
Synonym for grow [verb]

The synonym grow synonymous definition words:
- conjugate verb grow
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grow [verb]

means "origin"
sprout, start, arise, develop, begin, originate, germinate

grow [verb]

means "nature"
cultivate, nurture, raise, tend, foster, propagate, plant, sow

grow [verb]

means "activity"
advance, improve, extend, swell, wax
Further results for the word "grow"

advance [verb]

means "improve"
flourish, grow, increase, make progress, rise, progress

batten [verb]

means "prosper"
luxuriate, be successful, flower, grow, flourish, increase

become [verb]

means "direction"
get, turn, mature, develop, grow, change

boom [verb]

means "characteristic"
prosper, thrive, expand, grow, flourish, multiply

build [verb]

means "activity"

bulk [verb]

means "enlarge"
amplify, aggrandise, aggrandize, expand, bulge, grow

come [verb]

means "reach"
spread, stretch, join, expand, develop, grow

deepen [verb]

means "expand"
extend, increase, intensify, develop, grow, exacerbate

double [verb]

means "action"
make twice as much, duplicate, increase, grow

effloresce [verb]

means "flower"
bloom, blossom, open up, flourish, burgeon, grow

enlarge [verb]

means "size"
amplify, aggrandise, aggrandize, expand, bulge, grow

escalate [verb]

means "expand"
heighten, grow, increase, intensify

flare out [verb]

means "widen"
spread out, splay, grow

flourish [verb]

means "prosper"
luxuriate, be successful, flower, grow, batten, increase

gather [verb]

means "increase"
grow, thicken, collect, condense

germinate [verb]

means "sprout"
start, arise, develop, begin, originate, grow

get [verb]

means "process"
become, develop, grow

increase [verb]

means "expand"
grow, multiply, greaten, enlarge, add to, aggrandise

make progress [verb]

means "improve"
flourish, grow, increase, advance, rise, progress

materialise [verb]

means "develop"
evolve, emerge, unfold, grow

materialize [verb]

means "develop"
evolve, emerge, unfold, grow

mature [verb]

means "activity"
grow, develop, age, ripen, evolve, mellow

progress [verb]

means "advance"
develop, grow, improve, increase, proceed

prosper [verb]

means "flourish"
luxuriate, be successful, flower, grow, batten, increase

raise [verb]

means "activity"
grow, cultivate, produce, originate, engender, bring about

shape [verb]

means "activity"
become, embody, develop, crystallise, crystallize, grow

splay [verb]

means "widen"
spread out, flare out, grow

spring [verb]

means "activity"
grow, develop, increase, thrive, wax

swell [verb]

means "expand"

thrive [verb]

means "blossom"
flower, bloom, grow, burgeon, batten, wax

till [verb]

means "nature"
cultivate, farm, labour, harrow, grow, work

wax [verb]

means "size"
increase, swell, enlarge, extend, grow, lengthen

wax [verb]

means "process"
grow, become

full-grown [adjective]

means "grown"
adult, mature, grown-up, ripe, developed

grow dark [verb]

means "blacken"
cloud over, shadow, shade, eclipse, obscure

growing [adjective]

means "increasing"
enlarging, expansive, maturing, spreading, swelling, developing

growl [verb]

means "snarl"
snap, gnarl

growl [verb]

means "mumble"
bark, grumble, bellow, roar, rumble, mutter, complain

growling [adjective]

means "sound"
deep, hoarse, sepulchral, throaty, guttural, thick

grown [adjective]

means "mature"
full, entire, complete

grown-up [noun]

means "adult"
big, full-grown

growth [noun]

means "thing"
product, result, outgrowth, produce

growth [noun]

means "quantity"
development, expansion, increase, augmentation

growth [noun]

means "health"
tumour, swelling, outgrowth, excrescence, cancer

overgrown [adjective]

means "wild"
grown, thick, rank, crowded, disordered, green

accretion [noun]

means "accumulation"
accrual, increase, addition, growth, expansion

accrual [noun]

means "accumulation"
accretion, increase, addition, growth, expansion

accumulation [noun]

means "accretion"

adult [noun]

