
Synonym for to [object]

The synonym to synonymous definition words:
means "time"

to [object]

means "position"
toward, facing, through, as far as
Further results for the word "to"

adulator [noun]

means "flatterer"
sycophant, flunky, toady

circuitous [adjective]

means "devious"
roundabout, winding, tortuous, oblique

come up to [verb]

means "match"
equal, rival, resemble, top

custom [noun]

means "cost"
tax, assessment, duty, dues, impost, toll

custom-made [adjective]

means "made to order"
adapt, to suit, custom built

kowtow to [verb]

means "fawn"
bootlick, toady, grovel, cringe, stoop, blandish

lavatory [noun]

means "bathroom"
bath, shower, spa, sauna, shower room, toilet

mattock [noun]

means "hatchet"
adze, axe, tomahawk, pickaxe, cleaver

observatory [noun]

means "look-out"
tower, outlook, overlook

overtop [verb]

means "appear imposing"
menace, overshadow, tower, overhang, threaten, impend

promontory [noun]

means "altitude"
rise, elevation, top, eminence, platform, height

purgatory [noun]

means "limbo"
hereafter, penance, afterlife, torture

to let [adjective]

means "for rent"
available, rental

to no avail [adjective]

means "in vain"

to one side [object]

means "away in time or place"
separately, alone, individually, away, independently, exclusively, apart

to pieces [object]

means "asunder"
in pieces, apart, in two

to the rear [object]

means "backward"
back, behind, rearward, aback

toady [verb]

means "crouch"
fawn, grovel

toady [noun]

means "yes-man"
flatterer, sycophant, fawner, bootlicker

toast [verb]

means "cooking"
roast, grill, brown, heat up, cook, sear, crisp

toast [verb]

means "action"
salutation with a drink

toast [noun]

means "thing"
roasted bread

toast [noun]

means "action"
salute with a drink, salute, pledge

tocsin [noun]

means "warning"
alarm, caution, notice, alert

today [object]

means "time"
now, nowadays, present

together [object]

means "simultaneously"
concurrently, at once

together [object]

means "running"
continually, continuously, successively, consecutively

together [object]

means "jointly"

toil [verb]

means "labour"
work, exert, strive, slave, moil, sweat

toil [noun]

means "labour"
drudgery, work, travail, exertion, effort

toilet [noun]

means "thing"
lavatory, amenity, throne, potty

toilet [noun]

means "appearance"
dressing, grooming, bathing, showering

token [noun]

means "symbol"
memento, sign, emblem, souvenir, gift, mark, reminder

token [adjective]

means "perfunctory"
nominal, in name only, figurehead, superficial, minimal

told [adjective]

means "educated"
notified, instructed, trained, informed, enlightened, advised

tolerably [object]

means "adequately"
fairly, quite, amply, abundantly, reasonably, just, enough

tolerance [noun]

means "open-mindedness"
impartiality, liberality, allowance, variation, magnanimity, lenity

tolerance [noun]

means "endurance"
stamina, patience, forbearance, toleration, sufferance

tolerate [verb]

means "permit"
admit, allow, recognise, recognize, oblige, indulge, sanction, warrant

tolerate [verb]

means "endure"
take, suffer, put up with, abide, accept, sustain, countenance

toleration [noun]

means "clemency"
indulgence, lenience, leniency, tolerance, forbearance

toll [noun]

means "payment"
tax, duty, assessment, charge, customs, price

toll [noun]

means "damage"
destruction, sacrifice, loss, losses, waste

tomahawk [noun]

means "hatchet"
adze, mattock, axe, pickaxe, cleaver

tomb [noun]

means "grave"
catacomb, crypt, vault, sepulchre, mausoleum, cavern, cellar

tomboy [noun]

means "hoyden"
spitfire, girl

tone [noun]

means "sound"
timbre, resonance, pitch

tone [noun]

means "manner"
mode, expression, condition, habit

tongue [noun]

means "language"
common speech, dialect, utterance, vernacular, mother tongue

tongue-tied [adjective]

means "speechless"
mute, dumbfounded, dumb, wordless, shocked

tongue-tied [adjective]

means "quiet"
close-mouthed, taciturn, silent, reticent, restrained

tonic [noun]

means "medicine"
restorative, boost, stimulant

too [object]

means "size"
extremely, exceedingly

too [object]

means "addition"
additionally, as well, in also, besides, as well as, moreover, further

tools [noun]

means "building"
equipment, machinery, plant, facility

tooth [noun]

means "thing"
point, tip, cog, tang, peg, barb, spine

tooth [noun]

means "body"
incisor, tusk, cusp

tooth and nail [adjective]

means "with all one's might"
intensely, passionately

toothsome [adjective]

means "palatable"
tasty, savoury, appetizing, yummy, tantalizing, delicious, delectable

top [verb]

means "comparison"
excel, exceed, surpass, outdo, beat

top [verb]

means "activity"
prune, crop, truncate, lop

top [noun]

means "place"
peak, pinnacle, crest, apex, acme, summit, vertex, zenith

top [noun]

means "person"
leader, chief, head, captain

top [adjective]

means "position"
highest, greatest, upper, topmost, uppermost

top [adjective]

means "comparison"
best, chief, prime, first, foremost, head, principal

topic [noun]

means "subject"
point, problem, question, crux, issue

topical [adjective]

means "local"
confined, isolated, provincial, insular, narrow, regional, limited

topical [adjective]

means "current"
familiar, popular, well-known

topknot [noun]

means "comb"
crest, tuft

topmost [adjective]

means "highest"
greatest, upper, top, uppermost

topple [verb]

means "founder"
break down, fall down, cave in, collapse, disintegrate, give way, fall

topsy-turvy [object]

means "upside-down"
backwards, in reverse

topsy-turvy [adjective]

means "confused"
helter-skelter, pell-mell, chaotic, turbulent, disjointed, jumbled, muddled

torch [noun]

means "thing"
brand, ember, coal, spark

toreador [noun]

means "matador"
bullfighter, torero

torero [noun]

means "matador"
toreador, bullfighter

torment [verb]

means "torture"
annoy, abuse, distress, harry, vex, afflict, agonise, agonize

torment [verb]

means "annoy"
harass, irritate, pester, plague, provoke, tease, trouble

torment [noun]

means "agony"
anguish, suffering, misery, distress, torture

tormented [adjective]

means "worried"
troubled, plagued, beset

torn [adjective]

means "ripped"
split, ragged, severed, burst

tornado [noun]

means "twister"
cyclone, storm

torpedo [noun]

means "murderer"
assassin, killer, manslayer

torpid [adjective]

means "dormant"
idle, latent

torpid [adjective]

means "apathetic"
inactive, inert, lethargic, sluggish, slow, motionless, indolent

torque [noun]

means "twist"
turning force

torrent [noun]

means "downpour"
cloud-burst, deluge, flood, flow, stream

torrid [adjective]

means "tropical"
steaming, sweltering, burning, fiery, hot, scorching

torrid [adjective]

means "passionate"

torso [noun]

means "body"
abdomen, middle, trunk, thorax

tortuous [adjective]

means "winding"
curved, serpentine, sinuous, twisted, twisting, crooked

tortuous [adjective]

means "immoral"
deceitful, dishonest, devious, crooked, ambiguous, evasive, indirect

torture [verb]

means "torment"
abuse, irritate, hurt, wound, beat

torture [noun]

means "torment"
pain, anguish, suffering, agony, tribulation

toss [verb]

means "throw"
fling, pitch, cast, hurl

toss [verb]

means "bob"
roll, buffet, heave, sway, swing, undulate, flounder

toss [noun]

means "throw"

tot [noun]

means "infant"
baby, kid, newborn, suckling

total [verb]

means "activity"
add, calculate, figure, amount to

total [noun]

means "quantity"
whole, gross, totality, entirety, sum, aggregate

total [adjective]

means "amount"
complete, absolute, entire, final, utter, whole, finished, unqualified

totalitarian [adjective]

means "dictatorial"
compulsory, autocratic, imperious, despotic, domineering, arbitrary

totality [noun]

means "entirety"
whole, amount, aggregate, assemblage, body, gross, sum

totally [object]

means "all"
entirely, altogether, exactly, just, purely, quite, utterly

tote [noun]

means "container"
sack, pouch, bag, receptacle, satchel, purse

totter [verb]

means "stagger"
stumble, falter, reel, weave, waver, trip

totter [verb]

means "shake"
quiver, tremble, oscillate, sway, lurch, slip, slide

touch [verb]

means "purpose"
affect, refer to, pertain to, regard, relate to, concern, involve

touch [verb]

means "joining"
adjoin, meet, border, abut, join

touch [verb]

means "feeling"
palpate, rub, stroke, pat, pet, handle, nudge

touch [verb]

means "arrival"
meet, arrive at, attain, reach, encounter

touch [verb]

means "action"
impress, affect, move, strike, stir, soften, melt, treat

touch [noun]

means "quality"
characteristic, trait, style, kind

touch [noun]

