
Synonym for bar [verb]

The synonym bar synonymous definition words:
means "obstruction"
block, hinder, impede, stop, prohibit, restrain, check
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bar [verb]

means "exclusion"
outlaw, exile, shut out, boycott, forbid, close

bar [noun]

means "place"
saloon, lounge, public house, pub, tavern, road house

bar [noun]

means "nature"
bank, reef, ridge, shallow, shoal

bar [noun]

means "law"
Further results for the word "bar"

axle [noun]

means "rod"
bar, shank, handle, pole, cane, shaft

ban [verb]

means "exclude"
bar, exile, banish, prevent

barricade [verb]

means "block"
blockade, bar, obstruct, shut in, fortify

barricade [noun]

means "barrier"
bar, blockade, obstruction, rampart, obstacle

barrier [noun]

means "obstruction"
restraint, bar, barricade, fence, stockade, palisade

blockade [verb]

means "besiege"
siege, encircle, barricade, bar, confine, isolate

blockade [noun]

means "isolation"
siege, barricade, bar, barrier

cabaret [noun]

means "night club"
club, bar, lounge

cake [noun]

means "thing"
block, cube, brick, loaf, bar

cane [noun]

means "rod"
bar, shank, handle, pole, shaft, axle

club [noun]

means "entertainment"
night club, cabaret, bar, lounge

coffee shop [noun]

means "bar or club"
bar, night club, café, cabaret, dive

court [noun]

means "law"
tribunal, magistrate, bench, judge, bar, forum of justice

disqualify [verb]

means "invalidate"
preclude, bar

dive [noun]

means "place"
bar, night club, café, cabaret, coffee shop, beer garden

except [verb]

means "omit"
bar, exclude, leave out, reject

exclude [verb]

means "keep out"
bar, ban, ostracise, ostracize, rule out, embargo

fastening [noun]

means "pin"
bolt, bar, dowel, peg, brace, clasp

foot [noun]

means "art"
unit of poem, measure, interval, meter, accent, bar

fountain [noun]

means "soda fountain"

hasp [noun]

means "fastener"
catch, bolt, clasp, latch, bar, lock

indispose [verb]

means "debilitate"
impair, disable, bar, incapacitate, disallow

ingot [noun]

means "rod"

keep out [verb]

means "exclude"
bar, ban, ostracise, ostracize, rule out, embargo

leave out [verb]

means "omit"
bar, exclude, except, reject

lock [verb]

means "action"
fasten, bolt, bar, secure, link, clasp

lock [noun]

means "thing"
fastener, catch, bolt, clasp, latch, bar

lounge [noun]

means "place"
public room, lobby, parlour, bar, mezzanine, salon

obstruction [noun]

means "barrier"
bar, difficulty, trouble, hindrance, impediment, obstacle

omit [verb]

means "exclusion"
exclude, leave out, except, bar, eliminate, delete

parlour [noun]

means "public room"
lobby, lounge, bar, mezzanine, salon, reception room

perch [noun]

means "pole"
rod, seat, roost, branch, twig, bar

pin [noun]

means "thing"
fastening, bolt, bar, dowel, peg, brace

pole [noun]

means "thing"
rod, shaft, standard, bar, stick, traverse

prohibit [verb]

means "forbid"
bar, disallow, halt, enjoin, prevent, interdict

pub [noun]

means "building"
saloon [US], lounge, public house, bar, tavern, road house

public house [noun]

means "saloon"
lounge, bar, pub, tavern, road house

ram [noun]

means "bat"
maul, mallet, bar

reef [noun]

means "bank"
bar, ridge, shallow, shoal

ribbon [noun]

means "thing"
band, bar, stripe

ridge [noun]

means "bank"
reef, bar, shallow, shoal

salon [noun]

means "public room"
lobby, parlour, bar, mezzanine, lounge, reception room

saloon [noun]

means "tavern"
bar, public house, pub

shaft [noun]

means "rod"
bar, shank, handle, pole, cane, axle

shoal [noun]

