
Synonym for help [verb]

The synonym help synonymous definition words:
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help [verb]

means "assistance"
aid, abet, assist, support, uphold, back, befriend, encourage

help [verb]

means "activity"
ease, foster, further, promote, facilitate

help [verb]

means "action"
avoid, refrain from, forbear

help [noun]

means "assistance"
aid, relief, support, succour, guidance, backing, advice
Further results for the word "help"

abet [verb]

means "aid"
help, assist, support, uphold, back, befriend

accommodate [verb]

means "serve"
aid, assist, help, oblige, abet, provide

aid [noun]

means "deed"
help, assistance, benefit, furtherance, avail, relief

ameliorate [verb]

means "better"
advance, correct, help, improve, refine, pacify

assist [verb]

means "action"
sustain, abet, help

back [verb]

means "behaviour"
support, help, uphold, abet, further, aid

befriend [verb]

means "support"
aid, help, defend, supply, furnish, sustain

better [verb]

means "action"
ameliorate, advance, correct, help, improve, refine

boost [noun]

means "assistance"
aid, help, promotion

collaborate [verb]

means "cooperate"
concur, combine, work together, conspire, contribute, help

come in handy [verb]

means "be useful"
help, aid, be convenient

concur [verb]

means "cooperate"
collaborate, combine, work together, conspire, contribute, help

condole [verb]

means "comfort"
help, ease, loose, disburden, calm, qualify

contribute [verb]

means "advance"

convenience [noun]

means "relief"
comfort, ease, accommodation, help, freedom, assistance

cure [verb]

means "health"
remedy, help, relieve, correct, rectify, heal

cure [noun]

means "health"
help, aid, assistance, relief, reparation, redress

domestic [noun]

means "servant"
maid, help, underling

ease [verb]

means "comfort"
help, condole, loose, disburden, calm, qualify

encouragement [noun]

means "assistance"
aid, help, faith, comfort, support, sustaining

enhancement [noun]

means "encouragement"
improvement, support, patronage, furtherance, help, aid

enthusiasm [noun]

means "cooperation"
help, devotion, participation

favor [verb]

means "aid"
assist, help, support

favour [verb]

means "aid"
assist, help, support

furtherance [noun]

means "encouragement"
improvement, support, patronage, promotion, help, aid

hand [noun]

means "assistance"
help, guidance, aid, instruction

improve [verb]

means "better"

lend a hand [verb]

means "assist"
help, aid, succour

meliorate [verb]

means "improve"
amend, better, ameliorate, help, correct

ministration [noun]

means "aid"
attendance, assistance, help, service, use, usefulness

nurse [verb]

means "assistance"
help, abet, care for, aid, take care of, cherish

promotion [noun]

means "encouragement"
improvement, support, patronage, furtherance, help, aid

prompt [verb]

means "assistance"

provide [verb]

means "serve"
aid, assist, help, oblige, abet, accommodate

recourse [noun]

means "access"
resort, resource, reserve, refuge, appeal, help

rectify [verb]

means "better"

relief [noun]

means "assistance"
aid, help, alleviation, ease, assuagement, remission

relieve [verb]

means "aid"
assist, help, remedy, succour, support, sustain

serve [verb]

means "assistance"
help, administer, assist, aid, succour

service [noun]

means "aid"
attendance, assistance, help, ministration, use, usefulness

side with [verb]

means "joining"
endorse, espouse, choose, help, incline towards

subvention [noun]

means "subsidy"
grant, aid, help

support [noun]

means "aid"
assistance, help, relief, succour

sustain [verb]

means "support"
aid, help, defend, supply, furnish, befriend

underling [noun]

means "servant"
maid, help, domestic

uphold [verb]

means "maintain"

use [noun]

means "assistance"
help, good, profit

wait [verb]

means "serve"
tend, deliver, help

work together [verb]

means "cooperate"
collaborate, combine, concur, conspire, contribute, help

help out [verb]

means "bail out"
relieve, aid, assist

helper [noun]

means "assistant"
aide, aid, supporter, servant, colleague, acolyte, coadjutor

helpful [adjective]

means "obliging"
accommodating, considerate, kind, neighbourly

helpful [adjective]

means "healthy"
restorative, healthful, salutary, remedial, curative

helpfulness [noun]

means "encouragement"
support, reassuring, motivation, enlivening, comfort, urging

helping [noun]

means "food portion"
portion, serving, plateful, ration, meal

helping [adjective]

means "assisting"
aiding, beneficial, working with, useful

helpless [adjective]

means "incompetent"
incapable, unfit, inefficient, inexpert, shiftless

helpless [adjective]

means "defenceless"
powerless, unprotected, invalid, dependent, impotent, disabled, unable