means "proposal"
hint, suggestion, trace

touch [noun]

means "impact"
contact, handling, contiguity, caress, stroke, pat, tap, blow

touch [noun]

means "ability"
knack, technique, skill, sensation, talent, sense, feeling

touch down [verb]

means "land"
alight, perch, roost, set down, settle

touch-and-go [adjective]

means "extremely uncertain"
risky, tricky, precarious, dangerous, dubious, hazardous

touchable [adjective]

means "tangible"
tactile, palpable, actual, real, concrete, material, substantive

touched [adjective]

means "moved"
stirred, jarred, affected, impressed, influenced

touched [adjective]

means "mentally unbalanced"
bizarre, daft, eccentric, fanatic, neurotic, nutty, odd

touched [adjective]

means "handled"

touching [adjective]

means "moving"
poignant, pathetic, sentimental, pitiful, stirring, tender, pitiable

touchy [adjective]

means "tricky"
precarious, ticklish, risky, hazardous, delicate, chancy, unstable

touchy [adjective]

means "irritable"
cantankerous, irascible, peevish, grouchy, testy

tough [noun]

means "person"
hoodlum, bruiser, gangster

tough [adjective]

means "quality"
durable, sturdy, hardy

tough [adjective]

means "property"
violent, severe, savage, terrible, ferocious, fierce, vigourous

tough [adjective]

means "characteristic"
strong, firm, rugged, hard, vigourous, hardy, hardened, rigid, inflexible, unyielding, uncompromising, hard-line, incorrigible, troublesome

toughen [verb]

means "harden"
accustom, acclimate, brace, acclimatise, acclimatize, confirm, discipline, fortify

tour [verb]

means "movement"
travel, journey, voyage, visit, jaunt

tour [noun]

means "event"
journey, excursion, expedition, trip, shift, hitch, trick

touring [adjective]

means "on a trip"
roaming, on vacation, roving, travelling

tourist [noun]

means "person arriving"
passenger, newcomer, visitor, caller, arrival, traveller

tournament [noun]

means "competition"
rivalry, challenge, race, contest, ring, game, match

tousled [adjective]

means "unfinished"
unmade, undone, dismantled, dishevelled, disassembled, messy, disorderly

tout [noun]

means "surveillance"
vigilance, watch, vigil, look-out

tow [verb]

means "activity"
pull, hale, drag, draw, move, haul, transport

toward [object]

means "in the direction of"
approaching, around, near, close to, at

toward [object]

means "approximately"
around, about, close to, nearly, roughly

tower [noun]

means "building"
tall structure, minaret

tower above [verb]

means "dominate"
overlook, command, eclipse

towering [adjective]

means "imperial"
imposing, stately

towering [adjective]

means "high"
elevated, lofty, tall, great, overwhelming, monumental

township [noun]

means "municipality"
community government, precinct

toxic [adjective]

means "harmful"
baneful, dangerous, deadly, noxious, deleterious, virulent, destructive

toxin [noun]

means "poison"
bacteria, bane, venom, germ, virus, miasma

toy [verb]

means "activity"
trifle, jest, dabble

toy [noun]

means "thing"
triviality, trinket, bauble, trifle

toy [noun]

means "play"
plaything, game, die, gewgaw, pretty

toy with [verb]

means "touch"
finger, handle, manipulate, palpate, point out, designate

up-to-date [adjective]

means "present"
fashionable, current, modern, topical, contemporary

windstorm [noun]

means "whirlwind"
gale, tornado, hurricane, whirly

Crown [verb]

means "culminate"
top, cap, climax, consummate, perfect

National Socialism [noun]

means "right-wing dictatorship"
dictatorship, fascism, totalitarianism, autocracy, despotism, Nazism

Nazism [noun]

means "right-wing dictatorship"
dictatorship, national socialism, totalitarianism, autocracy, despotism, fascism

aback [adjective]

means "backward"
back, behind, rearward, to the rear

abaft [object]

means "aft"
rearward, behind, back, to the rear, astern

abdomen [noun]

means "body"
trunk, middle, torso, thorax

acme [noun]

means "peak"
pinnacle, crest, apex, top, summit, vertex

add [verb]

means "addition"
calculate, aggregate, compute, figure, sum, tot, tally, total

adversity [noun]

means "grief"
torment, worry, distress, dolour, woe, affliction

adz [noun]

means "hatchet"
axe, mattock, tomahawk, pickaxe, cleaver

aerial [adjective]

means "position"
high, elevated, towering, lofty, airy, tall

affect [verb]

means "effect"
impress, stir, touch, move, pierce, overcome

affected [adjective]

means "influenced"
moved, touched, overwhelmed, impressed, tender, concerned

affecting [adjective]

means "inspiring"
poignant, touching, thrilling, stirring, moving, emotional

afflict [verb]

means "torture"
annoy, abuse, distress, harry, vex, torment

aft [adjective]

means "abaft"
rearward, behind, back, to the rear, astern

against [object]

means "contra"
opposite, opposing, facing, toward, fronting, versus

aggregate [verb]

means "gather"
accumulate, amass, assemble, collect, total

aggregate [noun]

means "entirety"
whole, amount, totality, assemblage, body, gross

agitated [adjective]

means "vibrated"
shaken, jarred, mixed, churned, topsy-turvy

agonize [verb]

means "torture"
agonise, torment

agonizing [adjective]

means "painful"
depressing, distressing, disturbing, excruciating, tormenting, saddening

agony [noun]

means "severe pain"
torment, distress, torture, pain, suffering, pang

agony [noun]

means "anguish"
misery, wretchedness, heartache, suspense, torment, torture

alarm [noun]

means "warning"
tocsin, caution, notice, alert

alight [verb]

means "land"
touch down, perch, roost, set down, settle

all [object]

means "manner"
totally, solidly, completely, entirely, utterly, wholly, totally, entirely, altogether, exactly, just, purely

all [adjective]

means "quantity"
whole, entire, complete, intact, total, full

all-out [adjective]

means "no holds barred"
absolute, total, utter, complete, entire

allow [verb]

means "behaviour"
tolerate, endure, bear, indulge, put up with, suffer

alongside [object]

means "to one side"
to the side, abreast, sideways, laterally, aside, in reserve

alpine [adjective]

means "mountainous"
lofty, mountain, towering, soaring

also [object]

means "addition"
too, as well, moreover, likewise, plus, even

altitude [noun]

means "elevation"
rise, promontory, top, eminence, platform, height

amount [noun]

means "quantity"
total, whole, product

annoying [adjective]

means "inopportune"
unpleasant, untimely, touchy, uncomfortable, embarrassing, awkward

apart [object]

means "time or position"
to one side

apart [object]

means "conflict"
asunder, in pieces, to pieces, in two

apex [noun]

means "peak"
pinnacle, crest, top, acme, summit, vertex

apparatus [noun]

means "gadget"
tool, device, contrivance, mechanism, contraption, appliance

arbitrary [adjective]

means "dictatorial"
compulsory, autocratic, imperious, despotic, domineering, totalitarian

ardent [adjective]

means "characteristic"
passionate, torrid, vehement, fierce, extreme, impassioned

arduous [adjective]

means "laborious"
hard, severe, tough, difficult, exhausting, burdensome

argument [noun]

means "statement"
matter, subject, theme, thesis, topic

arrival [noun]

means "person arriving"
passenger, newcomer, visitor, caller, tourist, traveller

as well as [object]

means "in addition to"
along with, including, together with

aside [object]

means "property"
apart, aloof, in isolation, in reserve, to the side

aside [object]

means "position"
to one side, to the side, abreast, sideways, laterally, alongside

assemblage [noun]

means "entirety"
whole, amount, totality, aggregate, body, gross

astern [adjective]

means "abaft"
rearward, behind, back, to the rear, aft

at [object]

means "direction"
approaching, toward, proceeding, on, moving

at once [adjective]

means "at the same time"
concurrently, parallel, together

athletic [adjective]

means "strong"
tough, rugged, robust, muscular, sturdy, vigourous

awesome [adjective]

means "overwhelming"
breathtaking, monumental, staggering, towering, inspiring, stunning

awkward [adjective]

means "inopportune"
unpleasant, untimely, touchy, uncomfortable, embarrassing, annoying

axe [noun]

means "hatchet"
adze, mattock, tomahawk, pickaxe, cleaver

baby [noun]

means "person"
infant, tot, kid, newborn, suckling

back [object]

means "direction"
backward, to the rear, away, off, rearward

backward [object]

means "rearward"
to the rear, back, in reverse, behind

backward [adjective]

means "inverted"
reversed, topsy-turvy, upside-down

bag [noun]

means "thing"
container, sack, pouch, tote, receptacle, satchel

bait [verb]

means "tease"
badger, torment, nag, harass, heckle, anger

bake [verb]

means "cooking"
cook, roast, toast, broil, microwave, warm

baldheaded [adjective]

means "hairless"
depilated, tonsured, skinhead

barrage [noun]

