
Synonym for end [verb]

The synonym end synonymous definition words:

end [verb]

means "event"
die, expire, depart, pass away

end [verb]

means "activity"
finish, fulfil, close, complete, conclude, terminate, wind up

end [noun]

means "stop"
close, attainment, ending, denouement, completion, finale, conclusion

end [noun]

means "position"
extremity, bound, cessation, boundary, point, closing, limit, closure

end [noun]

means "aim"
reason, design, drift, intent, intention, object, objective
Further results for the word "end"

aftermath [noun]

means "result"
purpose, outcome, effect, outgrowth, sequence, end

aim [noun]

means "intention"
goal, idea, objective, design, plan, end

back [noun]

means "position"
rear, end, posterior

border [noun]

means "position"
boundary, extremity, frontier, confine, limit, end

bound [noun]

means "border"
brim, end, boundary, mete, limit, verge

boundary [noun]

means "limit"
border, limitation, confine, bound, end, extent

break [verb]

means "action"

break off [verb]

means "separate"
end, drop, desert, divorce

bring to an end [verb]

means "conclude"
close, complete, cease, desist, terminate, end

cause [noun]

means "aim"
purpose, reason, objective, end, motive, goal

cease [verb]

means "terminate"
culminate, disappear, end, halt, vanish, discontinue

cessation [noun]

means "stop"
end, halt, termination, arrest, standstill, pause

close [verb]

means "stop"
conclude, terminate, consummate, complete, determine, end

close [noun]

means "stop"
end, conclusion, adjournment, finale, termination

closing [noun]

means "extremity"
bound, cessation, boundary, point, end, limit

closure [noun]

means "extremity"

complete [verb]

means "finish"
end, close, clinch, terminate, conclude, consummate

conclude [verb]

means "bring to an end"
close, complete, cease, desist, terminate, end

consequence [noun]

means "result"
purpose, outcome, effect, outgrowth, sequence, end

corollary [noun]

means "consequence"
culmination, end, conclusion, result, upshot

death [noun]

means "stop"
destruction, cessation, end, finale

design [noun]

means "view"
reason, notion, aim, thought, end, intent

desist [verb]

means "cease"
end, stop, finish, quit, surrender, withdraw

destination [noun]

means "aim"
mission, purpose, butt, objective, end, object

destiny [noun]

means "future"
necessity, portion, destination, end, doom, fate

die [verb]

means "activity"
end, vanish

disrupt [verb]

means "interrupt"
abbreviate, curtail, break, stop, suspend, end

dissolution [noun]

means "termination"
adjournment, end, ending, dismissal, death

dissolve [verb]

means "destroy"
break down, crumble, die, disintegrate, dispel, end

do [verb]

means "activity"
work, end

drop [verb]

means "action"
separate, end, break off, desert, divorce

edge [noun]

means "position"
outside, border, boundary, outline, bounds, end

effect [noun]

means "consequence"
purpose, conclusion, end, aftermath, issue, outcome

ending [noun]

means "stop"
end, finish, close, termination, completion, conclusion

eventuate [verb]

means "result"
come about in the end, terminate, happen, conclude, end, befall

fate [noun]

means "event"
destiny, chance, circumstance, end, doom, fortune

finish [verb]

means "stop"
conclude, cease, close, end, terminate, complete

finish [noun]

means "stop"
close, conclusion, end, termination

fulfil [verb]

means "complete"
conclude, end, finish, terminate

fulfill [verb]

means "complete"
conclude, end, finish, terminate

goal [noun]

means "aim"
idea, objective, design, plan, end, object

intent [noun]

means "purpose"
intention, object, plan, aim, design, end

intention [noun]

means "purpose"
intent, object, plan, aim, design, end

issue [noun]

means "effect"
result, outcome, product, consequence, conclusion, end

karma [noun]

means "destiny"
chance, circumstance, end, doom, fortune, fate

limit [noun]

means "boundary"
border, limitation, confine, bound, end, extent

object [noun]

