
Synonym for war [noun]

The synonym war synonymous definition words:
means "conflict"
battle, warfare, fighting, encounter, contest, combat
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campaign [verb]

means "wage war"
war, fight, battle, invade

combat [noun]

means "armed conflict"

hostility [noun]

means "conflict"
fighting, war, warfare

wage war [verb]

means "campaign"
war, fight, battle, invade

warfare [noun]

means "armed conflict"

forewarn [verb]

means "alert"
admonish, advise, exhort, warn, caution, counsel

lukewarm [adjective]

means "tepid"
warm, warmish, cool, chilly

steward [noun]

means "administrator"
caretaker, agent, warden, purser, custodian

war paint [noun]

means "cosmetics"
make-up, rouge, powder

warble [verb]

means "vocalise"
vocalize, croon, carol, tune, choir, chant, sing, yodel

ward [verb]

means "deflect"
parry, fend

ward [noun]

means "protege"
dependent, child

ward [noun]

means "district"
division, territory, precinct, department, parish

ward off [verb]

means "avoid"
avert, prevent, thwart, forestall

warden [noun]

means "protector"
guardian, defender, ward, sentinel, sentry, watchman, look-out

wardrobe [noun]

means "dress"
ensemble, attire, getup, costume, apparel, guise, clothing

warehouse [noun]

means "storehouse"
depot, arsenal, repository

wares [noun]

means "reserve"
store, stocks, commodity, goods, products

warfare [noun]

means "armed conflict"
battle, combat, fighting, encounter, conflict, contest

wariness [noun]

means "caution"
alertness, signal, vigilance, alarm, alert, warning, siren

warlike [adjective]

means "combative"
aggressive, bellicose, hostile, militant, belligerent, offensive

warlock [noun]

means "sorcerer"
magician, enchanter, wizard, witch doctor, shaman

warm [verb]

means "activity"
heat up

warm [adjective]

means "state"
lukewarm, tepid, temperate, heated, mild

warm [adjective]

means "characteristic"
gracious, friendly, amiable, intimate, amicable, sympathetic, close, attached

warm [adjective]

means "behaviour"
emotional, eager, enthusiastic, excited, fervent, zealous, ardent, fervid

warm-hearted [adjective]

means "affectionate"
demonstrative, tender

warmly [object]

means "intimately"
tenderly, privately, closely

warmonger [noun]

means "hawk"
belligerent, jingoist, chauvinist

warmth [noun]

means "heat"
radiance, glow, sunshine, fever

warmth [noun]

means "friendship"
affability, friendliness, kindness, generosity, fondness, affection, closeness

warmth [noun]

means "ardour"
fervour, intensity, emotion, vigour, passion, feeling, sentiment

warn [verb]

means "speech"
admonish, caution, counsel, forewarn, exhort

warn [verb]

means "action"
alert, notify, inform, apprise

warning [noun]

means "caution"
alertness, signal, vigilance, alarm, wariness, alert, siren

warp [verb]

means "twist"
distort, bend, contort, turn, spring

warp [verb]

means "distort"
pervert, bias, deviate, swerve

warped [adjective]

means "curved"
crooked, bowed, bent, deformed, tortuous

warrant [verb]

means "justify"
explain, bear out

warrant [verb]

means "guarantee"
certify, approve, authorise, authorize, justify, sanction, assure, vouch for

warrant [verb]

means "authorize"
sanction, license, delegate, empower

warrant [noun]

means "justification"
authorisation, authorization, sanction, commission

warrant [noun]

means "guarantee"
assurance, pledge, certify, warranty, security, guaranty, surety

warrant [noun]

means "authorization"
authorisation, commission, license, permit, certificate, order, writ, chit

warranted [adjective]

means "regular"
reasonable, sensible, valid, logical, proper, correct, legitimate

warranty [noun]

means "certification"
acceptance, endorsement, sanction, affirmation, corroboration

warrior [noun]

means "combatant"
assailant, aggressor, fighter, brawler, soldier

wary [adjective]

means "aware"
wakeful, attentive, vigilant, on the ball, circumspect, alert, heedful

advise [verb]

means "direction"
notify, forewarn, report, inform, surprise, warn

affection [noun]

means "fondness"
tenderness, love, warmth, regard, devotion, friendship

affirm [verb]

means "affirmation"
assert, declare, swear, maintain, warrant, aver

affirmation [noun]

