
Synonym for by [object]

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Further results for the word "by"

along [object]

means "position"
near, by, beside, adjacent, at

farther [object]

means "beyond"
behind, through, by, past, over, across

over [object]

means "part of speech"
on, by, throughout, during, through, upon

past [object]

means "position"
beyond, behind, through, by, farther, over

with [object]

means "position"
by, among, at, along with, beside

by all means [object]

means "expression of pleasure"
certainly, of course, splendid, thank you, excellent, delighted, charmed

by chance [object]

means "circumstance"
casually, spontaneously, accidentally, unexpectedly

by common consent [adjective]

means "in agreement"
in accord, united

by the book [object]

means "strictly"
formally, rigourously, officially

by the same token [object]

means "similarly"
likewise, besides, furthermore

by the way [object]

means "incidentally"
off-hand, casually, accidentally

by-pass [noun]

means "side road"
detour, road

bygone [adjective]

means "ancient"
fossil, hoary, antediluvian, venerable, archaic, prehistoric, antique

bystander [noun]

means "nearby resident"
acquaintance, associate, friend, neighbour

byte [noun]

means "technology"
symbol, figure, letter, digit, sign, character, data, bit string

byword [noun]

means "scapegoat"
scorn, butt, target

byword [noun]

means "maxim"
adage, motto, saying, slogan, proverb, aphorism

accidentally [object]

means "circumstance"
by chance, spontaneously, casually, unexpectedly

against [object]

means "in exchange for"
by comparison with

antediluvian [adjective]

means "ancient"

antiquated [adjective]

means "old-fashioned"
ancient, unfashionable, belated, bygone, antique

antique [adjective]

means "ancient"

beholder [noun]

means "spectator"
bystander, onlooker, eyewitness, witness

casually [object]

means "circumstance"
by chance, spontaneously, accidentally, unexpectedly

character [noun]

means "symbol"
figure, letter, digit, sign, byte, mark

circumvent [verb]

means "avoid"
elude, dodge, evade, by-pass, sidestep, skirt

delighted [adjective]

means "expression of pleasure"
certainly, of course, splendid, thank you, excellent, by all means

detour [noun]

means "direction"
deviation, divergence, branch, by-pass, by-way

digit [noun]

means "number"
symbol, numeral, bit, byte

e.g. [object]

means "for instance"
to illustrate, by way of illustration, for example

extinct [adjective]

means "vanished"
dead, bygone, ended, defunct, gone, departed

eyewitness [noun]

means "spectator"
bystander, onlooker, witness, beholder

for example [adjective]

means "for instance"
to illustrate, by way of illustration, e.g.

for instance [object]

means "for example"
to illustrate, by way of illustration, e.g.

formally [object]

means "strictly"
by the book, rigourously, officially

former [adjective]

means "time"
bygone, erstwhile, late, old, once, one-time

fossil [adjective]

means "ancient"

in contrast to [adjective]

means "as opposed to"
by comparison with, contrasting

manual [adjective]

means "property"
by hand, standard, old-fashioned

miss [verb]

means "mistake"
fail to hit, by-pass, overrun, overshoot

nay [object]

means "no"
negative, nix, by no means, not at all, none

neighbor [noun]

means "nearby resident"
acquaintance, associate, friend, bystander

neighbour [noun]

means "nearby resident"
acquaintance, associate, friend, bystander

no [object]

means "exclamation"
nay, negative, nix, by no means, not at all, none

none [object]

means "quantity"
negative, nix, by no means, not at all, no, zero

nothing doing [object]

means "emphatic no"
by no means, no

observer [noun]

means "spectator"
beholder, onlooker, witness, bystander, eyewitness, watcher

old-fashioned [adjective]

means "antiquated"
ancient, unfashionable, unaccepted, belated, bygone, antique

onlooker [noun]

means "spectator"
bystander, witness, eyewitness, beholder

out of the blue [adjective]

means "unexpected"
unforeseen, sudden, unanticipated, abrupt, by chance

overshoot [verb]

means "fail to hit"
by-pass, overrun, miss

parenthetically [object]

means "incidentally"
by the way

parry [verb]

means "ward off"
by-pass, avert, rebuke, avoid, rebuff, elude

passage [noun]

means "passageway"
avenue, by-way, channel, lane, path, road

passageway [noun]

means "passage"
avenue, by-way, channel, lane, path, road

past [adjective]

means "property"
gone, over, finished, done, done with, bygone

rather [object]

means "affirmation"
willingly, by all means, indeed

romantic [adjective]

means "literature"
byronic [US]

sidestep [verb]

means "avoid"
elude, dodge, evade, by-pass, circumvent, skirt

skirt [verb]

means "movement"
circumvent, by-pass, circumnavigate, detour, sidestep

spectator [noun]

means "witness"
bystander, onlooker, eyewitness, beholder

spontaneously [object]

means "circumstance"
by chance, casually, accidentally, unexpectedly

such as [object]

means "for instance"
like, including, thus, to illustrate, by way of illustration

thank you [object]

means "expression of pleasure"
certainly, of course, splendid, delighted, excellent, by all means

unanticipated [adjective]

means "unexpected"
unforeseen, sudden, out of the blue, abrupt, by chance

unfashionable [adjective]

means "antiquated"
ancient, old-fashioned, belated, bygone, antique

vanished [adjective]

means "extinct"
dead, bygone, ended, defunct, gone, departed

viewer [noun]

means "person"
spectator, beholder, onlooker, witness, bystander, eyewitness

watcher [noun]

means "spectator"
beholder, onlooker, witness, bystander, eyewitness, observer

witness [noun]

means "spectator"
bystander, onlooker, eyewitness, beholder

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