
Synonym for show [verb]

The synonym show synonymous definition words:
- conjugate verb show
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show [verb]

means "indication"
reveal, display, exhibit, demonstrate, evince, unfurl, manifest

show [verb]

means "appearance"
seem, appear, look

show [verb]

means "activity"
lead, guide, usher, accompany, conduct

show [verb]

means "action"
give, bestow, dispense, confer, grant, accord

show [noun]

means "pretence"
pomp, illusion, sham, deception, ostentation, simulation, pretext

show [noun]

means "indication"
trace, showing, occurrence, representation, sight

show [noun]

means "event"
production, presentation, exhibition, display, play, program, spectacle, ceremony
Further results for the word "show"

accord [verb]

means "permission"
grant, allow, bestow, show, concede, give in

advertise [verb]

means "reveal"
exhibit, vaunt, show, uncover, expose, display

airs [noun]

means "affectation"
show, put-on, pretence, front, facade, sham

appear [verb]

means "view"
emerge, arise, rise, become visible, show, surface

appearance [noun]

means "arrival"

bare [verb]

means "action"
reveal, show, expose, undress, strip, disrobe

bear [verb]

means "action"
demonstrate, display, broadcast, exhibit, show, spread

become visible [verb]

means "come into view"
emerge, arise, rise, appear, show, surface

broadcast [noun]

means "radio programme"
show, telecast

cant [noun]

means "lip service"
deceit, show, hypocrisy, pomposity, empty talk, dishonesty

cheapness [noun]

means "ostentation"
show, affectation, tinsel, falseness, sham, hypocrisy

come into view [verb]

means "appear"
emerge, arise, rise, become visible, show, surface

concert [noun]

means "musical performance"
symphony, performance, recital, show, spectacle, philharmonic

conduct [verb]

means "guide"
show, lead, escort, convey, usher, chaperon

dash [noun]

means "quality"
flourish, show, elan, splendour, spirit, vigour

deign [verb]

means "grant"
allow, bestow, show, concede, give in, give up

demonstration [noun]

means "exhibit"
presentation, display, show, showing

denude [verb]

means "reveal"
show, expose, undress, strip, disrobe, uncover

display [verb]

means "show off"
spread, flaunt, flourish, parade, show, trot out

display [verb]

means "exhibit"
demonstrate, publicise, publicize, evince, manifest, show

drama [noun]

means "entertainment"
show, boards, play, footlights, stage, theatre

elan [noun]

means "flourish"
show, dash, splendour, spirit, vigour

empty talk [noun]

means "lip service"
deceit, show, hypocrisy, pomposity, cant, dishonesty

exhibition [noun]

means "public event"
exposition, carnival, fair, show, performance, opening

expose [verb]

means "activity"
bare, report, show, display, reveal, exhibit

express [verb]

means "exhibit"
expose, indicate, manifest, represent, reveal, show

face [noun]

means "practice"
pretence, disguise, pretext, show

flaunt [verb]

means "show off"
spread, display, flourish, parade, show, trot out

flourish [noun]

means "display"
dash, ostentation, parade, show

give [verb]

means "action"
donate, offer, present, hand out, set forth, show

give in [verb]

means "grant"
allow, bestow, show, concede, accord, give up

give up [verb]

means "grant"
allow, bestow, show, concede, give in, accord

imposture [noun]

means "pretence"
deception, feint, show, guise, masquerade, disguise

lay open [verb]

means "reveal"
show, expose, undress, strip, disrobe, uncover

lip service [noun]

means "cant"
deceit, show, hypocrisy, pomposity, empty talk, dishonesty

manifest [verb]

means "display"
exhibit, reveal, show, express, make known, evidence

manifestation [noun]

means "display"
demonstration, exhibition, presentation, show, materialisation, materialization

masquerade [noun]

means "pretence"
deception, feint, show, guise, imposture, disguise

melodrama [noun]

means "performance"
comedy, drama, farce, piece, show, tragedy

mockery [noun]

means "farce"
imitation, burlesque, mimicry, caricature, show, satire

opera [noun]

means "entertainment"
show, concert, pageant, play, performance, musical

panoply [noun]

means "impressive array"
array, display, fanfare, exhibit, show, pomp

parade [noun]

means "appearance"
display, ostentation, show, ceremony, spectacle, pretension

peep [verb]

means "come forth"
emerge, arise, rise, issue, show, become visible

philharmonic [noun]

