
Synonym for in [object]

The synonym in synonymous definition words:

in [object]

means "part of speech"
during, while, whilst, meanwhile, at, in the act of
Further results for the word "in"

meanwhile [object]

means "during"
while, whilst, in, at, in the act of

abominable [adjective]

means "execrable"
offensive, odious, reprehensible, insulting, horrible, repugnant

aborigine [noun]

means "primitive"
native, inhabitant, ancient

absent-minded [adjective]

means "preoccupied"
distracted, dreaming, forgetful, inattentive, musing, oblivious

absorbing [adjective]

means "involved"
earnest, absorbed, fast, deep, intimate, extreme

accompanying [object]

means "along with"
in addition to, besides, on top of, side by side

acquaint [verb]

means "accustom"
familiarise, familiarize, reconnoitre, advise, inform

acquainted [adjective]

means "well-versed"
apprised, abreast, informed, familiar

administration [noun]

means "régime"
incumbency, executives

against [object]

means "touching"
in contact with, next to

against [object]

means "regardless of"
despite, notwithstanding, in spite of

agreeing [adjective]

means "compatible"
agreeable, in agreement, harmonious, accordant, in accord, compliant

ailing [adjective]

means "sick"
ill, diseased, unhealthy, afflicted, unwell, indisposed

alarming [adjective]

means "frightful"

amazing [adjective]

means "extraordinary"
phenomenal, remarkable, portentous, incredible, astounding, indescribable

amusing [adjective]

means "entertaining"
interesting, engaging, enchanting, lively, pleasing, charming

annoying [adjective]

means "inopportune"

appalling [adjective]

means "frightful"

appealing [adjective]

means "mouth-watering"

appetizing [adjective]

means "mouth-watering"

appoint [verb]

means "direct"
command, order, require, insist on, ordain, decree

appointment [noun]

means "designation"
nomination, assignment, choice, selection, designating, installation

asinine [adjective]

means "ridiculous"
absurd, foolish, idiotic, stupid, senseless, inane

astounding [adjective]

means "marvellous"
wonderful, amazing, spectacular, astonishing, fabulous, incredible

barring [adjective]

means "exclusive"
prohibitive, restricted, excluding, incompatible

begin [verb]

means "start"
initiate, undertake, commence, embark, enter upon, institute

beginning [noun]

means "commencement"
initiation, arising, outset, opening, dawn, emergence

beginning [adjective]

means "initial"
primary, first, basic, elementary, introductory, rudimentary

behind [object]

means "position"
in back of, after, following, back, to the rear

bidding [noun]

means "call"
summons, invitation, request, offer

bind [verb]

means "obligate"
oblige, force, necessitate, sanction, involve, engage

blind [adjective]

means "characteristic"
heedless, oblivious, careless, unaware, ignorant, indiscriminate

blundering [adjective]

means "inept"
inapt, clumsy, bungling, amateurish, unhandy, tactless

boiling [adjective]

means "hot"

borderline [adjective]

means "ambiguous"
indefinite, indistinct, doubtful, moot, equivocal, unclear

boring [adjective]

means "property"
dull, fatuous, foolish, depressing, inapt, drear

bracing [adjective]

means "refreshing"
cool, fresh, invigorating, steady, pure, stimulating

brain [noun]

means "property"
intellect, mind, mentality, genius

brain [noun]

means "person"
intellectual, egghead, scholar, academician, genius

brainless [adjective]

means "mindless"
insensate, witless, simple, silly, fatuous

brains [noun]

means "reason"
intellect, knowledge, reasoning, intelligence, sense, mind

brainwash [verb]

means "program"
inculcate, influence, condition, indoctrinate, instil, stipulate

breaking [noun]

means "violation"
division, infraction, fracture, cleavage

breathe in [verb]

means "puff"
inhale, drag

briefing [noun]

means "orientation"
adjustment, introduction, bearings

bring [verb]

means "activity"
convey, introduce, bear, accompany, deliver, carry

bring about [verb]

means "produce"
induce, cause, make, work, procure, effect

build in [verb]

means "incorporate"
include, insert

bungling [adjective]

means "inept"
inapt, blundering, clumsy, amateurish, unhandy, tactless

burning [adjective]

means "ardent"
zealous, eager, fervent, intense, impassioned, passionate

burning [adjective]

means "afire"
on fire, ablaze, ignited, fiery, inflamed, aflame

business [noun]

means "commerce"
exchange, industry, trade, production, sector, racket

business [noun]

means "affair"
interest, concern, matter

businesslike [adjective]

means "professional"
systematic, intent, orderly, scrupulous, assiduous, brisk

businesswoman [noun]

means "merchant"
industrialist, entrepreneur, capitalist, broker, manager, retailer

captivating [adjective]

means "enthralling"
absorbing, interesting, engrossing, fascinating

catching [adjective]

means "epidemic"
infectious, communicable

ceiling [noun]

means "covering"

certain [adjective]

means "unequivocal"
absolute, indisputable, incontestable, clear, unerring, plain

certain [adjective]

means "particular"
definite, specific, special, individual, especial

certain [adjective]

means "inevitable"
decided, inescapable, infallible, predestined, destined, determined

changing [adjective]

means "mutable"
mobile, inconstant, changeable, unsteady, fluid, changeful

charming [adjective]

means "entertaining"
interesting, engaging, enchanting, lively, pleasing, amusing

cheering [adjective]

means "entertaining"
interesting, engaging, enchanting, lively, pleasing, charming

coating [noun]

means "covering"
layer, film, coating, crust, plate, incrustation

coin [verb]

means "action"
make up, invent, rhyme

combine [verb]

means "blend"
fuse, admix, alloy, integrate, merge, mix

combine [verb]

means "associate"
couple, connect, link, affiliate, incorporate, form, involve

combining [adjective]

means "cooperative"
agreeing, joining, conjoint, in league

come in [verb]

means "enter"
set foot in, pass, intrude, land, alight

commingle [verb]

means "mix"
mingle, blend, combine, intermingle, admix

complaint [noun]

means "symptom"
ailment, infirmity, disease, illness, sickness, malady

composing [adjective]

means "component"
partial, integral, constituent, basic, fundamental, elemental

condescending [adjective]

means "amiable"
indulgent, beneficent, patronizing, gracious

confine [verb]

means "enclose"

confined [adjective]

means "bedridden"
shut-in, sick, indisposed, ill

conforming [adjective]

means "regular"
accordant, consistent, constant, orderly, methodical, invariant

considering [object]

means "because"
since, inasmuch as, for, whereas

constituting [adjective]

means "component"
constituent, forming, combining, integral, fundamental, elemental

constraint [noun]

means "confinement"
incarceration, imprisonment, detention, restraint, captivity, bondage

constraint [noun]

means "coercion"
force, duress, intimidation, pressure, compulsion, persuasion

contain [verb]

means "comprise"
involve, include, consist of, embrace, comprehend

contaminate [verb]

