
Synonym for even [verb]

The synonym even synonymous definition words:

even [object]

means "part of speech"
indeed, completely, truly, fully, verily, just, quite, still, also, as well, moreover, likewise, plus

even [adjective]

means "property"
uniform, conforming, unbroken, equable, homogeneous, in equilibrium, regular, standard, smooth, flat, surfaced, flush, level, lay, plane, parallel, equitable, fair, equal, impartial, just

even [adjective]

means "characteristic"
calm, composed, even-tempered, peaceful, placid, temperate, tranquil
Further results for the word "even"

also [object]

means "addition"
too, as well, moreover, likewise, plus, even

as well [object]

means "also"
even, moreover, likewise, plus

balance [verb]

means "equalize"
set, even, square

constant [adjective]

means "unchanging"
uniform, even, steady, consistent, immutable, permanent

equable [adjective]

means "uniform"
conforming, unbroken, even, homogeneous, in equilibrium, regular

equal [adjective]

means "property"
uniform, square, even, invariant, regular, unvarying

equalise [verb]

means "balance"
set, even, square

equalize [verb]

means "equalise"
set, even, square

evening [noun]

means "dusk"
even, nightfall, sundown

flat [adjective]

means "characteristic"
level, equal, even, horizontal, plane, smooth

immutable [adjective]

means "unchanging"
uniform, even, steady, consistent, constant, permanent

indeed [object]

means "part of speech"
even, completely, truly, fully, verily, just

invariant [adjective]

means "uniform"
square, even, equal, regular, unvarying

level [verb]

means "activity"
even, equalise, equalize, flatten, smooth, grade

level [adjective]

means "property"
uniform, even, equable

level [adjective]

means "characteristic"
flat, flush, even, smooth, plane, plain

liken [verb]

means "equate"
equal, even, balance, pair, unite, mate

match [verb]

means "comparison"
equate, equal, even, balance, pair, unite

moreover [object]

means "also"
as well, even, likewise, plus

perpendicular [adjective]

means "rectilinear"
horizontal, vertical, straight, erect, even, level

plain [adjective]

means "characteristic"
level, even, flat, plane, smooth

plane [verb]

means "activity"
smooth, level, flatten, finish, even, mill

plane [adjective]

means "property"
flat, level, smooth, flush, even, regular

plus [object]

means "addition"
also, as well, moreover, likewise, even

proportional [adjective]

means "proportionate"
commensurate, balanced, equal, uniform, symmetrical, even

proportionate [adjective]

means "proportional"
commensurate, balanced, equal, uniform, symmetrical, even

rectilinear [adjective]

means "straight"
horizontal, vertical, perpendicular, erect, even, level

smooth [verb]

means "action"
flatten, even, level, press, roll, iron

smooth [adjective]

means "property"
even, level, flat, horizontal, flush, plain

smooth [adjective]

means "characterisitc"
regular, unvarying, uniform, even, invariable, steady

square [adjective]

means "characteristic"
straight, level, even, true, perpendicular, exact

steady [adjective]

means "property"
balanced, even, stable, fixed, firm, steadfast

straight [adjective]

means "rectilinear"
horizontal, vertical, perpendicular, erect, even, level

sundown [noun]

means "dusk"
even, nightfall, evening

unchanged [adjective]

means "constant"
consistent, unchanging, regular, even, uniform

uniform [adjective]

means "constant"
consistent, unchanging, regular, even, unchanged

unvarying [adjective]

means "uniform"
square, even, invariant, regular, equal

verily [object]

means "indeed"
completely, truly, fully, even, just, quite

even-handed [adjective]

means "impartial"
fair, disinterested, righteous, candid, equitable, objective, dispassionate

even-tempered [adjective]

means "relaxed"
serene, sedate, calm, tranquil, composed, moderate, easygoing

evenly [object]

means "uniformly"
regularly, smoothly

evenly [object]

means "equally"
justly, fairly, squarely, precisely, impartially

event [noun]

means "result"
outcome, consequence, effect, issue, conclusion

event [noun]

means "affair"
occurrence, eventuality, case, circumstance, episode, happening, incident

eventful [adjective]

means "outstanding"
momentous, memorable

eventual [adjective]

means "ultimate"
future, prospective, impending, inevitable, final, last, consequent

eventual [adjective]

means "contingent"
possible, conditional, dependent

eventuality [noun]

means "harmony"
agreement, accordance, parallelism, correspondence, coincidence, consonance, accord

eventually [object]

means "in due time"
inevitably, finally, ultimately

eventuate [verb]

means "result"
come about in the end, terminate, happen, conclude, end, befall, take place, stop at

accordance [noun]

means "harmony"
agreement, coincidence, parallelism, correspondence, eventuality, consonance

affair [noun]

means "society"
gathering, entertainment, party, rendezvous, event, happening

big [adjective]

means "property"
important, major, vital, substantial, considerable, eventful

calm [adjective]

means "character trait"
relaxed, serene, sedate, even-tempered, tranquil, composed

case [noun]

means "matter"
instance, event, example, illustration, occurrence, incident

circumstance [noun]

means "happening"
event, situation, incident, status, time, occurrence

coincidence [noun]

means "incident"
fluke, event, accident, chance, unison, hazard

coincidence [noun]

means "harmony"
agreement, accordance, parallelism, correspondence, eventuality, consonance

consonance [noun]

means "harmony"
agreement, accordance, parallelism, correspondence, eventuality, coincidence

contingency [noun]

means "eventuality"
chance, possibility, event, likelihood, probability, circumstance

episode [noun]

means "happening"
event, situation, incident, status, time, occurrence

eve [noun]

means "night before"
evening, night, twilight

fair [adjective]

means "behaviour"
impartial, even-handed, disinterested, righteous, candid, equitable

impartially [object]

means "equally"
justly, fairly, squarely, precisely, evenly

in the future [adjective]

means "someday"

just [adjective]

means "characteristic"

justly [object]

means "equally"
evenly, fairly, squarely, precisely, impartially

landmark [noun]

means "turning point"
milestone, event, crisis, stage

lively [adjective]

means "characteristic"
stirring, moving, eventful

match [noun]

means "sport"
contest, competition, tournament, event, game, meet

milestone [noun]

means "turning point"
landmark, occasion, climax, event, breakthrough, discovery

miracle [noun]

means "wonder"
milestone, event, adventure, holiday, marvel, celebration

neatly [adjective]

means "orderly"
organised, organized, systematically, evenly, smoothly, uniformly

occur [verb]

means "result"
ensure, follow, eventual

occurrence [noun]

means "occasion"
accident, adventure, event

pregnant [adjective]

means "meaningful"
momentous, significant, weighty, eventful, pivotal, important

relaxed [adjective]

means "calm"
serene, sedate, even-tempered, tranquil, composed, moderate

result [verb]

means "consequence"
end, resolve, eventuate, proceed, arise, ensue

someday [object]

means "sometime"
eventually, in the future

sometime [adjective]

means "someday"
eventually, in the future

sunset [noun]

means "nightfall"
evening, twilight, sundown, dusk, night

systematically [object]

means "orderly"
organised, organized, neatly, evenly, smoothly, uniformly

terminate [verb]

means "finish"
complete, conclude, end, close, eventuate, issue

ulterior [adjective]

means "later"
eventual, future

unison [noun]

means "incident"
fluke, event, accident, chance, coincidence, hazard

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