means "aim"
objective, mission, wish, destination, end, goal

objective [noun]

means "aim"
mission, purpose, butt, destination, end, object

outside [noun]

means "edge"
border, boundary, outline, bounds, end

pass [verb]

means "stop"
end, cease, expire, terminate

periphery [noun]

means "boundary"
extremity, frontier, confine, limit, end, outpost

perorate [verb]

means "summarize"
summarise, conclude, wind up, recapitulate, close, end

purpose [noun]

means "aim"
direction, design, prospect, determination, aspiration, end

repercussion [noun]

means "result"
purpose, outcome, effect, outgrowth, sequence, end

result [verb]

means "consequence"
end, resolve, eventuate, proceed, arise, ensue

result [noun]

means "consequence"
outcome, conclusion, end, consummation, effect, product

sake [noun]

means "consequence"

standstill [noun]

means "cessation"
end, halt, termination, arrest, stop, pause

stop [verb]

means "action"
halt, end, terminate, discontinue, arrest, restrain, cease, end, desist, finish, quit, surrender

stop [noun]

means "event"
cessation, end, halt, termination, arrest, standstill

stump [noun]

means "cut-off trunk"
stem, stub, end, butt, remnant, tree trunk

target [noun]

means "aim"
ambition, goal, purpose, objective, end, destination

terminate [verb]

means "finish"
complete, conclude, end, close, eventuate, issue

terminate [verb]

means "abolish"
eliminate, end, stop, cancel

termination [noun]

means "dissolution"
adjournment, end, ending, dismissal, death

tree trunk [noun]

means "cut-off trunk"
stem, stub, end, butt, remnant, stump

vanish [verb]

means "disappear"
part, cease, stop, pass, recede, end

view [noun]

means "purpose"
aim, object, intent, reason, intention, end

wind up [verb]

means "conclude"
terminate, consummate, complete, determine, end, culminate

commend [verb]

means "promote"
approve, recommend, sanction, advocate, accredit, endorse

endanger [verb]

means "risk"
hazard, dare, imperil

endangered [adjective]

means "involved"
implicated, concerned, at stake

endear [verb]

means "attract"
captivate, charm, enamour, engage, attach

endearment [noun]

means "fondness"
affection, love

endeavor [verb]

means "try"
aim, attempt, essay, labour, labor [US], make an effort, seek, strive, struggle

endeavor [noun]

means "attempt"
study, try, zeal, effort, essay, enterprise, exertion, venture, struggle, trial

endeavour [verb]

means "try"
aim, attempt, essay, labour, make an effort, seek, strive

endeavour [noun]

means "attempt"
study, try, zeal, effort, essay, enterprise, exertion

ended [adjective]

means "dead"
extinguished, terminated, extinct

endemic [adjective]

means "communicable"
catching, infectious, spreading, epidemic, transmissible, contagious

ending [noun]

means "stop"
finale, culmination

endless [adjective]

means "eternal"
enduring, everlasting, perpetual, undying

endless [adjective]

means "boundless"
measureless, untold, unbounded, continuous, immeasurable, incessant

endlessly [object]

means "ceaselessly"
continuously, away, incessantly, forever

endorse [verb]

means "sanction or approve"
sanction, approve, ratify, confirm, guarantee, support, underwrite

endorse [verb]

means "inscribe one's signature"
countersign, notarise, notarize

endorsed [adjective]

means "recommended"
sanctioned, approved, validated

endorsement [noun]

means "certification"
acceptance, affirmation, sanction, warranty, corroboration

endow [verb]

means "donate"
add, pitch in, present, give, contribute, kick in

endowment [noun]

means "donation"
foundation, bequest, grant, gift, bounty, award, benefit

endowment [noun]

means "ability"
turn, aptitude, bounty, capability, capacity

endurable [adjective]

means "bearable"
tolerable, sustainable, supportable

endurance [noun]

means "perseverance"
stamina, fortitude, courage, forbearance

endurance [noun]

means "durability"
stability, strength, bearing, enduring

endure [verb]

