
Synonym for rig [verb]

The synonym rig synonymous definition words:
- conjugate verb rig
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appoint [verb]

means "equip"
accoutre, apparel, outfit, rig, supply, decorate

carriage [noun]

means "conveyance"
coach, stage-coach, rig, vehicle, wagon

equip [verb]

means "provide"
supply, fit out, implement, furnish, outfit, rig

falsify [verb]

means "lie"
prevaricate, equivocate, rig, fib

fishing rod [noun]

means "rod"
pole, rig, cane, tackle

habit [verb]

means "activity"
equip, rig

habit [noun]

means "thing"
dress, clothes, garb, costume, rig, habiliment

lie [verb]

means "speech"
falsify, prevaricate, equivocate, rig, fib

lorry [noun]

means "motor vehicle"
automobile, rig, semi, van, wagon

motor vehicle [noun]

means "lorry"
automobile, rig, semi, van, wagon, car

prevaricate [verb]

means "falsify"
lie, equivocate, rig, fib

rod [noun]

means "fishing rod"
pole, rig, cane, tackle

semi [noun]

means "motor vehicle"
automobile, rig, lorry, van, wagon

team [noun]

means "group"
draft animals, pair, yoke, span, set, rig

truck [noun]

means "motor vehicle"
automobile, eighteen-wheeler, rig, semi, van, moving van

wagon [noun]

means "conveyance"
coach, stage-coach, rig, vehicle, carriage

birthright [noun]

means "estate"

rigged [adjective]

means "fixed"
fraudulent, corrupt

rigging [noun]

means "equipment"
tackle, gear, accoutrements, harness, outfit, things

right [object]

means "time"
directly, immediately, straight away

right [object]

means "advantage"
favourably, advantageously, well

right [noun]

means "quality"
rectitude, integrity, virtue, uprightness, fairness, justice, equity

right [noun]

means "possession"
claim, ownership, privilege, title, interest, due

right [adjective]

means "position"
front, outward, outer, upper, top, principal, obverse

right [adjective]

means "mental condition"
sane, normal, rational, sound, reasonable, wise

right [adjective]

means "law"
lawful, fitting, legitimate, legal, genuine

right away [object]

means "immediately"
instantly, now, at once, directly, without delay

right-wing [adjective]

means "conservative"

righteous [adjective]

means "virtuous"
fair, noble, honest, good, ethical, moral, upright

righteous [adjective]

means "devout"
pious, faithful, devoted, reverent, holy, saintly

righteously [object]

means "justly"
equitably, fairly, rightfully, uprightly, lawfully, rightly, right

righteousness [noun]

means "virtue"
morality, rectitude, uprightness

rightful [adjective]

means "legitimate"
authentic, legal, valid, licit, genuine, decreed

rightful [adjective]

means "fair"
equitable, ethical, upright, just, scrupulous, proper, right

rightfully [object]

means "justly"
equitably, fairly, right, uprightly, lawfully, rightly, righteously

rightly [object]

means "correctly"
precisely, accurately

rightness [noun]

means "propriety"
decency, fitness, decorum, correctness

rigid [adjective]

means "strict"
stern, austere, harsh, severe, inflexible, exact

rigid [adjective]

means "hard"
firm, inflexible, stiff, unbending, unyielding

rigid [adjective]

means "fixed"
immovable, solid, stationary, unmoving, static

rigidity [noun]

means "inflexibility"
hardness, stiffness, austerity, acerbity, formality

rigor [noun]

means "strictness"
severity, harshness, sternness, cruelty, hardship, hardness, adversity, stringency, rigidity, obstinacy, inexorability, ordeal, austerity

rigorous [adjective]

means "severe"
harsh, rigid, hard, strict, inflexible, unyielding, stern, stiff, stringent, austere

rigorous [adjective]

means "inclement"
bitter, severe, sharp

rigorous [adjective]

means "exact"
precise, accurate, meticulous, punctilious, demanding, finical

self-righteous [adjective]

means "puritanical"
righteous, moral, prudish, squeamish, rigourous, blue

upright [adjective]

means "honest"

accoutrements [noun]

means "equipment"
tackle, rigging, gear, harness, outfit, things

actually [object]

means "precisely"
right, truly, really

advantageously [object]

means "favourably"
right, well

ambitious [adjective]

means "challenging"
severe, rigourous, difficult, formidable

amend [verb]

means "fix"
adjust, correct, better, right, improve, restore

appropriate [adjective]

means "apropos"
suitable, befitting, fitting, seemly, apt, right

ascetic [adjective]

means "austere"
rigorous, severe, modest, plain, unadorned, reclusive

astringent [adjective]

means "harsh"
severe, hard, rigourous, sharp, austere, stern

at once [adjective]

means "immediately"
instantly, now, right away, directly, without delay

austere [adjective]

means "harsh"
severe, forbidding, rigourous, rugged, stringent, difficult, rigid

austerity [noun]

means "inflexibility"
hardness, stiffness, rigidity, acerbity, formality

bitter [adjective]

means "characteristic"
piercing, biting, sharp, stinging, severe, rigourous

bleak [adjective]

