
Synonym for allow [verb]

The synonym allow synonymous definition words:
means "permission"
let, permit, stand for, sanction, entitle, grant, pass

allow [verb]

means "behaviour"
tolerate, endure, bear, indulge, put up with, suffer, humour

allow [verb]

means "agreement"
yield, consent, give in, relinquish, give way, cede

allow [verb]

means "adjustment"
deduct, concede, remit, subtract, set apart, abate

allow [verb]

means "acknowledgement"
concede, admit, profess, confess, own, have
Further results for the word "allow"

abate [verb]

means "discount"
allow, bate, deduct, rebate, remit, subtract

accede [verb]

means "agree"
permit, allow, assent, concede, acquiesce, consent

accept [verb]

means "agreement"
allow, concede

accord [verb]

means "permission"
grant, allow, bestow, show, concede, give in

acknowledge [verb]

means "admit"
tell, avow, agree, allow, concede, confess

admit [verb]

means "permission"
permit, assent, let, allow, grant, concede

afford [verb]

means "means"
provide, yield, produce, furnish, allow, bear

agree [verb]

means "permission"
accede, permit, allow, assent, concede, acquiesce

agree to [verb]

means "concur"
grant, accede to, acknowledge, admit, accept, allow

approve of [verb]

means "consent"
grant, approve, acquiesce, agree, allow, assent

assent [verb]

means "agreement"
subscribe, allow

concede [verb]

means "concur"
grant, accede to, acknowledge, admit, agree to, allow

condone [verb]

means "pardon"
accept, allow

confess [verb]

means "admit"
tell, avow, agree, allow, concede, acknowledge

consent [verb]

means "approve of"
grant, approve, acquiesce, agree, allow, assent

deign [verb]

means "grant"
allow, bestow, show, concede, give in, give up

discount [verb]

means "abate"
allow, bate, deduct, rebate, remit, subtract

endure [verb]

means "experience"
take, allow, brook, permit, submit

entitle [verb]

means "warrant"
allow, empower, permit, authorise, authorize, qualify

favor [verb]

means "prefer"
fancy, allow, sanction, approve, countenance, encourage

favour [verb]

means "prefer"
fancy, allow, sanction, approve, countenance, encourage

give in [verb]

means "grant"
allow, bestow, show, concede, accord, give up

give up [verb]

means "grant"
allow, bestow, show, concede, give in, accord

give way [verb]

means "yield"
consent, give in, relinquish, allow, cede

grant [verb]

means "accept"
vouchsafe, accord, admit, accede to, agree to, allow

have [verb]

means "permission"
allow, permit

leave [verb]

means "permission"
let, allow, permit, suffer

let [verb]

means "permission"
allow, permit, grant, suffer, leave, have

license [verb]

means "authorize"
authorise, allow, permit, certify, sanction, accredit

live and let live [verb]

means "be tolerant"
tolerate, accept, allow, condone, countenance, permit

lot [verb]

means "allocation"
allot, apportion, assign, give, allow, mete

own [verb]

means "acknowledgement"
admit, grant, assent to, allow, declare, avow

permit [verb]

means "agreement"
allow, indulge, agree to, sanction, empower, authorise

put up with [verb]

means "tolerate"
endure, bear, indulge, allow, suffer, humour

ratify [verb]

means "approve"
support, sanction, endorse, confirm, allow, authorise

sanction [verb]

means "approve"
support, ratify, endorse, confirm, allow, authorise

stand for [verb]

means "let"
permit, allow, sanction, entitle, grant, pass

tolerate [verb]

means "permit"
admit, allow, recognise, recognize, oblige, indulge

allowable [adjective]

means "admissible"
accessible, permitted, available, open, free, public, unrestricted

allowance [noun]

means "discount"
bonus, deduction, reduction, rebate, remission

allowance [noun]

means "authorization"
authorisation, permission, approbation, approval, sanction, leave, license, permit

allowance [noun]

means "apportionment"
quota, ration, allotment, share, bounty, annuity, dole

allowance [noun]

means "amount paid"
advance, stipend, gratuity, wages, salary, subsidy

allowance [noun]

means "acceptance"
assent, acknowledgment, admission, concession

allowed [adjective]