means "support"
survive, bear, brave, experience, face, withstand

endure [verb]

means "remain"
hold, continue, exist, last, abide, persist, stay

endure [verb]

means "experience"
take, allow, brook, permit, submit

enduring [adjective]

means "permanent"
constant, stable, lasting, perpetual, everlasting, secure, abiding

never-ending [adjective]

means "everlasting"
endless, perpetual, eternal, timeless, constant, continual

recommend [verb]

means "approve"
sanction, condone, endorse, advocate, commend, uphold

recommendation [noun]

means "letter of reference"
testimonial, letter of introduction, certificate, commendation, endorsement

recommendation [noun]

means "advice"
counsel, suggestion, direction, proposal, approbation, endorsement

undefended [adjective]

means "unprotected"
perilous, endangered, exposed, vulnerable, dangerous

unending [adjective]

means "constant"
ceaseless, endless, persistent, eternal, incessant, interminable

abatement [noun]

means "end"
remission, cessation, ending, suppression, termination

abiding [adjective]

means "permanent"
constant, enduring, lasting, perpetual, everlasting, secure

ability [noun]

means "competence"
cunning, capability, adequacy, endowment, capacity, genius

adjourned [adjective]

means "final"
ended, finished, concluded, inactive, closed

advertisement [noun]

means "announcement"
endorsement, publicity, broadside, handbill, notice

affirm [verb]

means "agreement"
approve, confirm, endorse, establish, ratify

affirmation [noun]

means "certification"
acceptance, endorsement, sanction, warranty, corroboration

affirmed [adjective]

means "authorised"
authorized, certified, allowed, approved, endorsed, permitted

aim [verb]

means "behaviour"
try, endeavour, attempt, propose, strive, intend

allow [verb]

means "behaviour"
tolerate, endure, bear, indulge, put up with, suffer

allowance [noun]

means "grant"
endowment, donation, concession, benefaction, scholarship

allowed [adjective]

means "authorised"
authorized, certified, approved, affirmed, endorsed, permitted

approve [verb]

means "authorise"
pass, endorse

approved [adjective]

means "authorized"
authorised, certified, allowed, affirmed, endorsed, permitted

aptitude [noun]

means "ability"
intelligence, gift, intellect, genius, endowment, aptness

aspire [verb]

means "try"
attempt, make an effort, endeavour, strive, essay, seek

aspire to [verb]

means "pursue"
seek, attempt, endeavour, desire

at stake [adjective]

means "involved"
implicated, concerned, endangered

attach [verb]

means "attraction"
captivate, charm, enamour, engage, endear

attempt [verb]

means "try"
aspire, make an effort, endeavour, strive, essay, seek

authorise [verb]

means "approve"
legitimate, affirm, sanction, endorse, certify, back

authorised [adjective]

means "official"
authorized, ordered, endorsed, sanctioned, approved

authorize [verb]

means "approve"
legitimate, affirm, sanction, endorse, certify, back

authorized [adjective]

means "authorised"
official, ordered, endorsed, sanctioned, approved

award [verb]

means "bestow"
confer, grant, give, endow, present, reward

back [verb]

means "behaviour"
endorse, favour

be remembered [verb]

means "live"
endure, persist, prevail, remain, survive, last

bear [verb]

means "toleration"
abide, suffer, endure, be capable of, sustain, brook

bear up [verb]

means "advocate"
endorse, back, uphold, further, forward, support

bequest [noun]

means "gift"
present, donation, gratuity, endowment, grant, boon

bless [verb]

means "action"
endow, give, bestow, grace, grant, provide

boundless [adjective]

means "limitless"
unlimited, infinite, eternal, indefinite, endless, immeasurable

bounty [noun]

means "award"
endowment, prize, benefaction, gift, present

broadside [noun]

means "announcement"
endorsement, publicity, advertisement, handbill, notice

brook [verb]

means "allow"
abide, bear, endure, put up with, stand, submit to

capacity [noun]