means "certification"
acceptance, endorsement, sanction, warranty, corroboration

aggressive [adjective]

means "combative"
warlike, bellicose, hostile, militant, belligerent, offensive

alderman [noun]

means "municipal legislator"
councilman, assemblyman, representative, elector, solon, ward officer

alert [noun]

means "caution"
alertness, signal, vigilance, alarm, wariness, warning

alert [adjective]

means "aware"
wakeful, attentive, vigilant, on the ball, circumspect, wary

amiable [adjective]

means "friendly"
social, amicable, genial, warm, charming, agreeable

apprise [verb]

means "acquaint"
warn, advise

ardor [noun]

means "eagerness"

ardor [noun]

means "abandon"
warmth, burning, rage, flames

ardour [noun]

means "abandon"

assurance [noun]

means "guaranty"

authorise [verb]

means "allow"
permit, entitle, empower, warrant, commission, license

authority [noun]

means "permission"
liberty, warrant

authorize [verb]

means "allow"
permit, entitle, empower, warrant, commission, license

aver [verb]

means "assert"
declare, swear, maintain, warrant, affirm, claim

avert [verb]

means "avoid"
ward off, prevent, thwart, forestall

bail [noun]

means "collateral"
bond, pledge, hostage, warrant, surety, pawn

bake [verb]

means "cooking"
cook, roast, toast, broil, microwave, warm

balmy [adjective]

means "mild"
gentle, tropical, pleasant, warm, temperate, fair

be worthy of [verb]

means "merit"
deserve, warrant, bear, invite

beacon [verb]

means "guide"
steer, pilot, warn

bear [verb]

means "acknowledgement"
merit, deserve, warrant, be worthy of, invite

bellicose [adjective]

means "hostile"
warlike, belligerent, aggressive

bend [verb]

means "action"
twist, warp, bow, crook, curve, deflect

bent [adjective]

means "curved"
crooked, bowed, warped, deformed, tortuous

blemished [adjective]

means "gnarled"
convoluted, warped, distorted, knotty

borough [noun]

means "precinct"
district, ward, division, area, government, municipality

bowed [adjective]

means "curved"
crooked, bent, warped, deformed, tortuous

brave [noun]

means "person"
warrior, hero, stalwart, soldier, knight

brawler [noun]

means "combatant"
assailant, aggressor, warrior, fighter, soldier

breathless [adjective]

means "oppressive"
warm, stuffy, congested, stifling, heavy, sweltering

campaign [noun]

means "battle"
warfare, crusade, attack, fight

canny [adjective]

means "prudent"
cautious, discreet, watchful, careful, wary

carol [verb]

means "vocalise"
warble, yodel

caution [verb]

means "alert"
admonish, advise, exhort, warn, forewarn, counsel

caution [noun]

means "care"
circumspection, discretion, wariness, heedfulness, prudence, vigilance

certificate [noun]

means "document"
permit, licence, warrant, grant

certification [noun]

means "affirmation"
acceptance, endorsement, sanction, warranty, corroboration

champion [noun]

means "fighter"
conqueror, warrior, brave

charge [noun]

means "person"
ward, dependent, subject

charter [noun]

means "franchise"
commission, privilege, authorisation, authorization, warranty, license

chary [adjective]

means "careful"
cautious, circumspect, wary, mindful, heedful

child [noun]

means "person"
protégé, dependent, ward, offspring

circumspection [noun]

means "care"
caution, discretion, wariness, heedfulness, prudence, vigilance

clement [adjective]

means "balmy"
mild, fair, calm, clear, warm, sunny

client [noun]

means "person"
ward, orphan, minor, dependent, delinquent, customer

close [adjective]

means "characteristic"
oppressive, warm, stuffy, congested, stifling, heavy

collateral [noun]

means "security"
guarantee, money, warrant, endorsement, pledge, promise

colored [adjective]

means "tampered with"
perverted, warped, subjective, false, disguised, deceptive

combat [noun]

means "armed conflict"
battle, warfare, fighting, encounter, conflict, contest

combatant [noun]

means "fighter"
assailant, aggressor, warrior, brawler, soldier

combative [adjective]

means "aggressive"
warlike, bellicose, hostile, militant, belligerent, offensive

commitment [noun]

means "pledge"
promise, guarantee, assurance, word, warrant

concession [noun]

