
Synonym for comb [verb]

The synonym comb synonymous definition words:
means "activity"
rake, scrape, scour, ransack, search, go over
- conjugate verb comb
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comb [verb]

means "action"
untangle, arrange, disentangle, straighten, dress

comb [noun]

means "thing"
topknot, crest, tuft
Further results for the word "comb"

groom [verb]

means "make one presentable"
brush, comb, prepare

scour [verb]

means "search"
comb, forage, hunt, rummage, ransack, seek

combat [verb]

means "battle"
confront, assail, contest, resist, contend, withstand

combat [verb]

means "assault"
clash, assail, engage, blitz, fight, skirmish

combat [noun]

means "armed conflict"
battle, warfare, fighting, encounter, conflict, contest, war

combatant [noun]

means "fighter"
assailant, aggressor, warrior, brawler, soldier

combative [adjective]

means "aggressive"
warlike, bellicose, hostile, militant, belligerent, offensive

combination [noun]

means "series"
order, sequence, succession, key

combination [noun]

means "joining"
junction, association, uniting, blending, admixture, fusion, unification

combination [noun]

means "alliance"
association, coalition, league, organisation, organization, faction, federation, cabal

combination [noun]

means "aggregation"
assortment, aggregate, medley, conglomeration, composite, mélange, mixture

combine [verb]

means "blend"
fuse, admix, alloy, integrate, merge, mix, coalesce

combine [verb]

means "associate"
couple, connect, link, affiliate, incorporate, form, involve

combine [noun]

means "combination"
conglomerate, mixture, agglomeration, composite

combined [adjective]

means "coupled"
joined, united, connected, linked, attached

combining [adjective]

means "cooperative"
agreeing, joining, conjoint, in league

combustible [adjective]

means "flammable"
incendiary, ignitable, explosive

combustible [adjective]

means "excitable"
passionate, fiery, volatile

combustion [noun]

means "violent disturbance"
disturbance, tumult, turmoil, agitation, eruption, riot, excitement

combustion [noun]

means "oxidation"
burning, flaming, fire, explosion, firing, kindling

action [noun]

means "conflict"
affair, sortie, battle, contest, brush, combat

added [adjective]

means "total"
entire, complete, aggregate, combined

admix [verb]

means "amalgamate"
combine, blend, alloy, fuse, compound, devalue

admixture [noun]

means "joining"
junction, association, uniting, blending, combination, fusion

affiliate [verb]

means "associate"
sponsor, unite, combine

aggregate [adjective]

means "total"
entire, complete, added, combined

alloy [verb]

means "amalgamate"
combine, blend, admix, fuse, compound, devalue

alloy [noun]

means "admixture of metals"
amalgam, admixture, combination, intermixture, mixture, reduction

ally [verb]

means "joining"
connect, integrate, confederate, combine, unite, associate

amalgam [noun]

means "admixture of metals"
alloy, admixture, combination, intermixture, mixture, reduction

army [adjective]

means "armed forces"
combat, military, fighting, ground, belligerent, martial

arrangement [noun]

means "settlement"
compromise, agreement, adjustment, composition, combination, design

assault [noun]

means "attack"
raid, invasion, onslaught, offensive, combat, storming

association [noun]

means "mental connection"
relation, recollection, correlation, impression, combination, remembrance

attach [verb]

means "addition"
combine, go with

attempt [verb]

means "attack"
assail, combat, assault

battle [verb]

means "conflict"
fight, attack, combat, skirmish, struggle, resist

battle [noun]

means "conflict"
combat, clash, strife, struggle, contention, contest

belligerent [noun]

means "concerning the armed forces"
combat, military, fighting, ground, army, martial

blaze [noun]

means "fire"

blending [noun]

means "joining"
junction, association, uniting, combination, admixture, fusion

box [verb]

means "sport"
combat with gloved fists, fight, spar, punch

brush [noun]

means "conflict"
combat, action, scrap, affair, battle, collision

center [verb]

means "focus"
concentrate, centralize, unify, unite, combine, join

centralise [verb]

means "focus"
concentrate, centre, centralize, unite, combine, join

centralize [verb]

means "focus"
concentrate, centralise, centre, unite, combine, join

centre [verb]

means "focus"
concentrate, centralise, centralize, unite, combine, join

coalition [noun]

means "union"
unity, junction, merger, combination

collaborate [verb]