means "chilly"
cold, windy, severe, raw, inclement, rigourous

blue [adjective]

means "behaviour"
puritanical, righteous, moral, prudish, squeamish, rigourous

by the book [object]

means "strictly"
formally, rigourously, officially

challenging [adjective]

means "ambitious"
severe, rigourous, difficult, formidable

chill [noun]

means "cold"

chivalry [noun]

means "courtesy"
virtue, gallantry, fairness, nobility, righteousness

claim [noun]

means "possession"
right, title, pretension, due, privilege, prerogative

coldness [noun]

means "cold"

correct [verb]

means "fix"
adjust, amend, better, right, improve, restore

correctness [noun]

means "propriety"
decency, fitness, decorum, rightness

creditable [adjective]

means "reputable"
honourable, equitable, estimable, proper, right

cruelly [object]

means "harshly"
hardly, rigourously, roughly, severely, unkindly

cure [verb]

means "health"

decency [noun]

means "goodness"
honesty, rectitude, rightness, integrity, morality, probity, righteousness

deserved [adjective]

means "lawful"
legal, legitimate, appropriate, apt, due, rightful

determined [adjective]

means "resolute"
positive, resolved, inflexible, set, strenuous, rigid

directly [object]

means "straight"
dead, direct, due, right

emend [verb]

means "fix"
adjust, amend, better, right, improve, restore

equipment [noun]

means "gear"
tackle, rigging, accoutrements, harness, outfit, things

equity [noun]

means "justice"
fairness, impartiality, righteousness

even-handed [adjective]

means "impartial"
fair, disinterested, righteous, candid, equitable, objective

exact [adjective]

means "characteristic"
demanding, exacting, rigid, rigourous, scrupulous, severe

exacting [adjective]

means "demanding"
exact, rigid, rigourous, scrupulous, severe, strict

exactness [noun]

means "perfection"
precision, accuracy, correctness, rightness, exactitude

fair [adjective]

means "behaviour"
impartial, even-handed, disinterested, righteous, candid, equitable

fairness [noun]

means "rectitude"
integrity, virtue, uprightness, right, justice, equity

firm [adjective]

means "characteristic"
inelastic, rigid

fittingly [object]

means "suitably"
appropriately, right, properly, fitly

fixed [adjective]

means "established"
unchanging, immovable, permanent, rigid, firm, solid

formal [adjective]

means "property"
explicit, express, official, rigid, rigourous, strict, fixed, methodical, regular, rigid, rigourous, set

formality [noun]

means "being precise and ceremonious"
rigidity, sententiousness, conventionality

formally [object]

means "strictly"
by the book, rigourously, officially

forthwith [object]

means "immediately"
at once, instantly, now, right away

gear [noun]

means "thing"
equipment, tackle, rigging, accoutrements, harness, outfit

good [noun]

means "quality"
kindness, righteousness, virtue, merit, excellence

good [adjective]

means "character trait"
moral, upright, virtuous, righteous, worthy, exemplary

goodness [noun]

means "decency"
honesty, rectitude, rightness, integrity, morality, probity, righteousness

hardened [adjective]

means "no longer soft"
rigid, firm, stiff, taut, frozen, solidified

hardly [object]

means "behaviour"
harshly, cruelly, rigourously, roughly, severely, unkindly

hardness [noun]

means "inflexibility"
austerity, stiffness, rigidity, acerbity, formality

harness [noun]

means "straps and buckles"
yoke, bridle, accoutrements, gear, rigging, tackle

heritage [noun]

means "estate"

holiness [noun]

means "piety"
devotion, devoutness, righteousness, faith, blessedness, humility

holy [adjective]

means "religion"
righteous, chaste

honorable [adjective]

means "reputable"
creditable, equitable, estimable, proper, right

honourable [adjective]

means "reputable"
creditable, equitable, estimable, proper, right

iciness [noun]

means "cold"

immunity [noun]

means "exemption"
licence, prerogative, privilege, right, charter, liberty

implacable [adjective]

means "headstrong"
resolute, solid, rigid, steadfast, obstinate, intractable

improve [verb]

means "better"
correct, emend, rectify, right, amend, ameliorate

inflexibility [noun]

means "stiffness"
stubbornness, rigidity, obstinacy, firmness, tenacity

inflexible [adjective]

means "headstrong"
resolute, solid, rigid, steadfast, obstinate, intractable

instantaneously [object]

means "instantly"
right away

instantly [object]

means "immediately"
at once, now, forthwith, right away

integrity [noun]

means "honesty"
virtue, honour, morality, principle, uprightness, righteousness

just [adjective]

means "characteristic"
impartial, fair, equitable, upright, right, lawful

just [adjective]

means "character trait"

just [adjective]

means "behaviour"
rightful, deserved

justice [noun]

means "rectitude"
integrity, virtue, uprightness, fairness, right, equity

lawfully [object]

means "justly"
equitably, fairly, rightfully, uprightly, rightly, righteously

legitimate [adjective]

means "lawful"
legal, official, sanctioned, licit, justifiable, rightful

moral [adjective]

