
Synonym for mark [verb]

The synonym mark synonymous definition words:
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mark [verb]

means "activity"
imprint, print, inscribe, sign, label, score, blaze, tag, register, record, chronicle, list

mark [noun]

means "thing"
logo, brand, emblem, label, trademark, badge, representation

mark [noun]

means "indication"
imprint, stamp, impression, blaze

mark [noun]

means "effect"
result, consequence, manifestation

mark [noun]

means "characteristic"
distinction, peculiarity, idiosyncrasy, trait, feature
Further results for the word "mark"

band [verb]

means "action"
tag, bind, identify, mark, stripe

blister [verb]

means "scald"
burn, hurt, irritate, scorch, whip, mark

blot [noun]

means "spot"
stain, blotch, smear, smudge, blemish, mark

blotch [noun]

means "spot"
stain, blot, smear, smudge, blemish, mark

brand [noun]

means "trademark"
mark, label, name, kind, seal

character [noun]

means "symbol"
figure, letter, digit, sign, byte, mark

characterise [verb]

means "name"
demarcate, distinguish, characterize, identify, mark, label

characteristic [noun]

means "attribute"

characterize [verb]

means "name"
demarcate, characterise, distinguish, identify, mark, label

class [verb]

means "allocation"
evaluate, classify, mark, grade, rank, rate

clue [noun]

means "evidence"
hint, intimation, mark, trace, sign, suggestion

connote [verb]

means "show"
denote, mark, indicate, say, register, record

cue [noun]

means "evidence"
hint, intimation, mark, trace, sign, suggestion

date [verb]

means "action"
register, appoint, determine, measure, mark

denote [verb]

means "show"
indicate, mark, connote, say, register, record

distinguish [verb]

means "name"
demarcate, characterise, characterize, identify, mark, label

division [noun]

means "boundary"
rank, demarcation, mark, partition

earmark [verb]

means "tag"
label, mark, brand, code, designate, indicate

emblem [noun]

means "symbol"
sign, badge, mark, abbreviation, flag, beacon

feature [noun]

means "characteristic"
notability, mark, peculiarity, property, trait

frank [noun]

means "thing"
mark, cross, franchise, seal, sign, signature

gauge [verb]

means "estimate"
calculate, check, calibrate, mark, measure, assess

gauge [noun]

means "device for measuring"
measure, dial, mark, meter, scale, standard

graffiti [noun]

means "wall scrawl"
defacement, mark, disfigurement, scrawl

guide [noun]

means "thing"
sign, mark, signal, beacon, key

heed [verb]

means "listen"

idiosyncrasy [noun]

means "attribute"

imprint [verb]

means "print"
engrave, mark, stamp, stain, inscribe

indicate [verb]

means "show"
denote, mark, connote, say, register, record

label [verb]

means "action"
identify, designate, mark, brand, name, classify

landmark [noun]

means "marker"
position, promontory, guide, blaze, mark

listen [verb]

means "heed"
mind, attend, attend to, mark, note, notice

mind [verb]

means "activity"
heed, listen, attend, attend to, mark, note

notability [noun]

means "characteristic"
feature, mark, peculiarity, property, trait

note [noun]

means "representation"
sign, figure, mark, symbol, pitch

obliteration [noun]

means "spot"
stain, blotch, smear, smudge, blemish, mark

observance [noun]

means "notice"
cognisance, cognizance, heed, mark, awareness, attention

observe [verb]

means "watch"
mark, scrutinise, scrutinize, note, inspect, regard

peck [noun]

means "indentation"

peculiarity [noun]

means "characteristic"
notability, mark, feature, property, trait

plumb [verb]

means "sound"
fathom, measure, explore, search, mark, gauge

price [verb]

means "activity"
appraise, assess, rate, value, mark, reduce

quality [noun]

means "characteristic"
attribute, affection, character, mark, peculiarity, feature

score [verb]

means "action"
mark, notch, scratch, deface, cut, mar

score [noun]

means "indication"
mark, line, notch, stroke

scratch [noun]

means "damage"
abrasion, scrape, scuff, mark, laceration

scuff [noun]

means "damage"
abrasion, scrape, scratch, mark, laceration

sign [noun]

means "thing"
symbol, emblem, badge, mark, abbreviation, flag

slur [noun]

means "stain"

smirch [noun]

means "disgrace"

smudge [verb]

means "disgrace"

sound [verb]

means "action"
gauge, mark, rule, examine

spot [verb]

means "activity"
blemish, blot, mark, stain, soil, sully

spot [noun]

means "thing"
blemish, blot, mark, stain, speck, taint

stain [noun]

means "thing"
blot, smudge, blotch, mark, spot, blemish

stamp [verb]

means "action"
mark, brand, imprint, impress, label

stamp [noun]

means "thing"
impression, brand, engraving, cast, seal, mark

streak [verb]

means "stripe"
run, mark

stripe [verb]

means "action"
tag, bind, identify, mark, band

style [noun]

means "characteristic"

symbol [noun]

means "thing"
emblem, sign, badge, mark, token, attribute

target [noun]