means "potential"
endowment, aptitude, ability, competence, genius, aptness

ceaseless [adjective]

means "continual"
perpetual, incessant, persistent, endless, uninterrupted, unbroken

certification [noun]

means "affirmation"
acceptance, endorsement, sanction, warranty, corroboration

certified [adjective]

means "authorised"
authorized, approved, allowed, affirmed, endorsed, permitted

certify [verb]

means "verify"
confirm, corroborate, ratify, authenticate, endorse, accredit

changeless [adjective]

means "constant"
unchanging, enduring, permanent, perpetual, regular, immutable

closed [adjective]

means "final"
ended, finished, concluded, inactive, adjourned

collateral [noun]

means "security"
guarantee, money, warrant, endorsement, pledge, promise

come through [verb]

means "live through"
endure, withstand, survive

commission [verb]

means "entrust"
endow, empower, invest, charge, promote, delegate

compliment [noun]

means "commendation"
endorsement, praise, tribute, eulogy, homage, panegyric

compromise [verb]

means "jeopardize"
jeopardise, imperil, endanger, discredit, hazard, yield

conclusion [noun]

means "end"
finish, close, termination, completion, ending, finale

confer [verb]

means "bestow"
endow, award, accord, vouchsafe, present, give

confirm [verb]

means "ratify"

confirmation [noun]

means "sanction"
authorisation, authorization, endorsement, ratification, agreement, approval

constant [adjective]

means "continual"
perpetual, incessant, persistent, endless, uninterrupted, unbroken

contagious [adjective]

means "communicable"
catching, infectious, spreading, epidemic, transmissible, endemic

continuance [noun]

means "duration"
endurance, continuation, extension, perpetuation

continue [verb]

means "last"
outlive, endure, outlast, exist, persist, wear

continuing [adjective]

means "on-going"
persisting, sustaining, enduring, maintaining, progressing, progressive

contribute [verb]

means "donate"
add, pitch in, present, give, endow, kick in

cope with [verb]

means "suffer"
endure, confront, encounter, face, contend with, survive

countenance [verb]

means "aid"
sustain, invite, abet, endorse, uphold, confirm

courage [noun]

means "nerve"
guts, spirit, endurance, mettle, firmness, fortitude

dare [verb]

means "activity"
endanger, make bold, venture

dead [adjective]

means "state"
ended, extinguished, terminated, extinct

deathless [adjective]

means "eternal"
undying, everlasting, immortal, enduring, constant

denouement [noun]

means "resolving"
solution, answering, outcome, resolution, issue, end result

deputize [verb]

means "entrust"
endow, empower, invest, charge, promote, delegate

discredit [verb]

means "jeopardise"
jeopardize, imperil, endanger, compromise, hazard, yield

dispensation [noun]

means "distribution"
allocation, allotment, disbursement, endowment

donate [verb]

means "contribute"
add, pitch in, present, give, endow, kick in

durability [noun]

means "resistance"
invulnerability, immunity, hardness, endurance, impenetrability, immovability

effort [noun]

means "application"
attempt, trial, enterprise, struggle, undertaking, endeavour

enamour [verb]

means "attract"
captivate, charm, attach, engage, endear

enterprise [noun]

means "venture"
endeavour, plan, performance, project, scheme, undertaking

essay [noun]

means "deed"
effort, trial, endeavour, attempt

establishment [noun]

means "founding"
endowment, institution

estate [noun]

means "earthly possessions"
inheritance, bequest, legacy, endowment, patrimony, wealth

eternally [object]

means "in perpetuity"
endlessly, perpetually, continually, infinitely, forever

eulogy [noun]

means "commendation"
endorsement, praise, tribute, compliment, homage, panegyric

everlasting [adjective]

means "permanent"
constant, enduring, lasting, perpetual, stable, secure

exert [verb]

means "strain"
strive, labour, try, endeavour

experience [verb]

means "undergo"
brave, encounter, have, sense, endure, see

expose [verb]

means "action"
jeopardize, jeopardise, make liable, endanger, imperil, lay open

extinct [adjective]

