
Synonym for entire [noun]

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Further results for the word "entire"

absolute [adjective]

means "total"
entire, unmitigated, unbounded, unconditional, unlimited, unqualified

added [adjective]

means "total"
entire, complete, aggregate, combined

aggregate [adjective]

means "total"
entire, complete, added, combined

all [adjective]

means "quantity"
whole, entire, complete, intact, total, full

all-out [adjective]

means "no holds barred"
absolute, total, utter, complete, entire

blank [adjective]

means "quantity"
absolute, complete, total, unqualified, unconditional, entire

clean [adjective]

means "quantity"
total, complete, entire, decisive, conclusive, perfect

complete [adjective]

means "whole"
total, entire, integral, comprehensive, undiminished, radical

conclusive [adjective]

means "total"
complete, entire, decisive, clean, perfect, whole

consecutive [adjective]

means "continuous"
whole, entire, uniform, continued, regular, solid

full [adjective]

means "characteristic"
mature, grown, entire, complete

gross [adjective]

means "quantity"
total, entire, whole, aggregate

grown [adjective]

means "mature"
full, entire, complete

intact [adjective]

means "whole"
complete, continuous, entire, perfect, unbroken, undiminished

integral [adjective]

means "whole"
total, entire, complete, comprehensive, undiminished, radical

mere [adjective]

means "simple"
pure, bare, scant, sheer, entire, unmixed

only [adjective]

means "property"
single, lone, entire, singular, sole, solitary

outright [adjective]

means "without reservation"
total, complete, absolute, out-and-out, straightforward, entire

plenary [adjective]

means "full"
entire, complete, whole, absolute, unconditional, unlimited

rank [adjective]

means "complete"
absolute, entire, gross, sheer, utter, excessive

round [adjective]

means "characteristic"
complete, finished, entire, full, whole, unbroken

solid [adjective]

means "property"
continuous, whole, entire, uniform, continued, regular

sound [adjective]

means "property"
whole, complete, entire, hardy, healthy, hearty

total [adjective]

means "amount"
complete, absolute, entire, final, utter, whole

unabbreviated [adjective]

means "complete"
unabridged, uncondensed, uncut, untouched, entire, intact

unabridged [adjective]

means "complete"
entire, unabbreviated, uncut, whole-length

unbroken [adjective]

means "whole"
complete, entire, intact, perfect, sound

unconditional [adjective]

means "complete"
absolute, entire, total, utter, unqualified, thorough

uncut [adjective]

means "complete"
unabridged, uncondensed, unabbreviated, untouched, entire, intact

undiminished [adjective]

means "whole"
total, entire, integral, comprehensive, complete, radical

undivided [adjective]

means "complete"
entire, intact, diligent, exclusive, intense, studied

unimpaired [adjective]

means "total"
complete, entire, decisive, conclusive, perfect, whole

universal [adjective]

means "general"
ubiquitous, entire, whole, total, sweeping, common

universality [noun]

means "completeness"
entirety, totality, intactness, entire, wholeness

utter [adjective]

means "complete"
absolute, entire, total, unconditional, unqualified, thorough

whole [adjective]

means "amount"
entire, complete, total, all, full, intact

without reservation [adjective]

means "outright"
total, complete, absolute, out-and-out, straightforward, entire

entirely [object]

means "exclusively"
solely, uniquely, only

entirely [object]

means "completely"
totally, fully, altogether, wholly, quite

entirety [noun]

means "wholeness"
completeness, totality, intactness, total

entirety [noun]

means "the whole thing"
whole, sum total, ensemble

absolutely [object]

means "completely"
utterly, definitely, thoroughly, entirely, wholly, unconditionally

all [object]

means "manner"
totally, solidly, completely, entirely, utterly, wholly, totally, entirely, altogether, exactly, just, purely

bodily [object]

means "totally"
entirely, completely, absolutely

clean [object]

means "quantity"
completely, altogether, entirely, fully, totally, out and out

complement [noun]

means "aggregate"
wholeness, entirety, totality, the works

completely [object]

means "absolutely"
utterly, definitely, thoroughly, entirely, wholly, unconditionally

completeness [noun]

means "entire"
entirety, totality, intactness, universality, wholeness

definitely [object]

means "completely"
utterly, absolutely, thoroughly, entirely, wholly, unconditionally

downright [adjective]

means "completely"
absolutely, entirely, utterly

ensemble [noun]

means "whole"
entirety, composite, aggregate, collection, group, organisation

exclusively [object]

means "alone"
wholly, entirely, only, except, solely, particularly

in all respects [object]

means "completely"
totally, entirely, thoroughly, utterly, wholly, in every way

in toto [adjective]

means "totally"
the whole thing, completely, wholly, fully, entirely

integrity [noun]

means "completeness"
entirety, wholeness, perfection, soundness

one [noun]

means "state"
unity, entirety, totality, solidarity, oneness, togetherness

oneness [noun]

means "unity"
entirety, totality, solidarity, one, togetherness

only [adjective]

means "property"
alone, wholly, entirely, exclusively, except, solely

perfectly [adjective]

means "quite"
completely, entirely, utterly, fully, altogether, absolutely

quite [object]

means "amount"
totally, entirely, altogether, exactly, just, purely

radically [adjective]

means "completely"
thoroughly, entirely, totally, absolutely, wholly, essentially

sheer [object]

means "totally"
completely, entirely, quite

solely [object]

means "alone"
wholly, entirely, exclusively, except, only, particularly

solidarity [noun]

means "unity"
entirety, totality, one, oneness, togetherness

solidly [object]

means "altogether"
all, completely, entirely, utterly, wholly

sum [noun]

means "amount"
whole, gross, totality, entirety, total, aggregate

the works [noun]

means "the whole"
entirety, the whole shebang [US], conglomeration, totality, aggregate, the whole ball of wax

thoroughly [object]

means "completely"
utterly, definitely, absolutely, entirely, wholly, unconditionally

total [noun]

means "quantity"
whole, gross, totality, entirety, sum, aggregate

totally [object]

means "all"
entirely, altogether, exactly, just, purely, quite

unconditionally [object]

means "completely"
utterly, definitely, thoroughly, entirely, wholly, absolutely

universally [object]

means "everywhere"
completely, customarily, entirely

utterly [object]

means "completely"
absolutely, definitely, thoroughly, entirely, wholly, unconditionally

whole [noun]

means "quantity"
totality, sum, gross, total, entirety, aggregate

wholeness [noun]

means "aggregate"
complement, entirety, totality, the works

wholly [object]

means "completely"
utterly, definitely, thoroughly, entirely, absolutely, unconditionally

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