means "musical performance"
symphony, performance, recital, show, spectacle, concert

play [noun]

means "art"
performance, comedy, drama, farce, piece, show

presentation [noun]

means "exhibition"
demonstration, display, show, exposition, spectacle, performance

pretense [noun]

means "disguise"
mask, pretension, semblance, show, veil

put on [noun]

means "pretence"
affectation, show, airs, front, facade, sham

reveal [verb]

means "action"
expose, exhibit, unveil, show

scene [noun]

means "event"
show, sight

semblance [noun]

means "appearance"

set forth [verb]

means "donate"
offer, present, hand out, give, show, issue

show off [verb]

means "display"
spread, flaunt, flourish, parade, show, trot out

showing [noun]

means "production"
exhibit, display, show, exhibition

sight [noun]

means "event"
scene, spectacle, display, show, view, eyesore

spectacle [noun]

means "presentation"
demonstration, exhibit, production, exhibition, show, display

splendor [noun]

means "brilliance"
grandeur, magnificence, pomp, dazzle, display, show

splendour [noun]

means "brilliance"
grandeur, magnificence, pomp, dazzle, display, show

telecast [noun]

means "television programme"
show, broadcast

tinsel [noun]

means "ostentation"
show, affectation, cheapness, falseness, sham, hypocrisy

trot out [verb]

means "bring out proudly"

uncloak [verb]

means "bare"
report, show, display, reveal, exhibit, uncover

uncover [verb]

means "reveal"
show, expose, undress, strip, disrobe, bare

undress [verb]

means "reveal"
show, expose, bare, strip, disrobe, uncover

unfold [verb]

means "develop"
evolve, elaborate, explain, reveal, show, describe

view [noun]

means "vision"
sight, glimpse, appearance, show, aspect

show business [noun]

means "theatre"
drama, stage, footlights, play, staging

show up [verb]

means "frequent"
visit, haunt, attend

show-off [noun]

means "boaster"
know-it-all, windbag, braggart

shower [noun]

means "place"
bath, sauna, shower room

shower [noun]

means "nature"
rain, sprinkle, drizzle, torrent, downpour, mist

showiness [noun]

means "brilliance"
glitter, gaiety, finery, flash

showing [noun]

means "appearance"
manifestation, sight, view, occurrence

showmanship [noun]

means "acting"
farce, drama, climax, emotion, tension, tragedy

showy [adjective]

means "flashy"
flaunting, gaudy, ostentatious, pretentious, flash, superficial, tawdry

adore [verb]

means "behaviour"
love, adulate, cherish, show affection, be fond of

adulate [verb]

means "adore"
love, cherish, show affection, be fond of

ambitious [adjective]

means "ostentatious"
magnificent, pretentious, grandiose, showy, lofty

appearance [noun]

means "arrival"
rise, showing, seeming, semblance, emergence, presentation

array [noun]

means "display"
arrangement, exhibition, muster, pattern, disposition, showing

attend [verb]

means "joining"
frequent, visit, haunt, show up

bath [noun]

means "thing"
washing, soaking, shower, showering, immersion, soak

bath [noun]

means "place"
bathroom, lavatory, shower, spa, sauna, shower room

bathe [verb]

means "wash"
shower, soak, immerse, douse

bathing [noun]

means "shower"
bath, sauna, shower room

bathroom [noun]

means "bath"
lavatory, shower, spa, sauna, shower room

boast [verb]

means "behaviour"
show off, swagger, strut, relish, flourish

boaster [noun]

means "braggart"
know-it-all, windbag, show-off

braggart [noun]

means "boaster"
know-it-all, windbag, show-off

brave [adjective]

means "property"
gay, showy

cloud-burst [noun]

means "brief rainstorm"
downpour, storm, deluge, torrent, shower

cloudburst [noun]

means "brief rainstorm"
downpour, storm, rainstorm, deluge, torrent, shower

cover [verb]

means "activity"
deluge, pour, rain, inundate, shower, drench

detection [noun]

means "discovery"
showing, espial, unfolding, find, disclosure, strike

discovery [noun]

means "detection"
showing, espial, unfolding, find, disclosure, strike

downfall [noun]

means "rain"
cloud-burst, deluge, torrent, shower, precipitation, flood

drama [noun]

means "activity"
acting, farce, showmanship, climax, emotion, tension

drizzle [noun]

means "mist"
shower, spray, fog, effervescence, fizz, spatter

exhibition [noun]