means "character trait"
good, upright, virtuous, righteous, worthy, exemplary

morality [noun]

means "virtue"
righteousness, rectitude, uprightness

nice [adjective]

means "property"
accurate, right, fine, critical, distinguishing, delicate

normal [adjective]

means "mental condition"
sane, lucid, wholesome, rational, reasonable, right

now [object]

means "time"
immediately, at once, instantly, forthwith, right away

onerous [adjective]

means "severe"
rigourous, vexatious, harsh, painful, afflictive

ownership [noun]

means "claim"
right, privilege, title, interest, due

paraphernalia [noun]

means "equipment"
gear, rigging, tackle, outfit, trappings, accoutrements

parochial [adjective]

means "narrow minded"
biased, intolerant, rigid, petty, prejudiced, conventional

peremptory [adjective]

means "harsh"
rigourous, firm, stringent, sarcastic

perfection [noun]

means "exactness"
precision, accuracy, correctness, rightness, exactitude

precise [adjective]

means "demanding"

precision [noun]

means "exactness"
perfection, accuracy, correctness, rightness, exactitude

puritanical [adjective]

means "blue"
righteous, moral, prudish, squeamish, rigourous, self-righteous

reasonable [adjective]

means "just"
fair, equitable, right, sensible, wise, rational

rectify [verb]

means "better"
correct, emend, improve, right, amend, ameliorate

redress [verb]

means "remedy"
amend, adjust, correct, rectify, repair, right

religious [adjective]

means "conscientious"
exacting, punctilious, strict, rigid, scrupulous, demanding

remedy [verb]

means "activity"
right, change

resolute [adjective]

means "determined"
positive, resolved, inflexible, set, strenuous, rigid

saintly [adjective]

means "virtuous"
angelic, holy, pious, divine, sainted, righteous

sane [adjective]

means "rational"
lucid, sensible, normal, right, sound, sober

seemly [adjective]

means "appropriate"
timely, befitting, fit, fitting, right, proper

set [adjective]

means "property"
rigid, stubborn, unyielding, immovable, obstinate, stiff

severe [adjective]

means "behaviour"
uncompromising, unbending, inflexible, rigid, exacting, relentless

sound [adjective]

means "property"
proper, correct, right, orthodox, valid, legal

stable [adjective]

means "state"
fixed, firm, established, steady, sturdy, rigid

stark [adjective]

means "stiff"
rigid, firm

stern [adjective]

means "strict"
austere, authoritarian, rigid, rigourous, steadfast

stiff [adjective]

means "property"
inflexible, firm, rigid, solid, unbending, unyielding

stiffness [noun]

means "inflexibility"
hardness, austerity, rigidity, acerbity, formality

stinging [adjective]

means "piercing"
biting, sharp, bitter, severe, rigourous, nipping

stodgy [adjective]

means "explicit"
express, official, rigid, rigourous, strict, formal

straight [adjective]

means "direct"
uninterrupted, continuous, through, right

straight [adjective]

means "correct"
accurate, right, orderly

strait-laced [adjective]

means "puritanical"
prudish, squeamish, priggish, stern, strict, rigourous

strict [adjective]

means "characteristic"
stern, austere, demanding, exacting, harsh, rigid

strictly [object]

means "by the book"
formally, rigourously, officially

stringent [adjective]

means "strict"
harsh, severe, rigourous, restrictive, binding, narrow

suitable [adjective]

means "apropos"
appropriate, befitting, fitting, seemly, apt, right

supplied [adjective]

means "furnished"
outfitted, given, equipped, provided, rigged, endowed

tackle [noun]

means "equipment"
gear, rigging, paraphernalia, outfit, trappings, accoutrements

tense [adjective]

means "property"
strained, rigid, taut, tight, stretched

things [noun]

means "equipment"
tackle, rigging, accoutrements, harness, outfit, gear

title [noun]

means "possession"
claim, interest, holding, ownership, right, due

tough [adjective]

means "characteristic"
hardened, rigid, inflexible, unyielding, uncompromising, hard-line

trappings [noun]

means "gear"
effects, equipment, accoutrements, outfit, paraphernalia, rigging

true [adjective]

means "quality"
proper, appropriate, fitting, right, desired

true [adjective]

means "property"
rightful, legitimate

truly [object]

means "precisely"
actually, right, absolutely

unadorned [adjective]

means "austere"
rigourous, severe, modest, plain, ascetic, reclusive

uncompromising [adjective]

means "harsh"
severe, forbidding, rigourous, rugged, stringent, difficult, rigid

unkindly [object]

means "harshly"
cruelly, rigourously, roughly, severely, nastily

unyielding [adjective]

means "stiff"
rigid, unbending, fixed

uptight [adjective]

means "concerned"
apprehensive, doubtful, right-wing, worried, tight, conservative

veracious [adjective]

means "truthful"
earnest, honest, sincere, candid, trustworthy, righteous

without delay [object]

means "immediately"
instantly, now, right away, directly, at once

wooden [adjective]

means "property"
clumsy, awkward, formal, rigid, stilted, stolid

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