
Synonym for tan [adjective]

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Further results for the word "tan"

brown [adjective]

means "colour"
chestnut, mahogany, reddish-brown, tan

buff [adjective]

means "colour"
tan, yellow-brown, tawny, brown

flesh [adjective]

means "colour"
cream-coloured, tan, off-white

ivory [adjective]

means "colour"
cream-coloured, off-white, creamy, tawny, tan

mahogany [adjective]

means "colour"
chestnut, brown, reddish-brown, tan

tawny [adjective]

means "colour"
yellow-brown, brownish yellow, fawn, tan

yellow [noun]

means "colour"
tawny, sand, tan

entangle [verb]

means "confuse"
embroil, complicate, bewilder, knot, mat, tangle

entanglement [noun]

means "complication"
confusion, difficulty, snarl, knot, tangle, intricacy

substantial [adjective]

means "real"
actual, tangible, concrete, material, physical, visible

tang [noun]

means "flavour"
taste, smack, savour, tinge, zest, relish, odour

tangible [adjective]

means "touchable"
substantial, material, corporeal, palpable, tactile, discernible

tangible [adjective]

means "perceptible"
evident, actual, certain, plain, real, obvious

tangle [noun]

means "puzzle"
knot, perplexity, web, snarl, difficulty, conundrum

tangy [adjective]

means "sharp"
biting, sour, bitter, keen, pungent

tantalise [verb]

means "tease"
provoke, torment, irritate, frustrate, fascinate, vex, torture

tantalize [verb]

means "tease"
provoke, torment, irritate, frustrate, fascinate, vex, torture

tantalizing [adjective]

means "mouth-watering"
tempting, appetizing, delicious, appealing, delectable, tasty, inviting

tantamount [adjective]

means "adequate"
competent, fit, sufficient, suitable, equal

tantrum [noun]

means "overacting"
pretence, put-on, histrionics, pretension

acidulous [adjective]

means "bitter"
tart, tangy, acerb, rancid, acerbic, sour

actual [adjective]

means "real"
present, existent, tangible, substantive, concrete, material

appealing [adjective]

means "mouth-watering"
tempting, tantalizing, delicious, appetizing, delectable, tasty

appetizing [adjective]

means "mouth-watering"
tempting, tantalizing, delicious, appealing, delectable, tasty

appreciable [adjective]

means "discernible"
recognizable, tangible

ascertainable [adjective]

means "discernible"
recognizable, tangible

biting [adjective]

means "sharp"
tangy, sour, bitter, keen, pungent

bodily [adjective]

means "physical"
fleshly, carnal, corporeal, human, tangible, material

bombed [adjective]

means "drunk"
stoned, intoxicated, inebriated, drunken, tanked, tight

caught [adjective]

means "entangled"
foul, jammed, tangled

chaos [noun]

means "confusion"
clutter, disorder, snarl, hubbub, tangle, jumble

colored [adjective]

means "dark-skinned"
bronzed, indian, tanned

complex [noun]

means "network"
system, structure, tangle, group, compound, complication

complicate [verb]

means "perplex"

complication [noun]

means "snarl"
confusion, difficulty, entanglement, knot, tangle, intricacy

concrete [adjective]

means "physical"

confusion [noun]

means "chaos"
clutter, disorder, snarl, hubbub, tangle, jumble

curled [adjective]

means "kinky"
twisted, tangled, knotted

defined [adjective]

means "definite"
tangible, positive, circumscribed, unerring, accurate, limited

definite [adjective]

means "distinct"
visible, audible, sharp, tangible, vivid, unmistakable

definite [adjective]

means "defined"
tangible, positive, circumscribed, unerring, accurate, limited

equal [adjective]

means "quantity"
adequate, fit, sufficient, suitable, tantamount

flavor [noun]

means "taste"
savour, savor [US], tang, relish, smack, twang

flavour [noun]

means "taste"
savour, tang, relish, smack, gusto, piquancy

foul [verb]