means "cooperate"
concur, combine, work together, conspire, contribute, help

commingle [verb]

means "mix"
mingle, blend, combine, intermingle, admix

competitive [adjective]

means "rival"
opposing, vying, opposed, combatant, conflicting

compilation [noun]

means "gathering"
assembling, collecting, combining

compose [verb]

means "create"
design, synthesise, synthesize, combine, draft, forge

composed [adjective]

means "made"
designed, written, created, combined

composite [adjective]

means "compound"
complex, consolidated, combined

composition [noun]

means "organization"
organisation, combination, distribution, relation, integration, synthesis

compound [noun]

means "aggregate"

compound [adjective]

means "composite"
intricate, complicated, complex, mixed, combined, difficult

concoct [verb]

means "combine ingredients"
prepare, formulate, combine, compound, brew, cook

concoction [noun]

means "mixture"
blend, brew, solution, pot-pourri, combination, composite

concur [verb]

means "cooperate"
collaborate, combine, work together, conspire, contribute, help

conflagration [noun]

means "fire"

conflict [verb]

means "contest"
fight, battle, combat, contend, struggle, interfere

confuse [verb]

means "blend"
intermingle, mingle, combine, intermix

conglomerate [adjective]

means "gathered"
variegated, composite, mixed, aggregate, combined

conglomeration [noun]

means "aggregation"
assortment, aggregate, medley, combination, composite, mélange

conjunction [noun]

means "connection"
unification, incorporation, association, union, combination, consolidation

connected [adjective]

means "coupled"
joined, united, combined, linked, attached

consolidation [noun]

means "amalgamation"

conspire [verb]

means "collaborate"
combine forces

constituent [adjective]

means "component"
constituting, forming, combining, integral, fundamental, elemental

constituting [adjective]

means "component"
constituent, forming, combining, integral, fundamental, elemental

contend [verb]

means "battle"
struggle, clash, grapple, encounter, combat, wrangle

contention [noun]

means "contest"
struggle, strife, competition, conflict, combat, discord

contest [verb]

means "fight"
battle, contend, struggle, wrangle, compete, combat

contest [noun]

means "conflict"
battle, struggle, combat, fray, encounter, contention

coupled [adjective]

means "connected"
joined, united, combined, linked, attached

designed [adjective]

means "made"
composed, written, created, combined

embody [verb]

means "organize"
organise, combine, include, establish, incorporate, integrate

encounter [noun]

means "fight"
clash, battle, passage, combat, shock, conflict

explosive [adjective]

means "flammable"
incendiary, ignitable, combustible

faction [noun]

means "group of dissidents"
camp, party, combine, cabal, bloc, conspiracy

federate [verb]

means "unite in a federation"
unite, confederate, unify, combine, unionize

federation [noun]

means "alliance"
combination, cabal

fight [verb]

means "activity"
battle, clash, challenge, scramble, combat, resist

fight [noun]

means "conflict"
action, confrontation, affair, affray, battle, combat

fighting [adjective]

means "ready to fight"
combat, infantry, warring

fire [noun]

means "event"

firing [noun]

means "oxidation"
burning, flaming, fire, explosion, combustion, kindling

form [verb]

means "activity"
arrange, combine, dispose, order, organise, organize

forming [noun]

means "component"
constituting, constituent, combining, integral, fundamental, elemental

fuse [verb]

means "blend"
coalesce, amalgamate, combine, commingle, dissolve, intermingle

gorilla [noun]

means "military"
warrior, combatant

grapple [verb]

means "fight"
struggle, tangle, wrestle, combat

hodgepodge [noun]

means "jumble"
mixture, mish-mash, rumble, mixed bag, conglomeration, combination

ignitable [adjective]

means "flammable"
incendiary, combustible, explosive

incorporate [verb]

means "merge"
bring together, combine, include, embody, consolidate, unite

inferno [noun]

means "blaze"
conflagration, flame, holocaust, pyre, fire, combustion

integrate [verb]

means "blend"
combine, unite, complete, synthesise, synthesize, harmonise

interfere [verb]

means "contest"
fight, battle, combat, contend, struggle, conflict

interfuse [verb]

means "mix"
blend, combine, mingle, compound, meld

intermixture [noun]

means "admixture of metals"
amalgam, admixture, combination, alloy, mixture, reduction

