commendatory

genial [adjective]

means "friendly"
pleasant, agreeable, cheerful, cordial, hearty, well-disposed

good [adjective]

means "character trait"
genial, agreeable, pleasant, cheering

grant [verb]

means "accept"
vouchsafe, accord, admit, accede to, agree to, allow

grateful [adjective]

means "pleasing"
pleasant, agreeable, refreshing, satisfactory, satisfying, gratifying

gratifying [adjective]

means "pleasant"
amusing, delightful, agreeable, enjoyable, beguiling

harmony [noun]

means "compatibility"
accord, rapport, agreement, equanimity, amity, unanimity

inviting [adjective]

means "pleasant"
agreeable, delightful, superior, good, admirable, excellent

keeping [noun]

means "conformity"
accordance, harmony, congruity, compliance, agreement, consistency

likable [adjective]

means "amiable"
agreeable, congenial, personable, genial, lovable, friendly

negotiation [noun]

means "arbitration"
mediation, intervention, agreement, compromise, bargaining

nice [adjective]

means "characteristic"
pleasant, agreeable, delightful, superior, good, admirable

obligation [noun]

means "contract"
agreement, bond, covenant, stipulation

pacification [noun]

means "settlement"
agreement, accommodation, subduing, adjustment

pact [noun]

means "covenant"
contract, make terms, agree on, pledge, promise, assent

partnership [noun]

means "contract"
agreement, settlement, pact, understanding, arrangement, deal

permissive [adjective]

means "lenient"
lax, indulgent, tolerant, agreeable, soft, liberal

permit [verb]

means "agreement"
allow, indulge, agree to, sanction, empower, authorise

predisposed [adjective]

means "inclined"
prone, partial, willing, agreeable, amenable, bent

propitious [adjective]

means "favourably inclined"
agreeable, well-disposed, friendly, congenial, benevolent, gracious

proportion [noun]

means "balance"
agreement, arrangement, distribution, harmony, symmetry

rapport [noun]

means "compatibility"
accord, harmony, agreement, equanimity, amity, unanimity

ratification [noun]

means "sanction"
authorisation, authorization, endorsement, confirmation, agreement, approval

ready [adjective]

means "character trait"
eager, willing, inclined, enthusiastic, disposed, agreeable

sharing [noun]

means "exchange"
union, fellowship, agreement, communion, association, togetherness

signed [adjective]

means "settled"
agreed, done, approved, compacted, determined

smooth [adjective]

means "behaviour"
polite, courteous, courtly, agreeable, pleasant, genial

sweet [adjective]

means "behaviour"
agreeable, amiable, pleasant, pleasing, kind, gentle

the same [noun]

means "an identical item"
ditto, likewise, alike, agreement

togetherness [noun]

means "exchange"
union, fellowship, agreement, sharing, association, communion

tranquil [adjective]

means "calm"
agreeable, composed, serene, good-natured, sedate, at ease

true [adjective]

means "property"
accurate, correct, precise, exact, faithful, agreeing

tryst [noun]

means "meeting"
date, interview, engagement, rendezvous, agreement, appointment

unanimity [noun]

means "feeling of agreement"
concord, agreement, accord, peace, consensus, unity

uniform [adjective]

means "similar"
alike, comparable, corresponding, analogous, akin, agreeing

uniformity [noun]

means "affinity"
agreement, accord, kinship, harmony, likeness, community

welcome [adjective]

means "appreciated"
agreeable, cherished, desirable, pleasant, good, honoured

well-disposed [adjective]

means "friendly"
pleasant, agreeable, cheerful, cordial, hearty, genial

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