means "bombard"
bomb, strafe, torpedo, shoot, blitz, shell

barrow [noun]

means "burial"
vault, mausoleum, sepulchre, mound, tomb, grave

bat around [verb]

means "debate"
discuss, talk about, consider, cruise, journey, tour

bauble [noun]

means "triviality"
trinket, toy, trifle

bearable [adjective]

means "endurable"
sufferable, sustainable, tolerable, supportable, livable, passable

befit [verb]

means "affect"
fit, hit, suit, touch

behind [object]

means "position"
in back of, after, following, back, to the rear

beleaguer [verb]

means "plague"
trouble, torment, worry, irk, harry, beset

bell [noun]

means "sound"
tolling, ringing, toll, chiming, chime, carillon

bend over [verb]

means "struggle"
hunch, hump, strain, toil, work hard

benevolence [noun]

means "kindness"
generosity, charity, compassion, magnanimity, tolerance, munificence

bent [adjective]

means "curved"
crooked, bowed, warped, deformed, tortuous

beset [verb]

means "plague"
trouble, torment, worry, irk, harry, beleaguer

beset [adjective]

means "worried"
troubled, plagued, tormented

better [verb]

means "comparison"
exceed, top, outdo, surpass, transcend

birthmark [noun]

means "style"

blamable [adjective]

means "blameworthy"
culpable, reprehensible, to blame, guilty, at fault

blandish [verb]

means "fawn"
bootlick, toady, grovel, cringe, stoop, kowtow to

blank [adjective]

means "quantity"
absolute, complete, total, unqualified, unconditional, entire

body [noun]

means "person"
trunk, torso, frame, flesh, size, build

boiling [adjective]

means "hot"
fuming, seething, scorching, raging, torrid, angry

bombard [verb]

means "shell"
bomb, strafe, torpedo, shoot, blitz, barrage

bones [noun]

means "trunk"
torso, frame, flesh, size, build, physique

bootlicker [noun]

means "sycophant"
favourite, sponge, toady, minion, yes-man

booze [verb]

means "imbibe"
swill, tipple, drink, toast, guzzle

bowed [adjective]

means "curved"
crooked, bent, warped, deformed, tortuous

brand [noun]

means "live coal"
torch, ember, coal, spark

breast [noun]

means "body"
chest, thorax, heart, torso

breathtaking [adjective]

means "awesome"
overwhelming, monumental, staggering, towering, inspiring, stunning

broad [adjective]

means "character trait"
open-minded, big, large, liberal, tolerant

brown [verb]

means "cooking"
fry, toast, sauté, scorch, roast

brush [noun]

means "action"
touch, rub, tap, stroke, graze, smooth

brush against [verb]

means "graze"
brush, touch, skim, scrape, shave, rub

building [noun]

means "facility"
equipment, machinery, plant, tools

bullfighter [noun]

means "matador"
toreador, torero

burial [noun]

means "grave"
vault, mausoleum, sepulchre, mound, tomb, barrow

burn [verb]

means "cooking"
overcook, scorch, blacken, char, toast, ruin

burst [noun]

means "action"
spurt, gust, rush, outpouring, torrent

bust [noun]

means "bosom"
breast, torso, chest, thorax, teats, boobs

butt [verb]

means "abut"
adjoin, touch, bound, join, fit

cab [noun]

means "vehicle"
taxi-cab, tourist car, hack, automobile, car

caller [noun]

means "person arriving"
passenger, newcomer, visitor, arrival, tourist, traveller

callous [adjective]

means "apathetic"
obtuse, indifferent, insensible, unsusceptible, sluggish, torpid

cap [verb]

means "action"
culminate, top, crown, climax, consummate, perfect

cap [noun]

means "thing"
top, stopper, capsule, plug, seal

cardinal [adjective]

means "principal"

caress [verb]

means "fondle"
touch, embrace, cuddle, nuzzle, stroke, snuggle

cast [verb]

means "action"
throw, fling, hurl, toss, thrust, sling

cast [noun]

means "action"
fling, pitch, lob, throw, hurl, toss

catacomb [noun]

means "burial ground"
graveyard, cemetery, tomb

catapult [verb]

means "propel"
eject, project, discharge, shoot, hurl, toss

cave in [verb]

means "founder"
break down, fall down, collapse, topple, disintegrate, give way

ceiling price [noun]

means "maximum price"
top price

cellar [noun]

means "architecture"
catacomb, crypt, tomb, sepulchre, grave, mausoleum

cemetery [noun]

means "burial ground"
graveyard, catacomb, tomb

char [verb]

means "overcook"
scorch, blacken, burn, toast, ruin, sear

characteristic [noun]

means "style"

charge [noun]

means "cost"
amount, assessment, fee, toll, encumbrance, price

charity [noun]

means "kindness"
generosity, benevolence, compassion, magnanimity, tolerance, munificence

charity [noun]

means "indulgence"
leniency, tolerance, understanding, clemency, patience, mercy

chief [adjective]

means "characteristic"
primary, top

chuck [verb]

means "throw"
toss, discard, throw out, fling, eject, relinquish

clean [object]

means "quantity"
completely, altogether, entirely, fully, totally, out and out

clean [adjective]

means "quantity"
total, complete, entire, decisive, conclusive, perfect

cleaver [noun]

means "hatchet"
adze, mattock, tomahawk, pickaxe, axe

climb [verb]

means "action"
arise, increase, rise, lift, sky-rocket, tower

cloud-burst [noun]

means "brief rainstorm"
downpour, storm, deluge, torrent, shower

cloudburst [noun]

means "brief rainstorm"
downpour, storm, rainstorm, deluge, torrent, shower

coal [noun]

means "thing"
torch, ember, brand, spark

cog [noun]

means "mechanical transmission"
cogwheel, toothed wheel, pinion, sprocket, gear, speed

cogwheel [noun]

means "mechanical transmission"
gear, toothed wheel, pinion, sprocket, cog, speed

collapse [verb]

means "founder"
break down, fall down, cave in, topple, disintegrate, give way

color [verb]

means "tinge"
daub, tone, chalk, gloss, blend, illuminate

color [noun]

means "characteristic"
tone, tinge, glow, nuance, richness

colorless [adjective]

means "achromatic"
pale, neutral, uncoloured, uncolored [US], bleached, toneless

colour [noun]

means "colouration"

colouration [noun]

means "colour"

comb [noun]

means "thing"
topknot, crest, tuft

command [verb]

means "dominate"
overlook, tower above, eclipse

communication [noun]

means "interaction"
intercourse, transmission, contact, connection, touch

communion [noun]

means "exchange"
union, fellowship, agreement, sharing, association, togetherness

community [noun]

means "locale"
neighbourhood, district, vicinity, village, municipality, town

complement [noun]

means "aggregate"
wholeness, entirety, totality, the works

complete [adjective]

means "whole"
total, entire, integral, comprehensive, undiminished, radical

completeness [noun]

means "entire"
entirety, totality, intactness, universality, wholeness

concerned [adjective]

means "influenced"
moved, touched, overwhelmed, impressed, tender, affected

concurrently [object]

means "at the same time"
at once, parallel, together

consecutively [object]

means "running"
continually, continuously, successively, together

consummate [adjective]

means "ideal"
exquisite, perfect, total, transcendent, supreme, ripe

consummate [adjective]

means "complete"
total, utter, absolute

contemporary [adjective]

means "present"
fashionable, current, modern, topical, up-to-date

content [noun]

means "significance"

contest [noun]

means "competition"
rivalry, challenge, race, tournament, ring, game

continually [object]

means "running"
together, continuously, successively, consecutively

contra [object]

means "against"
opposite, opposing, facing, toward, fronting, versus

convulse [verb]

means "disturb"
agitate, torment, torture, bother, irritate, unsettle

corporeal [adjective]

means "tangible"
solid, material, palpable, physical, real, touchable

covered [adjective]

means "sheltered"
protected, hidden, topped, surfaced, disguised

crazy [adjective]

means "state"
rickety, doddering, loose, shaky, tottering, insane, wild, daft, cracked, touched, crazed

crooked [adjective]

means "winding"
bent, hooked, bending, tortuous, curved, bowed

crooked [adjective]

means "dishonest"
machiavellian, crafty, corrupt, sinister, deceitful, tortuous

crop [verb]

means "activity"
cut, gather, shorten, clip, top, trim

crown [verb]

means "quality"
culminate, top, cap, climax, consummate, perfect

cruise [verb]

means "travel"
journey, tour, sail, ride

crypt [noun]

means "grave"
catacomb, vault, tomb, sepulchre, mausoleum, cavern

cuddle [verb]

means "fondle"
touch, embrace, caress, nuzzle, stroke, snuggle

culminate [verb]

means "cap"
top, crown, climax, consummate, perfect

current [adjective]

means "fashionable"
contemporary, à la mode, topical, accepted, in vogue, stylish

curved [adjective]

means "bent"
crooked, bowed, warped, deformed, tortuous

cut [verb]

