
Synonym for author [noun]

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author [noun]

means "art"
writer, novelist, poet, producer
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Creator [noun]

means "originator"
architect, author, prime mover, mastermind, designer, engineer

architect [noun]

means "originator"
creator, author, prime mover, mastermind, designer, engineer

commentator [noun]

means "critic"
observer, reporter, writer, analyst, author

compose [verb]

means "write"
score, invent, conceive, imagine, author, coin

create [verb]

means "origin"
give birth to, cause, author, invent, occasion, produce

creator [noun]

means "originator"
architect, author, prime mover, mastermind, designer, engineer

father [noun]

means "person"
originator, architect, author, sponsor, creator, founder

founder [noun]

means "originator"
forefather, patron, prime mover, benefactor, author

maker [noun]

means "inventor"
originator, author, creator, producer, architect, founder

mastermind [noun]

means "genius"
expert, brains, creator, author, leader

novelist [noun]

means "writer"
author, poet, producer

observer [noun]

means "commentator"
writer, author, novelist

origin [noun]

means "person"
producer, author, creator, begetter, progenitor, determinant

originate [verb]

means "initiate"
conceive, author, start, compose, create, introduce

originator [noun]

means "architect"
creator, author, prime mover, mastermind, designer, engineer

prime mover [noun]

means "originator"
creator, author, architect, mastermind, designer, engineer

producer [noun]

means "origin"
author, creator, heart, begetter, progenitor, determinant

progenitor [noun]

means "producer"
author, creator, heart, begetter, origin, determinant

reporter [noun]

means "critic"
observer, commentator, writer, analyst, author

storyteller [noun]

means "teller of tales"
bard, author

writer [noun]

means "person"
author, novelist, poet, producer

authorise [verb]

means "approve"
legitimate, affirm, sanction, endorse, certify, back, legalise, legalize

authorise [verb]

means "allow"
permit, entitle, empower, warrant, commission, license, ordain

authorised [adjective]

means "official"
authorized, ordered, endorsed, sanctioned, approved

authoritative [adjective]

means "authoritarian"
commanding, impressive, imperious, masterful, dictatorial, arrogant, autocratic

authoritative [adjective]

means "authentic"
valid, official, solid, conclusive, decisive, lawful

authoritatively [object]

means "officially"
ex officio, sanctioned

authority [noun]

means "testimony"

authority [noun]

means "permission"
authorisation, authorization, justification, power, permit, sanction, liberty, warrant

authority [noun]

means "law"
rule, ruling, statute, government

authority [noun]

means "head"
expert, critic, adjudicator, master, arbiter, administrator, connoisseur

authority [noun]

means "command"
power, strength, sway, influence, control, supremacy, rule

authorization [noun]

means "authorisation"
sanction, support, ratification, decree, permission, writ, authority, command

authorize [verb]

means "approve"
legitimate, affirm, sanction, endorse, certify, back, legalize

authorize [verb]

means "allow"
permit, entitle, empower, warrant, commission, license, ordain

authorized [adjective]

means "authorised"
official, ordered, endorsed, sanctioned, approved

authorizing [noun]

means "entrustment"
delegation, sending, commission, assignment

Aryan [noun]

means "Nazi"
authoritarian, racist, dictatorial, fascist, nationalist

accepted [adjective]

means "orthodox"
approved, conventional, traditional, established, sanctioned, authoritative

administration [noun]

means "management"
government, supervision, organisation, organization, command, authority

affirmed [adjective]

means "authorised"
authorized, certified, allowed, approved, endorsed, permitted

allowance [noun]

means "authorization"
authorisation, permission, approbation, approval, sanction, leave

allowed [adjective]

means "authorised"
authorized, certified, approved, affirmed, endorsed, permitted

approbation [noun]

means "authorisation"
authorization, permission, allowance, approval, sanction, leave

approval [noun]

means "permission"
authorisation, authorization, consent, accord, agreement

approve [verb]

means "authorise"
authorize, sanction, validate, countenance, confirm, certify

approved [adjective]

means "authorized"
authorised, certified, allowed, affirmed, endorsed, permitted

ascendancy [noun]

means "mastery"
authority, command, head, dominion, control, power

assent [noun]

means "agreement"
accord, authorisation, authorization, accession, acquiescence, consent

assertive [adjective]

means "dominant"
commanding, imperious, authoritative, lordly, bossy

assign [verb]

means "appoint"
commission, specify, designate, authorise, authorize, determine

assignment [noun]

means "designation"
authorisation, authorization, nomination, appointment, naming, fixing

authentic [adjective]

means "accurate"
valid, authoritative, reliable, factual, official, convincing

bible [noun]

means "religion"
manual, primer, authority

bossy [adjective]

