
Synonym for can [verb]

The synonym can synonymous definition words:
means "activity"
preserve, put up, keep, bottle

can [verb]

means "ability"
be able to, be capable of

can [noun]

means "thing"
container, canister, bin, receptacle, bucket, package
Further results for the word "can"

bottle up [verb]

means "curb"
restrict, contain, restrain, check, include, can

canister [noun]

means "container"
can, bin, receptacle, bucket, package

capsule [noun]

means "container"
can, enclosure, receptacle, box, bin

corn [verb]

means "activity"
preserve, pickle, can, salt

depose [verb]

means "unseat"
oust, dislodge, overthrow, fire, dismiss, can

dethrone [verb]

means "unseat"
depose, dislodge, overthrow, fire, dismiss, can

may [verb]

means "permission"
be permitted, can

oust [verb]

means "unseat"
depose, dislodge, overthrow, fire, dismiss, can

pickle [verb]

means "preserve"
cure, marinade, steep, keep, can, brine

receptacle [noun]

means "container"
canister, bin, can, bucket, package

unseat [verb]

means "oust"
depose, dislodge, overthrow, fire, dismiss, can

applicant [noun]

means "person submitting application"
candidate, claimant, petitioner, postulant

cancel [verb]

means "stop"
repeal, revoke, rescind, recant, repudiate, countermand, recall

cancer [noun]

means "health"
tumour, swelling, outgrowth, excrescence, growth

cancerous [adjective]

means "having or causing cancer"
malignant, virulent, destructive, mortal, harmful

candelabrum [noun]

means "sconce"
chandelier, lustre

candid [adjective]

means "genuine"
earnest, sincere, truthful, guileless, artless, naive

candid [adjective]

means "frank"
sincere, above-board, forthright, blunt, straightforward, open, honest

candid [adjective]

means "fair"
upright, honest, impartial, just, unbiased, unprejudiced, honourable

candid [adjective]

means "clear"
lucent, lucid, transparent, pure, unadulterated, pellucid

candidate [noun]

means "aspirant"
applicant, office seeker, nominee, hopeful, contestant, competitor

candidates [noun]

means "field"
possibilities, applicants

candidly [object]

means "frankly"
earnestly, sincerely, genuinely, honestly, openly, plainly

candor [noun]

means "sincerity"
frankness, openness, candidness, honesty, veracity

candor [noun]

means "fairness"
honesty, probity, uprightness, impartiality, forthrightness

candour [noun]

means "sincerity"
frankness, openness, honesty, veracity

candour [noun]

means "fairness"
honesty, probity, uprightness, impartiality, forthrightness

candy [noun]

means "sweets"

cane [noun]

means "rod"
bar, shank, handle, pole, shaft, axle, stem

canine [noun]

means "dog"
cur, pup, hound, puppy

canker [noun]

means "wound"
injury, cut, boil, bruise, sore, gash, stab

cannibal [noun]

means "animal feeding on its own species"
savage being, man who eats the flesh of his fellow men

cannibalistic [adjective]

means "barbarous"
furious, grim, impetuous, inhuman, passionate, truculent, fierce

cannon [noun]

means "gunnery unit"

canny [adjective]

means "shrewd"
skilful, astute, sharp, alert, able

canny [adjective]

means "prudent"
cautious, discreet, watchful, careful, wary

canoe [noun]

means "dug-out"
kayak, boat

canon [noun]

means "rule"
order, formula, regulation, law, command

canon [noun]

means "criterion"
principle, standard, test

canopy [noun]

means "furnishings"
rug, carpet, runner, curtain, cover

cant [noun]

means "lip service"
deceit, show, hypocrisy, pomposity, empty talk, dishonesty, pretence

cantankerous [adjective]

means "ill-tempered"
ill-natured, crabby, cranky, disagreeable, testy, irritable, cross

canter [verb]

means "stride"
amble, pace, jog, rack, run

canting [adjective]

means "insincere"
two-faced, bigoted, hypocritical, false, dishonest, prejudiced

canvass [verb]

means "survey"
consult, poll, check, examine, review

canvass [verb]

means "sell house-to-house"
peddle, call upon, sell

canvass [verb]

means "seek votes"
solicit votes, campaign, lobby, run, electioneer, agitate

canyon [noun]