means "deed"
insult, hurt, move, slight, touch, wound

cyclone [noun]

means "twister"
tornado, storm, hurricane

dab [noun]

means "bit"
touch, trace, snippet, dash, pinch

dabble [verb]

means "trifle"
jest, toy, wet, splash

daft [adjective]

means "insane"
wild, crazy, cracked, touched, crazed, demented

dally [verb]

means "play"
fool, disport, caress, toy, fondle, tease

dead [adjective]

means "property"
torpid, inactive, absolute, final, complete, unconditional, total, utter

deaden [verb]

means "muffle"
mute, cushion, dim, tone down

decoration [noun]

means "item used to decorate"
ribbon, tooling, tinsel, braid, festoon, colour

depressing [adjective]

means "agonizing"
painful, distressing, disturbing, excruciating, tormenting, saddening

desperation [noun]

means "hopelessness"
despondency, depression, heartache, sorrow, torture, grief

despot [noun]

means "autocrat"
dictator, tyrant, oppressor, totalitarian

device [noun]

means "thing"
gadget, tool, apparatus, contrivance, mechanism, contraption

devious [adjective]

means "circuitous"
roundabout, winding, tortuous, oblique

dialect [noun]

means "language"
talk, speech, tongue

difference [noun]

means "distinction"
dash, discrimination, idiosyncrasy, tone

discrimination [noun]

means "distinction"
dash, difference, idiosyncrasy, tone

disguised [adjective]

means "sheltered"
protected, hidden, topped, surfaced, covered

disheveled [adjective]

means "rumpled"
untidy, disordered, unkempt, disarrayed, tousled, dirty

distraught [adjective]

means "troubled"
distracted, confused, distrait, distressed, harassed, tormented

distress [noun]

means "grief"
torment, worry, adversity, dolour, woe, affliction

disturbing [adjective]

means "agonizing"
depressing, distressing, painful, excruciating, tormenting, saddening

doddering [adjective]

means "rickety"
crazy, loose, shaky, tottering

dominate [verb]

means "command"
overlook, tower above, eclipse

downfall [noun]

means "rain"
cloud-burst, deluge, torrent, shower, precipitation, flood

drag [verb]

means "pull"
hale, tow, draw, move, haul, transport

drink [verb]

means "activity"
suck, toss, imbibe, swill, tipple, booze, toast, guzzle

drive [noun]

means "transport"
ride, spin, trip, outing, tour

drudgery [noun]

means "moil"
labour, toil

dues [noun]

means "contribution"
tax, obligation, levy, assessment, membership fee, toll

dumb [adjective]

means "mute"
tongue-tied, inarticulate, silent, speechless

dungeon [noun]

means "prison"
cell, hold, deep, keep, tower

duty [noun]

means "cost"
tax, custom, impost, levy, toll

dye [noun]

means "colour"
stain, tint, tone, tinge, shade, hue

e.g. [object]

means "for instance"
to illustrate, by way of illustration, for example

edgy [adjective]

means "irritable"
peevish, touchy, cross, grouchy, critical, excitable

elevated [adjective]

means "raised"
lifted, aerial, towering, tall

elevation [noun]

means "altitude"
rise, promontory, top, eminence, platform, height

embarrassing [adjective]

means "inopportune"
unpleasant, untimely, touchy, uncomfortable, awkward, annoying

ember [noun]

means "live coal"
torch, brand, coal, spark

embossment [noun]

means "decoration in relief"
tracery, molding, bas-relief, engraving, tooling, adornment

endurable [adjective]

means "bearable"
tolerable, sustainable, supportable

enough [object]

means "quantity"
just, tolerably

enter [verb]

means "deed"
to become a member, join, enroll, take part in, enlist, associate

entire [noun]

means "quantity"
completeness, entirety, totality, intactness, universality, wholeness

entirely [object]

means "completely"
totally, fully, altogether, wholly, quite

entirety [noun]

means "wholeness"
completeness, totality, intactness, total

exaction [noun]

means "extortion"
ransom, toll, expropriation, levy, tax, demand

excruciating [adjective]

means "agonizing"
depressing, distressing, disturbing, painful, tormenting, saddening

exercise [noun]

means "action"
activity, exertion, labour, toil, work

exertion [noun]

means "action"
activity, exercise, labour, toil, work

exhausting [adjective]

means "laborious"
hard, severe, tough, difficult, arduous, burdensome

expense [noun]

means "cost"
charge, payment, disbursement, value, toll, expenditure

expression [noun]

means "air"
aspect, countenance, intonation, look, mien, tone

facility [noun]

means "building"
equipment, machinery, plant, tools

fair [adjective]

means "quality"

fall [verb]

means "action"
stumble, drop, totter, go down, trip, pitch

fall down [verb]

means "founder"
break down, collapse, cave in, topple, disintegrate, give way

falter [verb]

means "hesitate"
totter, fluctuate, tremble, vacillate, waver

fare [noun]

means "thing"
fee for transportation, ticket, charge, passage, toll, book

fascism [noun]

means "right-wing dictatorship"
dictatorship, national socialism, totalitarianism, autocracy, despotism, nazism

fashionable [adjective]

means "current"
contemporary, à la mode, topical, accepted, in vogue, stylish

fatiguing [adjective]

means "laborious"
hard, severe, tough, difficult, exhausting, burdensome

favor [noun]

means "gift"
token, present, tribute, compliment

favour [noun]

means "gift"
token, present, tribute, compliment

fee [noun]

means "cost"
amount, assessment, charge, toll, encumbrance, price

figure [noun]

means "body"
frame, torso, shape, configuration, posture, pose

figure [noun]

means "amount"
value, price, worth, terms, sum, total

figurehead [adjective]

means "in name only"
so-called, titular, nominal, self-styled, empty, token

finality [noun]

means "being final"
totality, finish, integrity

finger [verb]

means "activity"
touch, toy with, handle, manipulate, palpate, point out

firebrand [noun]

means "burning piece of wood"
torch, flame, live coal, brand, flare

flare [noun]

means "pyrotechnic device"
torch, beacon

flatterer [noun]

means "adulator"
sycophant, flunky, toady

fling [verb]

means "throw"
hurl, dump, pitch, sling, toss

flirt [verb]

means "tease"
wink at, toy with, trifle with, philander

flounce [verb]

means "fling oneself about"
fling, jerk, jump, jiggle, shake, toss

flunkey [noun]

means "flatterer"

fondle [verb]

means "caress"
touch, embrace, cuddle, nuzzle, stroke, snuggle

for example [adjective]

means "for instance"
to illustrate, by way of illustration, e.g.

for instance [object]

means "for example"
to illustrate, by way of illustration, e.g.

forbearance [noun]

means "clemency"
indulgence, lenience, leniency, tolerance, toleration

fry [verb]

means "cooking"
boil, heat, roast, toast, melt, liquefy

fuse [noun]

means "tinder"
touchwood, kindling, brand

gadget [noun]

means "device"
tool, apparatus, contrivance, mechanism, contraption, appliance

gangster [noun]

means "hoodlum"
bruiser, tough

gear [noun]

means "thing"
cogwheel, toothed wheel, pinion, sprocket, cog, speed

go through [verb]

means "endure"
tolerate, undergo, bear, stand, put up with, stomach

gong [noun]

means "instrument"
tocsin, alarum, cymbal, bell

goon [noun]

means "thug"
tough, bodyguard, roughneck, redneck, strikebreaker, muscle

grave [noun]

means "place"
vault, mausoleum, sepulchre, mound, tomb, barrow

graze [verb]

means "brush against"
brush, touch, skim, scrape, shave, rub

grill [verb]

means "cooking"
barbecue, broil, sauté, roast, fry, toast

grind [verb]

means "oppress"
annoy, harass, persecute, plague, torment, afflict

gross [adjective]

means "quantity"
total, entire, whole, aggregate

grouchy [adjective]

means "cross"
irritable, peevish, short-tempered, testy, touchy, sour

grovelling [adjective]

means "obsequious"
toadying, spineless, cringing, mealy-mouthed

guzzle [verb]

means "imbibe"
swill, tipple, booze, toast, drink

hammer [noun]

means "thing"
tool for pounding, mallet, knocker, maul, mace

hard [adjective]

means "property"
onerous, toilsome

hardened [adjective]

means "tougher or stronger"
inured, toughened, callous, disciplined, trained

hardy [adjective]

means "strong"
rugged, hale, tough, indefatigable, healthy, unflagging

hatchet [noun]

means "small axe"
tomahawk, adze, pickaxe, cleaver, machete

haul [verb]

means "move a load"
carry, pull, tow, lift, drag, tug

head [noun]

means "position"
top, acme, peak, summit, crest

health [noun]

means "state"
condition, physical fitness, physical state, constitution, tone, stamina

health [noun]

means "characteristic"
soundness, wholeness, well-being, fitness, tone

healthful [adjective]

means "healthy"

heat [verb]

means "cooking"
boil, fry, roast, toast, melt, liquefy

heckle [verb]