means "assertive"
commanding, imperious, authoritative, lordly, dominant

bureau [noun]

means "committee"
commission, board, authority, department, ministry

canonical [adjective]

means "authorized"
authorised, sanctioned, statutory, orthodox, approved, authoritative

captain [noun]

means "commander"
director, leader, authority, administrator, guide, chief

certified [adjective]

means "authorised"
authorized, approved, allowed, affirmed, endorsed, permitted

chair [noun]

means "person"
chairman, authority

charter [noun]

means "franchise"
commission, privilege, authorisation, authorization, warranty, license

collector [noun]

means "serious amateur"
amateur, authority

command [noun]

means "mastery"
authority, ascendancy, head, dominion, control, power

commander [noun]

means "captain"
director, leader, authority, administrator, guide, chief

commission [verb]

means "empower"
authorise, authorize, order, appoint, assign, bid

commission [noun]

means "order"
command, direction, authorisation, authorization, permission, ordinance

commission [noun]

means "entrustment"
delegation, sending, authorizing, assignment

compact [verb]

means "cement"
confirm, solidify, sanction, stabilise, stabilize, authorise, authorize, secure, strengthen

concession [noun]

means "authorization"
authorisation, permission, permit, exemption, grant, privilege

confirm [verb]

means "ratify"
sanction, accredit, approve, affirm, authorise, authorize

confirmation [noun]

means "sanction"
authorisation, authorization, endorsement, ratification, agreement, approval

confirmatory [adjective]

means "affirmative"
acquiescent, agreeing, authorizing, sanctioning, supporting

connoisseur [noun]

means "head"

consent [noun]

means "permission"
authorisation, authorization, approval, accord, agreement

consign [verb]

means "entrust"
appoint, authorise, authorize, delegate, commission, assign

constitute [verb]

means "empower"
commission, appoint, authorise, authorize, delegate

control [noun]

means "direction"
power, authority, command, dominion, disposition, charge

credit [noun]

means "characteristic"
power, authority, influence

dean [noun]

means "dignitary"
legislator, authority, leader, innovator

delegate [verb]

means "authorise"
authorize, entrust, transfer

delegate [verb]

means "appoint"
commission, authorise, authorize, deputise, deputize, depute

delegation [noun]

means "entrustment"
commission, sending, authorizing, assignment

depute [verb]

means "appoint"
commission, authorise, authorize, deputise, deputize, delegate

dictatorial [adjective]

means "autocratic"
despotic, tyrannical, authoritarian, arbitrary, absolute

dominant [adjective]

means "assertive"
commanding, imperious, authoritative, lordly, bossy

domination [noun]

means "mastery"
authority, ascendancy, head, dominion, control, power

effectual [adjective]

means "legal"
valid, authoritative, binding

eligible [adjective]

means "licensed"
qualified, authorised, authorized

empire [noun]

means "politics"
kingdom, authority, monarchy, dominion, power, sovereignty

empower [verb]

means "authorize"
authorise, entitle, sanction, grant, vest, commission

enfranchise [verb]

means "franchise"
warranty, license, authorise, authorize, sanction

enfranchisement [noun]

means "authorization"
authorisation, licence, permission, sanction, warranty

entitle [verb]

means "warrant"
allow, empower, permit, authorise, authorize, qualify

entitlement [noun]

means "permission"
authorisation, authorization, licence, privilege, sanction, consent

establish [verb]

means "enact"
appoint, authorise, authorize, decree, fix, ordain

ex officio [adjective]

means "officially"
authoritatively, sanctioned

exemption [noun]

means "authorisation"
authorization, permission, permit, concession, grant, privilege

expert [noun]

means "person"
authority, judge, graduate, connoisseur, master, specialist

fascist [adjective]

means "nazi"
authoritarian, racist, dictatorial, aryan, nationalist

fiat [noun]

means "order"
decree, command, proclamation, authorisation, authorization, sanction

forensic [adjective]

means "used in legal proceedings"
judicial, legal, authorised, authorized, juridical

franchise [noun]

means "charter"
commission, privilege, authorisation, authorization, warranty, licence

head [noun]

means "position"
authority, command

influence [noun]

means "power"
authority, control, sway, effect, prestige, predominance

innovator [noun]

means "dignitary"
legislator, authority, leader, dean, pioneer, inventor

invest [verb]

means "action"
empower, endow, authorise, authorize, qualify, vest

juridical [adjective]

means "used in legal proceedings"
judicial, legal, authorised, authorized, forensic

king [noun]

means "person"
master, authority, mogul, leader, tycoon, superstar

legal [adjective]

means "permission"
lawful, licit, permissible, legitimate, constitutional, authorised, authorized, sanctioned, allowable

legalise [verb]

