
Synonym for cheer [verb]

The synonym cheer synonymous definition words:
means "speech"
yell, acclaim, shout, root, support, salute, applaud
- conjugate verb cheer
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cheer [verb]

means "activity"
animate, gladden, hearten, brighten, encourage, lighten, console, refresh

cheer [noun]

means "thing"
provisions, food, repast, victuals

cheer [noun]

means "sound"
cheering, applause, yell, roar, applaud

cheer [noun]

means "feeling"
comfort, encouragement, solace, reassurance, optimism

cheer [noun]

means "entertainment"
gaiety, animation, cheerfulness, delight, fun, gladness, glee, merriment
Further results for the word "cheer"

animate [verb]

means "encourage"
cheer, hearten, inspire, inspirit, wake up, fortify

applaud [verb]

means "cheering"
clap, yell, roar, cheer

applause [noun]

means "applaud"
cheer, acclaim, praise, approval, clapping

beguile [verb]

means "charm"
delight, divert, cheer, amuse, entertain, regale

buoyancy [noun]

means "good humour"
gaiety, happiness, cheerfulness, cheer, light-heartedness

cheerfulness [noun]

means "good humour"
gaiety, happiness, buoyancy, cheer, light-heartedness

clap [verb]

means "entertainment"
applaud, cheer, acclaim, praise, approve, applause

comfort [verb]

means "satisfy"
nourish, revitalise, revitalize, revive, gratify, cheer

content [verb]

means "appease"

elevate [verb]

means "improve"
ennoble, refine, dignify, enhance, cheer

encourage [verb]

means "hearten"
revitalize, cheer

exult [verb]

means "triumph"
delight, rejoice, glory, cheer, celebrate

gladden [verb]

means "animate"
cheer, hearten, brighten, encourage, lighten, console

gladness [noun]

means "gaiety"
animation, cheerfulness, delight, fun, cheer, glee

glee [noun]

means "gaiety"
animation, cheerfulness, delight, fun, gladness, cheer

hail [verb]

means "speak to"

happiness [noun]

means "merriment"
mirth, cheer, vivacity, laughter, delight, exuberance

hearted [verb]

means "encourage"

holler [verb]

means "loud cry"
whoop, hoot, yell, outcry, cheer, howl

merriment [noun]

means "gaiety"

plaudit [noun]

means "acclaim"
applause, cheer, ovation, acclamation, praise, big hand

praise [verb]

means "activity"
cheer, flatter

reassurance [noun]

means "comfort"
encouragement, solace, cheer, optimism

relief [noun]

means "feeling"

repast [noun]

means "provisions"
food, cheer, victuals

revitalise [verb]

means "satisfy"
nourish, comfort, revitalize, revive, gratify, cheer

revitalize [verb]

means "satisfy"
nourish, revitalise, comfort, revive, gratify, cheer

revive [verb]

means "hearten"
cheer, comfort, gladden, console, soothe

solace [verb]

means "console"
comfort, soothe, cheer

solace [noun]

means "comfort"
alleviation, consolation, relief, cheer

soothe [verb]

means "comfort"
calm, ease, relieve, quiet, cheer, refresh

wake up [verb]

means "encourage"
cheer, hearten, inspire, inspirit, animate, fortify

whoop [noun]

means "loud cry"
holler, hoot, yell, outcry, cheer, howl

cheer up [verb]

means "liven up"
perk up, revive, recover, recuperate, raise, lift up

cheerful [adjective]

means "happy"
light-hearted, jolly, merry, buoyant, spirited, lively, gay

cheerful [adjective]

means "gladdening"
sunny, sparkling, bright, promising, encouraging, cheery, sanguine

cheerful [adjective]

means "generous"
resilient, hearty, robust, ungrudging, optimistic, whole-hearted

cheering [adjective]

means "entertaining"
interesting, engaging, enchanting, lively, pleasing, charming, amusing

cheerless [adjective]

means "desolate"
dismal, forlorn, drab, comfortless, barren, cold

cheery [adjective]

means "happy"
light-hearted, jaunty, sprightly, gay, cheerful, breezy, voluble

amusing [adjective]

means "entertaining"

blissful [adjective]

means "glad"
happy, blithe, cheerful, contented, delighted, gay

breezy [adjective]

means "happy"
light-hearted, jaunty, sprightly, gay, cheerful, cheery

bright [adjective]

means "characteristic"
lively, brisk, animated, serene, cheerful, gay

charming [adjective]

means "entertaining"

clapping [noun]

means "acclaim"
applause, praise, laudation, cheering, ovation, hurrah

comfortless [adjective]

means "desolate"
dismal, forlorn, drab, cheerless, barren, cold

dark [adjective]