means "tease"
badger, torment, nag, harass, bait, anger

height [noun]

means "position"
peak, pinnacle, summit, top, zenith, apex

high [adjective]

means "size"
tall, elevated, lofty, towering

highest [adjective]

means "top"
greatest, upper, topmost, uppermost

hike [noun]

means "travel"
tramp, backpack, trek, tour, walk, journey

hit [verb]

means "activity"
affect, fit, befit, suit, touch

hitch [verb]

means "wobble"
hobble, totter, limp, reel, hop, waggle

hobble [verb]

means "limp"
totter, stumble, hop, stagger, falter

hold [noun]

means "building"
prison, cell, dungeon, deep, keep, tower

hopelessness [noun]

means "desperation"
despondency, depression, heartache, sorrow, torture, grief

horny [adjective]

means "like cow's horn"
bony, hard, tough, cartilaginous

huffy [adjective]

means "tense"
nervous, irritable, touchy, sensitive, unstable

humor [noun]

means "amusement"
facetiousness, buffoonery, tomfoolery, wit, drollery

hump [verb]

means "struggle"
hunch, bend over, strain, toil, work hard

hurl [verb]

means "throw"
cast, fling, toss, pitch, heave, launch

hurt [verb]

means "activity"
torment, abuse, smite, lambaste, lash, distress

hypercritical [adjective]

means "captious"
too critical, fussy, strict, severe, scrupulous, demanding

ill-humored [adjective]

means "irritable"
cross, cantankerous, sullen, petulant, touchy, bothered

ill-starred [verb]

means "unfortunate"
calamitous, wretched, catastrophic, tormented, deplorable, miserable

immobile [adjective]

means "standing still"

impressed [verb]

means "moved"
stirred, jarred, affected, touched, influenced

in all respects [object]

means "completely"
totally, entirely, thoroughly, utterly, wholly, in every way

in brief [adjective]

means "briefly"
to make a long story short, to the point, abbreviated

in consultation with [adjective]

means "in cooperation with"
together with, with help from, in concert with

in cooperation with [adjective]

means "in collaboration with"
together with, with help from, in concert with, assisting

in part [adjective]

means "partly"
to some extent, to a degree, fragmentary, unfinished

in reserve [object]

means "to one side"
to the side, abreast, sideways, laterally, alongside, aside

in reverse [object]

means "rearward"
to the rear, back, backward, behind

in short [adjective]

means "in summary"
briefly, to make a long story short, so, in conclusion

in two [object]

means "asunder"
in pieces, to pieces, apart

in vogue [adjective]

means "fashionable"
contemporary, à la mode, topical, accepted, current, stylish

inactive [adjective]

means "inert"
flat, sluggish, dull, stagnant, low, torpid

inarticulate [adjective]

means "not good with words"
silent, wordless, speechless, mute, tongue-tied, dumb

including [object]

means "in addition to"
along with, as well as, together with

incoherent [adjective]

means "inarticulate"

independently [object]

means "away in time or place"
to one side

indulge [verb]

means "allow"
tolerate, humour, permit, suffer, cater

indulgence [noun]

means "gratification"
lenience, forbearance, tolerance, understanding, patience, gratifying

inert [adjective]

means "dead"
flat, sluggish, dull, stagnant, low, torpid

infant [noun]

means "baby"
tot, kid, newborn, suckling

ingratiating [adjective]

means "flattering"
obsequious, sycophantic, grovelling, unctuous, toadying, fawning

injure [verb]

means "activity"
torment, torture, batter, afflict, sting, pique

inoperative [adjective]

means "inert"
flat, sluggish, dull, stagnant, low, torpid

inopportune [adjective]

means "awkward"
unpleasant, untimely, touchy, uncomfortable, embarrassing, annoying

insane [adjective]

means "crazy"
wild, daft, cracked, touched, crazed, demented

inspiring [adjective]

means "moving"
poignant, touching, thrilling, stirring, affecting, emotional

instructed [adjective]

means "educated"
notified, told, trained, informed, enlightened, advised

integral [adjective]

means "whole"
total, entire, complete, comprehensive, undiminished, radical

interaction [noun]

means "communication"
intercourse, transmission, contact, connection, touch

inverted [adjective]

means "backward"
reversed, topsy-turvy, upside-down

irk [verb]

means "plague"
trouble, torment, worry, beset, harry, beleaguer

issue [noun]

means "matter"
topic, point, problem, question, crux

itch [verb]

means "prick"
prickle, tickle, torment, sting

jaunt [noun]

means "journey"
tour, travel, voyage, excursion, trip, junket

jiggle [verb]

means "move to and fro"
oscillate, sway, totter, undulate, wobble, rock

journey [verb]

means "travel"
tour, roam, fare, go, proceed

journey [noun]

means "expedition"
excursion, trip, tour, trek, jaunt, pilgrimage

keel [verb]

means "stumble"
drop, totter, go down, trip, pitch, plunge

keep [noun]

means "building"
prison, cell, dungeon, cage, stronghold, tower

keepsake [noun]

means "souvenir"
memento, remembrance, token, relic

kick around [verb]

means "discuss"
debate, think about, toy with

king [noun]

means "person"
top dog

kit [noun]

means "set of useful items"
set, parts, tools, collection, material, assortment

knotty [adjective]

means "complex"
convoluted, intricate, tortuous, perplexing, puzzling

laborious [adjective]

means "difficult"

labour [verb]

means "work"
toil, drudge, strive, cultivate

labour [noun]

means "work"
exertion, strain, toil, drudgery, moil, drive

lamentable [adjective]

means "unfortunate"
calamitous, wretched, catastrophic, tormented, deplorable, ill-starred

land [verb]

means "transport"
come down in aircraft, touch down, alight

language [noun]

means "communication"
speech, rhetoric, tongue, prose, poetry

lantern [noun]

means "lighting device"
torch, lamp, light

laterally [object]

means "to one side"
to the side, abreast, sideways, aside, alongside, in reserve

leathery [adjective]

means "tough"
resilient, firm, sinewy, rugged, flexible, toughened

lenience [noun]

means "clemency"
indulgence, forbearance, leniency, tolerance, toleration

leniency [noun]

means "indulgence"
charity, tolerance, understanding, clemency, patience, mercy

levy [verb]

means "charge"
assess, toll, tax, exact, impose, put

levy [noun]

means "tax"
assessment, tariff, toll, duty

lid [noun]

means "thing"
cover, cap, hood, top, roof, stopper

lifeless [adjective]

means "dull"
inert, inactive, sluggish, torpid, spiritless, passive

lifted [adjective]

means "raised"
elevated, aerial, towering, tall

listless [adjective]

means "lacking spirit"

livable [adjective]

means "habitable"
tolerable, acceptable, inhabitable

live and let live [verb]

means "be tolerant"
tolerate, accept, allow, condone, countenance, permit

loaded [adjective]

means "tricky"
deceitful, leading, mean, touchy

lob [verb]

means "throw"
pitch, hurl, fling, toss

lofty [adjective]

means "high"
elevated, towering, aerial, airy, tall

look-out [noun]

means "surveillance"
vigilance, watch, vigil, tout

look-out [noun]

means "observatory"
tower, outlook, overlook

loom [verb]

means "appear imposing"
menace, overshadow, tower, overhang, threaten, impend

loss [noun]

means "result"
damage, destruction, ruin, toll, havoc, detriment

lug [verb]

means "pull"
drag, draw, haul, tow, tug, strain

lug [verb]

means "carry"
bear, buck, pack, heave, tote, transport

lusty [adjective]

means "strong"
potent, robust, tough, concentrated

machete [noun]

means "small axe"
tomahawk, adze, pickaxe, cleaver, hatchet

machine [verb]

means "manufacture"
tool, shape, plane, turn, drill, weld

magnanimity [noun]

means "kindness"
generosity, benevolence, compassion, charity, tolerance, munificence

manipulation [noun]

means "handling"

manslayer [noun]

means "murderer"
assassin, killer, torpedo

manufacturing [noun]

means "production"

matador [noun]

means "bullfighter"
toreador, torero, fighter, contestant

match [noun]

means "sport"
contest, competition, tournament, event, game, meet

material [adjective]

means "tangible"
solid, corporeal, palpable, physical, real, touchable

matter [noun]

means "subject"
topic, content, essence, focus, theme, resolution

maul [noun]

means "hammer"
mallet, club, brawl, tool

mausoleum [noun]

means "burial"
vault, grave, sepulchre, mound, tomb, barrow

maximum [noun]

means "limit"
top, height, utmost, pinnacle, apex, peak

maximum [adjective]

means "supreme"
utmost, highest, top, greatest, topmost, outside

meet [noun]

means "sport"
competition, tournament, contest, match, meeting

microwave [verb]

means "cook in oven"
cook, roast, toast, broil, bake, warm

middling [adjective]

means "mediocre"
second-rate, fair, passable, indifferent, tolerable, lack-lustre

mince [verb]