means "pollute"
debase, adulterate, corrupt, infect, defile, befoul

contingency [noun]

means "accident"
fortuity, incident, exigency, luck, predicament

continual [adjective]

means "ceaseless"
continuous, constant, unceasing, uninterrupted, steady, incessant

continuance [noun]

means "adjournment"
suspension, postponement, stay, intermission

convince [verb]

means "assure"
persuade, induce, satisfy, prove, secure

cooking [adjective]

means "stirring"
afoot, in progress, happening, forthcoming

corrupting [adjective]

means "guileful"
beguiling, evil, insidious

covering [noun]

means "cover"

criminal [adjective]

means "illegal"
flagitious, iniquitous, nefarious, sinful, unlawful, wicked

cunning [adjective]

means "sly"
deep, artful, designing, crafty, insidious, foxy

cunning [adjective]

means "skilful"
ingenious, clever

cutting [adjective]

means "sharp"
incisive, pointed, keen, piercing, trenchant

cutting [adjective]

means "caustic"
pungent, searching, acid, incisive, satirical, shrill

damaging [adjective]

means "detrimental"
harmful, injurious, bad, deleterious, pernicious

daring [noun]

means "audacity"
boldness, bravery, courage, heroism, intrepidity

dawning [noun]

means "initial"
primary, first, basic, elementary, introductory, rudimentary

dealing [noun]

means "business"

decline [verb]

means "descend"
dip, sag, droop, set, incline, settle

decline [noun]

means "slope"
descent, pitch, declivity, dip, hill, incline

define [verb]

means "activity"
entitle, illustrate, interpret

delinquent [adjective]

means "unpaid and overdue"
unpaid, overdue, owed, due, in arrears, owing

denominate [verb]

means "designate"
acclaim, indicate

detain [verb]

means "delay"
hold up, arrest, inhibit, check, keep, retard

detain [verb]

means "confine"
constrain, arrest, intern, restrain

determinant [noun]

means "element"
component, constituent, part, portion, ingredient, factor

determine [verb]

means "induce"
control, impel, govern, incline, lead

determined [adjective]

means "resolute"
positive, resolved, inflexible, set, strenuous, rigid

devouring [adjective]

means "gluttonous"
greedy, ravenous, voracious, starved, carnivorous, insatiable

dig in [verb]

means "ingrain"
embed, entrench, fix, infix, lodge, root

dint [noun]

means "dent"
notch, scrape, scratch, indentation, nick, jag

discontinue [verb]

means "pause"
interrupt, break, suspend

discontinuity [noun]

means "respite"
stay, recess, intermission, break, hiatus, interruption

discriminate [verb]

means "favour"
segregate, incline

disinclined [adjective]

means "averse"
hostile, unwilling, reluctant, loath, opposed, inimical, indisposed

distressing [adjective]

means "crucial"
brisk, climacteric, fine, acute, incisive, fierce

double meaning [noun]

means "play on words"
ambiguity, pun, joke, innuendo

easygoing [adjective]

means "tolerant"
complaisant, indulgent, peaceful, placid, calm

easygoing [adjective]

means "casual"
breezy, off-hand, common, informal, relaxed, unconstrained

embarrassing [adjective]

means "inopportune"

enchanting [adjective]

means "entertaining"
interesting, engaging, amusing, lively, pleasing, charming

engaging [adjective]

means "entertaining"
interesting, amusing, enchanting, lively, pleasing, charming

engrossing [adjective]

means "enthralling"
absorbing, interesting, captivating, fascinating

enjoin [verb]

means "prohibit"
forbid, ban, exclude, interdict, preclude, proscribe

enkindle [verb]

means "evoke"
arouse, incite, stir up, foment, excite

enlightening [adjective]

means "illuminating"
illuminant, instructive, elucidating, informative, illuminative, edifying

ensuing [adjective]

means "resultant"
following, resulting, consequent, indirect, subsequent, sequential

entertaining [adjective]

means "amusing"
interesting, engaging, enchanting, lively, pleasing, charming

enthralling [adjective]

means "engrossing"
absorbing, interesting, captivating, fascinating

enticing [adjective]

means "stimulating"
attractive, piquant, interesting, exciting, sparkling

erring [adjective]

means "wrong"
mistaken, fallible, straying, faulty, in error, blundering

evince [verb]

means "argue"
attest, demonstrate, denote, imply, indicate, prove, infer

examination [noun]

means "scrutiny"
check, inquiry, research, analysis, inquisition, audit

examine [verb]

means "inspect"
check, explore, canvass, audit, investigate, overlook

examiner [noun]

means "one who analyses"
inquisitor, analyst, investigator, questioner

exceedingly [object]

means "awfully"
extremely, intensely, greatly, severely, almightily

exciting [adjective]

means "stimulating"
attractive, enticing, interesting, piquant, sparkling

exhilarating [adjective]

means "favourable"
auspicious, encouraging, enlivening, inspiring, promising, bright

extinguished [adjective]

means "chilly"
inert, icy, dead, frigid, still, cold

extraordinary [adjective]

means "portentous"
phenomenal, remarkable, amazing, incredible, astounding, indescribable

faint [adjective]

means "sound"
inaudible, indistinct, soft

faint [adjective]

means "property"
dim, inconspicuous, blear, subtle, dull, faded

far-reaching [adjective]

means "comprehensive"
wide, extensive, inclusive, thorough

fascinate [verb]

means "excite"
titillate, stimulate, thrill, intoxicate

fighting [adjective]

means "ready to fight"
combat, infantry, warring

finality [noun]

means "being final"
totality, finish, integrity

finally [object]

means "at last"
ultimately, in conclusion, at length

finance [noun]

means "monetary affairs"
commerce, business, investment

findings [noun]

means "data"
summary, inference

fling [noun]

means "brief excess"
party, good time, rush, indulgence, celebration

flogging [noun]

means "punishment"
penalty, correction, infliction, scourge

forbidding [adjective]

means "doomed"
hopeless, inauspicious, ominous, apocalyptic, portentous, suggestive

foreboding [adjective]

means "ominous"
portentous, inauspicious, prophetic, forewarning, threatening, ill-fated

forming [noun]

means "component"
constituting, constituent, combining, integral, fundamental, elemental

freethinker [noun]

means "independent thinker"

glaring [adjective]

means "too bright"
bright, brilliant, intense, dazzling, blazing, radiant

glimmering [noun]

means "suspicion"
notion, inkling, conception, hunch, glimpse, indication

go in [verb]

means "go into"
enter, set foot in, intrude

go into [verb]

means "enter"
go in, set foot in, intrude

hamstring [verb]

means "injure leg tendon"
injure, disable, hurt, lame, weaken, handicap

hanging [adjective]

means "unresolved"
pending, tentative, indeterminate, uncertain, deadlocked

hankering [noun]

means "desirous"

happening [noun]