means "presentation"
display, production, advertisement, exhibit, showing

expose [verb]

means "action"
disclose, betray, bring to light, discover, show up, make known

flash [adjective]

means "property"
flashy, flaunting, gaudy, ostentatious, pretentious, showy

florid [adjective]

means "elaborate"
ornate, showy, luxurious, fancy, dressy, ornamental

flourish [verb]

means "brag"
boast, display, flaunt, parade, show off, vaunt

gaiety [noun]

means "brilliance"
glitter, showiness, finery, flash

gallant [adjective]

means "fine"
showy, splendid, magnificent, gay

gallery [noun]

means "art studio"
studio, exhibition room, exhibit hall, fine arts museum, showroom, salon

gay [adjective]

means "property"
brilliant, bright, showy, fine

grandiose [adjective]

means "ostentatious"
magnificent, pretentious, ambitious, showy, lofty

histrionics [noun]

means "theatrical mannerisms"
drama, dramatic performance, showmanship, acting

immersion [noun]

means "washing"
soaking, shower, showering, bath, soak

know-it-all [adjective]

means "arrogant"
pretentious, egotistical, show-off, conceited, boastful

lavatory [noun]

means "bathroom"
bath, shower, spa, sauna, shower room, toilet

loud [adjective]

means "behaviour"
vulgar, showy

love [verb]

means "feeling"
like, adore, adulate, cherish, show affection, be fond of

oratorical [adjective]

means "bombastic"
pretentious, showy, ornate, sententious

ornamental [adjective]

means "elaborate"
ornate, showy, luxurious, fancy, dressy, florid

ostentatious [adjective]

means "flashy"
flaunting, gaudy, flash, pretentious, showy, superficial

outlet [noun]

means "store"
franchise, branch, showroom, market, shop

overplay [verb]

means "magnify"
overdo, maximise, maximize, show off, over-emphasise, over-emphasize

parade [verb]

means "activity"
display, flaunt, strut, exhibit, show off, flash

precipitation [noun]

means "condensation"
rain, sleet, snow, shower, drizzle

rain [verb]

means "activity"
deluge, pour, cover, inundate, shower, drench

revelation [noun]

means "disclosure"
divulgence, showing, announcement, discovery, exposé, betrayal

scatter [verb]

means "broadcast"
disseminate, dispense, throw, sprinkle, shower, shed

sententious [adjective]

means "bombastic"
pretentious, showy, ornate, oratorical

smart [adjective]

means "property"
dashing, neat, trim, spruce, showy, pretentious

soaking [noun]

means "washing"
bath, shower, showering, immersion, soak

spatter [noun]

means "mist"
shower, drizzle, fog, effervescence, fizz, spray

splash [noun]

means "mist"
shower, drizzle, fog, effervescence, fizz, spatter

spray [verb]

means "activity"
mist, sprinkle, fog, disperse, scatter, shower

spray [noun]

means "nature"
mist, shower, drizzle, fog, effervescence, fizz

stage [noun]

means "entertainment"
theatre, drama, show business, footlights, play, staging

store [noun]

means "place"
market, shop, emporium, outlet, repository, showroom

strew [verb]

means "broadcast"
disseminate, dispense, throw, sprinkle, shower, shed

tasteless [adjective]

means "pretentious"
showy, ostentatious, ornate, crass

tawdry [adjective]

means "flashy"
flaunting, gaudy, ostentatious, pretentious, showy, superficial

teem [verb]

means "pour"
pour out, shower, empty, discharge

tending [adjective]

means "likely"
bearing, showing a tendency, heading

theater [noun]

means "drama"
show business, broadway, theatrical troupe, theatric arts

theatre [noun]

means "drama"
stage, comedy, show business

toilet [noun]

means "appearance"
dressing, grooming, bathing, showering

trot out [verb]

means "bring out proudly"
display eagerly, show off, exhibit, illustrate, represent, demonstrate

unearthing [noun]

means "detection"
showing, espial, unfolding, find, disclosure, strike

vaunt [verb]

means "boast"
gloat, brag, show off, bluster, strut, swagger

wash [verb]

means "activity"
bathe, shower, soak, immerse, douse

wear [verb]

means "activity"
put on, don, get into, show off, model, sport

windbag [noun]

means "boaster"
know-it-all, braggart, show-off

wow them [verb]

means "impress them"
arouse enthusiasm, be a success, dazzle them, overcome, show them

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