means "mitigate"
lessen, moderate, soften, alleviate, tone down, diminish

minion [noun]

means "sycophant"
favourite, sponge, toady, bootlicker, yes-man

miserable [adjective]

means "unfortunate"
calamitous, wretched, catastrophic, tormented, deplorable, ill-starred

misery [noun]

means "suffering"
agony, anguish, distress, torture, trial, tribulation

misery [noun]

means "grief"
sadness, anguish, desolation, sorrow, torment, unhappiness

missile [noun]

means "rocket"
projectile, torpedo, mortar

mode [noun]

means "manner"
tone, expression, condition, habit

moderately [object]

means "somewhat"
fairly, rather, pretty, tolerably, to some extent

moil [verb]

means "labour"
drudge, toil, work hard

moil [noun]

means "drudgery"
labour, toil

money [noun]

means "banking"
currency, token, cash, cheque, blunt, change

monument [noun]

means "memorial"
column, obelisk, statue, tower, monolith

motif [noun]

means "subject"
theme, topic, point, subject matter, motive, leitmotif

mountainous [adjective]

means "alpine"
lofty, towering, soaring

move [verb]

means "feeling"
influence, impress, affect, touch

moving [adjective]

means "inspiring"
poignant, touching, thrilling, stirring, affecting, emotional

municipality [noun]

means "locale"
neighbourhood, district, vicinity, village, community, town

munificence [noun]

means "kindness"
generosity, benevolence, compassion, magnanimity, tolerance, charity

mutually [object]

means "jointly"

near [adjective]

means "joining"
related, allied, touching, attached, affecting, connected

neighbor [verb]

means "adjoin"
border, abut, verge, touch, line

neighboring [adjective]

means "adjacent"
bordering, adjoining, contiguous, near, abutting, touching

neighbour [verb]

means "adjoin"
border, abut, verge, touch, line

nervous [adjective]

means "tense"
sensitive, irritable, touchy, huffy, unstable

newborn [adjective]

means "infant"
tot, kid, baby, suckling

noble [adjective]

means "benevolent"
liberal, tolerant, gracious, benign, beneficent, humane

nonresistant [adjective]

means "compliant"
obedient, tolerant

now [object]

means "time"
today, soon, presently, promptly, nowadays, in a minute

nowadays [object]

means "now"
at present, today, currently

noxious [adjective]

means "harmful"
baneful, dangerous, deadly, toxic, deleterious, virulent

nuance [noun]

means "colouration"

nudge [verb]

means "poke"
elbow, prod, tap, bump, push, touch

nudge [noun]

means "jab"

number [verb]

means "activity"
total, consist of

number [noun]

means "amount"
aggregate, total, collection, sum total, count, totality

nutritious [adjective]

means "healthy"

obliquely [object]

means "to one side"
to the side, abreast, sideways, laterally, alongside, in reserve

obsequious [adjective]

means "grovelling"
toadying, spineless, cringing, mealy-mouthed

on [object]

means "position"
upon, over, above, touching, in contact with, covering

on [object]

means "movement"
toward, approaching, toward, proceeding, at, moving

on vacation [adjective]

means "vacationing"
on leave, resting, travelling, traveling [US], on sabbatical, touring

one [noun]

means "state"
unity, entirety, totality, solidarity, oneness, togetherness

oneness [noun]

means "unity"
entirety, totality, solidarity, one, togetherness

only [adjective]

means "part of speech"
just, purely, but, totally, utterly, merely

open-minded [adjective]

means "broad"
big, large, liberal, tolerant

oppression [noun]

means "hardship"
calamity, torment, misery, suffering

oppressor [noun]

means "autocrat"
dictator, tyrant, despot, totalitarian

organ [noun]

means "means"
medium, device, way, tool, channel, instrument

out [object]

means "stop"
accomplished, finished, ended, completely, totally, fulfilled

out back [adjective]

means "in back of"
behind, back, to the rear

out-and-out [adjective]

means "complete"
total, absolute, utter, unqualified, unmitigated, thorough

outclass [verb]

means "surpass"
outstrip, exceed, top, distance, outpace, overtake

outdistance [verb]

means "surpass"
outstrip, exceed, top, distance, outpace, overtake

outdo [verb]

means "exceed"
top, better, surpass, transcend

outpace [verb]

means "surpass"
outstrip, exceed, top, distance, outdistance, overtake

outright [object]

means "entirely"
totally, without reservation, utterly, completely, absolutely, wholly

outright [adjective]

means "without reservation"
total, complete, absolute, out-and-out, straightforward, entire

outshine [verb]

means "surpass"
eclipse, overshadow, dwarf, diminish, dominate, tower above

overcook [verb]

means "burn"
scorch, blacken, char, toast, ruin, sear

overflow [noun]

means "flood"
inundation, deluge, engorgement, congestion, torrent

overhead [adjective]

means "above"

overshadow [verb]

means "surpass"
eclipse, outshine, dwarf, diminish, dominate, tower above

overthrow [verb]

means "upset"
overturn, overset, topple, tumble

overwhelmed [adjective]

means "influenced"
moved, touched, affected, impressed, tender, concerned

overwhelming [adjective]

means "awesome"
breathtaking, monumental, staggering, towering, inspiring, stunning

painful [adjective]

means "arduous"
painstaking, difficult, tortuous, laborious, severe

painful [adjective]

means "agonizing"
depressing, distressing, disturbing, excruciating, tormenting, saddening

palpate [verb]

means "touch"
toy with, handle, manipulate, finger, point out, designate

parallel [adjective]

means "harmonic"

parch [verb]

means "scorch"
sear, singe, brown, toast, roast, bake

parochial [adjective]

means "provincial"
local, regional, insular, topical, small-town, limited

passage [noun]

means "journey"
cruise, excursion, crossing, tour, trip, voyage

pastel [noun]

means "delicate colour"
shade, hue, tone, tint, tinge, hint

pat [verb]

means "activity"
caress, pet, dab, stroke, rub, touch

pat [adjective]

means "property"
to the point, pertinent

patient [adjective]

means "submissive"
calm, meek, tolerant, passive, resigned, long-suffering

patronage [noun]

means "condescension"
tolerance, sufferance, deference

patronise [verb]

means "treat condescendingly"
condescend, underestimate, talk down to, indulge, humour, tolerate

patronize [verb]

means "treat condescendingly"
condescend, underestimate, talk down to, indulge, humour, tolerate

peaked [adjective]

means "sharp"
pointed, topped, tipped, tapered

peal [verb]

means "chime"
resound, ring, toll, reverberate, clang

peevish [adjective]

means "cross"
irritable, sour, short-tempered, testy, touchy, grouchy

pendant [noun]

means "hanging ornament"
medallion, chandelier, lustre, torque

perfectionist [adjective]

means "captious"
too critical, fussy, strict, severe, scrupulous, demanding

permissive [adjective]

means "lenient"
lax, indulgent, tolerant, agreeable, soft, liberal

persecute [verb]

means "oppress"

persecution [noun]

means "torture"
abuse, mistreatment, molestation, torment, ill-treatment, killing

phlegmatic [adjective]

means "lethargic"

pick [noun]

means "thing"
pickaxe, mattock, tool

pickaxe [noun]

means "pick"
mattock, tool

pierce [verb]

means "rouse"
affect, excite, move, strike, thrill, touch

pilgrimage [noun]

means "journey"
tour, travel, voyage, excursion, jaunt, junket

pinch [noun]

means "amount"
dash, bit, sprinkling, trace, shade, touch

pinion [noun]

means "mechanical transmission"
cogwheel, toothed wheel, gear, sprocket, cog, speed

pinnacle [noun]

means "peak"
height, summit, top, zenith, apex, acme

pipe [noun]

means "thing"
tobacco pipe

pitch [verb]

means "action"
throw, lob, hurl, fling, toss

pitch [noun]

means "action"
throw, toss, fling, hurl, cast, heave

pitying [adjective]

means "sorry"
regretful, sorrowing, sympathetic, touching

plague [noun]

means "trouble"
annoyance, disturbance, nuisance, torment, vexation

plainly [object]

means "just"
purely, but, totally, utterly, merely, simply

pledge [noun]

means "promise"
earnest, guarantee, pawn, security, token, warrant

plod [verb]

means "drudge"
labour, moil, toil

poignant [adjective]

means "distressing"
moving, bitter, touching, passionate, heartfelt, intense

poison [noun]

means "thing"
toxin, bacteria, bane, venom, germ, virus

pop [noun]

means "soft drink"
soda, tonic

present [noun]

means "now"
nowadays, today

presentable [adjective]

means "adequate"
suitable, satisfactory, passable, fit, acceptable, tolerable

pretty [object]

means "amount"
somewhat, fairly, rather, moderately, tolerably, to some extent

prime [adjective]

means "excellent"
unparalleled, superior, top, choice, best

prison [noun]

means "place"
hold, cell, dungeon, deep, keep, tower

professed [adjective]

means "avowed"
admitted, acknowledged, told

progressive [adjective]