means "bank"
reef, ridge, shallow, bar

shut [verb]

means "action"
bar, exclude, prohibit, preclude

shut out [verb]

means "exclude"
outlaw, exile, bar, boycott, forbid, close

spool [noun]

means "bobbin"
cylinder, bar, bottom, tube, cop

staff [noun]

means "thing"
rod, cane, pole, club, bar, stave

standard [noun]

means "support"
bar, rod, timber, upright

stave [noun]

means "rod"
cane, pole, club, bar, staff, wand

stockade [noun]

means "obstruction"
restraint, bar, barricade, fence, barrier, palisade

suspend [verb]

means "reject"
refuse, exclude, bar, omit

traverse [noun]

means "obstacle"
adversity, obstruction, barrier, bar, cross-piece, screen

tribunal [noun]

means "forum of justice"
court, magistrate, bench, judge, bar, forum

barb [noun]

means "point"
cusp, spur, prickle, spike, needle, spine, pin

barbarian [noun]

means "savage"
alien, hun, boor, ruffian, brute, yahoo, stranger

barbarian [noun]

means "foreigner"
outsider, alien

barbarian [adjective]

means "ferocious"
brutal, cruel, harsh, savage, feral, inhuman, wild

barbarian [adjective]

means "barbarous"
barbaric, coarse, crude, ignorant, uncouth, savage, rude

barbaric [adjective]

means "barbarous"
fierce, unkind, barbarian, unnatural, brutal, brutish, cruel

barbarism [noun]

means "brutality"
cruelty, savageness, barbarity, atrocity

barbarity [noun]

means "boorishness"
crudeness, rudeness, vulgarity, cruelty

barbarous [adjective]

means "fierce"
furious, grim, impetuous, inhuman, passionate, truculent, cannibalistic

barbecue [verb]

means "grill"
broil, roast, sear

barbecue [noun]

means "picnic"
feast, outing, clambake

barbecue [noun]

means "appliance"
broiler, grill, griddle, roaster, spit

barbed [adjective]

means "pointed"
spiked, peaked, sharp, spiny, prickly

barbed wire [noun]

means "spiked fence wire"
wire fence

barber [noun]

means "profession"
hair stylist, coiffeur

bard [noun]

means "minstrel"
troubadour, poet

bare [verb]

means "publishing"
divulge, publish, disclose, reveal, confess

bare [verb]

means "action"
reveal, show, expose, undress, strip, disrobe, uncover, lay open

bare [adjective]

means "property"
simple, stark, plain, bald, barren, unadorned, modest, austere

bare [adjective]

means "physical condition"
naked, unclothed, exposed, stripped, nude, open, uncovered, unsheltered

bare [adjective]

means "characteristic"
obvious, blunt, conspicuous, evident, glaring, palpable, unconcealed, undisguised

bare [adjective]

means "attribution"
scant, meagre, just, mere, sheer, simple, sole, alone

bare-handed [adjective]

means "with bare hands"

barefaced [adjective]

means "obvious"
apparent, unconcealed, clear, blatant

barefaced [adjective]

means "bold"
audacious, shameless, rude, impudent

barely [object]

means "hardly"
infrequently, merely, rarely, nearly, scarcely, perceptibly

bareness [noun]

means "nudity"

bareness [noun]

means "barrenness"
desolation, bleakness, desert, emptiness, devastation, extinction, annihilation

bargain [verb]

means "negotiate"
agree, contract, confer, arrange, make terms, transact, covenant

bargain [verb]

means "dicker"
haggle, buy and sell, barter, treat, negotiate, trade, merchandise

bargain [noun]

means "discount"
purchase, buy, markdown

bargain [noun]

means "deal"
transaction, agreement, pact, contract, compact, concord, concordat

bargaining [noun]

means "barter"
negotiation, traffic, transaction, business

barge [noun]

means "boat"
ferry, packet, ship

bark [verb]

means "speech"
snap, snarl, growl, yell, shout, roar, bellow

bark [verb]

