
Synonym for stop [verb]

The synonym stop synonymous definition words:

stop [verb]

means "action"
halt, end, terminate, discontinue, arrest, restrain, interrupt, intermit, cease, end, desist, finish, quit, surrender, withdraw, relinquish

stop [noun]

means "state"
stopover, stay, sojourn

stop [noun]

means "place"
depot, station, terminal

stop [noun]

means "event"
cessation, end, halt, termination, arrest, standstill, pause, check
Further results for the word "stop"

abort [verb]

means "miscarry"
cancel, nullify, stop, annul, fail, interrupt

bar [verb]

means "obstruction"
block, hinder, impede, stop, prohibit, restrain

block [verb]

means "action"
hinder, arrest, prevent, impede, stop, check

boycott [verb]

means "picket"
strike, oppose, resist, stop, quit

break [verb]

means "action"
interrupt, abbreviate, curtail, disrupt, stop, suspend

bring to an end [verb]

means "conclude"

call [noun]

means "event"
visit, stop, stay, arrival

call on [verb]

means "call upon"
stop, visit, present oneself

check [noun]

means "thing"
barrier, stop, arrest, obstacle, obstruction, damper

conclude [verb]

means "bring to an end"

contain [verb]

means "restrain"
keep back, hold, suppress, stop, stifle, check

damper [noun]

means "barrier"
stop, arrest, obstacle, obstruction, check, impediment

desist [verb]

means "cease"
end, stop, finish, quit, surrender, withdraw

deter [verb]

means "delay"
block, retard, stay, detain, stop, check

deterrent [noun]

means "stay"
check, stop, obstruction, arrest, halt, hindrance

die [verb]

means "activity"
disappear, part, cease, stop, pass, recede

discontinue [verb]

means "cease"
finish, desist, close, quit, stop

disrupt [verb]

means "interrupt"
abbreviate, curtail, break, stop, suspend, end

expire [verb]

means "end"
finish, conclude, stop, lapse, quit

extinguish [verb]

means "destroy"
kill, do away with, stop

freeze [verb]

means "movement"
make motionless, fix, petrify, paralyse, halt, stop

halt [verb]

means "cease"
pause, rest, desist, hold, stop

impede [verb]

means "hinder"
arrest, prevent, block, stop, check, obstruct

interruption [noun]

means "stay"
check, stop, obstruction, deterrent, halt, hindrance

keep back [verb]

means "restrain"
contain, hold, suppress, stop, stifle, check

leave [verb]

means "action"
abandon, cease, stop, terminate, forbear, let alone

nip [verb]

means "curtail"
stop, check, catch, arrest, halt, curb

obstruct [verb]

means "bar"
block, hinder, impede, stop, prohibit, restrain

outlaw [verb]

means "ban"
interdict, prohibit, stop, deny, proscribe, banish

pipe down [verb]

means "be quiet"
hush, stop, quiet down

prevent [verb]

means "hinder"
impede, obstruct, interrupt, stop, thwart, delay

pull up [verb]

means "come to a halt"
arrive, get there, stop, brake, reach, near

quiet [verb]

means "action"
stop, check

sojourn [noun]

means "visit"
stay, stop, repose, rest

standstill [noun]

means "cessation"
end, halt, termination, arrest, stop, pause

stay [noun]

means "event"
visit, sojourn, stop, repose, rest

stifle [verb]

means "suppress"
repress, restrain, prevent, stop, keep back, check

strike [verb]

means "obstruction"
picket, boycott, oppose, resist, stop, quit

switch off [verb]

means "turn off"
disconnect, stop

tarry [verb]

means "remain"
stay, lodge, sojourn, rest, abide, stop

terminate [verb]

means "abolish"
eliminate, end, stop, cancel

turn off [verb]

means "switch off"
disconnect, stop

vanish [verb]

means "disappear"
part, cease, stop, pass, recede, end

wait [noun]

means "delay"
pause, lingering, waiting, halt, stop

stop by [verb]

means "visit"
come around, call on

stop up [verb]

means "stop"
jam, close, obstruct, block, choke, clog, barricade

stopgap [noun]

means "substitute"
expedient, alternative, makeshift, replacement, fill-in

stopgap [adjective]

means "makeshift"
substitute, provisional, improvised, impermanent, alternate, emergency, practical

stopover [noun]

means "stop"
stay, sojourn, depot, station, terminal

stoppage [noun]

means "halt"
arrest, cessation, standstill, suspension, check

stopper [noun]

means "top"
cap, capsule, plug, seal

stopping [noun]

means "stoppage"
impeding, hindrance

blocking [noun]

means "interference"
stoppage, obstruction, restraint

call upon [verb]

means "call on"
stop by, visit, present oneself

cap [noun]

means "thing"
top, stopper, capsule, plug, seal

check [noun]

means "stop"
halt, arrest, cessation, standstill, suspension, stoppage

close [verb]

means "stop"
jam, stop up, obstruct, block, choke, clog

come around [verb]

means "visit"
stop by, call on

eventuate [verb]

means "result"
take place, stop at

hindrance [noun]

means "stoppage"
impeding, stopping

hop [noun]

means "short trip"
trip, flight, jaunt, stopover, journey

impeding [adjective]

means "hampering"
encumbering, obstructing, blocking, holding up, inhibiting, stopping

lid [noun]

means "thing"
cover, cap, hood, top, roof, stopper

makeshift [noun]

means "substitution"
replacement, stopgap

makeshift [adjective]

means "temporary"
provisional, alternative, substitute, stopgap

obstruction [noun]

means "interference"
stoppage, blocking, restraint

phase out [verb]

means "remove from nursing"
stop suckling, reconcile to a loss, disengage, disunite, gently break a habit, wean

plug [noun]

means "thing"
stopper, cork, wedge, clog, spike, spill

remission [noun]

means "relief"

resource [noun]

means "recourse"
resort, substitute, stopgap, refuge, expedient, makeshift

surcease [noun]

means "cessation"
discontinuance, stopping, interlude, pause, postponement, delay

visit [verb]

means "activity"
attend, stop by, see, call on, tarry

wean [verb]

means "remove from nursing"
stop suckling, reconcile to a loss, disengage, disunite, gently break a habit, phase out

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