Jack-of-all-trades [noun]

means "hired hand for odd jobs"
hired hand, worker, labourer, handyman, helper, mister fix-it

accessory [noun]

means "aide"
auxiliary, subsidiary, assistant, attaché, helper, confederate

accommodating [adjective]

means "obliging"
helpful, considerate, kind, neighbourly

acolyte [noun]

means "assistant"
aide, helper, supporter, servant, colleague, aid

adjutant [noun]

means "aide"
accessory, subsidiary, assistant, attaché, helper, confederate

advantageous [adjective]

means "useful"
helpful, beneficial, profitable, essential, invaluable

aid [noun]

means "people"
assistant, aide, helper, supporter, servant, colleague

aiding [adjective]

means "auxiliary"
helpful, supporting, helping, cooperating, assisting, sustaining

assistant [noun]

means "aide"
accessory, subsidiary, auxiliary, attaché, helper, confederate

assisting [adjective]

means "aiding"
helpful, supporting, helping, cooperating, auxiliary, sustaining

auxiliary [noun]

means "aide"
accessory, subsidiary, assistant, attaché, helper, confederate

auxiliary [adjective]

means "aiding"
helpful, supporting, helping, cooperating, assisting, sustaining

beneficial [adjective]

means "useful"
advantageous, helpful, profitable, essential, invaluable

clumsy [adjective]

means "ability"
incompetent, inadequate, inexpert, unqualified, unfit, helpless

co-operator [noun]

means "collaborator"
associate, contributor, colleague, helper, assistant

coadjutor [noun]

means "colleague"
helper, associate, assistant, coworker

collaborator [noun]

means "co-operator"
associate, contributor, colleague, helper, assistant

conducive [adjective]

means "beneficial"
helpful, useful, advantageous, valuable, profitable, handy

considerate [adjective]

means "obliging"
accommodating, helpful, kind, neighbourly

contributor [noun]

means "co-operator"
associate, collaborator, colleague, helper, assistant

cooperating [adjective]

means "aiding"
helpful, supporting, helping, auxiliary, assisting, sustaining

desirable [adjective]

means "advantageous"
beneficial, useful, acceptable, welcome, helpful, expedient

forlorn [adjective]

means "desolate"
tragic, comfortless, destitute, disconsolate, dreary, helpless

friendly [adjective]

means "favourable"
advantageous, beneficial, amicable, helpful, propitious

gainful [adjective]

means "beneficial"
helpful, useful, advantageous, valuable, profitable, conducive

hand [noun]

means "person"
workman, helper, worker, hired hand

handy [adjective]

means "beneficial"
helpful, useful, advantageous, valuable, profitable, conducive

handyman [noun]

means "hired man for odd jobs"
hired man, workman, labourer, jack-of-all-trades, helper, mister fix-it

humanitarian [noun]

means "philanthropist"
benefactor, helper, patron

impotent [adjective]

means "powerless"
unable, helpless, infirm, paralyzed, inept, ineffective

invaluable [adjective]

means "useful"
helpful, serviceable

missionary [noun]

means "unpaid"
voluntary, charitable, community, helping, for a good cause, volunteer

neighborly [adjective]

means "friendly"
helpful, altruistic

on the side of [adjective]

means "in favour of"
for, supporting, working with, helping

opportune [adjective]

means "propitious"
appropriate, fitting, apt, helpful, favourable, fit

patron [noun]

means "supporter"
backer, advocate, benefactor, champion, defender, helper

philanthropist [noun]

means "humanitarian"
benefactor, helper, patron

plate [noun]

means "quantity"
course, portion, serving, helping, meal, dish

plateful [noun]

means "food portion"
portion, serving, helping, ration, meal

remedial [adjective]

means "healthy"
restorative, healthful, salutary, helpful, curative

salutary [adjective]

means "healthy"
restorative, healthful, helpful, remedial, curative

serving [adjective]

means "aiding"
helping, attending, helpful, abetting

sub [noun]

means "underling"
inferior, subject, assistant, helper, aide, collateral

subordinate [noun]

means "underling"
inferior, subject, assistant, helper, aide, collateral

supporter [noun]

means "backer"
benefactor, champion, sponsor, defender, patron, helper

supporting [adjective]

means "aiding"
helpful, auxiliary, helping, cooperating, assisting, sustaining

sustaining [adjective]

means "aiding"
helpful, supporting, helping, cooperating, assisting, auxiliary

tributary [adjective]

means "subordinate"
helping, branch, assisting, accessory, auxiliary

useful [adjective]

means "quality"
good, advantageous, beneficial, helpful, profitable, serviceable

volunteer [adjective]

means "unpaid"
voluntary, charitable, community, helping, for a good cause, missionary

workpeople [noun]

means "hand"
helper, worker, hired hand

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