means "event"
affair, occasion, instant, circumstance, incident, season

hearing [noun]

means "audition"
audience, interview, test, try-out, attendance, congress

hinder [verb]

means "impede"
delay, encumber, foil, hamper, interrupt, obstruct

hint [verb]

means "speech"
imply, insinuate, infer, suggest, intimate, mention

hint [noun]

means "indication"
clue, implication, allusion, reference, inkling, suspicion, insinuation

honouring [adjective]

means "in memoriam"
in memory, for, recognizing

horn in [verb]

means "get in on"
butt in, interfere, meddle, impose, intrude, obtrude

human being [noun]

means "person"
somebody, individual, body, soul, character, someone

humiliating [adjective]

means "opprobrious"
embarrassing, insulting

ignominy [noun]

means "disgrace"
scandal, contempt, stigma, dishonour, infamy, shame

illuminate [verb]

means "edify"
enlighten, explain, illustrate, inform, elucidate, illumine

illuminated [adjective]

means "luminous"
lighted, lit, incandescent

illumination [noun]

means "enlightenment"
information, teaching, education, edification, erudition, knowledge

impertinence [noun]

means "insult"
slur, offence, snub, slight, injury, affront

impertinent [adjective]

means "silly"
absurd, ridiculous, asinine, inane, trivial

impertinent [adjective]

means "rude"
impolite, insolent, discourteous, arrogant, brazen, impudent, insulting

impertinent [adjective]

means "irrelevant"
immaterial, inappropriate, inapplicable, incongruous, extraneous

impinge [verb]

means "encroach upon"
encroach, intrude, infringe, meddle, invade, disturb

imprint [verb]

means "print"
engrave, mark, stamp, stain, inscribe

in a bad way [adjective]

means "in bad shape"
injured, ill, hurt

in a huff [object]

means "angrily"
offended, annoyed, insulted, huffy, abruptly, rudely

in addition [object]

means "furthermore"
anyway, likewise, also, moreover, besides

in addition to [object]

means "accompanying"
along with, besides, on top of, side by side

in agreement with [object]

means "in line with"
in accord with, harmonious, consonant, fit

in anticipation [adjective]

means "expectant"
expecting, hopeful, eager, awaiting, waiting, watchful

in any case [adjective]

means "at any rate"
nonetheless, nevertheless, regardless, anyhow, be that as it may, anyway

in arrears [adjective]

means "overdue"
unpaid, behind, late, due, payable, defaulting, delinquent

in attendance [adjective]

means "attendant"
present, attending

in case [object]

means "provided"
supposing, granting, if, in the event, whether or not

in consideration of [adjective]

means "in view of"
taking into account, considering, because of, as regards

in consultation with [adjective]

means "in cooperation with"
together with, with help from, in concert with

in contact with [adjective]

means "touching"
bordering, contiguous, meeting, joining, near, adjacent

in contact with [adjective]

means "in communication with"
talking to, seeing regularly, not far from

in contrast to [adjective]

means "as opposed to"
by comparison with, contrasting

in cooperation with [adjective]

means "in collaboration with"
together with, with help from, in concert with, assisting

in demand [adjective]

means "wanted"
popular, coveted, desired, needed

in detail [object]

means "exactly"
precisely, strictly, particularly

in doubt [adjective]

means "uncertain"
unsure, dubious, undecided, doubtful, debatable, questionable, puzzling

in due time [object]

means "eventually"
inevitably, finally, ultimately

in equilibrium [adjective]

means "poised"
balanced, offset, equivalent

in error [adjective]

means "mistaken"
wrong, inaccurate, flawed, full of bugs, erroneous, fallacious, incorrect, faulty, false, misleading, equivocal

in essence [object]

means "practically"
virtually, probably, substantially, morally, implicitly

in fact [object]

means "really"
certainly, sincerely, in truth, moreover, verily, truly

in fashion [adjective]

means "fashionable"
trendy, chic, stylish, in vogue, modish, swank, smart

in favour [adjective]

means "winning approval"
approving, supportive, enthusiastic, supporting, favoured

in favour of [noun]

means "in support of"
sanctioning, supporting, backing, funding

in force [adjective]

means "effective"
prevailing, active, sovereign, standing, operative

in front of [object]

means "ahead of"
prior to, before, preceding, beforehand, previously, until, in advance

in general [adjective]

means "generally"
usually, overall, on the whole, regularly

in itself [object]

means "as such"
intrinsically, alone

in league [object]

means "united"
allied, joined, related, co-operative, associated, in partnership

in line with [adjective]

means "in agreement with"
in accord with, harmonious, consonant, fit

in love [adjective]

means "sexual"
sensual, erotic, passionate, amorous, libidinous, fond, lustful

in memory [adjective]

means "in memoriam"
honouring, for, recognizing

in motion [adjective]

means "moving"
mobile, unstable, going, shifting, ascending, descending

in particular [adjective]

means "especially"
particularly, chiefly, principally, specifically, mainly

in perpetuity [object]

means "eternally"
endlessly, perpetually, continually, infinitely, forever

in pieces [adjective]

means "to pieces"
in two, divided, asunder

in progress [adjective]

means "stirring"
cooking, afoot, happening, forthcoming

in reality [adjective]

means "in truth"
in actuality, really, in fact, actually, truly, indeed

in regard to [object]

means "concerning"
connected with, respecting, about, of

in reserve [object]

means "to one side"
to the side, abreast, sideways, laterally, alongside, aside, obliquely

in reverse [object]

means "rearward"
to the rear, back, backward, behind

in short [adjective]

means "in summary"
briefly, to make a long story short, so, in conclusion

in spite of [object]

means "regardless of"
despite, notwithstanding, against

in style [adjective]

means "fashionable"
chic, stylish, in vogue, trendy, smart, a la mode, popular

in support of [adjective]

means "in favour of"
sanctioning, supporting, backing, funding

in that case [object]

means "then"
therefore, thus, besides, therewith, still, in addition

in the act of [object]

means "while"
as, at the same time, during

in the air [adjective]

means "prevalent"
abroad, astir, in the making, common, popular, rampant

in the background [adjective]

means "unnoticed"
obscure, out of sight, withdrawn, shy, unseen

in the beginning [object]

means "at first"
in the first place, up front

in the dark [adjective]

means "not knowing"
unenlightened, ignorant, uninstructed, unaware, uninformed, deluded, deceived, baffled, confused

in the end [adjective]

means "at last"
at length, in conclusion, as a result, finally

in the lead [adjective]

means "ahead"
prevailing, winning, foremost, triumphant

in the making [adjective]

means "prevalent"
abroad, astir, in the air, common, popular, rampant

in the market [adjective]

means "buying"

in the meantime [adjective]

means "meanwhile"
at the same time, for now

in toto [adjective]

means "totally"
the whole thing, completely, wholly, fully, entirely

in touch with [adjective]

means "touching"
in contact with, in communication with, seeing regularly, talking to, familiar with