means "ravine"
chasm, gorge, cleft, fissure, crevasse, notch, valley

Apocalypse [noun]

means "revelation"
vision, prophesy, oracle, canon, edict, destruction

abolish [verb]

means "purge"

abort [verb]

means "scrap"
miss, terminate, cancel, fail, destroy, fall short

abort [verb]

means "miscarry"
cancel, nullify, stop, annul, fail, interrupt

above-board [object]

means "openly"
candidly, frankly, honestly, overtly, sincerely, unequivocally

above-board [adjective]

means "frank"
straightforward, candid, guileless, honest, open, overt

aboveboard [object]

means "openly"
candidly, frankly, guilelessly, honestly, overtly, sincerely

aboveboard [adjective]

means "frank"
straightforward, candid, guileless, honest, open, overt

abrogate [verb]

means "revoke"
abolish, annul, cancel, invalidate, nullify, repeal

affliction [noun]

means "curse"
cancer, annoyance, bane, calamity, evil, misfortune

annulment [noun]

means "nullification"
invalidation, cancellation, repeal, dissolution, retraction

aqueduct [noun]

means "artificial waterway"
channel, water passage, conduit, strait, canal structure, waterworks, duct, pipeline, course, water bridge, canal, water system

argot [noun]

means "accent"
slang, idiom, vernacular, dialect, jargon, cant

artlessness [noun]

means "simplicity"
sincerity, ingenuousness, innocence, naiveté, candour

aspirant [noun]

means "competitor"
suitor, contestant, candidate, applicant

axle [noun]

means "rod"
bar, shank, handle, pole, cane, shaft

baleful [adjective]

means "ruinous"
evil, destructive, cancerous, noisome, deadly, shattering

bane [noun]

means "affliction"
cancer, annoyance, curse, calamity, evil, misfortune

barbarous [adjective]

means "fierce"

battery [noun]

means "gunnery unit"

bevel [verb]

means "cut at an angle"
cant, slant

bevel [noun]

means "angle"
oblique, inclination, cant, slope, slant

boat [noun]

means "sea"
craft, vessel, ship, skiff, dinghy, canoe

broad [adjective]

means "speech"
free, bold, candid, clear, frank, outspoken

cagey [adjective]

means "shrewd"
crafty, clever, canny, sly, tricky, wily

calculating [adjective]

means "shrewd"
crafty, cagey, canny, sly, tricky, wily

campaign [verb]

means "actively seek election"
canvass, crusade, electioneer, solicit votes

chandelier [noun]

means "sconce"
lustre, candelabrum

channel [noun]

means "passageway for liquid"
conduit, canal, pipe, sewer, strait, tube

chasm [noun]

means "ravine"
gorge, canyon, cleft, fissure, crevasse, notch

chute [noun]

means "waterfall"
rapids, watercourse, trough, cataract, canyon

claimant [noun]

means "person submitting application"
candidate, applicant, petitioner, postulant

clever [adjective]

means "property"
shrewd, crafty, cagey, canny, sly, tricky

complaining [adjective]

means "angry"
cynical, cantankerous, churlish, cross, cranky, fractious

container [noun]

means "can"
canister, bin, receptacle, bucket, package

controvert [verb]

means "argue about"
consider, debate, canvass, discuss, argue, examine

corrode [verb]

means "crumble"
canker, rot, degenerate, rust, deteriorate

corrupt [verb]

means "pervert"

cover [noun]

means "thing"
rug, carpet, runner, curtain, canopy

crabby [adjective]

means "ill-tempered"
ill-natured, cranky, cantankerous, disagreeable, testy, irritable

cranky [adjective]

means "ill-tempered"
ill-natured, crabby, cantankerous, disagreeable, testy, irritable

credulous [adjective]

means "ingenuous"
believing, artless, innocent, candid, spontaneous, guileless

crevasse [noun]

means "ravine"
chasm, canyon, cleft, fissure, gorge, notch

cross [adjective]

means "behaviour"
angry, cynical, cantankerous, churlish, complaining, cranky

crossing [noun]

means "opening"
canyon, pass, channel, path, defile, way

crumble [verb]

means "corrode"
canker, rot, degenerate, rust, deteriorate

curse [noun]

means "affliction"
cancer, annoyance, bane, calamity, evil, misfortune

demean [verb]