means "vanished"
dead, bygone, ended, defunct, gone, departed

fast [adjective]

means "state"
permanent, enduring, eternal, lasting

finale [noun]

means "end"
finish, close, termination, completion, ending, conclusion

flair [noun]

means "ability"
intelligence, gift, intellect, genius, endowment, aptness

forever [object]

means "ceaselessly"
continuously, endlessly, incessantly, eternally

forte [noun]

means "potential"
endowment, aptitude, ability, competence, genius, aptness

foundation [noun]

means "establishment"
endowment, institution, organisation, organization, settlement, institute

general [adjective]

means "widespread"
extensive, broad, limitless, endless, inclusive, comprehensive

go on [verb]

means "activity"
endure, continue, abide, keep on, persevere, persist

grant [noun]

means "gift"
present, donation, gratuity, endowment, bequest, boon

hammer away at [verb]

means "persevere"

hazard [verb]

means "risk"
endanger, dare, imperil

heritage [noun]

means "tradition"
culture, custom, convention, fashion, endowment

hold [verb]

means "activity"
continue, carry on, endure, persist, remain, maintain

immeasurable [adjective]

means "limitless"
unlimited, infinite, eternal, boundless, endless, indefinite

implicated [adjective]

means "involved"
at stake, concerned, endangered

in danger [adjective]

means "at risk"
endangered, threatened, in jeopardy, hazarded, not out of the woods, imperiled

in perpetuity [object]

means "eternally"
endlessly, perpetually, continually, infinitely, forever

incessant [adjective]

means "continual"
perpetual, constant, persistent, endless, uninterrupted, unbroken

incessantly [object]

means "ceaselessly"
continuously, endlessly, away, forever

indefinite [adjective]

means "limitless"
unlimited, infinite, eternal, boundless, endless, immeasurable

infinite [adjective]

means "limitless"
unlimited, indefinite, eternal, boundless, endless, immeasurable

infinitely [object]

means "in perpetuity"
endlessly, perpetually, continually, eternally, forever

institution [noun]

means "establishment"
endowment, foundation, organisation, organization, settlement, institute

insurance [noun]

means "security"
guarantee, money, warrant, endorsement, pledge, promise

interminable [adjective]

means "continual"
ceaseless, constant, endless, eternal, monotonous, dull

invest [verb]

means "action"
empower, endow, authorise, authorize, qualify, vest

invulnerability [noun]

means "durability"
resistance, immunity, hardness, endurance, impenetrability, immovability

kick in [verb]

means "donate"
add, pitch in, present, give, endow, contribute

largesse [noun]

means "donation"
gift, endowment, present, contribution

last [verb]

means "state"
continue, endure, persevere, persist, remain, perpetuate

lasting [adjective]

means "permanent"
enduring, eternal, fast

lavish [verb]

means "bestow"
waste, squander, profligate, dissipate, expend, endow

legalise [verb]

means "authorise"
authorize, endorse, justify, legitimate, legalize

legalize [verb]

means "authorise"
authorize, endorse, justify, legalise, legitimate

legitimate [verb]

means "authorize"
authorise, endorse, justify, legalise, legalize

limitless [adjective]

means "indefinite"
unlimited, infinite, eternal, boundless, endless, immeasurable

live [verb]

means "state"
be remembered, endure, persist, prevail, remain, survive

live down [verb]

means "overcome"
survive, endure

long-lived [adjective]

means "permanent"
eternal, lasting, enduring, perpetual, stable, perennial

lump [verb]

means "abide"
endure, stomach, digest, brook

make an effort [verb]

means "try"
aspire, attempt, endeavour, strive, essay, seek

measureless [adjective]

means "limitless"
boundless, endless, indefinite, immeasurable, infinite, unending

myriad [adjective]

means "innumerable"
infinite, endless, indefinite, multiple, variable

narrow [adjective]

means "property"
precarious, close, dangerous, perilous, near, endangered

native [adjective]