means "liberal"
open-minded, tolerant, lenient, broad-minded

project [verb]

means "throw"
cast, pitch, heave, toss, propel

propel [verb]

means "catapult"
eject, project, discharge, shoot, hurl, toss

provoking [adjective]

means "inspiring"
poignant, touching, thrilling, stirring, affecting, emotional

pull [verb]

means "activity"
drag, tug, tow, haul, grab, jerk

pull [noun]

means "activity"
draw, drag, tow, haul, lug, tug

punish [verb]

means "activity"
chastise, torture, berate, beat, castigate, chasten

puppet [noun]

means "person"
pawn, instrument, tool, follower, dupe, stooge

purely [object]

means "entirely"
wholly, totally, completely, fully, absolutely, utterly

putter [verb]

means "dabble"
play, toy, fool around, trifle

quaff [verb]

means "swallow"

quirk [noun]

means "style"

quite [object]

means "amount"
totally, entirely, altogether, exactly, just, purely

radically [adjective]

means "completely"
thoroughly, entirely, totally, absolutely, wholly, essentially

rambler [noun]

means "traveller"
nomad, wayfarer, tourist, pilgrim, climber

rather [object]

means "amount"
somewhat, to some extent, fairly, moderately, reasonably, pretty

rearward [noun]

means "backward"
back, behind, aback, to the rear

reasonable [adjective]

means "moderate"

reasonably [object]

means "adequately"

reckoning [noun]

means "calculation"
tally, computation, estimate, count, figures, total

recounted [adjective]

means "narrative"
told, related

reel [verb]

means "stagger"
sway, weave, totter, wheel, careen

remembrance [noun]

means "souvenir"
keepsake, relic, memento, memorial, reminder, token

reminder [noun]

means "keepsake"

respectable [adjective]

means "mediocre"
moderate, passable, tolerable, fair, middling

ride [verb]

means "travel"
motor, drive, tour, journey

ride [noun]

means "travel"
drive, tour, excursion, spin, trip, journey

right [adjective]

means "position"
front, outward, outer, upper, top, principal

ringing [noun]

means "tolling"
bell, toll, chiming, chime, carillon

roast [verb]

means "cooking"
cook, bake, toast, broil, microwave, warm

rock [verb]

means "movement"
oscillate, sway, totter, undulate, wobble, jiggle

rocket [noun]

means "military"
missile, projectile, torpedo, mortar

rough [noun]

means "person"
brawler, tough, thug, rascal

roundabout [adjective]

means "circuitous"
devious, winding, tortuous, oblique

ruffle [verb]

means "agitate"
irritate, upset, trouble, torment, disturb, harass

rugged [adjective]

means "strong"
tough, hardy, healthy, sturdy, hale

satchel [noun]

means "container"
sack, pouch, tote, receptacle, bag, purse

sauté [verb]

means "cook"
fry, toast, brown, scorch, roast

score [verb]

means "quantity"
count, tally, total, add, tabulate, calculate

score [noun]

means "amount"
tally, total, record, count, rate, number

send [verb]

means "action"
throw, hurl, cast, propel, toss, project

sensitive [adjective]

means "tense"
nervous, irritable, touchy, huffy, unstable

separately [object]

means "away in time or place"
to one side

septic [adjective]

means "putrid or toxic"
noxious, putrid, toxic, unsanitary, rotten, decaying

sepulchre [noun]

means "grave"
catacomb, crypt, tomb, vault, mausoleum, cavern

serpentine [adjective]

means "winding"
bent, hooked, bending, tortuous, curved, bowed

set down [verb]

means "land"
touch down, perch, roost, alight, settle

shaky [adjective]

means "unsteady"
wobbly, loose, unsound, insecure, tottering, rickety

sharing [noun]

means "exchange"
union, fellowship, agreement, communion, association, togetherness

shell [verb]

means "activity"
bombard, bomb, strafe, torpedo, shoot, blitz

sheltered [adjective]

means "covered"
protected, hidden, topped, surfaced, disguised

shift [noun]

means "time"
term, turn, time, spell, tour, hitch

shoot [verb]

means "activity"
fire, blast, discharge, ignite, bombard, torpedo

shower [noun]

means "nature"
rain, sprinkle, drizzle, torrent, downpour, mist

shy [verb]

means "action"
throw, hurl, toss, pitch, fling, cast

sideways [object]

means "to one side"
to the side, abreast, aside, laterally, alongside, in reserve

sinewy [adjective]

means "tough"
resilient, firm, leathery, rugged, flexible, toughened

slavery [noun]

means "labour"
drudgery, grind, toil, work, moil

sling [verb]

means "throw"
chuck, pitch, heave, fling, hurl, toss

slip [verb]

means "movement"
slide, glide, totter, skid, drop, stumble

slow [adjective]

means "characteristic"
dense, leaden, dull, apathetic, torpid, phlegmatic

smack [noun]

means "trace"
touch, suggestion, bit

snuggle [verb]

means "fondle"
touch, embrace, cuddle, nuzzle, stroke, caress

soar [verb]

means "ascend"
climb, rise, mount, tower

solidarity [noun]

means "unity"
entirety, totality, one, oneness, togetherness

somewhat [object]

means "rather"
to some extent, fairly, moderately, reasonably, pretty, quite

soon [object]

means "time"
today, now, presently, promptly, nowadays, in a minute

sorry [adjective]

means "state"
pitiful, regretful, sorrowful, sympathetic, touching

sound [noun]

means "music"
tone, noise, vibration, resonance, note, pitch

soundness [noun]

means "health"
wholeness, well-being, fitness, tone

sour [adjective]

means "behaviour"
cross, irritable, peevish, short-tempered, testy, touchy

spangle [noun]

means "item used to decorate"
ribbon, tooling, tinsel, braid, festoon, colour

sparing [adjective]

means "merciful"
compassionate, humane, tolerant, mild

speech [noun]

means "language"
dialect, lingo, words, tongue, patois

spell [noun]

means "duration"
shift, time, stint, bout, hitch, tour

spitfire [noun]

means "hoyden"
tomboy, girl

splenetic [adjective]

means "irritable"
testy, touchy, irascible, peevish, petulant, edgy

spoken [adjective]

means "oral"
vocal, mentioned, phonetic, told, unwritten, uttered

sprocket [noun]

means "mechanical transmission"
cogwheel, toothed wheel, pinion, gear, cog, speed

stagger [verb]

means "sway"
totter, reel, falter, waver, vacillate

stagnant [adjective]

means "standing still"

stagnant [adjective]

means "sluggish"
listless, dull, lifeless, torpid, passive, phlegmatic

stalwart [adjective]

means "strong"
tough, rugged, robust, muscular, sturdy, vigourous

stanza [noun]

means "subject"
theme, content, topic, excerpt, text, verse

static [adjective]

means "state"
inert, torpid

steamy [adjective]

means "erotic"
torrid, passionate, ardent, sexual, carnal, amorous

strenuous [adjective]

means "arduous"
laborious, toilsome

stringy [adjective]

means "fibrous"
sinewy, tough, leathery, threadlike

strive [verb]

means "try"
endeavour, attempt, aim, toil, struggle, essay

strong [adjective]

means "behaviour"
resolute, stalwart, solid, tough, tenacious, unwavering

stronghold [noun]

means "prison"
cell, dungeon, cage, keep, tower

struggle [verb]

means "work"
toil, labour

stumble [verb]

means "flounder"
blunder, bumble, lurch, topple, shuffle, snapper

subdue [verb]

means "soften"
restrain, temper, mollify, tone down

subject [noun]

means "theme"
content, substance, topic, subject matter, thesis, point

such as [object]

means "for instance"
like, including, thus, to illustrate, by way of illustration

suffer [verb]

means "toleration"
sustain, endure, tolerate, bear, stand, stomach

sufferable [adjective]

means "endurable"
bearable, sustainable, tolerable, supportable, livable, passable

sufferance [noun]

means "condescension"
tolerance, patronage, deference

suffering [noun]

means "agony"
anguish, torment, misery, distress, torture

suggestion [noun]

means "slight trace"
hint, trace, shade, touch, pinch, bit

sum [noun]

means "amount"
whole, gross, totality, entirety, total, aggregate

sum up [verb]

means "add up"
add, calculate, total, enumerate, summarise, summarize

summit [noun]

means "position"
peak, pinnacle, height, top, zenith, apex

summons [noun]

means "signal"
alarm, tocsin, invocation, call, bell, invitation

sup [verb]

means "swallow"

superstar [noun]

means "leader of the pack"
top dog

support [verb]

means "endure"
tolerate, undergo, bear, stand, put up with, stomach

supreme [adjective]

means "ideal"
exquisite, perfect, total, transcendent, consummate, ripe

surge [noun]

means "gush"
rush, flow, upsurge, torrent, swell

surpass [verb]

means "excel"
exceed, top, outdo, beat

surveillance [noun]

means "look-out"
vigilance, watch, vigil, tout

sustainable [adjective]