means "pervert"

destructive [adjective]

means "ruinous"
evil, baleful, cancerous, noisome, deadly, shattering

dialect [noun]

means "accent"
slang, idiom, vernacular, argot, jargon, cant

ditch [noun]

means "trench"
channel, canal, moat, gutter, furrow

divorce [verb]

means "release from matrimony"
annul, separate, split up, cancel, nullify

do away with [verb]

means "get rid of"
exterminate, abolish, exclude, cancel, stamp, eliminate

dog [noun]

means "animal"
canine, cur, bitch, pup, hound, puppy

duct [noun]

means "passageway for liquid"
conduit, canal, pipe, sewer, strait, tube

efface [verb]

means "delete"
undo, omit, cancel, expunge, obliterate, erase

electioneer [verb]

means "actively seek election"
canvass, crusade, campaign, solicit votes

eliminate [verb]

means "get rid of"
exterminate, abolish, exclude, cancel, stamp, do away with

empty talk [noun]

means "lip service"
deceit, show, hypocrisy, pomposity, cant, dishonesty

erase [verb]

means "delete"
undo, omit, efface, expunge, obliterate, cancel

even-handed [adjective]

means "impartial"
fair, disinterested, righteous, candid, equitable, objective

examine [verb]

means "inspect"
check, explore, canvass, audit, investigate, overlook

excrescence [noun]

means "tumour"
swelling, outgrowth, growth, cancer

expunge [verb]

means "delete"
undo, omit, efface, cancel, obliterate, erase

extemporaneous [adjective]

means "plain"
informal, spontaneous, candid, impromptu, unpretentious, unrehearsed

fair [adjective]

means "behaviour"
impartial, even-handed, disinterested, righteous, candid, equitable

fall short [verb]

means "scrap"
miss, terminate, cancel, fail, destroy, abort

field [noun]

means "people"
candidates, possibilities

fierce [adjective]

means "characteristic"
truculent, cannibalistic

fishing rod [noun]

means "rod"
pole, rig, cane, tackle

foxy [adjective]

means "crafty"
sly, wily, cunning, subtle, artful, canny

fractious [adjective]

means "angry"
cynical, cantankerous, churlish, complaining, cranky, cross

frank [adjective]

means "behaviour"
candid, bold, forthright, free, open, open-hearted

fusillade [noun]

means "barrage"

gap [noun]

means "nature"
notch, ravine, pass, gorge, cleft, canyon

genuinely [object]

means "frankly"
earnestly, sincerely, candidly, honestly, openly, plainly

gorge [noun]

means "ravine"
chasm, canyon, cleft, fissure, crevasse, notch

growth [noun]

means "health"
tumour, swelling, outgrowth, excrescence, cancer

grumpy [adjective]

means "grouchy"
sullen, testy, cantankerous, cross, crabby, irritable

guileless [adjective]

means "honest"
ingenuous, open, sincere, truthful, candid, frank

gulch [noun]

means "nature"
notch, ravine, pass, gorge, cleft, canyon

hail [noun]

means "barrage"

honest [adjective]

means "behaviour"
sincere, candid, frank, straightforward, open, unreserved

honestly [adjective]

means "fairly"
sincerely, justly, genuinely, candidly, virtuously, uprightly

honesty [noun]

means "sincerity"
openness, frankness, candour, truthfulness, truth, veracity

hood [noun]

means "metal cover"
cover, bonnet, carp, canopy

ill-humored [adjective]

means "irritable"
cross, cantankerous, sullen, petulant, touchy, bothered

ill-tempered [verb]

means "cranky"
ill-natured, crabby, cantankerous, disagreeable, testy, irritable

impartiality [noun]

means "fairness"
equality, justice, probity, candour

ingenuous [adjective]

means "naive"
believing, artless, innocent, candid, spontaneous, guileless

injunction [noun]

means "command"
canon, direction, order, instruction, law, mandate

invalidate [verb]

means "void"
nullify, revoke, cancel, negate, annul, repeal

invalidation [noun]

means "nullification"
annulment, cancellation, repeal, dissolution, retraction

jar [noun]

means "thing"
container, vessel, urn, pot, receptacle, canister

jargon [noun]

means "dialect"
argot, idiom, vernacular, lingo, language, cant

jog [verb]