means "sound"
woof, yelp, yap, bay, growl, howl, snarl

bark [noun]

means "thing"
surface of tree, rind, peel, husk, crust, coat

bark [noun]

means "sound"
yelp, yap, grunt, woof, howl

bark up the wrong tree [verb]

means "misjudge"
miscalculate, misconstrue

barkeeper [noun]

means "bartender"

barn [noun]

means "stable"
livery, pen, coop, shelter, hutch

barn-yard [noun]

means "feed yard"
pen, corral, run, lot

barnyard [noun]

means "feed yard"
pen, corral, feed-lot, run, stable yard, lot

baron [noun]

means "nobleman"
tycoon, aristocrat, magnate, lord, mogul, noble, industrialist

baroque [adjective]

means "decorated"
flashy, adorned, ornate, superficial, elaborate, lavish, flamboyant

barracks [noun]

means "quarters"
billet, lodging, camp

barrage [noun]

means "bombard"
bomb, strafe, torpedo, shoot, blitz, shell

barrel [noun]

means "thing"
cylinder, roll, spindle, roller, drum

barren [adjective]

means "infertile"
fruitless, sterile, childless, unfruitful, unproductive, impotent, unfertile

barren [adjective]

means "dull"
uninteresting, dry, worthless, stupid, insipid, useless

barren [adjective]

means "desolate"
desert, dry, arid, poor, waste, destitute, lean

barrenness [noun]

means "childlessness"
sterility, impotence

barrenness [noun]

means "bleakness"
emptiness, aridity, fruitlessness

barrier [noun]

means "obstruction"

barrier [noun]

means "obstacle"
difficulty, hurdle, deterrent, boundary, hindrance, encumbrance

barring [adjective]

means "exclusive"
prohibitive, restricted, excluding, incompatible

barroom [noun]

means "bar"
saloon, tavern, pub, dive, lounge, pool room, inn

barrow [noun]

means "burial"
vault, mausoleum, sepulchre, mound, tomb, grave

bartender [noun]

means "barkeeper"

barter [verb]

means "trade"
bargain, swap, haggle, exchange, sell, traffic

barter [noun]

means "exchange"
swap, trade, traffic

bombard [verb]

means "shell"
bomb, strafe, torpedo, shoot, blitz, barrage

bombardment [noun]

means "fire"
barrage, fusillade

cow barn [noun]

means "shelter for cattle"
shelter, stable, barn

abortive [adjective]

means "vain"
sterile, hollow, futile, barren, fruitless, delusive

accuser [noun]

means "prosecution"
lawyer, state, barrister

adviser [noun]

means "lawyer"
attorney, counsel, advocate, barrister, counsellor, solicitor

advocate [noun]

means "attorney"
lawyer, counsel, intercessor, solicitor, barrister

agree [verb]

means "adjustment"
compromise, arrange, bargain, contract, stipulate

agreement [noun]

means "contract"
arrangement, deal, understanding, bargain, covenant, compact

arid [adjective]

means "desolate"
barren, sterile, waste, infertile

aridity [noun]

means "bleakness"
emptiness, barrenness, fruitlessness

arrow [noun]

means "thing"
bolt, shaft, missile, barb, dart

atrocious [adjective]

means "inhuman"
ruthless, cruel, vicious, infamous, barbarous, execrable

attorney [noun]

means "lawyer"
counsel, adviser, advocate, barrister, counsellor, solicitor

auction [noun]

means "public sale"
disposal, bargain, bankruptcy sale

balcony [noun]

means "barn attic"
barn, hayloft, storehouse, silo, hay-mow

bald [adjective]

means "physical condition"
hairless, depilated, bare, shiny

banquet [noun]

means "feast"
spread, repast, barbecue

battlement [noun]

means "bulwark"
barrier, bastion, bunker, rampart, dike, wall

bawl [verb]

means "shout"
howl, scream, roar, bark, bellow, cry

bay [verb]

means "sound"
howl, bark, caterwaul, cry, bellow, trumpet

beautician [noun]

means "hairdresser"
barber, coiffeur

billet [noun]

