
Synonym for stand [verb]

The synonym stand synonymous definition words:
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stand [verb]

means "conflict"
oppose, resist, confront, compete, withstand, face, meet, encounter

stand [verb]

means "activity"
erect, place, put, set, fix

stand [noun]

means "thing"
platform, stage, dais, grandstand, booth, counter, table, stall, case

stand [noun]

means "position"
stance, pose, poise, place, post, spot, station

stand [noun]

means "opinion"
attitude, belief, position, view, sentiment, notion, determination

stand [noun]

means "nature"
grove, copse, forest, wood, growth, crop
Further results for the word "stand"

aegis [noun]

means "armour"
defence, bastion, resistance, preservation, stand, guard

arise [verb]

means "movement"
ascend, rise, climb, stand, mount, come up

attitude [noun]

means "perspective"
stand, point of view, position, posture, viewpoint, outlook

base [noun]

means "thing"
stand, bottom, foot, seat, rest

bastion [noun]

means "armour"
aegis, defence, resistance, preservation, stand, guard

bench [noun]

means "thing"
shelf, ledge, counter, trestle, stand, booth

brook [verb]

means "allow"
abide, bear, endure, put up with, stand, submit to

carry [verb]

means "action"
support, bear, shoulder, stand, suffer, sustain

come up [verb]

means "go up"
ascend, rise, climb, stand, mount, arise

come upon [verb]

means "meet"
experience, encounter, confront, stand, face

copse [noun]

means "grove"
stand, forest, wood, growth, crop

counter [noun]

means "shelf"
ledge, bench, trestle, stand, booth, board

crop [noun]

means "thing"
harvest, stand, output, product, produce, hay

defence [noun]

means "armour"
aegis, bastion, resistance, preservation, stand, guard

effort [noun]

means "deed"
striving, push, labour, exertion, stand, pains

encounter [verb]

means "meet"
experience, come upon, confront, stand, face

erect [verb]

means "set up"
stand, build up, put up, assemble, raise

go through [verb]

means "endure"
tolerate, undergo, bear, stand, put up with, stomach

go up [verb]

means "arise"
ascend, rise, climb, stand, mount, come up

grandstand [noun]

means "platform"
stage, dais, stand

lectern [noun]

means "podium"
pulpit, stand, rostrum, platform, desk, furniture

ledge [noun]

means "shelf"
bench, counter, trestle, stand, booth, board

perspective [noun]

means "viewpoint"
standpoint, outlook, position, stand, attitude, bias

podium [noun]

means "lectern"
pulpit, stand, rostrum, platform, desk, furniture

poise [verb]

means "balance"
stand, hover, equilibrate

position [noun]

means "pose"
attitude, deportment, colour, stance, posture, stand

receive [verb]

means "undergo"
experience, endure, abide, stand, bear, suffer

stomach [verb]

means "bear"
abide, brook, endure, stand, suffer, forbear

straighten up [verb]

means "stand up"
stand, rise, stretch out, arise

submit to [verb]

means "allow"
abide, bear, endure, put up with, stand, brook

suffer [verb]

means "toleration"
sustain, endure, tolerate, bear, stand, stomach

support [verb]

means "endure"
tolerate, undergo, bear, stand, put up with, stomach

table [noun]

means "thing"
board, counter, stand, desk, console

trestle [noun]

means "shelf"
ledge, counter, bench, stand, booth, board

stand for [verb]

means "let"
permit, allow, sanction, entitle, grant, pass

stand up [verb]

means "arise"
get up, rise

stand-in [noun]

means "ersatz"
false, substitute, supplementary

standard [noun]

means "support"
bar, rod, timber, upright

standard [noun]

means "emblem"
banner, ensign, symbol, flag, pennant, streamer, pennon

standard [noun]

means "basis"
model, measure, gauge, example, criterion, pattern, rule

standard [adjective]

means "regular"
basic, normal, typical, sample, stock, regulation, approved

standardise [verb]

means "make established"
institutionalise, standardize, order, regulate

standardize [verb]

means "make established"
standardise, institutionalise, order, regulate

standardized [adjective]

