Synonym for text [noun]
The synonym text synonymous definition words:
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Further results for the word "text"
handbook [noun]
means "course book"textbook, manual, text
manuscript [noun]
means "written output"article, document, text, composition, essay, correspondence
stanza [noun]
means "subject"theme, content, topic, excerpt, text, verse
subject matter [noun]
means "topics"substance, text, sum and substance, contents
textbook [noun]
means "guidebook"handbook, manual, text, guide, primer
vocabulary [noun]
means "wording"words, printed matter, document, quotation, text
fabric [noun]
means "cloth"material, textile, weave, stuff
fiber [noun]
means "essential element"warp and woof [US], texture, structure, nerve, resilience, grit
homily [noun]
means "solemn moral talk"sermon, lecture, lesson, doctrine, didactic discourse, textual discourse
softness [noun]
means "coherence"texture, opposite of hardness, loose consistency, density, firmness, viscosity
viscosity [noun]
means "coherence"texture, hardness, softness, density, firmness, consistency
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