in two [object]

means "asunder"
in pieces, to pieces, apart

in use [adjective]

means "busy"
occupied, unavailable, taken

in vain [object]

means "to no avail"

in view of [adjective]

means "in consideration of"
considering, because, taking into account, as regards

in vogue [adjective]

means "fashionable"
contemporary, à la mode, topical, accepted, current, stylish

inability [noun]

means "incapacity"
inadequacy, impotence, incapability, incompetence

inaccessible [adjective]

means "distant"
alien, remote, isolated, far off, foreign

inaccuracy [noun]

means "incorrectness"

inaccuracy [noun]

means "error"
blunder, mistake, slip

inaccurate [adjective]

means "unfaithful"
distorted, imprecise, inexact

inactive [adjective]

means "inert"
flat, sluggish, dull, stagnant, low, torpid, dead

inadequacy [noun]

means "shortcoming"
deficiency, drawback, defect, shortage, flaw, lack, blemish

inadequacy [noun]

means "insecurity"
inferiority, incompetence, failing, ineptitude, weakness, impotence

inadequate [adjective]

means "weak"
impotent, ineffective, spineless, boneless

inadequate [adjective]

means "short"
insufficient, scant, scarce, wanting

inadequate [adjective]

means "deficient"
insufficient, incompetent, imperfect, inapt, defective, incomplete

inadequately [object]

means "scantily"
meagrely, insufficiently

inadmissible [adjective]

means "unfit"
inappropriate, unacceptable, unsuitable, unqualified, inapplicable, impossible

inadvertent [adjective]

means "unconsidered"
unthinking, inconsiderate, negligent, superficial, unmindful, thoughtless, careless

inadvisable [adjective]

means "imprudent"

inane [adjective]

means "foolish"
absurd, inept, ridiculous, stupid, dumb, pointless

inanimate [adjective]

means "unfeeling"
insensate, senseless, mechanical, inorganic, mineral, vegetable

inanimate [adjective]

means "dead"
deceased, defunct, lifeless, extinct, inert

inapplicable [adjective]

means "irrelevant"
immaterial, inappropriate, impertinent, incongruous, extraneous

inappropriate [adjective]

means "unfitted"
unbecoming, unapt, unfit, unsuitable, unsuited

inapt [adjective]

means "unskilful"
inept, unhandy

inapt [adjective]

means "unfit"
inappropriate, unsuitable, unsuited, not pertinent, clumsy, awkward, slow

inarticulate [adjective]

means "unintelligible"
incomprehensible, obscure, garbled, inaudible, stammering, vague

inarticulate [adjective]

means "not good with words"
silent, wordless, speechless, mute, tongue-tied, dumb, reticent

inasmuch as [object]

means "because"
since, as

inattention [noun]

means "neglect"
omission, disregard, oversight

inattentive [adjective]

means "careless"
reckless, forgetful, heedless, indiscreet, inaccurate, neglectful, slack

inaudible [adjective]

means "faint"
indistinct, soft

inaugural [adjective]

means "foremost"
first, initial, leading

inaugurate [verb]

means "initiate"
invest, induct, install

inauguration [noun]

means "accession"
installation, investment, promotion, succession, induction, initiation

inauspicious [adjective]

means "adverse"
unfavourable, unlucky, detrimental, unpropitious, negative, disastrous, catastrophic

inborn [adjective]

means "native"
congenital, implanted, ingrained, inbred, inherent, fundamental, hereditary

inbred [adjective]

means "inherent"
instinctive, intrinsic, congenital, innate, constitutional

incalculable [adjective]

means "uncertain"
unpredictable, indeterminate, unforeseen, variable, indefinite, unfixed

incalculable [adjective]

means "limitless"
boundless, immeasurable, inestimable, unfathomable, infinite, vast, immense

incandescent [adjective]

means "illuminated"
lighted, lit, luminous

incantation [noun]

means "charm"
spell, hex, conjuration, amulet, talisman

incapability [noun]

means "incapacity"
disqualification, feebleness, impotence, unfitness, inability, disability, incompetence

incapable [adjective]

means "unfit"
inadequate, incompetent, unsatisfactory, unsuitable, unqualified, ineligible

incapacitate [verb]

means "censor"
render unfit

incapacity [noun]

means "inability"
inadequacy, incompetence, insufficiency, ineptitude, uselessness

incarcerate [verb]

means "jail"
imprison, sentence, confine, punish

incarceration [noun]

means "confinement"
constraint, imprisonment, detention, restraint, captivity, bondage, arrest

incarnate [adjective]

means "embody"
illustrate, personify, exemplify, reflect, simulate, demonstrate, image

incautious [adjective]

means "unwatchful"
unwary, unguarded, unvigilant

incautious [adjective]

means "rash"
hasty, reckless, thoughtless, hot-headed

incendiary [noun]

means "political agitator"
agitator, radical, reactionary, catalyst, iconoclast, fomenter

incense [verb]

means "anger"
enrage, infuriate, exasperate, madden, excite, inflame, irritate

incense [noun]

means "scent"
fragrance, aroma, bouquet, perfume

incensed [adjective]

means "angry"
furious, enraged, irate, raging, mad, wrathful

incentive [noun]

means "objective"
aim, reason, intention, motive, purpose, impetus, design

inception [noun]

means "origin"
beginning, source, derivation, cause, root, root-stock, whence

incessant [adjective]

means "continual"
perpetual, constant, persistent, endless, uninterrupted, unbroken, non-stop

incessantly [object]

means "ceaselessly"
continuously, endlessly, away, forever

inchoate [adjective]

means "just begun"
rudimentary, beginning, embryonic, incipient, undeveloped

incidence [noun]

means "rate of occurrence"
occurrence, frequency, range, scope, spread, direction, trend

incidence [noun]

means "direction of fall"
tendency, drift, degree, slope, proportion, line, measure

incident [noun]

means "event"
affair, happening, instant, circumstance, occasion, season, moment

incidental [adjective]

means "accidental"
chance, fortuitous, unplanned, random, lucky, casual

incidentally [object]

means "accidentally"

incinerate [verb]

means "flame"
blaze, ignite, sear, flare, char, burn

incipient [adjective]

means "beginning"
introductory, inaugural, initial, initiatory, initiative

incise [verb]

means "penetrate"
score, scratch, gash, claw, cut, lance, pierce

incision [noun]

means "cut"
rent, channel, stab, gash, pierce, nip, passage

incisive [adjective]

means "keen"
acute, sharp, crisp, clear-cut

incisive [adjective]

means "cutting"
biting, acute, acid, penetrating, sarcastic, sardonic, satirical

incisor [noun]

means "tooth"
tusk, cusp

incite [verb]

means "provoke"
induce, animate, galvanise, galvanize, prompt, arouse, innervate, call forth

inclemency [noun]

means "bad weather"
harshness, bitterness, coldness, rawness, severity

inclement [adjective]