invasion [noun]

means "attack"
raid, assault, onslaught, offensive, combat, storming

join [verb]

means "action"
attach, link, unite, couple, connect, combine

kung-fu [noun]

means "martial art"

league [verb]

means "unite"
combine, band, confederate, cooperate

link [verb]

means "joining"
couple, connect, unite, bind, combine, tie

linked [adjective]

means "coupled"
joined, united, combined, connected, attached

linking [adjective]

means "joining"
connecting, combining, associating, bonding, tying, coupling

made [adjective]

means "composed"
designed, written, created, combined

marry [verb]

means "joining"
unite, give, associate, combine, link, hitch

martial [adjective]

means "concerning the armed forces"
combat, military, fighting, ground, belligerent, army

merge [verb]

means "unite"
combine, coalesce, blend, mix, integrate, join

merger [noun]

means "coalition"
unity, junction, union, combination

militant [adjective]

means "belligerent"
aggressive, combative, contentious, militaristic, quarrelsome, warlike

militaristic [adjective]

means "belligerent"
aggressive, combative, contentious, militant, quarrelsome, warlike

mishmash [noun]

means "hotchpotch"
miscellany, medley, jumble, mixture, combination

mix [verb]

means "joining"
combine, amalgamate, fuse, admix, blend, merge

mixed [adjective]

means "commingled"
combined, united, joined, assimilated

onslaught [noun]

means "attack"
raid, invasion, assault, offensive, combat, storming

oppose [verb]

means "conflict"
fight, violate, combat, battle, counter, confront

opposition [noun]

means "conflict"
hostility, opposing, resisting, clash, strife, combat

organise [verb]

means "order"
arrange, systematise, systematize, compose, combine, adjust

organize [verb]

means "order"
arrange, systematise, systematize, compose, combine, adjust

pair [verb]

means "action"
combine, couple, join, marry, match, mate

party [noun]

means "people"
alliance, body, circle, clique, combination, coterie

passage [noun]

means "incident"
affair, altercation, combat, conflict, dispute, encounter

pool [verb]

means "joining"
combine, blend, join, merge, associate, unite

pot-pourri [noun]

means "medley"
combination, blend, hodgepodge, mixture, miscellany, conglomeration

potion [noun]

means "mixture"
blend, brew, solution, pot-pourri, combination, composite

pugnacious [adjective]

means "belligerent"
antagonistic, defiant, rebellious, contentious, irascible, combative

pyre [noun]

means "blaze"
conflagration, flame, holocaust, fire, inferno, combustion

rebel [verb]

means "revolt"
oppose, combat, boycott, mutiny, strike

rival [adjective]

means "property"
competitive, opposing, vying, opposed, combatant, conflicting

scramble [verb]

means "mix"
combine, blend

soldierly [adjective]

means "military"
militaristic, martial, brave, fighting, combative, militant

solidify [verb]

means "consolidate"
combine, unite, confederate, join together

storming [noun]

means "attack"
raid, invasion, onslaught, offensive, combat, assault

synthesis [noun]

means "building a whole"
creation, combination, union, integration, formation, construction

system [noun]

means "association"
complex, assemblage, combination, correlation

systematise [verb]

means "order"
arrange, organise, systematize, compose, combine, adjust

systematize [verb]

means "order"
arrange, systematise, organise, compose, combine, adjust

team up [verb]

means "collaborate"
combine forces, work together, pair off, cooperate

tilt at [verb]

means "charge"
careen, combat, joust, fight, oppose, thrust

union [noun]

means "coalition"
unity, junction, merger, combination

unite [verb]

means "amalgamate"
blend, combine, consolidate, compound, coalesce, fuse

united [adjective]

means "joining"
coupled, joined, connected, combined, linked, attached

uniting [adjective]

means "joining"
junction, association, combination, blending, admixture, fusion

vying [adjective]

means "competitive"
opposing, rival, opposed, combatant, conflicting

war [noun]

means "conflict"
battle, warfare, fighting, encounter, contest, combat

warfare [noun]

means "armed conflict"
battle, combat, fighting, encounter, conflict, contest

work together [verb]

means "cooperate"
collaborate, combine, concur, conspire, contribute, help

wrestle [verb]

means "battle"
clash, challenge, scramble, combat, resist, buffet

written [adjective]

means "made"
designed, composed, created, combined

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