means "quarters"
barracks, lodging, camp

block [noun]

means "obstruction"
hindrance, impediment, snag, obstacle, barrier, jam

bloodthirsty [adjective]

means "bloody"
barbarous, murderous, ruthless, homicidal, savage, ferocious

bloody [adjective]

means "characteristic"
bloodthirsty, barbarous, murderous, ruthless, homicidal, savage

broil [verb]

means "grill"
barbecue, roast, sear

broiler [noun]

means "appliance"
barbecue, grill, griddle, roaster, spit

brutal [adjective]

means "barbarous"
fierce, unkind, barbarian, unnatural, barbaric, brutish

budget [adjective]

means "economy"
low cost, low-priced, inexpensive, competitive, bargain, cheap

burial [noun]

means "grave"
vault, mausoleum, sepulchre, mound, tomb, barrow

business [noun]

means "barter"
negotiation, traffic, transaction, bargaining

buy [noun]

means "thing"
bargain, value, deal, steal

buying [noun]

means "buy"
bargain, acquisition, procurement, purchase, steal

camp [noun]

means "armed forces"
compound, post, barracks, fort, installation, encampment

caterwaul [noun]

means "animal sound"
howl, bark, bay, cry, bellow, trumpet

cheap [adjective]

means "cost"
low-priced, inexpensive, competitive, bargain, budget, economical

check [noun]

means "thing"
barrier, stop, arrest, obstacle, obstruction, damper

cheerless [adjective]

means "desolate"
dismal, forlorn, drab, comfortless, barren, cold

childless [adjective]

means "infertile"
fruitless, sterile, barren, unfruitful, unproductive, impotent

close [verb]

means "stop"

comfortless [adjective]

means "desolate"
dismal, forlorn, drab, cheerless, barren, cold

compact [noun]

means "arrangement"

compromise [verb]

means "find a middle ground"
come to terms, bargain, negotiate, conciliate, agree, arbitrate

compromise [noun]

means "finding a middle course"
concession, give and take, bargaining, reconciliation, settlement, rapprochement

compromise [noun]

means "agreement"

concordat [noun]

means "deal"

corral [noun]

means "feed yard"
pen, barn-yard, run, lot

cough [verb]

means "health"
hack, bark, choke, gag

counsel [noun]

means "lawyer"
attorney, adviser, advocate, barrister, counsellor, solicitor

counsellor [noun]

means "lawyer"
attorney, barrister, counsel, solicitor, advocate

counselor [noun]

means "lawyer"
attorney, barrister, counsel, solicitor, advocate

crack [adjective]

means "behaviour"
mad, barmy, crazy

crude [adjective]

means "blunt"
indelicate, bare, direct, rough, undisguised

crudeness [noun]

means "boorishness"
barbarity, rudeness, vulgarity, cruelty

cruel [adjective]

means "behaviour"
unkind, fierce, barbarian, grim, barbarous, incisive

crust [noun]

means "surface"
rind, peel, husk, bark, coat

cry [verb]

means "sound"
bellow, bark, hoot, yelp

dam [verb]

means "hold back"
barricade, block, confine, obstruct, hold, close

dam [noun]

means "embankment"
dike, barrier, wall, gate

dart [noun]

means "arrow"
projectile, missile, barb

dead [adjective]

means "characteristic"
barren, inorganic, arid, infertile, inert, sterile

deal [verb]

means "trade"
do business, bargain, traffic

deal [noun]

means "trade"
contract, understanding, arrangement, pledge, bargain, pact

deprive [verb]

means "strip"
bankrupt, dispossess, withhold, divest, dismantle, bare

desert [adjective]

means "characteristic"
barren, naked, desolate, forsaken, uninhabited, wild

desolate [adjective]

means "destroyed"
barren, devastated, ravaged, scorched

desolation [noun]

means "barrenness"
bareness, bleakness, desert, emptiness, devastation, extinction

devoid [adjective]

means "empty"
barren, destitute, vacant, void, abandoned, unfilled

dicker [verb]