means "severe"
harsh, cruel, bitter, unrelenting, hard, relentless

inclination [noun]

means "preference"
tendency, propensity, proclivity, predilection, penchant, bent, fondness

inclination [noun]

means "leaning"
slant, slope, tilt, grade, inclining, tendency, tending

incline [verb]

means "slant"
lean, tilt, recline, slope, list

incline [verb]

means "bend"
influence, bias, predispose, dispose

incline [noun]

means "slope"
slant, grade, inclination

inclined [adjective]

means "sloping"
tilted, slanted, angled, oblique, tipped

inclined [adjective]

means "having a preference"
tending, slanted, prone, likely

inclining [adjective]

means "bias"
bevel, oblique, diagonal, askew, biased, slanted

include [verb]

means "cover"
do, comprehend, incorporate, comprise, contain, embody, embrace

included [adjective]

means "attended to"
covered, recorded, noted, written

including [object]

means "in addition to"
along with, as well as, together with

inclusive [adjective]

means "grand"
complete, comprehensive, all-inclusive

incoherence [noun]

means "irrationality"
inconsistency, craziness, idiocy, insanity, madness

incoherent [adjective]

means "inarticulate"

incoherent [adjective]

means "disoriented"
irrational, disordered, muddled, disjointed, inchoate, loose

income [noun]

means "profession"
earnings, allowance, commission, fee, pay, payment, emolument, pittance

incommode [verb]

means "inconvenience"
disturb, trouble, vex, annoy, discomfort, discommode

incommode [verb]

means "hinder"
delay, obstruct, impede, interfere

incomparable [adjective]

means "exceptional"
extraordinary, excellent, rare, exquisite, admirable, fine, choice

incompatibility [noun]

means "disagreement"
objection, contrariety, discord, difference, distaste, opposition, disfavour

incompatible [adjective]

means "unsuited"
incongruous, inconsistent, unsuitable, opposite, irreconcilable

incompatible [adjective]

means "contrary"
contradictory, opposed, inharmonious, discordant, difficult

incompetence [noun]

means "inadequacy"
ignorance, inability, ineptitude, inexperience, incapacity, worthlessness

incompetent [adjective]

means "unfit"
unqualified, incapable, unable, inadequate, insufficient

incompetent [adjective]

means "inefficient"
inept, unskilled, clumsy

incomplete [noun]

means "not passing"

incomplete [adjective]

means "not complete"
imperfect, lacking, unfinished, inadequate

incomprehensible [adjective]

means "imperceptible"
inaudible, insensible, indistinct, ill-defined, obscure

inconceivable [adjective]

means "unimaginable"
unthinkable, impossible, unbelievable, fantastic, preposterous, implausible, outlandish

inconclusive [adjective]

means "vague"
illogical, lame, weak, unconvincing, unsatisfactory

incongruity [noun]

means "lack of harmony"
difference, incompatibility, inconsistency, anomaly, discrepancy, inequality

incongruous [adjective]

means "strange"
unusual, bizarre, alien

incongruous [adjective]

means "inconsonant"
discordant, inharmonious, dissonant

incongruous [adjective]

means "inconsistent"
incoherent, illogical, contradictory, contrary, unfitting

incongruous [adjective]

means "inappropriate"
incompatible, irreconcilable, discrepant, unbecoming, absurd

inconsequent [adjective]

means "inferior"
insignificant, unessential, mean, unimportant, nonessential, low, paltry

inconsequential [adjective]

means "contemptible"
mean, inconsequent, miserly, petty, stingy, shallow

inconsiderable [adjective]

means "unsubstantial"
trivial, trifling, slight, shallow, petty, minor, light

inconsiderate [adjective]

means "unconsidered"
unthinking, careless, negligent, superficial, unmindful, thoughtless, inadvertent

inconsistency [noun]

means "discrepancy"
disagreement, difference, dissimilarity, disparity

inconsistent [adjective]

means "inconstant"
incompatible, inharmonious, discrepant, inappropriate, incoherent, incongruous, irreconcilable

inconsistent [adjective]

means "fickle"
changeable, unstable, mercurial

inconspicuous [adjective]

means "dim"
faint, blear, subtle, dull, faded, fuzzy, bleary

inconstant [adjective]

means "uncertain"
irregular, undependable, unsteady, variable, fickle, capricious, chance

incontestable [adjective]

means "unequivocal"
absolute, indisputable, certain, clear, unerring, plain, patent

incontrovertible [adjective]

means "unequivocal"
absolute, indisputable, incontestable, clear, unerring, plain, patent

inconvenience [verb]

means "trouble"
put out, disoblige, discommode, incommode

inconvenience [noun]

means "bother"

inconvenient [adjective]

means "untimely"
awkward, inopportune, disadvantageous, difficult, annoying, troublesome, bothersome

incorporate [verb]

means "merge"
bring together, combine, include, embody, consolidate, unite

incorporate [verb]

means "form a legal corporation"
charter, affiliate, organise, organize

incorporation [noun]

means "annexation"
addition, merger, appropriation

incorporeal [adjective]

means "ethereal"
intangible, unsubstantial, airy, immaterial, vaporous

incorrect [adjective]

means "inaccurate"
false, inexact, untrue, wrong, erroneous

incorrect [adjective]

means "improper"
immoral, indecent, faulty

incorrectly [object]

means "amiss"

incorrectness [noun]

means "impropriety"

incorrigible [adjective]

means "hardened"
adamant, obdurate, stony, hard, shameless

incorruptible [adjective]

means "impeccably honest"
honest, scrupulous, loyal, honourable, ethical, reliable, trustworthy

increase [verb]

means "expand"
grow, multiply, greaten, enlarge, add to, aggrandise, aggrandize, extend

increase [noun]

means "growth"
expansion, addition, enlargement, extension, augmentation

increased [adjective]

means "inflated"
distended, expanded, dilated, bulging, full, puffy

increasing [adjective]

means "intensifying"
heightening, advancing, escalating, sharpening

increasing [adjective]

means "augmenting"
enlarging, swelling, flourishing, multiplying

incredible [adjective]

means "unbelievable"
unimaginable, unthinkable, inconceivable, improbable, extraordinary, suspect

incredible [adjective]

means "implausible"
unsubstantial, flimsy, weak, thin

incredulous [adjective]

means "doubtful"
dubious, suspicious, indecisive, precarious, perplexed, sceptical, undecided

incriminate [verb]

means "blame"
decry, rebuke, castigate, inculpate, chide, berate, upbraid

incriminating [adjective]

means "damning"
serious, ruinous

incrust [verb]

means "coat"
face, case, veneer, paper, stain, varnish, cover

incrustation [noun]

means "oxidation"
corrosion, tarnish, rust

incubate [verb]

means "sulk"
muse, dwell on, grieve, fret, ponder, ruminate over, pout, hatch

incubus [noun]

means "evil spirit"
devil, fiend, imp, monster, demon, vampire

inculcate [verb]

