
Synonym for spirit [verb]

The synonym spirit synonymous definition words:
- conjugate verb spirit
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spirit [noun]

means "vision"
ghost, apparition, phantom, spectre, shade, shadow, goblin, hobgoblin

spirit [noun]

means "quality"
vivacity, energy, enthusiasm, liveliness, vigour, zeal, ardour

spirit [noun]

means "purpose"
intent, intention, meaning, significance, purport, sense

spirit [noun]

means "property"
life, vitality, animation, dash, consciousness, soul, essence, esprit

spirit [noun]

means "mental condition"
mood, attitude, feeling, disposition, temper, humour, tenor, frame of mind

spirit [noun]

means "characteristic"
nature, character, essence, substance, gist, quintessence, sense, drift
Further results for the word "spirit"

abduct [verb]

means "kidnap"
capture, snatch, waylay, seduce, spirit

angel [noun]

means "religion"
heavenly spirit, seraph, cherub, supernatural being, spirit, archangel

animation [noun]

means "life"
vitality, vigour, vivacity, activity, energy, spirit

apparition [noun]

means "spectre"
spook, spirit, ghost, shade, phantom, haunt

archangel [noun]

means "heavenly spirit"
seraph, cherub, supernatural being, spirit, angel

ardor [noun]

means "eagerness"
mettle, fervency, goodwill, spirit, vehemence, zest

aroma [noun]

means "characteristic"
flavour, essence, hint, spirit, suggestion, air

attitude [noun]

means "disposition"
manner, demeanour, feeling, bearing, temperament, spirit

being [noun]

means "entity"
animal, human, spirit, soul, god

brownie [noun]

means "fairy"
elf, spirit, goblin, imp, leprechaun, nix

character [noun]

means "disposition"

cherub [noun]

means "heavenly spirit"
seraph, angel, supernatural being, spirit, archangel

climate [noun]

means "milieu"
ambience, tenor, mood, spirit, surroundings, atmosphere

constitution [noun]

means "character"
nature, spirit

courage [noun]

means "nerve"
guts, spirit, endurance, mettle, firmness, fortitude

dash [noun]

means "quality"
flourish, show, elan, splendour, spirit, vigour

elan [noun]

means "flourish"
show, dash, splendour, spirit, vigour

elf [noun]

means "fairy"
brownie, spirit, goblin, imp, leprechaun, nix

elfin [noun]

means "elf"
fairy, brownie, spirit, pixie, enchantress, fay

empathy [noun]

means "seat of passion"
breast, feeling, spirit, response, soul, pity

encourage [verb]

means "hearten"
spirit, assure, brighten, animate, comfort, revitalise

enterprise [noun]

means "energy"
boldness, pluck, industry, readiness, spirit

essence [noun]

means "distilled spirits"
spirit, distillation, juice, elixir, alcohol, liquor

essence [noun]

means "basic nature"
nature, core, gist, pith, sum and substance, spirit

fairy [noun]

means "elf"
elfin, brownie, spirit, pixie, enchantress, fay

flavor [noun]

means "characteristic"
essence, quality, soul, spirit

flavour [noun]

means "characteristic"
essence, quality, soul, spirit

frame of mind [noun]

means "mood"

gaiety [noun]

means "fun"
liveliness, merriment, mirth, spirit, vivacity

ghost [noun]

means "vision"
apparition, spectre, spirit, spook, phantom, phantasm

goblin [noun]

means "ghost"
apparition, phantom, spectre, shade, shadow, spirit

grit [noun]

means "courage"
pluck, spirit, daring, fortitude, resolution

heart [noun]

means "feeling"
breast, seat of passion, spirit, response, soul, pity

hobgoblin [noun]

means "ghost"

kidnap [verb]

means "action"
abduct, capture, snatch, waylay, seduce, spirit

life [noun]

means "characteristic"
spirit, effervescence

liquor [noun]

means "alcohol"
booze, intoxicant, spirit, sauce, drink

liveliness [noun]

means "vivacity"
energy, enthusiasm, spirit, vigour, zeal, ardour

mermaid [noun]

means "dryad"
spirit, goddess, sprite, nymph

mettle [noun]

means "character"
disposition, spirit, temper

nerve [noun]

means "state"
courage, guts, spirit, endurance, mettle, firmness

nymph [noun]

means "dryad"
spirit, goddess, sprite, mermaid

pluck [noun]

means "bravery"

poltergeist [noun]

means "spectre"
spook, spirit, ghost, shade, phantom, haunt

seraph [noun]

means "heavenly spirit"
angel, cherub, supernatural being, spirit, archangel

shade [noun]

means "vision"
ghost, apparition, spirit, spectre, phantom, revenant

soul [noun]

means "vision"
spirit, ghost, being, shadow, wraith

specter [noun]

means "ghost"
spook, phantom, spirit, apparition, shade, shadow

spectre [noun]

means "ghost"
apparition, spirit, shade, phantom, revenant

spook [noun]

means "disembodied spirit"
apparition, ghost, spectre, spirit, phantom, wraith

temper [noun]

means "state"
spirit, make-up

valor [noun]

means "bravery"
courage, valiancy [US], boldness, intrepidity, chivalry, spirit

vitality [noun]

means "animation"
life, vigour, vivacity, activity, energy, spirit

vitalize [verb]