means "standardised"
mechanical, stereotyped, monotonous, unchanging, fixed

standing [noun]

means "status"
position, rank, condition, reputation, credit

standing [adjective]

means "stagnant"
motionless, stationary, still, unmoving, idle, unused

standing [adjective]

means "lasting"
constant, continuous, continuing, permanent, unceasing, unchanging, steady

standing [adjective]

means "established"
in effect, in force, operative, settled, effective

standoffish [adjective]

means "aloof"
unsociable, snooty, distant, reserved, cool, withdrawn, cold, detached, arrogant, indifferent, callous, unfriendly, unapproachable

standpoint [noun]

means "point of view"
perspective, viewpoint, outlook, slant, point, angle, position

standstill [noun]

means "cessation"
end, halt, termination, arrest, stop, pause, check

allow [verb]

means "permission"
let, permit, stand for, sanction, entitle, grant

angle [noun]

means "point of view"
perspective, viewpoint, outlook, slant, point, standpoint

archetypal [adjective]

means "classic"
excellent, standard, superior, typical, consummate, model

average [noun]

means "mean"
norm, normal, median, par, standard, mean proportion

banner [noun]

means "emblem"
standard, ensign, symbol, flag, pennant, streamer

bar [noun]

means "thing"
rod, shaft, standard, pole, stick, traverse

canon [noun]

means "criterion"
principle, standard, test

cessation [noun]

means "stop"
end, halt, termination, arrest, standstill, pause

check [noun]

means "stop"
halt, arrest, cessation, standstill, suspension, stoppage

classic [adjective]

means "archetypal"
excellent, standard, superior, typical, consummate, model

classical [adjective]

means "distinguished"
established, excellent, first-rate, standard, well-known, famous

consequence [noun]

means "distinction"
value, standing, prestige, elevation, importance, prominence

conventional [adjective]

means "customary"
traditional, normal, standard, accepted, accustomed, common

copy [noun]

means "thing"

criterion [noun]

means "basis"
model, measure, gauge, example, standard, pattern

customary [adjective]

means "conventional"
traditional, normal, standard, accepted, accustomed, common

dead heat [noun]

means "tie"
draw, stalemate, stand-off

decent [adjective]

means "property"
fitting, appropriate, seemly, apt, standard, becoming

deputy [noun]

means "administrative officer"
chief, constable, marshal, sheriff, police officer, stand in

double [verb]

means "activity"
substitute, stand in, fill in for

double [noun]

means "person"
stand in, clone, counterpart, duplicate, twin, mate

draw [noun]

means "event"
tie, dead heat, stalemate, stand-off

effective [adjective]

means "in force"
prevailing, active, sovereign, standing, operative

eminence [noun]

means "prominence"
glory, celebrity, standing, illustriousness, lustre

equable [adjective]

means "uniform"

erect [adjective]

means "vertical"
cocked, standing, straight, raised, perpendicular, upright

even [adjective]

means "property"
regular, standard

example [noun]

means "pattern"
standard, archetype, exemplar, guide, model, original

exemplify [verb]

means "symbolise"
symbolize, typify, signify, stand for, personify

face [noun]

means "property"
reputation, dignity, name, status, prestige, standing

false [adjective]

means "characteristic"
ersatz, stand-in, substitute, supplementary

fill [verb]

means "activity"
occupy, stand in, pervade, permeate, take up, distend

fill in for [verb]

means "substitute"
stand in, double

gauge [noun]

means "device for measuring"
measure, dial, mark, meter, scale, standard

generic [adjective]

means "general"
non-specific, non-exclusive, universal, non-trademark, standard, without brand name

ideal [noun]

means "quality"
model, epitome, standard, archetype, exemplar, example

in force [adjective]

means "effective"
prevailing, active, sovereign, standing, operative

ingot [noun]

means "rod"
shaft, standard, pole, stick, traverse, boom

institutionalise [verb]

means "make established"
standardise, standardize, order, regulate

institutionalize [verb]

means "make established"
standardise, standardize, order, regulate

liked [adjective]