means "run"
canter, lope, stride

kettle [noun]

means "thing"
container, pan, vessel, canister, pot

lash [verb]

means "whip"
strike, beat, hit, thrash, cane, flagellate

lash [noun]

means "whip"
rod, thong, cane

lean [verb]

means "position"
incline, bend, tilt, cant, slope, list

liquidate [verb]

means "purge"

liquidate [verb]

means "pay off a debt"
settle, repay, reimburse, pay, clear, cancel

localism [noun]

means "accent"
slang, idiom, vernacular, argot, jargon, cant

lope [verb]

means "run"
canter, jog, stride

lustre [noun]

means "sconce"
chandelier, candelabrum

malignant [adjective]

means "diseased"
harmful, deadly, fatal, dangerous, cancerous, destructive

moat [noun]

means "trench"
channel, canal, ditch, gutter, furrow

naive [adjective]

means "ingenuous"
believing, artless, innocent, candid, spontaneous, guileless

negate [verb]

means "neutralize"
neutralise, annul, counteract, cancel, repeal, retract

negation [noun]

means "denial"

omission [noun]

means "exclusion"
preclusion, prohibition, breach, cancellation, repudiation, elimination

open [adjective]

means "behaviour"
honest, above-board, plain, artless, straightforward, candid

openly [object]

means "frankly"
candidly, readily, straightforwardly, willingly

oracle [noun]

means "revelation"
vision, prophesy, apocalypse, canon, edict

order [noun]

means "demand"
command, canon, direction, injunction, instruction, law

override [verb]

means "overrule"
overturn, annul, revoke, reverse, cancel, nullify

overrule [verb]

means "annul"

overt [adjective]

means "frank"
straightforward, candid, guileless, honest, open, above-board

overtly [object]

means "openly"
candidly, frankly, honestly, above-board, sincerely, unequivocally

pace [noun]

means "stride"
amble, canter, jog, rack, run

painting [noun]

means "picture"
depiction, canvas, composition, landscape, portrait, mural

pass [noun]

means "nature"
canyon, crossing, channel, path, defile, way

peddle [verb]

means "solicit"
canvass, vend, sell, retail

perverse [adjective]

means "contrary"
cantankerous, contumacious, disobedient, wayward

petitioner [noun]

means "solicitor"
suitor, applicant, aspirant, candidate, claimant, postulant

plain [adjective]

means "behaviour"
honest, artless, blunt, candid, direct, frank

poison [verb]

means "activity"
ruin, canker, contaminate, corrupt, pollute, taint

poll [verb]

means "activity"
canvas, sample, interview, question, list, examine

postulant [noun]

means "person submitting application"
candidate, claimant, petitioner, applicant

pot [noun]

means "thing"
container, pan, vessel, canister, kettle

preclusion [noun]

means "exclusion"
omission, prohibition, breach, cancellation, repudiation, elimination

principle [noun]

means "regulation"
canon, rule, standard, test

rapids [noun]

means "waterfall"
chute, watercourse, trough, cataract, canyon

ravine [noun]

means "gorge"
chasm, canyon, cleft, fissure, crevasse, notch

raw [adjective]

means "behaviour"
candid, bold, frank, exposed

renunciation [noun]

means "denial"
rejection, disavowal, remission, cancellation

repeal [verb]

means "revoke"
rescind, invalidate, nullify, cancel, negate, annul

repeal [noun]

means "revocation"
reversal, annulment, invalidation, abolition, cancellation, abrogation

repudiation [noun]

means "exclusion"
preclusion, prohibition, breach, cancellation, omission, elimination

rescind [verb]

means "repeal"
revoke, cancel, recant, repudiate, countermand, recall

retract [verb]

means "neutralise"
neutralize, annul, counteract, cancel, repeal, negate

retraction [noun]

means "nullification"
invalidation, cancellation, repeal, dissolution, annulment

revoke [verb]

means "repeal"
cancel, rescind, recant, repudiate, countermand, recall

rod [noun]

means "fishing rod"
pole, rig, cane, tackle

roof [noun]

means "protection"
cover, shelter, canopy, ceiling, roofing, thatch

round [adjective]

means "speech"
open, candid, frank, outspoken, plain, honest

rug [noun]

means "thing"
cover, carpet, runner, curtain, canopy

sail [noun]