means "bargain"
haggle, buy and sell, barter, treat, negotiate, trade

difficulty [noun]

means "obstacle"
obstruction, complication, adversity, maze, barricade

dike [noun]

means "embankment"
dam, barrier, wall, gate

display [verb]

means "expose"
unveil, betray, bare, reveal, disclose, uncover

dispossess [verb]

means "deprive"
bankrupt, strip, withhold, divest, dismantle, bare

dray [noun]

means "cart"
hand truck, wagon, van, dolly, barrow, vehicle

drum [noun]

means "thing"
barrel, tub, cylinder

dry [adjective]

means "state"
arid, stale, seared, parched, barren

dry [adjective]

means "characteristic"
boring, barren, dreary, dull, jejune, tedious

effete [adjective]

means "unproductive"
barren, sterile, unfruitful

empty [adjective]

means "property"
vacant, barren, blank, vacuous, bare, uninhabited

entrench [verb]

means "fortify"
surround, fence, protect, barricade

expose [verb]

means "activity"
bare, report, show, display, reveal, exhibit

exposed [adjective]

means "visible"
apparent, obvious, clear, bare, unprotected

exposed [adjective]

means "laid open"
bared, revealed, unveiled, denounced

feast [noun]

means "banquet"
spread, repast, barbecue

fence [noun]

means "obstruction"
barrier, wire fence, backstop, enclosure

ferry [noun]

means "transport"
boat, barge, packet, ship

fiend [noun]

means "evil spirit"
demon, devil, monster, barbarian, brute

fierce [adjective]

means "characteristic"
barbarous, furious, grim, impetuous, inhuman, passionate

fire [noun]

means "military"
bombardment, barrage, fusillade

flamboyant [adjective]

means "decorated"
flashy, adorned, baroque, superficial, elaborate, lavish

flashy [adjective]

means "decorated"
ornate, adorned, baroque, superficial, elaborate, lavish

fortify [verb]

means "prepare for attack"
entrench, barricade, buttress, arm

fruitless [adjective]

means "sterile"
barren, unfruitful, unproductive

futile [adjective]

means "vain"
sterile, hollow, abortive, barren, fruitless, delusive

gothic [adjective]

means "medieval"
romantic, grotesque, barbaric, rude, old, antique

grave [noun]

means "place"
vault, mausoleum, sepulchre, mound, tomb, barrow

grid [noun]

means "griddle"
broiler, grill, barbecue

griddle [noun]

means "appliance"
broiler, grill, barbecue, roaster, spit

grill [verb]

means "cooking"
barbecue, broil, sauté, roast, fry, toast

grill [noun]

means "thing"
griddle, broiler, grid, barbecue

growl [verb]

means "mumble"
bark, grumble, bellow, roar, rumble, mutter

grunt [verb]

means "animal sound"
growl, yelp, yap, bark, woof, howl

hairdresser [noun]

means "beautician"
barber, coiffeur

hardly [object]

means "quantity"
barely, nearly, scarcely, perceptibly, merely

hayloft [noun]

means "barn attic"
barn, balcony, storehouse, silo, hay-mow

heathen [noun]

means "pagan"
atheist, gentile, barbarian

heathen [adjective]

means "infidel"
barbarous, amoral, gentile, uncivilised, uncivilized, heathenish

hold back [verb]

means "dam"
barricade, block, confine, obstruct, hold, close

hook [noun]

means "thing"
barb, bill, scythe

hurdle [noun]

means "barrier"
obstacle, barricade, fence, blockade, hindrance, obstruction

impotence [noun]

means "inability to act"
inability, frigidity, feebleness, barrenness, inadequacy

impotent [adjective]

means "sexually inadequate"
barren, passionless, sterile, frigid, neurotic

indelicate [adjective]

means "blunt"
crude, bare, direct, rough, undisguised

industrialist [noun]

means "nobleman"

infertile [adjective]

means "desolate"
barren, sterile, waste, arid

inhuman [adjective]