means "program"
condition, influence, brainwash, indoctrinate, instil, stipulate

inculpate [verb]

means "accuse"
censure, incriminate, charge, blame, impeach, cite, arraign

incumbency [noun]

means "régime"
administration, executives

incumbent [adjective]

means "obligatory"
binding, compelling, constrained, compulsory, urgent

incumbent [adjective]

means "in office"
elected, inaugurated, acting, official

incur [verb]

means "get"
contract, catch, break out with, come down with

incurable [adjective]

means "hopeless"
impossible, irreparable, irremediable, unrecoverable

incursion [noun]

means "attack"
assault, advance, foray, descent, raid

indebted [adjective]

means "under obligation"
in arrears, accountable

indebted [adjective]

means "obliged"
obligated, thankful, grateful, beholden, gratified, appreciative

indecency [noun]

means "obscenity"
pornography, filth, smut, immorality

indecent [adjective]

means "nasty"
gross, immoral, immodest, indelicate, shameful, lascivious, sordid

indecipherable [adjective]

means "illegible"
unreadable, mysterious, puzzling, obscure, incomprehensible

indecision [noun]

means "distrust"
hazard, disbelief, problem, faltering, quandary, hesitancy, hesitation

indecisive [adjective]

means "irresolute"
hesitant, unstable, ambivalent, changeable, wishy-washy, doubtful

indecisive [adjective]

means "inconclusive"
unsettled, borderline, equivocal, ambiguous, unclear, unstable

indecorous [adjective]

means "improper"
unbecoming, indecent, unseemly, rough, malodorous

indeed [object]

means "part of speech"
even, completely, truly, fully, verily, just, quite, still

indefinite [adjective]

means "unclear"
obscure, vague, unspecific, uncertain, hazy, dim, equivocal

indefinite [adjective]

means "uncertain"
indistinct, inexact, undetermined, unlimited, indeterminate, undefined

indefinite [adjective]

means "limitless"
unlimited, infinite, eternal, boundless, endless, immeasurable

indelible [adjective]

means "memorable"

indelicate [adjective]

means "blunt"
crude, bare, direct, rough, undisguised

indemnify [verb]

means "pay"
requite, pay off, compensate, recompense, redress, reimburse, remunerate

indemnity [noun]

means "reimbursement"
reparation, compensation, settlement, damages, indemnification, restitution

indent [verb]

means "dent"
break up, strike, pick, peck, pierce

indentation [noun]

means "imprint"
impress, impression, stamp, print

indenture [verb]

means "bind"
apprentice, enslave

independence [noun]

means "freedom"
autonomy, liberty, autocracy, sovereignty

independent [adjective]

means "having one's own finances"
solvent, well-off, affluent, wealthy, rich, well-to-do

independent [adjective]

means "autonomous"
unconstrained, free, self-reliant, separate

independently [object]

means "away in time or place"
separately, alone, individually, away, apart, exclusively, to one side

indescribable [adjective]

means "unmentionable"
disreputable, nameless, offensive, despicable, odious

indestructible [adjective]

means "very durable"
durable, permanent, rugged, imperishable, unchangeable

indeterminate [adjective]

means "imprecise"
indefinite, loose, indistinct, vague, inexact, general, ill-defined

index [verb]

means "activity"
sort, tabulate, alphabetise, alphabetize, catalogue, arrange, rearrange, file, record

index [noun]

means "office"
organizational table, card file, directory

index [noun]

means "indication"
indicator, pointer, sign, guide, manifestation, model

indicate [verb]

means "testify"
attest, verify, argue, witness, announce, betoken

indicate [verb]

means "show"
denote, mark, connote, say, register, record, read

indicate [verb]

means "point"
insinuate, hint, imply, suggest, charge, accuse

indication [noun]

means "evidence"
sign, signal

indicative [adjective]

means "characteristic"

indicator [noun]

means "pointer"
arrow, needle, directive, gauge, sign

indict [verb]

means "censure"
charge, accuse, rebuke, reproach, condemn, fault, blame

indictment [noun]

means "accusation"
complaint, allegation, imputation, reproach, charge

indifference [noun]

means "unimportance"
insignificance, triviality

indifference [noun]

means "inferiority"

indifference [noun]

means "apathy"
listlessness, unconcern, inattention, coolness, insensibility

indifferent [adjective]

means "apathetic"
mediocre, listless, unresponsive, nonchalant, cool, detached, cold

indifferently [object]

means "attitude"
carelessly, casually, easily

indigence [noun]

means "poverty"
destitution, distress, insolvency, penury

indigenous [adjective]

means "native"
local, original, autochthonous, domestic, aboriginal, primitive

indigenous [adjective]

means "innate"
inherent, inborn, congenital, intrinsic, natural

indigent [adjective]

means "poor"
destitute, insolvent, distressed, broke, underprivileged, impecunious, impoverished

indignant [adjective]

means "angry"
sore, irritable, irked, irritated, vexatious, resentful, distressing

indignation [noun]

means "anger"
outrage, umbrage, displeasure, offence, ire, resentment, unpleasantness

indigo [adjective]

means "blueness"
azure, cerulean, blue, sapphire, turquoise

indirect [adjective]

means "devious"
shifty, sneaky, underhanded

indirect [adjective]

means "circuitous"
meandering, circular, collateral, oblique, roundabout

indirectly [object]

means "in a roundabout way"

indiscreet [adjective]

means "precipitate"
hasty, headlong, rash, reckless

indiscretion [noun]

means "error"
mistake, oversight, blunder, lapse, fault, slip, misdeed

indiscriminate [adjective]

means "undistinguishing"
miscellaneous, sweeping, wholesale

indiscriminate [adjective]

means "random"
haphazard, aimless, confused, indistinguishable, unplanned, purposeless, promiscuous

indiscriminate [adjective]

means "assorted"
varied, mixed, variegated, motley, heterogeneous

indispensable [adjective]

means "necessary"
needed, essential, required, imperative, vital

indispose [verb]

means "disincline"
discourage, dissuade, bias, prejudice

indispose [verb]

means "debilitate"
impair, disable, bar, incapacitate, disallow

indisposed [adjective]

means "sick"
ill, ailing, unwell, injured

indisposed [adjective]

means "averse"
reluctant, unwilling, disinclined, hesitant, loath, unable

indisposition [noun]

means "ailment"
affection, complaint, derangement, disease, illness, disorder, malady

indisputable [adjective]

means "sure"
incontestable, incontrovertible, undeniable, unquestionable, certain, irrefutable, indubitable

indisputable [adjective]

means "real"
actual, true, undeniable

indistinct [adjective]

means "obscure"
dark, blurred, adumbrate, unclear, blurry, becloud, dim

indistinguishable [adjective]

means "random"
haphazard, aimless, confused, indiscriminate, unplanned, purposeless, promiscuous

individual [noun]