means "authorization"
warrant, franchise

congested [adjective]

means "oppressive"
warm, stuffy, close, stifling, heavy, sweltering

constituency [noun]

means "subdivision"
division, bureau, office, section, ward, department

contend [verb]

means "assert"
insist, claim, maintain, allege, warrant, charge

contort [verb]

means "get out of shape"
distort, melt, warp, buckle, deform, collapse

cosmetics [noun]

means "make-up"
war paint, rouge, powder

costume [noun]

means "dress"
ensemble, attire, getup, wardrobe, apparel, guise

county [noun]

means "place"
precinct, district, ward, division, area, government

cozy [adjective]

means "snug"
safe, sheltered, warm, comfortable, secure

crippled [adjective]

means "deformed"
distorted, twisted, disfigured, misshapen, contorted, warped

crusade [noun]

means "battle"
warfare, campaign, attack, fight

curved [adjective]

means "bent"
crooked, bowed, warped, deformed, tortuous

custody [noun]

means "care"
tutelage, supervision, trust, conservation, charge, ward

deform [verb]

means "get out of shape"
contort, melt, warp, buckle, distort, collapse

demands [noun]

means "claim"
warning, command, proposition, proposal, requirements, mandate

demonstrative [adjective]

means "affectionate"
warm-hearted, tender

department [noun]

means "subdivision"
division, bureau, office, section, ward, constituency

depot [noun]

means "storehouse"
depository, annex, warehouse, arsenal, magazine, repository

deserve [verb]

means "merit"
bear, warrant, be worthy of, invite

deviate [verb]

means "vary"
sheer, depart, turn, digress, warp, diverge

distort [verb]

means "get out of shape"
contort, melt, warp, buckle, deform, collapse

distort [verb]

means "crush"
warp, deform, twist, wrench, bend

district [adjective]

means "divisional"
local, county, community, ward, provincial, immediate

distrustful [adjective]

means "careful"
cautious, reluctant, suspicious, wary, cagey, heedful

divisional [adjective]

means "district"
local, county, community, ward, provincial, immediate

document [noun]

means "licence"
permit, certificate, warrant, grant

earned [adjective]

means "deserved"
merited, warranted, fitting, proper, justified, fit

earnest [adjective]

means "fervent"
passionate, ardent, warm, strenuous, eager, enthusiastic

endorsement [noun]

means "certification"
acceptance, affirmation, sanction, warranty, corroboration

enfranchise [verb]

means "franchise"
warranty, license, authorise, authorize, sanction

enfranchisement [noun]

means "authorization"
authorisation, licence, permission, sanction, warranty

escort [noun]

means "guard"
warden, convoy, bodyguard, squire, attendant, guidance

exemption [noun]

means "authorisation"
warrant, franchise

exhort [verb]

means "alert"
admonish, advise, caution, warn, forewarn, counsel

exhortation [noun]

means "urging"
appeal, persuasion, warning, admonishing, instigation

fairy [noun]

means "demon"
witch, warlock, vampire, ghoul, poltergeist, devil

fend [verb]

means "deflect"
parry, ward

fervor [noun]

means "passion"
ardency, ardour, ardor [US], zeal, eagerness, warmth

fiber [noun]

means "essential element"
warp and woof [US], texture, structure, nerve, resilience, grit

fighter [noun]

means "combatant"
assailant, aggressor, warrior, brawler, soldier

fighting [adjective]

means "ready to fight"
combat, infantry, warring

flame [verb]

means "property"
glow, burn, flash, shine, warm

flame [noun]

means "feeling"
heat, warmth

foot soldier [noun]

means "infantryman"
regular, fighter, warrior, soldier

franchise [noun]

means "charter"
commission, privilege, authorisation, authorization, warranty, licence

friendliness [noun]

means "friendship"
affability, warmth, kindness, generosity, fondness, affection

genial [adjective]

means "mild"
warm, enlivening, lively

genial [adjective]

means "friendly"

geniality [noun]

means "friendliness"
cheerfulness, warmth, kindliness, benevolence, happiness

getup [noun]

means "dress"
ensemble, attire, costume, wardrobe, apparel, guise

glow [noun]

means "gentle radiance"

goods [noun]

means "commodities"
stock, wares, merchandise

gorilla [noun]

means "military"
warrior, combatant

grain [noun]

means "thing"
fibre, texture, fabric, nap, striation, warp

guarantee [noun]