means "thing"
canvas, jib, cloth, sheet

savage [noun]

means "animal"

sconce [noun]

means "lustre"
chandelier, candelabrum

scum [noun]

means "low-class people"
rabble, canaille, trash, dregs

shaft [noun]

means "rod"
bar, shank, handle, pole, cane, axle

shrewd [adjective]

means "sly"
canny, clever, crafty, tricky, calculating, cagey

simplicity [noun]

means "artlessness"
sincerity, ingenuousness, innocence, naiveté, candour

sincerely [object]

means "openly"
candidly, frankly, honestly, overtly, above-board, unequivocally

sincerity [noun]

means "artlessness"
simplicity, ingenuousness, innocence, naiveté, candour

skiff [noun]

means "craft"
boat, ship, vessel, dinghy, canoe

slang [noun]

means "language"

slant [verb]

means "incline"
lean, tilt, bend, slope, skew, cant

slighting [noun]

means "exclusion"
preclusion, prohibition, breach, cancellation, repudiation, elimination

solicit [verb]

means "peddle"

solicit votes [verb]

means "actively seek election"
canvass, crusade, electioneer, campaign

sore [noun]

means "health"
wound, injury, cut, boil, bruise, canker

split up [verb]

means "release from matrimony"
annul, separate, divorce, cancel, nullify

spontaneous [adjective]

means "plain"
informal, candid, extemporaneous, impromptu, unpretentious, unrehearsed

staff [noun]

means "thing"
rod, cane, pole, club, bar, stave

statutory [adjective]

means "authorised"
authorized, sanctioned, canonical, orthodox, approved, authoritative

stave [noun]

means "rod"
cane, pole, club, bar, staff, wand

straightforward [adjective]

means "frank"
sincere, above-board, forthright, blunt, candid, open

strait [noun]

means "channel"
inlet, canal, sound

sugarcoat [verb]

means "sweeten"
candy-coat, sugar, honey, candy

sweetmeat [noun]

means "sweets"

terminate [verb]

means "abolish"
eliminate, end, stop, cancel

thrash [verb]

means "whip"
strike, beat, hit, lash, cane, flagellate

tilt [verb]

means "lean"
tip, list, cant, lurch, dip, slant

touchy [adjective]

means "irritable"
cantankerous, irascible, peevish, grouchy, testy

transparent [adjective]

means "frank"
candid, honest, open, genuine, guileless, ingenuous

trot [verb]

means "run"
canter, jog, lope, hurry, amble, keep a steady pace

trusting [adjective]

means "accepting"
candid, believing, confident, certain, convinced, convincing

truth [noun]

means "quality"
integrity, honesty, sincerity, candour, frankness, uprightness

truthful [adjective]

means "genuine"
earnest, sincere, candid, guileless, artless, naive

truthfulness [noun]

means "sincerity"
openness, frankness, candour, honesty, truth, veracity

tumor [noun]

means "growth"
cancer, malignancy, tubercle, tumefaction, swelling, aria

tumour [noun]

means "growth"
swelling, outgrowth, excrescence, cancer

two-faced [adjective]

means "insincere"
canting, bigoted, hypocritical, false, dishonest, prejudiced

unbiased [adjective]

means "fair"
upright, honest, impartial, just, candid, unprejudiced

undo [verb]

means "action"
delete, cancel, omit, efface, expunge, obliterate

unequivocally [object]

means "openly"
candidly, frankly, honestly, overtly, sincerely, above-board

unfeigned [adjective]

means "genuine"
candid, sincere, open, direct, guileless, forthright

unprejudiced [adjective]

means "fair"
upright, honest, impartial, just, unbiased, candid

unprompted [adjective]

means "plain"

unreserved [adjective]

means "frank"
candid, straightforward, open, sincere, guileless, artless

veracious [adjective]

means "truthful"
earnest, honest, sincere, candid, trustworthy, righteous

vessel [noun]

means "craft"
boat, ship, skiff, dinghy, canoe

vocal [adjective]

means "outspoken"
vociferous, assertive, noisy, candid, vehement

volley [noun]

means "barrage"

watercourse [noun]

means "waterfall"
rapids, chute, trough, cataract, canyon

wily [adjective]

means "shrewd"
crafty, cagey, canny, sly, tricky, clever

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