means "person"
human being, animal, thing, one, unit, woman, man

individual [adjective]

means "single"
separate, singular, specific, distinct, particular, personal, distinctive

individualise [verb]

means "particularise"
individualize, separate, differentiate

individualist [noun]

means "independent thinker"
eclectic, heretic, radical, atheist, non-believer, maverick, freethinker

individuality [noun]

means "disposition"
character, singularity, particularity

individualize [verb]

means "individualise"
particularise, separate, differentiate

individually [object]

means "particularly"
notably, characteristically, especially, separately, singly, specially

indoctrinate [verb]

means "instruct"
tutor, teach, train, edify, enlighten, initiate, orient

indoctrination [noun]

means "brain-washing"
education, instruction

indolence [noun]

means "inactivity"
loitering, idleness, unemployment, not working

indolent [adjective]

means "sluggish"
bloodless, slow, lazy

indomitable [adjective]

means "unruly"
wild, unmanageable, fractious, recalcitrant

indomitable [adjective]

means "unconquerable"
invincible, unassailable, impregnable, unyielding

indomitable [adjective]

means "insuperable"
dogged, resolute, impassable, insurmountable

indubitable [adjective]

means "certain"
unequivocal, undeniable, definite, absolute, categorical, sure, affirmative

induce [verb]

means "persuade"
instigate, impel, incite, influence, spur, urge, bring about

induce [verb]

means "generate"
cause, muster, effect, produce, breed, bring about, engender

inducement [noun]

means "bait"
lure, attraction, enticement, decoy, bribe

induct [verb]

means "initiate"
inaugurate, invest, install

induction [noun]

means "reasoning"
deduction, inference, judgement, conjecture, rationalisation, rationalization, reason

induction [noun]

means "initiation"
installation, conscription, investiture, selection

inductive [adjective]

means "preliminary"
introductory, prefatory

indulge [verb]

means "wallow"
bask, luxuriate, revel, rollick

indulge [verb]

means "allow"
tolerate, humour, permit, suffer, cater

indulgence [noun]

means "gratification"
lenience, forbearance, tolerance, understanding, patience, gratifying

indulgence [noun]

means "excess"
extravagance, lavishness, gratification, intemperance, luxury

indulgent [adjective]

means "lenient"
easy, easygoing, tractable

industrialisation [noun]

means "automation"

industrialist [noun]

means "nobleman"
tycoon, aristocrat, magnate, lord, mogul, noble, baron

industrialization [noun]

means "industrialisation"

industrious [adjective]

means "busy"
assiduous, fraught, diligent, sedulous, hardworking, overworked

industry [noun]

means "sector of commerce"
sector, branch, business, trade, manufacturing, enterprise

industry [noun]

means "activity"
application, enterprise, perseverance, zeal, hard work, diligence, assiduity

inebriate [verb]

means "intoxicate"

inebriate [noun]

means "drunkard"
lush, boozer, sot, alcoholic, intoxicant, tippler

inebriated [adjective]

means "drunk"
tight, intoxicated, tipsy

inedible [adjective]

means "immature"
unripe, maturing, sappy, young, sour, green

ineffable [adjective]

means "inexpressible"
indescribable, unutterable, incredible, unspeakable, transcendent, nameless, impossible

ineffective [adjective]

means "feeble"
impotent, insufficient, ineffectual, weak, feckless

ineffectual [adjective]

means "weak"
feeble, powerless, forceless, impotent, spineless, boneless

ineffectual [adjective]

means "ineffective"
useless, futile, fruitless, unproductive, pointless, purposeless, unavailing

inefficient [adjective]

means "incompetent"
inept, unskilled, clumsy

inelastic [adjective]

means "fragile"
breakable, brittle, crisp, frail, frangible

inelegant [adjective]

means "awkward"
clumsy, crude, graceless, stiff, abrupt, harsh

ineligible [adjective]

means "incompetent"
incapable, unqualified, disqualified, unfit, inexpert, unable

ineluctable [adjective]

means "inevitable"
inescapable, unavoidable, relentless, unswerving, certain

inept [adjective]

means "unsuited"
inappropriate, unfitted, unfitting, unsuitable, inapt, anomalous

inept [adjective]

means "foolish"
absurd, inane, ridiculous, stupid, dumb, pointless

inept [adjective]

means "awkward"
graceless, unfortunate, inapt, unhappy

ineptitude [noun]

means "incompetence"
disqualification, unfitness, inability, incapacity

inequality [noun]

means "irregularity"
unevenness, roughness

inequality [noun]

means "disparity"

inequitable [adjective]

means "unjust"
unfair, injurious, iniquitous, biased, wrongful, prejudicial

inequity [noun]

means "bias"
partiality, favouritism, inclination

inert [adjective]

means "dead"
flat, sluggish, dull, stagnant, low, torpid, inactive

inertia [noun]

means "sluggishness"
inactivity, indolence, passivity, listlessness, idleness, laziness

inescapable [adjective]

means "inevitable"
decided, certain, infallible, predestined, destined, determined, sure

inestimable [adjective]

means "incalculable"
unmeasured, immense, boundless

inevitability [noun]

means "destiny"
predetermination, conclusion, decree, certainty, luck

inevitable [noun]

means "certain"
decided, inescapable, infallible, predestined, destined, determined, sure

inevitably [object]

means "eventually"
in due time, finally, ultimately

inexact [adjective]

means "approximate"
rough, incomplete, vague

inexhaustible [adjective]

means "abundant"
abounding, bountiful, copious, exuberant, generous, ample, lavish

inexorable [adjective]

means "uncompromising"
dogmatic, austere, severe, strict, absolute, stiff, positive

inexpedient [adjective]

means "imprudent"
inadvisable, inconvenient

inexpensive [adjective]

means "economical"
cheap, low, reasonable, fair, moderate

inexpensively [object]

means "cheaply"

inexperience [noun]

means "newness"
naivete, greenness, innocence, rawness, freshness

inexperienced [adjective]

means "fresh"
artless, untried, green, raw, uncultivated, unskilled, untrained

inexpert [adjective]

means "awkward"
unskilful, untrained, inexperienced, unpolished, inapt

inexplicable [adjective]

means "unusual"
abnormal, bizarre, odd, peculiar, extraordinary, strange, irregular

inexpressible [adjective]

means "ineffable"
indescribable, unutterable, incredible, unspeakable, transcendent, nameless, impossible

inextricable [adjective]

means "chaotic"
disordered, jumbled, snarled, embroiled, confused

infallible [adjective]

means "unfailing"
trusty, reliable, trustworthy, sure, certain, honest

infamous [adjective]

means "wicked"
nefarious, shameful, vile, villainous, bad, base, detestable

infamous [adjective]

means "disreputable"
notorious, ignoble, opprobrious

infamy [noun]

means "defamation"
aspersion, disgrace, blame, obloquy, calumny, censure

infancy [noun]

means "minority"
immaturity, juvenility

infancy [noun]

