
Synonym for mean [verb]

The synonym mean synonymous definition words:

mean [verb]

means "anticipation"
intend, propose, contemplate, anticipate, expect, design, foreordain, purpose

mean [noun]

means "position"
average, middle, midpoint, median, centre

mean [adjective]

means "position"
average, mediocre, medium, moderate, middling, intermediate, middle, median

mean [adjective]

means "characteristic"
contemptible, despicable, vile, wretched, repellent, base, treacherous, fraudulent

mean [adjective]

means "character trait"
stingy, miserly, mercenary, niggardly, selfish, tight, parsimonious, penurious
Further results for the word "mean"

bad [adjective]

means "property"
disagreeable, abominable, mean, offensive, painful, unpleasant

bad-tempered [adjective]

means "nasty"

base [adjective]

means "property"
mean, degraded

bitter [adjective]

means "behaviour"
stern, mean

caitiff [adjective]

means "base"
cowardly, low, despicable, mean, ignoble, degraded

center [noun]

means "core"
mean, heart, middle, essence, midpoint, gist

centre [noun]

means "core"
mean, heart, middle, essence, midpoint, gist

cheap [adjective]

means "property"
mean, sordid, contemptible, base, trashy, miserly

close [adjective]

means "character trait"
miserly, mean, niggardly, parsimonious, penurious, stingy

close-fisted [adjective]

means "miserly"
mean, parsimonious, penurious, stingy, tight, close

coarse [adjective]

means "rough"
mean, unrefined, crude, unpolished, harsh, inferior

common [adjective]

means "character trait"
coarse, plain, vulgar, profane, low, mean

contemplate [verb]

means "intend"
project, aim, design, mean, plan, purpose

design [verb]

means "activity"
mean, intend, propose, purpose

despicable [adjective]

means "worthless"
abject, bad, contemptible, miserable, low, mean

determine [verb]

means "intend"
resolve, mean

dirty [adjective]

means "behaviour"
low, mean

embittered [adjective]

means "bitter"

groveling [adjective]

means "cringing"
docile, low, mean, base

ignoble [adjective]

means "lowborn"
lowly, base-born, humble, plebeian, mean, contemptible

ignoble [adjective]

means "base"
low, mean, contemptible, inferior, degraded, dishonourable

ill-natured [adjective]

means "embittered"

imply [verb]

means "activity"
involve, entail, signify, mean, denote, import

inconsequent [adjective]

means "inferior"
insignificant, unessential, mean, unimportant, nonessential, low

inconsequential [adjective]

means "contemptible"
mean, inconsequent, miserly, petty, stingy, shallow

intend [verb]

means "action"
determine, resolve, mean

intermediary [noun]

means "middle"
intermediate, centre, intervening, mean

intermediate [adjective]

means "intermediary"
middle, centre, intervening, mean

little [adjective]

means "character trait"
narrow, small, selfish, stingy, mean, bigoted

loaded [adjective]

means "tricky"
deceitful, leading, mean, touchy

matter [verb]

means "consequence"
count, value, mean, signify, weigh, import

median [noun]

means "average"
mean, norm, par, centre

mediocre [adjective]

means "medium"
average, fair, middling, mean, indifferent

medium [noun]

means "position"
average, mean, mean proportion

medium [adjective]

means "property"
mediocre, average, fair, middling, mean, indifferent

menial [adjective]

means "common"
base, low, abject, servile, mean, humble

middle [noun]

means "position"
centre, mean, midpoint, midst

middle [adjective]

means "position"
intermediary, intermediate, centre, intervening, mean

midpoint [noun]

means "core"
mean, heart, middle, essence, centre, gist

midst [noun]

means "centre"
mean, midpoint, middle

miserable [adjective]

means "worthless"
abject, bad, contemptible, despicable, low, mean

miserly [adjective]

means "close"
mean, parsimonious, penurious, stingy, tight, close-fisted

nasty [adjective]

means "character trait"
vicious, mean

niggardly [adjective]

means "miserly"
mean, mercenary, niggard, parsimonious, penurious, poor

ordinary [adjective]

means "common"
indifferent, average, inferior, normal, mean, mediocre

par [noun]

means "standard"
norm, average, mean, medium, normal, rule

petty [adjective]

means "contemptible"
mean, inconsequent, miserly, inconsequential, stingy, shallow

pitiful [adjective]

means "contemptible"
base, deplorable, despicable, low, mean, vile

poor [adjective]

means "property"
abject, base, cowardly, mean

profane [adjective]

means "vulgar"
base, common, low, mean

propose [verb]

means "intend"
design, mean, plan, purpose

purpose [verb]

means "intend"
contemplate, aim, design, mean, plan, propose

rancorous [adjective]

means "embittered"

resentful [adjective]

means "embittered"

scurvy [adjective]

means "shabby"
low, vile, base, despicable, worthless, mean

selfish [adjective]

means "stingy"
miserly, greedy, parsimonious, mean

shabby [adjective]

means "property"
poor, squalid, pitiful, miserable, wretched, mean

shabby [adjective]

means "behaviour"
unkind, contemptible, low, thoughtless, unjust, mean

sign [verb]

means "indication"
gesture, signal, express, wave, mean, betoken

small [adjective]

means "property"
base, mean, vulgar, petty

small [adjective]

means "behaviour"
selfish, stingy, tight, niggardly, parsimonious, mean

sordid [adjective]

means "poor"
miserable, mean

sorry [adjective]

means "property"
mean, abject, bad, cheap, base, contemptible

stingy [adjective]

means "selfish"
miserly, greedy, parsimonious, mean

think [verb]

means "proposal"
design, mean, purpose, intend

unpleasant [adjective]

means "disagreeable"
abominable, mean, offensive, painful, bad, upsetting

upsetting [adjective]