means "authorised"
authorized, certified, approved, affirmed, endorsed, permitted, sanctioned

admissible [adjective]

means "open"
accessible, permitted, available, allowable, free, public

admit [verb]

means "agreement"
allow to enter, receive, entertain

advance [noun]

means "loan"
allowance, credit

affirmed [adjective]

means "authorised"
authorized, certified, allowed, approved, endorsed, permitted

allocation [noun]

means "grant"
allotment, subsidy, funding, appropriation, allowance, stipend

annuity [noun]

means "apportionment"
quota, ration, allotment, share, bounty, allowance

apportionment [noun]

means "portion"
allotment, allowance, share, division, part, serving

approbation [noun]

means "authorisation"
authorization, permission, allowance, approval, sanction, leave

appropriation [noun]

means "grant"
allotment, subsidy, funding, allocation, allowance, stipend

approved [adjective]

means "authorized"
authorised, certified, allowed, affirmed, endorsed, permitted

certified [adjective]

means "authorised"
authorized, approved, allowed, affirmed, endorsed, permitted

compensation [noun]

means "payment"
remuneration, wage, salary, wages, allowance, stipend

competent [adjective]

means "suitable"

concession [noun]

means "compromise"
acquiescence, allowance, adjustment, admission, granting, extenuation

confession [noun]

means "confessing"
disclosure, concession, allowance, admitting, revelation

earnings [noun]

means "pay"
allowance, commission, fee, income, payment, emolument

emolument [noun]

means "earnings"
allowance, commission, fee, income, payment, pay

income [noun]

means "profession"
earnings, allowance, commission, fee, pay, payment

lawful [adjective]

means "licit"
sanctioned, justifiable, allowed, innocent

leave [noun]

means "permission"
allowance, licence, liberty, freedom, blessing

legal [adjective]

means "permission"
authorized, sanctioned, allowable

margin [noun]

means "leeway"
latitude, play, allowance, freedom, room, elbowroom

odds [noun]

means "advantage"
allowance, edge, benefit, difference, superiority, favour

open [adjective]

means "permission"
admissible, accessible, permitted, available, allowable, free

open-mindedness [noun]

means "tolerance"
impartiality, liberality, allowance, variation, magnanimity, lenity

pardon [noun]

means "behaviour"
absolution, exoneration, allowance, exculpation, amnesty, excuse

pay [noun]

means "compensation"
earnings, allowance, commission, fee, income, payment

pension [noun]

means "retirement income"
retirement, annuity, support, subsidy, payment, allowance

percentage [noun]

means "royalty"
bonus, fee, duty, commission, allowance, discount

permissible [adjective]

means "admissible"
licit, allowable, legitimate, legal

permitted [adjective]

means "admissible"
accessible, open, available, allowable, free, public

pittance [noun]

means "earnings"
allowance, commission, fee, income, payment, emolument

quota [noun]

means "apportionment"
allowance, ration, allotment, share, bounty, annuity

rate [noun]

means "amount"
fare, freight, percentage, commission, allowance

ration [noun]

means "portion"
allowance, share, allotment, apportionment, measure, food

refund [noun]

means "compensation"
reimbursement, repayment, remuneration, rebate, payment, allowance

remuneration [noun]

means "payment"
compensation, wage, salary, wages, allowance, stipend

salary [noun]

means "finance"
amount paid, stipend, gratuity, wages, allowance, subsidy

sanctioned [adjective]

means "authorised"
authorized, certified, allowed, affirmed, endorsed, permitted

seal [noun]

means "permission"
approval, authorisation, authorization, permit, allowance

share [noun]

means "quantity"
portion, allotment, allowance, apportionment, division, part

sound [adjective]

means "property"
allowed, sanctioned

stipend [noun]

means "amount paid"
advance, allowance, gratuity, wages, salary, subsidy

tolerance [noun]

means "open-mindedness"
impartiality, liberality, allowance, variation, magnanimity, lenity

unrestricted [adjective]

means "admissible"
accessible, permitted, available, allowable, free, public

venial [adjective]

means "excusable"
forgivable, pardonable, allowable, justifiable

wage [noun]

means "earnings"
pay, salary, stipend, allowance, fee, compensation

wages [noun]

means "payment"
remuneration, wage, salary, compensation, allowance, stipend

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