means "babyhood"
childhood, youth, beginning

infant [noun]

means "baby"
tot, kid, newborn, suckling

infantile [adjective]

means "babyish"
childish, immature, puerile, weak

infantry [noun]

means "armed force"
military, troops, army, battalion, corps

infantryman [noun]

means "soldier"
private, sailor

infatuated [adjective]

means "aroused"
flushed, burning, glowing, ardent

infatuation [noun]

means "crush"
love, flame, passion

infeasible [adjective]

means "unrealisable"
unrealizable, impracticable, impractical, unworkable, impossible

infect [verb]

means "contaminate"
pervert, debase, pollute, adulterate, taint

infected [adjective]

means "impure"
unclean, adulterated, contaminated, corrupted, corrupt, putrescent, putrid

infection [noun]

means "communicable disease"
contagion, disease, poison, virus, illness, taint, pollution

infectious [noun]

means "epidemic"
outbreak, scourge, plague, pestilence, rash

infelicitous [adjective]

means "inept"
unfortunate, awkward, graceless

infer [verb]

means "imply"
insinuate, hint, suggest, indicate

infer [verb]

means "deduce"
conclude, induce, reason, gather, presume, conjecture

inference [noun]

means "deduction"
supposition, reason, judgment, illation

inference [noun]

means "conclusion"
deduction, reason, judgment, decision, corollary, illation

inferior [adjective]

means "poor"
second-rate, mediocre, substandard

inferior [adjective]

means "lower"
secondary, subordinate, lesser, minor, under

inferiority [noun]

means "indifference"

infernal [adjective]

means "plutonic"

infernal [adjective]

means "hellish"
cimmerian, plutonian, plutonic, stygian

inferno [noun]

means "blaze"
conflagration, flame, holocaust, pyre, fire, combustion

infertile [adjective]

means "desolate"
barren, sterile, waste, arid

infest [verb]

means "overrun"
swarm, spread, invade, overwhelm, ravage, beset, plague

infested [adjective]

means "overrun"
swarming, jammed, plagued, beset, crowded

infested [adjective]

means "full of vermin"
diseased, ravaged, sickly, afflicted

infidel [noun]

means "unbelieving"
irreligious, agnostic, dubious, heathen, faithless, atheistic

infidelity [noun]

means "unfaithfulness"
disloyalty, perfidy, falsity, falseness

infiltrate [verb]

means "filter into"
filter, penetrate, permeate, pervade, saturate, percolate

infiltrator [noun]

means "stool pigeon"
spy, secret agent, squealer, informer

infinite [adjective]

means "limitless"
unlimited, indefinite, eternal, boundless, endless, immeasurable

infinitely [object]

means "in perpetuity"
endlessly, perpetually, continually, eternally, forever

infinity [noun]

means "infinite distance"
space, outer space, cosmos, universe

infirm [adjective]

means "feeble"
puny, insubstantial, weak, sickly, unhealthy, unwell, weakly

infirmary [noun]

means "dispensary"
clinic, sick bay

infirmity [noun]

means "sickness"
disease, ailment, disorder, malady, illness, indisposition

infirmity [noun]

means "decrepitude"
debility, feebleness, sickliness, malaise, senility

infix [verb]

means "ingrain"
embed, dig in, fix, entrench, lodge, root

inflame [verb]

means "light"
rouse, stimulate, excite, arouse, fire, kindle

inflame [verb]

means "irritate"
aggravate, incense, incite, rile, provoke, grate, gall

inflamed [adjective]

means "infected"
swollen, sore, blistered, feverish

inflamed [adjective]

means "aroused"
stimulated, excited, impassioned, enthusiastic, heated, fervent, ardent

inflammable [adjective]

means "combustible"
flammable, hazardous, explosive, incendiary, ignitable, volatile

inflate [verb]

means "swell"
expand, bloat, distend, puff up, puff out

inflate [verb]

means "boost"
exalt, compliment

inflated [adjective]

means "puffy"
distended, expanded, dilated, bulging, full, increased

inflation [noun]

means "burst of growth"
rise, increase, rush, boom

inflect [verb]

means "bend"
curve, bow, buckle

inflection [noun]

means "pronunciation"
articulation, emphasis, intonation

inflection [noun]

means "grammar"
varied termination of word

inflexible [adjective]

means "tough"
uncompromising, unyielding, hard-line

inflexible [adjective]

means "rigid"
unyielding, inelastic, unbending, stiff

inflexible [adjective]

means "headstrong"
resolute, solid, rigid, steadfast, obstinate, intractable, implacable

inflexible [adjective]

means "constant"
invariable, fixed

inflict [verb]

means "coerce"
require, compel, enforce, make, constrain, demand, force

infliction [noun]

means "injury"
damage, harm, detriment, impairment, hurt, mischief

inflow [noun]

means "influx"

influence [verb]

means "sway"
affect, bias, direct, control, impress, carry, inspire

influence [verb]

means "induce"
incite, persuade, impel, instigate, move, activate, actuate

influence [noun]

means "power"
authority, control, sway, effect, prestige, predominance, rule

influencing [adjective]

means "effective"
adequate, effectual, efficacious, efficient, serviceable, operative

influential [adjective]

means "effective"
cogent, convincing, effectual, efficacious, forcible, powerful

influenza [noun]

means "shivering"
fever, cold, chill, cough, flu, ague, virus

influx [noun]

means "inflow"

inform [verb]

means "speech"
snitch, tattle, squeal, testify

inform [verb]

means "language"
acquaint, familiarise, familiarize, make known, notify, tell, clue, warn, advise

inform [verb]

means "activity"
teach, instruct, inspire, inspirit, enliven, animate, quicken

inform against [verb]

means "deliver"
betray, turn in, give up, inform on

informal [adjective]

means "casual"
relaxed, natural, easy, unofficial, unceremonious, breezy, off-hand

informality [noun]

means "familiarity"
freedom, unconstraint

informant [noun]

means "source"
guidebook, reference, dictionary, encyclopedia, thesaurus, footnote, evidence

information [noun]

means "material"
data, facts, figures

informative [adjective]

means "polite"
mannerly, pleasant, civil, polished, social, hospitable

informed [adjective]

means "well-versed"
apprised, abreast, familiar, acquainted

informer [noun]

means "stool pigeon"
spy, secret agent, squealer, infiltrator

infra [object]

means "behind"
afterward, following, in back of, after, later, subsequently

infraction [noun]

means "transgression"
crime, breach, contravention, infringement, violation, trespass

infrequent [adjective]

means "scarce"
uncommon, unusual, rare, sparse, meagre, limited, singular

infrequently [object]

means "barely"
hardly, seldom, rarely, little, just

infringe [verb]

means "transgress"
violate, disobey, offend, break, breach

infringement [noun]

means "intrusion"
infringement, invasion, encroachment, entrenchment, trespass

infuriate [verb]

means "anger"