means "vitalise"
spirit, excite, animate, inspirit, encourage, instil

spirited [adjective]

means "lively"
vivacious, gleeful, sprightly, blithe, animated, gay, alive

spiritless [adjective]

means "degrading"
abject, subservient, debasing, disheartening, humiliating

spiritual [adjective]

means "ethereal"
airy, holy, religious

spiritualism [noun]

means "mysticism"
cabbalism, supernatural

spirituous [adjective]

means "containing alcohol"
intoxicating, distilled, strong, intoxicant, inebriating, alcoholic, hard

abject [adjective]

means "degrading"
spiritless, subservient, debasing, disheartening, humiliating

alcohol [noun]

means "intoxicating beverage"
liquor, wine, booze, hooch, spirits

alcoholic [adjective]

means "containing alcohol"
intoxicating, distilled, strong, intoxicant, inebriating, spirituous

ardent [adjective]

means "property"
eager, zealous, fervent, impassioned, spirited, enthusiastic

blessed [adjective]

means "religious"
exalted, glorious, sanctified, glorified, saved, spiritual

blithe [adjective]

means "happy"
light-hearted, jolly, merry, buoyant, spirited, lively

bodiless [adjective]

means "incorporeal"
immaterial, disembodied, discarnate, insubstantial, spiritual

cheerful [adjective]

means "happy"
light-hearted, jolly, merry, buoyant, spirited, lively

cold [adjective]

means "character trait"
calm, dull, disheartening, spiritless, deliberate

dashing [adjective]

means "fearless"
bold, lively, brave, daring, spirited, adventurous

debasing [adjective]

means "degrading"
spiritless, subservient, abject, disheartening, humiliating

degrading [adjective]

means "abject"
spiritless, subservient, debasing, disheartening, humiliating

disheartening [adjective]

means "degrading"
spiritless, subservient, debasing, abject, humiliating

divine [adjective]

means "godly"
almighty, godlike, heavenly, spiritual, angelic

enterprising [adjective]

means "energetic"

evangelical [adjective]

means "devout"
pious, fervent, spiritual, religious

expressive [adjective]

means "emphatic"
spirited, lively, passionate, strong, vivid, brilliant

fearless [adjective]

means "dashing"
bold, lively, brave, daring, spirited, adventurous

fervent [adjective]

means "eager"
zealous, ardent, impassioned, spirited, enthusiastic, earnest

fervid [adjective]

means "eager"
zealous, fervent, impassioned, spirited, enthusiastic, earnest

flat [adjective]

means "property"
boring, pointless, dull, lifeless, prosaic, spiritless

frisky [adjective]

means "playful"
jaunty, dashing, dapper, active, gleeful, spirited

ghostly [adjective]

means "like an apparition"
ghostlike, spooky, haunted, supernatural, spiritual

glorified [adjective]

means "religious"
exalted, glorious, sanctified, blessed, saved, spiritual

godly [adjective]

means "divine"
almighty, godlike, heavenly, spiritual, angelic

hard [adjective]

means "characteristic"
alcoholic, intoxicating, inebriating, spirituous, stimulating, strong

holy [adjective]

means "religion"
pious, divine, godly, saintly, spiritual, devout

intoxicating [adjective]

means "containing alcohol"
alcoholic, distilled, strong, intoxicant, inebriating, spirituous

lackadaisical [adjective]

means "languid"
listless, sluggish, dull, inert, inactive, spiritless

languid [adjective]

means "lackadaisical"
listless, sluggish, dull, inert, inactive, spiritless

lifeless [adjective]

means "dull"
inert, inactive, sluggish, torpid, spiritless, passive

light-hearted [adjective]

means "happy"
cheerful, jolly, merry, buoyant, spirited, lively

listless [adjective]

means "lacking spirit"
spiritless, languid, lethargic, indolent, phlegmatic, sluggish

lively [adjective]

means "characteristic"
spirited, vivacious, gleeful, sprightly, blithe, animated

metaphysical [adjective]

means "supernatural"
mystical, spiritual, transcendental, unearthly, transcendent

mettlesome [adjective]

means "high spirited"
spirited, spunky, vigourous, active, high-spirited, fiery

mystic [adjective]

means "mystical"
visionary, imaginary, quixotic, mystifying, spiritual, transcendental

ornamental [adjective]

means "beautiful"
exquisite, delicate, attractive, spiritual

prosaic [adjective]

means "boring"
pointless, dull, lifeless, flat, spiritless, tedious

racy [adjective]

means "lively"
animated, spirited, energetic, vigourous, piquant, sprightly

sapless [adjective]

means "insipid"
flat, boring, spiritless, tame, lifeless, dull

sappy [adjective]

means "energetic"
vigourous, dynamic, spirited, active, powerful, competent

saved [adjective]

means "religious"
exalted, glorious, sanctified, glorified, blessed, spiritual

strenuous [adjective]

means "energetic"
vigourous, zealous, spirited, active, animated, forceful

tame [adjective]

means "character trait"
spiritless, cowardly, pusillanimous, feeble, weak, dastardly

unexpressive [adjective]

means "inexpressive"
flat, nothing, spiritless, dead, lifeless, vacant

vapid [adjective]

means "dull"
uninteresting, tedious, tiresome, spiritless, unanimated, vacuous

vivid [adjective]

means "animated"
lively, spirited, energetic, vigourous, vivacious, intense

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