means "favourite"
accepted, recommend, approved, standard, popular

manual [adjective]

means "property"
by hand, standard, old-fashioned

measure [verb]

means "gauge"

mechanical [adjective]

means "standardized"
standardised, stereotyped, monotonous, unchanging, fixed

mirror [noun]

means "model"
pattern, standard, example, paradigm

norm [noun]

means "mean"
average, normal, median, par, standard, mean proportion

normal [adjective]

means "property"
usual, common, ordinary, typical, standard, customary

outlook [noun]

means "perspective"

paradigm [noun]

means "model"
pattern, standard, example, mirror

paragon [noun]

means "perfection"
model, ideal, quintessence, standard, idealisation, idealization

paralysis [noun]

means "stoppage"
suspension, arrest, standstill, breakdown, stalemate, cessation

pattern [noun]

means "example"
standard, archetype, exemplar, guide, model, original

pennant [noun]

means "emblem"
banner, ensign, symbol, flag, standard, streamer

perfection [noun]

means "paragon"
model, ideal, quintessence, standard, idealisation, idealization

personify [verb]

means "symbolize"
typify, signify, stand for, exemplify

pervade [verb]

means "occupy"
stand in, fill, permeate, take up, distend

plane [noun]

means "position"

point of view [noun]

means "angle"
perspective, viewpoint, outlook, slant, point, standpoint

pole [noun]

means "thing"
rod, shaft, standard, bar, stick, traverse

popular [adjective]

means "favourite"
accepted, recommend, approved, standard, liked

position [noun]

means "rank"
place, standing, status

prestige [noun]

means "reputation"
dignity, name, status, face, standing

principle [noun]

means "regulation"
canon, rule, standard, test

rank [noun]

means "eminence"
distinction, nobility, standing, status, dignity, pedigree

rank [noun]

means "class"
order, position, division, level, standing, station

rate [noun]

means "frequency"
incidence, occurrence, proportion, fraction, ratio, standard

reputation [noun]

means "character"
standing, rep, repute, estimation, position, regard

rise [verb]

means "movement"
arise, get up, stand up

routine [adjective]

means "habitual"
predictable, customary, reflex, usual, methodical, standard

rule [noun]

means "law"
dictum, regulation, precept, order, principle, standard

run [noun]

means "property"
standard, average, ordinary, regular

situation [noun]

means "status"
standing, station, rank, sphere, footing

state [noun]

means "position"
rank, standing, station, estate

state [noun]

means "condition"

static [adjective]

means "state"
standing still, stagnant, immobile, stationary, motionless, quiescent

stationary [adjective]

means "stagnant"
motionless, standing, still, unmoving, idle, unused

stature [noun]

means "status"
standing, rank, position, greatness, importance, prestige

status [noun]

means "position"
rank, place, standing

stay [noun]

means "stop"
halt, pause, standstill, delay, hiatus, interruption

stock [adjective]

means "property"
standard, regular, normal, typical, customary, commonplace

stop [noun]

means "event"
cessation, end, halt, termination, arrest, standstill

stoppage [noun]

means "halt"
arrest, cessation, standstill, suspension, check

streamer [noun]

means "emblem"
banner, ensign, symbol, flag, pennant, standard

substitute [noun]

means "alternate"
double, sub, stand-in, surrogate, proxy, fill-in

symbolise [verb]

means "personify"
symbolize, typify, signify, stand for, exemplify

symbolize [verb]

means "symbolise"
personify, typify, signify, stand for, exemplify

tie [noun]

means "state"
stand-off, draw, dead heat, stalemate, deadlock

touchstone [noun]

means "norm"
measure, gauge, model, criterion, standard, yardstick

trial [noun]

means "process"
experiment, test, testing, criterion, standard, examination

type [verb]

means "activity"
arrange, class, sort, categorise, categorize, standardise, standardize

understudy [noun]

means "student"
substitute, pupil, alternate, back-up, fill-in, stand-in

vertical [adjective]

means "erect"
cocked, standing, straight, raised, perpendicular, upright

viewpoint [noun]

means "point of view"
perspective, angle, outlook, slant, point, standpoint

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