means "action"
catch, clog, entangle, tangle

foul [adjective]

means "state"
entangled, caught, jammed, tangled

grapple [verb]

means "fight"
struggle, tangle, wrestle, combat

histrionics [noun]

means "overacting"
pretence, put-on, tantrum, pretension

intoxicated [adjective]

means "drunk"
stoned, bombed, inebriated, drunken, tanked, tight

intricacy [noun]

means "complication"
confusion, difficulty, entanglement, knot, tangle, snarl

involve [verb]

means "entangle"
implicate, embroil, bind, tangle, connect, mire

irresistible [adjective]

means "tempting"
tantalizing, enticing, fascinating, charming, alluring, appealing

kinky [adjective]

means "curled"
twisted, tangled, knotted

knot [noun]

means "puzzle"
tangle, perplexity, web, snarl, difficulty, conundrum

knotted [adjective]

means "curled"
twisted, tangled, kinky

maze [noun]

means "labyrinth"
puzzle, tangle, web, network, entanglement, intricacy

miff [noun]

means "huff"
fit, pique, temper, rage, tantrum, anger

mouth-watering [adjective]

means "appetizing"
tempting, tantalizing, delicious, appealing, delectable, tasty

natural [adjective]

means "physical"
actual, tangible, real

network [noun]

means "complex"
system, structure, tangle, group, compound, complication

odor [noun]

means "smell"
pungency, aroma, bouquet, tang, fragrance, trail

odour [noun]

means "smell"
pungency, aroma, bouquet, tang, fragrance, trail

palate [noun]

means "taste"
savour, relish, zest, gusto, flavour, tang

perplex [verb]

means "encumber"
complicate, confuse, entangle, involve, snarl, tangle

physical [adjective]

means "material"
visible, natural, tangible, real, palpable, sensible

ravel [verb]

means "complicate"
confuse, entangle, involve, knot, tangle, snarl

real [adjective]

means "characteristic"
material, existent, tangible, substantive, physical, incarnate

recognisable [adjective]

means "discernible"
recognizable, tangible

recognizable [adjective]

means "discernible"
appreciable, tangible

relish [noun]

means "taste"
flavour, savour, tang

ruffle [verb]

means "disarrange"
disorder, rearrange, tangle, rumple, wrinkle, damage

rumple [verb]

means "disarrange"
disorder, rearrange, tangle, ruffle, wrinkle, damage

savor [noun]

means "characteristic"
taste, smack, tang, tinge, zest, relish

savory [adjective]

means "delicious"
good to eat, tangy, tasty, pungent, palatable, luscious

savour [noun]

means "flavour"
taste, smack, tang, tinge, zest, relish

scent [noun]

means "perception"
smell, odour, fragrance, aroma, tang, perfume

seasoned [adjective]

means "spicy"
salty, tangy, marinated, pungent, aromatic

smack [verb]

means "savour"
flavour, tang, smell

snarl [verb]

means "complicate"
confuse, entangle, involve, knot, tangle, ravel

snarl [noun]

means "complication"
confusion, difficulty, entanglement, knot, tangle, intricacy

sour [adjective]

means "taste"
bitter, tart, tangy, acerb, rancid, acerbic

spice [noun]

means "quality"
tang, taste

spicy [adjective]

means "aromatic"
savoury, tangy, pungent, piquant, hot, keen

taste [verb]

means "activity"
savour, relish, enjoy, sense, smack, tang

taste [noun]

means "cooking"
tang, aroma

teasing [adjective]

means "fooling around"
kidding, ribbing, tantalizing, joshing

tooth [noun]

means "thing"
point, tip, cog, tang, peg, barb

toothsome [adjective]

means "palatable"
tasty, savoury, appetizing, yummy, tantalizing, delicious

twisted [adjective]

means "perverted"
perplexing, distorted, tangled, wrong, erroneous

zest [noun]

means "taste"
tang, spice, piquancy, savour, bite, punch

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