means "authorise"
authorize, endorse, justify, legitimate, legalize

legalize [verb]

means "authorise"
authorize, endorse, justify, legalise, legitimate

legislator [noun]

means "dignitary"
dean, authority, leader, innovator

legitimate [verb]

means "authorize"
authorise, endorse, justify, legalise, legalize

licence [noun]

means "permission"
authorisation, authorization, entitlement, privilege, sanction, consent

license [verb]

means "authorize"
authorise, allow, permit, certify, sanction, accredit

licensed [adjective]

means "qualified"
eligible, authorised, authorized

management [noun]

means "administration"
government, supervision, organisation, organization, command, authority

master [noun]

means "person"
expert, authority, genius, maestro, sage, virtuoso

masterful [adjective]

means "authoritarian"
commanding, impressive, imperious, authoritative, dictatorial, arrogant

mastery [noun]

means "control"
power, command, dominance, authority, jurisdiction, sovereignty

nationalist [noun]

means "Nazi"
authoritarian, racist, dictatorial, Aryan, fascist

official [adjective]

means "definite"
authentic, reliable, authoritative, unquestionable, indisputable, indubitable

official [adjective]

means "authorized"
authorised, ordered, endorsed, sanctioned, approved

officially [object]

means "authorized"
authorised, authoritatively, sanctioned, approved, authoritative, cleared

orthodox [adjective]

means "accepted"
approved, conventional, traditional, established, sanctioned, authoritative

papers [noun]

means "documents"
identification, records, deed, authorisation, authorization, identification card

permission [noun]

means "authority"
authorisation, authorization, justification, power, permit, sanction

permit [verb]

means "agreement"
allow, indulge, agree to, sanction, empower, authorise, authorize, endure, license

potency [noun]

means "power"
authority, command, dominion, rule, influence, control

power [noun]

means "rule"
authority, ascendancy, domination, jurisdiction, command, hegemony

powerful [adjective]

means "authoritative"
almighty, dominant, omnipotent, supreme, commanding, authoritarian

primer [noun]

means "handbook"
text, guidebook, manual, bible, authority

professional [noun]

means "expert"
master, authority, specialist, veteran, maestro, genius

profundity [noun]

means "sagacity"
wisdom, acumen, astuteness, penetration, authority, erudition

qualified [adjective]

means "licensed"
eligible, authorised, authorized

ratification [noun]

means "sanction"
authorisation, authorization, endorsement, confirmation, agreement, approval

ratify [verb]

means "approve"
support, sanction, endorse, confirm, allow, authorise, authorize, empower

rule [noun]

means "control"

ruling [noun]

means "law"
rule, authority, statute, government

sanction [verb]

means "approve"
support, ratify, endorse, confirm, allow, authorise, authorize, empower

sanction [noun]

means "authorization"
authorisation, support, ratification, decree, permission, writ, authority, command

sanctioned [adjective]

means "authorised"
authorized, certified, allowed, affirmed, endorsed, permitted

savant [noun]

means "expert"
authority, genius, maestro, sage, virtuoso, scholar

seal [noun]

means "permission"
approval, authorisation, authorization, permit, allowance

sending [noun]

means "entrustment"
delegation, commission, authorizing, assignment

source [noun]

means "person"
expert, specialist, authority, reference

specialist [noun]

means "expert"
master, authority, professional, veteran, maestro, genius

statutory [adjective]

means "authorised"
authorized, sanctioned, canonical, orthodox, approved, authoritative

stern [adjective]

means "strict"
austere, authoritarian, rigid, rigourous, steadfast

subscribe [verb]

means "assent"
consent, accede, assent to, authorise, authorize, sanction

summons [noun]

means "warrant"
authorisation, authorization, citation, writ, order, subpoena

superstar [noun]

means "leader of the pack"
master, authority, mogul, leader, tycoon, king

upper hand [noun]

means "advantage"
dominion, control, command, rule, power, authority

valid [adjective]

means "quality"
genuine, authentic, true, original, factual, authoritative

valid [adjective]

means "characteristic"
sound, logical, substantial, satisfactory, authoritative, convincing

validate [verb]

means "legalize"
authorise, authorize, certify

verified [adjective]

means "accurate"
valid, authoritative, reliable, factual, official, convincing

virtuoso [noun]

means "expert"
authority, genius, maestro, sage, master, scholar

visa [noun]

means "thing"
endorsement, permit, signed passport, authorisation, authorization

warrant [verb]

means "guarantee"
certify, approve, authorise, authorize, justify, sanction

warrant [noun]

means "justification"
authorisation, authorization, sanction, commission

warrant [noun]

means "authorization"
authorisation, commission, license, permit, certificate, order

wizard [noun]

means "genius"
prodigy, expert, authority

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