means "indigenous"
aboriginal, original, endemic, autochthonous, primitive, primary

nerve [noun]

means "state"
courage, guts, spirit, endurance, mettle, firmness

non-stop [adjective]

means "ceaseless"
constant, unremitting, endless, incessant, continuous

notarise [verb]

means "inscribe one's signature"
countersign, endorse, notarize

notarize [verb]

means "inscribe one's signature"
countersign, notarise, endorse

numberless [adjective]

means "limitless"
multitude, countless, endless, infinite, many, innumerable

official [adjective]

means "authorized"
authorised, ordered, endorsed, sanctioned, approved

officially [object]

means "authorized"
certified, endorsed

out [object]

means "stop"
accomplished, finished, ended, completely, totally, fulfilled

outlast [verb]

means "last"
outlive, endure, continue, exist, persist, wear

outlive [verb]

means "last"
continue, endure, outlast, exist, persist, wear

outwear [verb]

means "outlast"
outlive, survive, endure, hold up, last, continue

over [object]

means "stop"
done, concluded, accomplished, ended, completed, finished

perdurable [adjective]

means "permanent"
eternal, lasting, enduring, perpetual, stable, perennial

permanent [adjective]

means "stable"
constant, enduring, lasting, perpetual, everlasting, secure

permanently [object]

means "once and for all"
enduringly, for all time, forever, forevermore, perpetually

permit [verb]

means "agreement"
authorize, endure, license

perpetual [adjective]

means "continual"
constant, incessant, persistent, endless, uninterrupted, unbroken

perpetually [object]

means "constantly"
forever, unceasingly, enduringly, permanently, incessantly, continuously

perpetuation [noun]

means "duration"
endurance, continuation, extension, continuance

persist [verb]

means "remain"
hold, continue, exist, last, abide, endure

persistence [noun]

means "steadfastness"
perseverance, continuance, endurance, stamina, tenacity

persistent [adjective]

means "tenacious"
enduring, dogged, immovable, insistent, indefatigable, persevering

portion [verb]

means "allot"
apportion, deal out, distribute, divide, parcel out, endow

power [noun]

means "ability"
skill, arm, capability, endowment, beef, capacity

present [verb]

means "give"
bestow, confer, donate, endow, grant

pursue [verb]

means "aspire to"
seek, attempt, endeavour, desire

put up with [verb]

means "tolerate"
endure, bear, indulge, allow, suffer, humour

ratification [noun]

means "sanction"
authorisation, authorization, endorsement, confirmation, agreement, approval

ratify [verb]

means "approve"
support, sanction, endorse, confirm, allow, authorise

react [verb]

means "feeling"
experience, endure, get involved, take it, behave

receive [verb]

means "undergo"
experience, endure, abide, stand, bear, suffer

reference [noun]

means "recommendation"
endorsement, testimonial, approval, certificate, tribute

remain [verb]

means "duration"
endure, continue, last, stay, prevail, abide

resistance [noun]

means "durability"
invulnerability, immunity, hardness, endurance, impenetrability, immovability

resolution [noun]

means "resolving"
solution, answering, outcome, denouement, issue, end result

resolving [noun]

means "resolution"
solution, answering, outcome, denouement, issue, end result

risk [verb]

means "action"
gamble, jeopardise, jeopardize, imperil, endanger, chance

sanction [verb]

means "approve"
support, ratify, endorse, confirm, allow, authorise

sanctioned [adjective]

means "authorised"
authorized, certified, allowed, affirmed, endorsed, permitted

seek [verb]

means "try"
endeavour, attempt

shot [noun]

means "aim"
attempt, endeavour, reach, range, chance, try

side with [verb]

means "joining"
endorse, espouse, choose, help, incline towards

sign [verb]

means "acknowledgement"
endorse, confirm, approve, acknowledge, inscribe, initial

spartan [adjective]

means "heroically brave"
brave, enduring, heroic, bold, courageous, fearless

spreading [adjective]

means "communicable"
catching, infectious, contagious, epidemic, transmissible, endemic