means "endurable"
sufferable, bearable, tolerable, supportable, livable, passable

sweat [verb]

means "activity"
labour, toil, travail

sycophant [noun]

means "flatterer"

symbol [noun]

means "thing"
emblem, sign, badge, mark, token, attribute

tall [adjective]

means "size"
lofty, elevated, towering, high, big, lanky

tally [verb]

means "mark down"
register, enter, record, enumerate, total, write down

tame [verb]

means "activity"
calm, repress, soften, tone down, subjugate, enslave

tantalise [verb]

means "tease"
provoke, torment, irritate, frustrate, fascinate, vex, torture

tantalize [verb]

means "tease"
provoke, torment, irritate, frustrate, fascinate, vex, torture

tap [verb]

means "impact"
rap, knock, hit, pat, touch, bob

tariff [noun]

means "tax"
assessment, levy, toll, duty

tax [noun]

means "finance"
levy, assessment, charge, tariff, toll, duty

taxi [noun]

means "car"
cab, taxi-cab, tourist car, hackney, hack

taxi-cab [noun]

means "vehicle"
cab, tourist car, hack, automobile, car

tease [verb]

means "bait"
badger, torment, nag, harass, heckle, anger

technique [noun]

means "ability"

temper [verb]

means "activity"
mitigate, tone down

tenacious [adjective]

means "adhesive"
sticky, clinging, viscous, glutinous, tough

tender [adjective]

means "characteristic"
sensitive, delicate, sore, touchy, acute, painful

tenor [noun]

means "tendency"
drift, substance, trend, tone, course, purport

text [noun]

means "subject"
theme, content, topic, excerpt, stanza, verse

the works [noun]

means "the whole"
entirety, the whole shebang [US], conglomeration, totality, aggregate, the whole ball of wax

theme [noun]

means "subject"
topic, point, thesis, issue, motif, proposition

thorax [noun]

means "chest"
bosom, breast, heart, torso

thorough [adjective]

means "complete"
total, absolute, utter, out-and-out, unmitigated, unqualified

threaten [verb]

means "intimidate"
menace, torment, terrorise, terrorize, scare, fulminate

thrilling [adjective]

means "inspiring"
poignant, touching, moving, stirring, affecting, emotional

throw [verb]

means "action"
hurl, cast, fling, toss, pitch, heave

throw [noun]

means "action"
toss, cast, fling, ejection

thug [noun]

means "brawler"
tough, rough, rascal

tickle [verb]

means "action"
prick, prickle, itch, torment, sting

ticklish [adjective]

means "sensitive"
delicate, sore, touchy, acute, painful, tender

tilt [noun]

means "joust"
tournament, encounter, engagement, match, collision, contest

timbre [noun]

means "pitch"
tone, resonance, sound

tinder [noun]

means "kindling"

tinge [noun]

means "trace"
hint, touch, trifle, dab, suspicion, nuance

tint [noun]

means "hue"
tone, shade, stain, tinge, colour, complexion

tip [verb]

means "state"
tilt, lean, slant, upset, overturn, topple

tipple [verb]

means "imbibe"
swill, drink, booze, toast, guzzle

titular [adjective]

means "in name only"
so-called, figurehead, nominal, self-styled, empty, token

tramp [noun]

means "hike"
march, tour, expedition, excursion

transcendent [adjective]

means "ideal"
exquisite, perfect, total, consummate, supreme, ripe

transient [noun]

means "visitor"
traveller, tourist, guest

travail [noun]

means "drudgery"
sweat, toil, hard work, exertion, labour, struggle

travail [noun]

means "distress"
anguish, hardship, pain, suffering, torture, misery

traveler [noun]

means "explorer"
voyager, wayfarer, tourist, globetrotter, passenger, pilgrim

traveling [adjective]

means "on a trip"
sailing, touring, on tour, en route, on the road, itinerant

traveller [noun]

means "person arriving"
passenger, newcomer, visitor, caller, tourist, arrival

tricky [adjective]

means "characteristic"
elaborate, touchy

trip [noun]

means "event"
journey, tour, travel, voyage, excursion, jaunt

troubled [adjective]

means "distraught"
distressed, confused, tormented, anxious, aggrieved, harassed

trunk [noun]

means "body"
hind, posterior, rear, abdomen, middle, torso

trying [adjective]

means "inopportune"
unpleasant, untimely, touchy, uncomfortable, embarrassing, annoying

tug [verb]

means "drag"
pull, tow, haul, grab, jerk, yank

tusk [noun]

means "animal's bony outgrowth"
outgrowth, horn, spike, tooth

twist [noun]

means "effect"

unconditional [adjective]

means "complete"
absolute, entire, total, utter, unqualified, thorough

unconscionable [adjective]

means "excessive"
extravagant, immoderate, exorbitant, towering, unreasonable, unjustifiable

understanding [adjective]

means "sympathetic"
patient, accepting, tolerant, thoughtful, considerate, generous

undiminished [adjective]

means "whole"
total, entire, integral, comprehensive, complete, radical

undivided [adjective]

means "not separated"
whole, attached, collective, collected, together, concerted

undivided [adjective]

means "complete"

undone [adjective]

means "unfinished"
tousled, unmade, dismantled, dishevelled, disassembled, messy

unendurable [adjective]

means "laborious"
hard, severe, tough, difficult, exhausting, burdensome

unit [noun]

means "thing"
total, assemblage

unity [noun]

means "state"
oneness, totality, union, synthesis, singularity, singleness

universal [adjective]

means "general"
ubiquitous, entire, whole, total, sweeping, common

universality [noun]

means "completeness"
entirety, totality, intactness, entire, wholeness

unlimited [adjective]

means "total"
complete, totalitarian

unmade [adjective]

means "unfinished"
tousled, undone, dismantled, dishevelled, disassembled, messy

unparalleled [adjective]

means "excellent"
prime, superior, top, choice, best

unqualified [adjective]

means "complete"
total, absolute, utter, out-and-out, unmitigated, thorough

upon [object]

means "on"
over, above, touching, in contact with, covering, on top of

uppermost [adjective]

means "highest"
greatest, upper, topmost, top

upset [verb]

means "conflict"
defeat, beat, topple, overturn, depose, displace

upside-down [adjective]

means "inverted"
reversed, topsy-turvy, backward

upward [adjective]

means "above"

utter [adjective]

means "complete"
absolute, entire, total, unconditional, unqualified, thorough

vault [noun]

means "grave"
catacomb, crypt, tomb, sepulchre, mausoleum, cavern

vehement [adjective]

means "passionate"
torrid, ardent, fierce, extreme, impassioned, fiery

vein [noun]

means "mental condition"
mood, temperament, character, temper, tone, humour

venom [noun]

means "poison"
toxin, virus, bane

verge [verb]

means "lean"
edge, border, incline, tend, touch

vernacular [noun]

means "common speech"
mother tongue, dialect, tongue, patois, argot

versus [object]

means "contra"
opposite, opposing, facing, toward, fronting, against

vexation [noun]

means "nuisance"
pest, bother, problem, torment, difficulty, badgering

vexation [noun]

means "irritation"
exasperation, fuss, aggravation, annoyance, torment, uneasiness

village [noun]

means "locale"
neighbourhood, district, vicinity, community, municipality, town

virus [noun]

means "substance"
poison, toxin, venom

voice [noun]

means "speech"
inflection, vociferation, utterance, tongue

voyage [noun]

means "travel"
tour, journey, trip, excursion, jaunt, junket

waggle [verb]

means "wobble"
hobble, totter, limp, reel, hop, hitch

warped [adjective]

means "curved"
crooked, bowed, bent, deformed, tortuous

wearisome [adjective]

means "burdensome"
fatiguing, tiring, laborious, strenuous, toilsome

whirlwind [noun]

means "windstorm"
gale, tornado, hurricane, whirly

whole [noun]

means "quantity"
totality, sum, gross, total, entirety, aggregate

whole [adjective]

means "amount"
entire, complete, total, all, full, intact

wholeness [noun]

means "aggregate"
complement, entirety, totality, the works

winding [adjective]

means "crooked"
bent, hooked, bending, tortuous, curved, bowed

winner [noun]

means "person"
champion, victor, hero, favourite, conqueror, top dog

without reservation [adjective]

means "outright"
total, complete, absolute, out-and-out, straightforward, entire

wobble [verb]

means "move to and fro"
oscillate, sway, totter, undulate, rock, jiggle

woe [noun]

means "grief"
torment, worry, adversity, dolour, distress, affliction

wordless [adjective]

means "not good with words"
silent, inarticulate, speechless, mute, tongue-tied, reticent

work [verb]

means "activity"
labour, drudge, toil, slave, sweat, moil

work [noun]

means "activity"
labour, drudgery, grind, toil, exertion, moil

worry [verb]

means "activity"
plague, torment

wretchedness [noun]

means "anguish"
misery, agony, heartache, suspense, torment, torture

yes-man [noun]

means "sycophant"
favourite, sponge, toady, bootlicker, minion

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