means "action"
mark, point, butt

tattoo [noun]

means "permanent skin stain"
picture, excess, emblem, mark, design, brand

tick [noun]

means "thing"
check, mark, dot, line, stroke, notch

token [noun]

means "symbol"
memento, sign, emblem, souvenir, gift, mark

trace [noun]

means "trail"
sign, vestige, footprint, mark, record, track

trademark [noun]

means "brand"
mark, label, name, kind, seal

trait [noun]

means "quality"

mark down [verb]

means "cheapen"
discount, slash, decline

markdown [verb]

means "discount"
purchase, buy, bargain

marked [adjective]

means "remarkable"
striking, conspicuous, distinct, noticeable, obvious, exceptional, singular

marked [adjective]

means "priced"
labelled, marked down, marked up

marked [adjective]

means "inscribed"
stamped, signed, sealed, impressed

marked [adjective]

means "doomed"
condemned, fated

marked up [adjective]

means "more expensive"
raised, increased, elevated, inflated, boosted, added on

markedly [adjective]

means "considerably"
notably, particularly, especially

marker [noun]

means "identification"
badge, emblem, button, symbol, label, tag

market [verb]

means "trade"
sell, barter, retail, vend, exchange

market [noun]

means "trade"
traffic, business, demand, run

market [noun]

means "place"
store, shop, emporium, mart, outlet

marketable [adjective]

means "mercantile"
trading, trade, business, commercial, economic, financial, fiscal

marketing [noun]

means "selling"
advertising, buying, shopping

marking [adjective]

means "imprinting"

marking [adjective]

means "designating"
distinguishing, specifying, naming

marks [noun]

means "tracks"

badge [noun]

means "identification"
marker, emblem, button, symbol, label, tag

bargain [noun]

means "discount"
purchase, buy, markdown

bazaar [noun]

means "exhibit"
exposition, exhibition, fair, festival, display, market

buoy [noun]

means "floating marker"
marker, float, guide, beacon, signal

button [noun]

means "thing"
identification, marker, emblem, badge, symbol, label

commerce [noun]

means "business"
trading, communion, dealing, marketing, dealings, exchange

commercial [adjective]

means "mercantile"
trading, trade, business, marketable, economic, financial

competition [noun]

means "rivalry"
opposition, vying, contention, striving, marketing, trial

conspicuous [adjective]

means "noticeable"

dealing [noun]

means "business"
trading, communion, commerce, marketing, dealings, exchange

depreciate [verb]

means "devaluate"
mark down

directed [adjective]

means "aimed"
pointed, explicit, marked, personal

distinction [noun]

means "difference"
peculiarity, feature, separation, marking, differentiation, sharpness

distinguished [adjective]

means "remarkable"
conspicuous, obvious, shining, extraordinary, marked

economic [adjective]

means "mercantile"
trading, trade, business, marketable, commercial, financial

emporium [noun]

means "store"
shop, market, mart, outlet

exposition [noun]

means "display"
market place

fair [noun]

means "event"

fated [adjective]

means "doomed"
condemned, marked

financial [adjective]

means "mercantile"
trading, trade, business, marketable, economic, commercial

fiscal [adjective]

means "mercantile"
trading, trade, business, marketable, economic, financial

handle [verb]

means "trade"
do business, wheel and deal, market, retail, sell, deal

jot down [verb]

means "record"
note, write down, enter, mark down, transcribe, register

label [noun]

means "thing"
tag, sticker, marker, stamp, price tag, identification

lineal [adjective]

means "on a line"
direct, marking

mart [noun]

means "store"
shop, emporium, market, outlet

mercantile [adjective]

means "commercial"
trading, trade, business, marketable, economic, financial

merchandise [verb]

means "sell"
market, promote, distribute, retail, advertise, publicise

note [verb]

means "activity"
record, jot down, write down, enter, mark down, transcribe

noteworthy [adjective]

means "notable"
extraordinary, marked, particular, odd, peculiar, singular

noticeable [adjective]

means "conspicuous"

outlet [noun]

means "store"
franchise, branch, showroom, market, shop

particular [adjective]

means "notable"
extraordinary, marked, noteworthy, odd, peculiar, singular

pointed [adjective]

means "aimed"
directed, explicit, marked, personal

price tag [noun]

means "tag"
sticker, marker, stamp, label, identification, classification

priced [adjective]

means "marked"
labelled, marked down, marked up

retail [verb]

means "trade"
do business, wheel and deal, market, handle, sell, deal

sale [noun]

means "trade"
selling, commerce, marketing, transaction, deal, traffic

sharp [adjective]

means "property"
distinct, clear, visible, marked, definite, obvious

square [noun]

means "place"
plaza, common, park, green, market place

store [noun]

means "place"
market, shop, emporium, outlet, repository, showroom

strong [adjective]

means "quality"
distinct, clear, marked, sharp, stark, definite

trading [noun]

means "business"
commerce, communion, dealing, marketing, dealings, exchange

vend [verb]

means "sell"
barter, retail, market, exchange

write down [verb]

means "record"
jot down, note, enter, mark down, transcribe, register

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