means "savage"
monstrous, cruel, pitiless, heartless, barbarous, fierce

interchange [noun]

means "exchange"
trade, transaction, dialogue, barter, intercourse

interference [noun]

means "impediment"
barrier, deterrent, obstruction, hindrance, obstacle, restraint

jejune [adjective]

means "boring"
barren, dreary, dull, dry, tedious, tiresome

jetty [noun]

means "pier"
breakwater, jutty, barrier

jurist [noun]

means "lawyer"
solicitor, barrister, ledgist, legal adviser

lawless [adjective]

means "wild"
uncivilised, uncivilized, turbulent, violent, barbarous, savage

lawyer [noun]

means "person"
counsel, attorney, adviser, advocate, barrister, counsellor

lay open [verb]

means "reveal"

lean [adjective]

means "property"
sparse, deficient, inadequate, spare, jejune, barren

little [object]

means "frequency"
barely, hardly, seldom, rarely, infrequently, just

low-priced [adjective]

means "low cost"
cheap, inexpensive, competitive, bargain, budget, economical

lumber [verb]

means "trudge"
plod, clump, shamble, barge, stumble, slog

markdown [verb]

means "discount"
purchase, buy, bargain

market [verb]

means "trade"
sell, barter, retail, vend, exchange

mausoleum [noun]

means "burial"
vault, grave, sepulchre, mound, tomb, barrow

mere [adjective]

means "simple"
pure, bare, scant, sheer, entire, unmixed

mogul [noun]

means "magnate"
tycoon, czar, personage, notable, baron

mow [noun]

means "loft"
hay-mow, barn

naked [adjective]

means "state"
stripped, bare, denuded, barren, deserted, destitute

naked [adjective]

means "property"
exposed, bare, unveiled, bared, unconcealed, threadbare, bare, hairless, uncovered, bald, simple, dry, bare, artless, evident, modest

naked [adjective]

means "body"
unclothed, bare, nude, uncovered

narcotic [noun]

means "drug"
anodyne, opiate, sedative, barbiturate, tranquilliser, tranquillizer

negotiable [adjective]

means "debatable"
bargaining, haggling, variable

negotiate [verb]

means "transfer"
assign, barter, circulate, allocate, deliver, transmit

negotiate [verb]

means "settle"
treat, arrange, bargain, concert, stipulate, confer

negotiation [noun]

means "arbitration"
mediation, intervention, agreement, compromise, bargaining

neuter [adjective]

means "asexual"
sterile, barren, fallow, infertile, unfertile, frigid

nude [adjective]

means "naked"
bare, stripped, denuded, exposed

null [adjective]

means "worthless"
ineffective, valueless, barren

obstacle [noun]

means "difficulty"
obstruction, complication, adversity, maze, barricade

open [verb]

means "activity"
reveal, bare, disclose, divulge, expose, lay bare

open [adjective]

means "state"
exposed, bare, unguarded, uncovered, liable, insecure

ornate [adjective]

means "decorated"
flashy, adorned, baroque, superficial, elaborate, lavish

outlandish [adjective]

means "barbaric"

outpost [noun]

means "military compound"
compound, post, barracks, fort, installation, encampment

outsider [noun]

means "foreigner"
barbarian, alien

pale [noun]

means "place"
enclosure, barrier, bounds, fence, limits, paling

parapet [noun]

means "wall"
railing, rampart, fortification, barrier, elevation, fence

partition [noun]

means "wall"
barrier, screen

partnership [noun]

means "contract"

peck [noun]

means "measure"
load, bushel, barrel, quantity

peel [noun]

means "peeling"
bark, rind, husk, skin, shuck, shell

peer [noun]

means "nobleman"
baron, count, duke, lord

picnic [noun]

means "leisure"
outdoor meal, clambake, barbecue, outing

pitiless [adjective]

means "barbarous"
fierce, unkind, barbarian, unnatural, barbaric, brutish

poet [noun]

means "person"
writer, bard, minstrel, muse, troubadour

point [noun]