means "disagreeable"
abominable, mean, offensive, painful, unpleasant, bad

vile [adjective]

means "contemptible"
wretched, low, degraded, ignominious, mean, menial

villainous [adjective]

means "low"
dirty, sordid, contemptible, cowardly, base, mean

meander [verb]

means "wander"
ramble, wind, twist, turn, stroll

meander [noun]

means "maze"
labyrinth, intricacy

meandering [adjective]

means "winding"
twisting, rambling, wandering, circuitous, nomadic

meaning [noun]

means "purpose"
intent, intention, object, aim, design

meaning [noun]

means "definition"
message, import, idea, significance, signification, interpretation, gist

meaning [adjective]

means "meaningful"
significant, poignant, expressive, pointed, knowing

meaningful [adjective]

means "profound"
explicit, pithy, purposeful, eloquent, expressive, rich, pregnant

meaningful [adjective]

means "important"
significant, consequential, material, substantial, momentous, useful, considerable

meaningfulness [noun]

means "significance"

meaningless [adjective]

means "nonsensical"
incomprehensible, unintelligible, senseless

meanness [noun]

means "small-mindedness"
stinginess, wickedness, frugality, debasement

meanness [noun]

means "mean action"
defaming, shaming, degrading, cheating, deceiving

means [noun]

means "instrumentality"
method, mode, way, mechanism, medium, approach, agency

means [noun]

means "backing"
support, resources

meanwhile [object]

means "during"
while, whilst, in, at, in the act of

amble [verb]

means "walk"
stroll, saunter, ramble, meander, wend

assets [noun]

means "resources"
money, property, capital, cash, investment, means

average [noun]

means "mean"
norm, normal, median, par, standard, mean proportion

capital [noun]

means "resources"
money, property, assets, cash, investment, means

content [noun]

means "significance"
meaning, idea, theme, substance, gist, subject

defaming [noun]

means "mean action"
meanness, shaming, degrading, cheating, deceiving

degeneracy [noun]

means "abasement"
debasement, meanness, inferiority, wickedness, inability

denotation [noun]

means "significance"
meaning, sense, connotation, import, signification

design [noun]

means "effect"
meaning, drift, purport

effect [noun]

means "matter"
significance, import, intent, meaning, purport, signification

explanation [noun]

means "rationalization"
meaning, solution

expressive [adjective]

means "meaningful"
poetic, indicative, demonstrative, eloquent, articulate, meaning

feckless [adjective]

means "worthless"
fustian, ineffectual, good-for-nothing, irresponsible, meaningless, purposeless

important [adjective]

means "significant"
substantial, consequential, considerable, meaningful, material, momentous

in [object]

means "part of speech"
during, while, whilst, meanwhile, at, in the act of

indirect [adjective]

means "circuitous"
meandering, circular, collateral, oblique, roundabout

instrument [noun]

means "agency"
vehicle, ministry, method, means, channel, organ

intent [noun]

means "purpose"

intention [noun]

means "purpose"

investment [noun]

means "resources"
money, property, assets, cash, capital, means

key [noun]

means "thing"
lock opener, pass, means of access

machinery [noun]

means "devices"
means, method, plans

manifestation [noun]

means "indication"
evidence, symptom, sign, explanation, meaning

material [adjective]

means "important"
substantial, considerable, significant, meaningful, momentous, consequential

maunder [verb]

means "wander"
ramble, drift, stray, deviate, meander, range

maze [noun]

means "labyrinth"

norm [noun]

means "mean"
average, normal, median, par, standard, mean proportion

parsimony [noun]

means "selfishness"
closeness, cupidity, providence, economy, frugality, meanness

pelf [noun]

means "money"
riches, wealth, spoils, profit, gain, means

promenade [verb]

means "walk"
pace, stroll, hike, saunter, meander, ramble

ramble [verb]

means "babble"
chatter, meander, drift, diverge, maunder

rationalisation [noun]

means "explanation"
meaning, solution

rationalization [noun]

means "rationalisation"
meaning, solution

resources [noun]

means "capital"
money, property, assets, cash, investment, means

roam [verb]

means "wander"
stray, ramble, meander, drift, rove, range

sense [noun]

means "purpose"
significance, meaning, denotation, connotation, import, signification

shaming [noun]

means "mean action"
defaming, meanness, degrading, cheating, deceiving

sort [noun]

means "manner"
way, means, method, fashion, style

spirit [noun]

means "purpose"
intent, intention, meaning, significance, purport, sense

stinginess [noun]

means "small-mindedness"
meanness, wickedness, frugality, debasement

stray [verb]

means "roam"
wander, ramble, meander, drift, rove, range

stroll [verb]

means "activity"
walk, amble, saunter, ramble, meander, wend

substance [noun]

means "essence"
basis, meaning, import, subject, body, theme

symptom [noun]

means "indication"
evidence, manifestation, sign, explanation, meaning

technique [noun]

means "method"
fashion, procedure, means, system, approach, style

telltale [adjective]

means "revealing"
informative, ominous, meaningful, suggestive

thread [verb]

means "activity"
wind around, manoeuvre, run through, meander, wind, loop

value [noun]

means "purpose"
significance, substance, content, meaning, import, force

vehicle [noun]

means "instrument"
agency, medium, means, action, power

void [adjective]

means "null and void"
worthless, meaningless, useless, invalid, vain, ineffective

wander [verb]

means "activity"
roam, stray, ramble, meander, drift, rove

wandering [adjective]

means "straying"
deviating, meandering

wend [verb]

means "walk"
amble, saunter, ramble, meander, stroll

when [object]

means "duration"
while, meanwhile

wherewithal [noun]

means "wealth"
resources, property, revenue, income, substance, means

wind [verb]

means "direction"
meander, convolute

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