means "characteristic"
dismal, pessimistic, cheerless, drab, sober, discouraging

debonair [adjective]

means "jaunty"
cheery, buoyant, pleasant, carefree, happy

desolate [adjective]

means "forlorn"
cheerless, downcast, disconsolate, melancholy, inconsolable, lost

disconsolate [adjective]

means "gloomy"
cheerless, dreary, dark, dismal

dreary [adjective]

means "sorrowful"
cheerless, boring, wintry, dull, monotonous, tedious

dreary [adjective]

means "depressing"
forlorn, dingy, cheerless, gaunt, chill, lonely

elation [noun]

means "hopefulness"
cheerfulness, happiness, brightness, enthusiasm, optimism, exhilaration

enchanting [adjective]

means "entertaining"

engaging [adjective]

means "entertaining"

entertaining [adjective]

means "amusing"

exhilaration [noun]

means "hopefulness"
cheerfulness, happiness, brightness, enthusiasm, elation, optimism

gay [adjective]

means "character trait"
cheerful, happy, convivial, frolicsome, good-humoured, jovial

genial [adjective]

means "friendly"
pleasant, agreeable, cheerful, cordial, hearty, well-disposed

geniality [noun]

means "friendliness"
cheerfulness, warmth, kindliness, benevolence, happiness

glad [adjective]

means "property"
bright, happy, joyful, joyous, cheerful, light

good [adjective]

means "character trait"
genial, agreeable, pleasant, cheering

happy [adjective]

means "feeling"
glad, blissful, blithe, cheerful, contented, delighted

happy [adjective]

means "behaviour"
laughing, shouting, cheering, sparkling, jesting, smiling

hearty [adjective]

means "warm and friendly"
warm, cheerful, enthusiastic, genial, sincere, zealous

hurrah [noun]

means "acclaim"
applause, praise, laudation, cheering, clapping, ovation

inconsolable [adjective]

means "forlorn"
cheerless, downcast, disconsolate, melancholy, desolate, lost

jolly [adjective]

means "happy"
joyous, merry, cheerful, glad, gay, jovial

joyless [adjective]

means "unhappy"
melancholic, dismal, depressing, cheerless, sad, miserable

laughing [adjective]

means "happy"
shouting, cheering, sparkling, jesting, smiling

light [adjective]

means "feeling"
happy, carefree, cheerful, cheery, gay, light-hearted

light-hearted [adjective]

means "happy"
cheerful, jolly, merry, buoyant, spirited, lively

liven up [verb]

means "perk up"
cheer up, revive, recover, recuperate, raise, lift up

melancholic [adjective]

means "unhappy"
joyless, dismal, depressing, cheerless, sad, miserable

merriment [noun]

means "gaiety"
animation, cheerfulness, delight, fun, gladness, glee

mirth [noun]

means "gaiety"
animation, cheerfulness, delight, fun, gladness, glee

optimism [noun]

means "hopefulness"
cheerfulness, happiness, brightness, enthusiasm, elation, exhilaration

ovation [noun]

means "acclaim"
applause, praise, laudation, cheering, clapping, hurrah

perk up [verb]

means "liven up"
cheer up, revive, recover, recuperate, raise, lift up

perk up [verb]

means "enliven"
invigorate, shake, animate, brighten, stimulate, cheer up

pleasant [adjective]

means "cheerful"
cheery, gay, lively, merry, sportive, sprightly

pleasing [adjective]

means "entertaining"

pretty [adjective]

means "property"
pleasant, excellent, delightful, fine, cheerful, splendid

ready [adjective]

means "character trait"
ardent, cheerful

rebounding [adjective]

means "resilient"
elastic, springy, flexible, buoyant, cheerful

resilient [adjective]

means "rebounding"
elastic, springy, flexible, buoyant, cheerful

sanguine [adjective]

means "gladdening"
sunny, sparkling, bright, promising, encouraging, cheery, cheerful

smiling [adjective]

means "laughing"
shouting, cheering, sparkling, jesting, happy

sullen [adjective]

means "dismal"
gloomy, sombre, cheerless, mournful, dark, clouded

sunshine [noun]

means "cheer"
cheerfulness, happiness, gaiety, joy, encouragement, light-heartedness

uncomfortable [adjective]

means "uneasy"
restless, miserable, unhappy, cheerless, embarrassed

unhappy [adjective]

means "sad"
afflicted, cheerless, disconsolate, distressed, downcast, inconsolable

well-disposed [adjective]

means "friendly"
pleasant, agreeable, cheerful, cordial, hearty, genial

whole-hearted [adjective]

means "generous"
resilient, hearty, robust, ungrudging, optimistic, cheerful

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