means "thing"
tip, apex, prong, barb, cusp, prick

poor [adjective]

means "property"
barren, fruitless, sterile, unfertile, unproductive

prickle [noun]

means "point"
cusp, spur, barb, spike, needle, spine

prickly [adjective]

means "pointed"
spiked, peaked, barbed, spiny, sharp

primitive [adjective]

means "uncivilized"
uncivilised, quaint, savage, simple, barbarous, untamed

procurement [noun]

means "buy"
bargain, acquisition, purchase, buying, steal

projectile [noun]

means "arrow"
dart, missile, barb

prong [noun]

means "tip"
apex, point, barb, cusp, prick, spike

purchase [noun]

means "buy"
bargain, acquisition, procurement, buying, steal

quaint [adjective]

means "old-fashioned"
antiquated, baroque, antique, ancient, archaic, charming

rampart [noun]

means "bulwark"
barrier, bastion, bunker, wall, dike, battlement

rapprochement [noun]

means "finding a middle course"
concession, give and take, bargaining, reconciliation, settlement, compromise

reconciliation [noun]

means "finding a middle course"
concession, give and take, bargaining, compromise, settlement, rapprochement

revealed [adjective]

means "laid open"
bared, exposed, unveiled

rind [noun]

means "surface of tree"
bark, peel, husk, crust, coat

roll [noun]

means "thing"
cylinder, barrel, spindle, roller, drum

roller [noun]

means "cylinder"
barrel, spindle, roll, drum

ruffian [noun]

means "savage"
alien, barbarian, brute, yahoo, stranger

sale [noun]

means "event"
discount, reduction, clearance, bargain, special, bankruptcy sale

savage [noun]

means "animal"
barbarian, beast, brute, ruffian, aborigine, bully

savage [adjective]

means "uncultivated"
uncultured, untamed, uncivilised, uncivilized, wild, barbarous

savageness [noun]

means "brutality"
cruelty, barbarism, barbarity, atrocity

scythe [noun]

means "hooked tool"
barb, bill, hook

seldom [object]

means "frequency"
barely, hardly, little, rarely, infrequently, just

sell [verb]

means "trade"
exchange, barter, bargain, retail, vend, peddle

sharp [adjective]

means "property"
pointed, spiked, peaked, barbed, spiny, prickly

shave [verb]

means "activity"
use a razor, shear, barber, cut, strip

shell [verb]

means "activity"
husk, shuck, bare, decorticate, exfoliate, strip, barrage

shoot [verb]

means "activity"
barrage, rake

shout [verb]

means "sound"
yell, scream, roar, cry out, bark, bellow

shout [noun]

means "sound"
yell, scream, cry, bellow, roar, bark

simple [adjective]

means "property"
uncomplicated, bare, elementary, mere, easy, mild

simplicity [noun]

means "lack of embellishment"
plainness, bareness, severity, austerity

simplistic [adjective]

means "uncomplicated"
bare, elementary, mere, easy, mild, pure

snarl [verb]

means "bluster"
bark, snap, yelp, fulminate, bully, quarrel

solicitor [noun]

means "lawyer"
jurist, barrister, ledgist, legal adviser

spare [adjective]

means "amount"
frugal, bare

sparse [adjective]

means "lean"
deficient, inadequate, spare, jejune, barren, unfruitful

spine [noun]

means "thorn"
spur, barb, prick, quill, needle

spiny [adjective]

means "pointed"
spiked, peaked, barbed, sharp, prickly

stable [noun]

means "place"
barn, livery, pen, coop, shelter, hutch

sterility [noun]

means "childlessness"
barrenness, impotence

stipulate [verb]

means "compromise"
arrange, bargain, contract, agree

stop up [verb]

means "stop"

storyteller [noun]

means "teller of tales"
bard, author

strip [verb]

means "activity"
bare, denude

stripped [adjective]

means "naked"
unclothed, exposed, bare, nude, open, uncovered

swap [verb]

means "trade"
switch, exchange, barter, interchange

swap [noun]

means "trade"
barter, exchange

terms [noun]