means "people"
man, woman, gentleman, lady, citizen, grown-up

adult [adjective]

means "animal"
full-grown, mature, grown-up, ripe, developed, grown

agglomeration [noun]

means "accretion"

bark [verb]

means "speech"
snap, snarl, growl, yell, shout, roar

bark [verb]

means "sound"
woof, yelp, yap, bay, growl, howl

big [adjective]

means "animal"
adult, grown-up, full-grown

bough [noun]

means "limb"
stick, crotch, arm, growth, branch, fork

bower [noun]

means "shelter"
copse, cover, covert, growth, shrubbery, thicket

branch [noun]

means "thing"
limb, stick, crotch, arm, growth, bough

bulge [noun]

means "swelling"
protuberance, protrusion, hump, outgrowth, growth, prominence

cancer [noun]

means "health"
tumour, swelling, outgrowth, excrescence, growth

changing [object]

means "becoming different"
developing, growing, shrinking

collecting [noun]

means "accretion"

confluent [adjective]

means "coming together"
growing together, joining, mingling, connecting, convergent, meeting

copse [noun]

means "grove"
stand, forest, wood, growth, crop

cover [noun]

means "nature"
copse, bower, covert, growth, shrubbery, thicket

crotch [noun]

means "limb"
stick, branch, arm, growth, bough, fork

developing [adjective]

means "becoming different"
changing, growing, shrinking

enlarging [adjective]

means "size"
increasing, growing, expansive, maturing, spreading, swelling

excrescence [noun]

means "tumour"
swelling, outgrowth, growth, cancer

expansion [noun]

means "development"
growth, increase, augmentation

flourishing [adjective]

means "leafy"
lush, verdant, sprouting, growing, green

full [adjective]

means "characteristic"
mature, grown, entire, complete

green [adjective]

means "nature"
leafy, lush, verdant, sprouting, growing, flourishing

grove [noun]

means "stand"
copse, forest, wood, growth, crop

grunt [verb]

means "animal sound"
growl, yelp, yap, bark, woof, howl

guttural [adjective]

means "sound"
deep, hoarse, sepulchral, throaty, growling, thick

husky [adjective]

means "hoarse"
throaty, gruff, rasping, growling, masculine, loud

improvement [noun]

means "progress"
betterment, development, growth, increase

improving [adjective]

means "bettering"
developing, correcting, editing, growing, learning, evolving

march [noun]

means "process"
progression, advance, development, growth, rise, movement

mature [adjective]

means "property"
adult, developed, grown, aged, full-grown, ripe

matured [adjective]

means "developed"
grown, adult, full-fledged, full-grown, ripened, completed

multiplication [noun]

means "accretion"

old [adjective]

means "behaviour"
matured, intelligent, sedate, adult, sensible, grown

progress [noun]

means "improvement"
betterment, development, growth, increase

protrusion [noun]

means "swelling"
protuberance, bulge, hump, outgrowth, growth, prominence

ripe [adjective]

means "property"
mellow, aged, seasoned, matured, grown, mature

rumble [verb]

means "resound"
boom, thunder, grumble, growl, roll

sepulchral [adjective]

means "in the throat"
deep, hoarse, guttural, throaty, growling, thick

shrinking [noun]

means "becoming different"
developing, growing, changing

shrubbery [noun]

means "shelter"
copse, bower, covert, growth, cover, thicket

snarl [verb]

means "complain"
grumble, growl, mutter, threaten, gnarl, thunder

sprouting [adjective]

means "leafy"
lush, verdant, green, growing, flourishing

stand [noun]

means "nature"
grove, copse, forest, wood, growth, crop

stature [noun]

means "height"

thrifty [adjective]

means "thriving"
prosperous, successful, flourishing, growing, vigourous

twig [noun]

means "thing"
limb, stick, crotch, arm, growth, bough

umbrage [noun]

means "foliage"
growth, vegetation

vegetable [adjective]

means "vegetal"
plant, organic, growing

vegetation [noun]

means "foliage"
growth, umbrage

verdant [adjective]

means "leafy"
lush, green, sprouting, growing, flourishing

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