stable [adjective]

means "quality"
permanent, constant, enduring, lasting, perpetual, everlasting

stand [verb]

means "process"
endure, hold, bear, sustain, undergo, outlast

stomach [verb]

means "bear"
abide, brook, endure, stand, suffer, forbear

strain [verb]

means "exert"
strive, labour, try, endeavour

strive [verb]

means "try"
endeavour, attempt, aim, toil, struggle, essay

struggle [noun]

means "effort"
exertion, endeavour, strive, labour, pains

submit to [verb]

means "allow"
abide, bear, endure, put up with, stand, brook

subsistence [noun]

means "existence"
endurance, nourishment, living, sustenance, continuance, survival

suffer [verb]

means "toleration"
sustain, endure, tolerate, bear, stand, stomach

supplied [adjective]

means "furnished"
outfitted, given, equipped, provided, rigged, endowed

support [verb]

means "advocate"
endorse, back, uphold, further, forward, bear up

supportable [adjective]

means "tolerable"
sufferable, endurable, livable, bearable, acceptable, excusable

suppression [noun]

means "end"
remission, cessation, ending, abatement, termination

sure [adjective]

means "quality"
enduring, fast

survival [noun]

means "staying alive"
endurance, subsistence, continuation, lasting, durability

tackle [verb]

means "undertake"
dig in, attempt, endeavour, plunge into

take it [verb]

means "feel"
experience, endure, get involved, react

testimonial [noun]

means "recommendation"
endorsement, reference, approval, certificate, tribute

threaten [verb]

means "forebode"
endanger, menace, foreshadow, impend, prognosticate, augur

transfuse [verb]

means "instil"
permeate, inject, suffuse, imbue, endow, infuse

transmissible [adjective]

means "communicable"
catching, infectious, spreading, epidemic, contagious, endemic

trial [noun]

means "event"
endeavour, effort, attempt, essay, struggle

try [verb]

means "activity"
attempt, endeavour, strive, assay, offer, essay

ubiquitous [adjective]

means "widespread"
extensive, broad, limitless, endless, inclusive, comprehensive

unbounded [adjective]

means "unlimited"
immense, immeasurable, endless, limitless, vast, infinite

unchanging [adjective]

means "constant"
changeless, enduring, permanent, perpetual, regular, immutable

undergo [verb]

means "tolerate"
abide, suffer, endure, be capable of, sustain, brook

undertaking [noun]

means "venture"
endeavour, plan, performance, project, scheme, enterprise

underwrite [verb]

means "sanction or approve"

undying [adjective]

means "eternal"
enduring, everlasting, perpetual, endless

uninterrupted [adjective]

means "continual"
perpetual, incessant, persistent, endless, constant, unbroken

unlimited [adjective]

means "boundless"
infinite, limitless, vast, extensive, endless, unconstrained

unremitting [adjective]

means "ceaseless"
constant, non-stop, endless, incessant, continuous

up against it [adjective]

means "in trouble"
suffering, enduring, distressed, troubled, concerned

uphold [verb]

means "maintain"
advocate, support, sustain, endorse, vindicate, bolster

validate [verb]

means "verify"
prove, establish, authenticate, confirm, substantiate, endorse

vanished [adjective]

means "extinct"
dead, bygone, ended, defunct, gone, departed

venture [verb]

means "risk"
gamble, imperil, jeopardise, jeopardize, endanger, hazard

vigor [noun]

means "strength"
endurance, puissance, stalwartness, lustiness, intensity

vigour [noun]

means "strength"
power, potency, stamina, energy, vehemence, endurance

visa [noun]

means "thing"
endorsement, permit, signed passport, authorisation, authorization

vouchsafe [verb]

means "bestow"
endow, award, accord, confer, present, give

warranty [noun]

means "certification"
acceptance, endorsement, sanction, affirmation, corroboration

withstand [verb]

means "support"
survive, bear, brave, experience, face, endure

year after year [object]

means "each year"
regularly, continuously, endlessly

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