means "agreement"

thorn [noun]

means "point"
cusp, spur, barb, spike, needle, spine

thorny [adjective]

means "prickly"
barbed, spiny, bristly

tooth [noun]

means "thing"
point, tip, cog, tang, peg, barb

trade [verb]

means "activity"
exchange, swap, barter

trade [noun]

means "event"
exchange, barter, swap, dealing, traffic, commerce

tranquilizer [noun]

means "drug"
sedative, calmative, downer [US], barbiturate, depressant, antidepressant

tranquilliser [noun]

means "drug"
sedative, calmative, barbiturate, soporific

tranquillizer [noun]

means "drug"
sedative, calmative, barbiturate, soporific

transact [verb]

means "negotiate"
agree, contract, confer, arrange, make terms, bargain

transaction [noun]

means "barter"
negotiation, traffic, business, bargaining

treat [verb]

means "trade"
handle, bargain, negotiate, come to terms, deal, serve

truce [noun]

means "finding a middle course"
concession, give and take, bargaining, reconciliation, settlement, rapprochement

truculent [adjective]

means "barbarous"
fierce, unkind, barbarian, unnatural, barbaric, brutish

tycoon [noun]

means "nobleman"
baron, aristocrat, magnate, lord, mogul, noble

uncivil [adjective]

means "wild"
savage, barbarian, uncivilised, uncivilized, coarse, neanderthal

uncivilised [adjective]

means "barbarous"
barbaric, coarse, crude, ignorant, uncouth, savage

uncivilized [adjective]

means "barbarous"
barbaric, coarse, crude, ignorant, uncouth, savage

unclothed [adjective]

means "naked"
bare, exposed, stripped, nude, open, uncovered

unconcealed [adjective]

means "obvious"
blunt, conspicuous, evident, glaring, palpable, bare

unconscionable [adjective]

means "unscrupulous"
unprincipled, unlawful, wicked, wanton, barbarous, dishonest

uncover [verb]

means "reveal"
show, expose, undress, strip, disrobe, bare

uncovered [adjective]

means "naked"
unclothed, exposed, stripped, nude, open, bare

undisguised [adjective]

means "obvious"

undress [verb]

means "reveal"
show, expose, bare, strip, disrobe, uncover

unembellished [adjective]

means "plain"
modest, basic, bare, pure, lean, nondescript

unfruitful [adjective]

means "unproductive"
fruitless, impotent, sterile, infertile, barren, effete

unimaginative [adjective]

means "uninspired"
barren, unremarkable, mediocre, common, everyday, bland

uninhabited [adjective]

means "vacant"
barren, blank, vacuous, bare, empty, emptied

unkind [adjective]

means "cruel"
fierce, barbarian, grim, barbarous, incisive, bloodthirsty

unmask [verb]

means "expose"
unveil, betray, bare, reveal, disclose, uncover

unproductive [adjective]

means "infertile"
fruitless, sterile, childless, unfruitful, barren, impotent

unremarkable [adjective]

means "uninspired"
barren, unimaginative, mediocre, common, everyday, bland

unsheltered [adjective]

means "naked"

valueless [adjective]

means "worthless"
ineffective, null, barren

vend [verb]

means "sell"
barter, retail, market, exchange

violent [adjective]

means "brutal"
enraged, barbarous, savage, inflamed, delirious, agitated

void [adjective]

means "empty"
barren, destitute, vacant, devoid, abandoned, unfilled

wall [noun]

means "thing"
bulwark, barrier, bastion, bunker, rampart, dike

wall [noun]

means "obstruction"
barrier, obstacle, impediment, hindrance, resistance

waste [adjective]

means "characteristic"
barren, deserted, desolate, uninhabited, desert, wild

wild [adjective]

means "characteristic"
uncivilized, uncivilised, barbarian, barbarous, uncultivated, uninhabited

woof [verb]

means "dog sound"
yelp, yap, grunt, bark, howl

yap [verb]

means "dog sound"
yelp, bark, grunt, woof, howl

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