means "promise"
pledge, warranty, security, surety, warrant, bond

guaranty [noun]

means "warranty"
bond, contract, charter, warrant, guarantee

guard [noun]

means "person"
protector, guardian, defender, ward, sentinel, sentry

guarded [adjective]

means "using caution"
careful, cautious, circumspect, cagey, wary

guardian [noun]

means "keeper"
sponsor, warden, supervisor, trustee

hearty [adjective]

means "warm and friendly"
warm, cheerful, enthusiastic, genial, sincere, zealous

heat [verb]

means "activity"

heat [noun]

means "state"
warmth, hotness

heat [noun]

means "feeling"
fervour, ardour, passion, excitement, intensity, warmth

heedful [adjective]

means "aware"
wakeful, attentive, vigilant, on the ball, circumspect, wary

homey [adjective]

means "property"
familiar, cozy, friendly, comfortable, warm-hearted, homespun

hostage [noun]

means "collateral"
bond, pledge, bail, warrant, surety, pawn

inform [verb]

means "language"
clue, warn, advise

insist [verb]

means "speech"
assert, contend, claim, maintain, allege, warrant

insubordination [noun]

means "fighting back"
warding off, resistance, insurgency, rebellion

insurance [noun]

means "security"
guarantee, money, warrant, endorsement, pledge, promise

insure [verb]

means "protection"
guarantee, warrant, bond, underwrite, safeguard, protect

jailer [noun]

means "prison warden"
prison guard, turnkey, warden, keeper, screw, watchman

justified [adjective]

means "deserved"
earned, warranted, fitting, proper, merited, fit

justify [verb]

means "maintain"
confirm, corroborate, warrant, contend, assert, claim

justify [verb]

means "excuse"
account, defend, vindicate, exonerate, warrant, acquit

keen [adjective]

means "behaviour"

keeper [noun]

means "guardian"
sponsor, warden, supervisor, trustee

keeping [noun]

means "custody"
care, guardianship, charge, ward, protection, trust

kind-hearted [adjective]

means "kind"
mild, warm, tender

kinky [adjective]

means "perverted"
warped, unnatural, sick, twisted, depraved, degenerate

knotty [adjective]

means "gnarled"
convoluted, warped, distorted, blemished

larder [noun]

means "pantry"
storehouse, warehouse, room

lawless [adjective]

means "wild"
warlike, uncultivated

legionnaire [noun]

means "mercenary"

legitimate [adjective]

means "regular"

licence [noun]

means "document"
permit, certificate, warrant, grant

light up [verb]

means "glow"

luminescence [noun]

means "gentle radiance"

make-up [noun]

means "cosmetics"
war paint, rouge, powder

malformed [adjective]

means "deformed"
disfigured, distorted, twisted, warped, marred, abnormal

mercenary [noun]

means "legionnaire"

merit [verb]

means "deserve"
justify, warrant, earn, be worthy of, rate, be entitled to

merited [adjective]

means "deserved"
earned, warranted, fitting, proper, justified, fit

microwave [verb]

means "cook in oven"
cook, roast, toast, broil, bake, warm

militant [adjective]

means "belligerent"
aggressive, combative, contentious, militaristic, quarrelsome, warlike

militaristic [adjective]

means "belligerent"
aggressive, combative, contentious, militant, quarrelsome, warlike

misshapen [adjective]

means "deformed"
distorted, twisted, disfigured, crippled, contorted, warped

mistrust [noun]

means "suspicion"
uncertainty, doubt, scepticism, apprehension, misgiving, wariness

monitory [adjective]

means "admonishing"
portentous, ominous, warning

movables [noun]

means "possessions"
belongings, effects, goods, assets, property, wares

necromancer [noun]

means "sorcerer"
magician, warlock, wizard, enchanter, witch, charmer

non-committal [adjective]

means "reserved"
cautious, guarded, circumspect, careful, judicious, wary

noncommittal [adjective]

means "reserved"
cautious, guarded, circumspect, careful, judicious, wary

notice [noun]

means "indication"
warning, caution, intimation, sign, caveat, premonition

office [noun]

means "building"
room, factory, bureau, agency, warehouse, facility

paint [noun]

means "thing"
make-up, cosmetics, rouge, tint, war paint

pantry [noun]

means "larder"
storehouse, warehouse, room

partisan [adjective]

means "factional"
biased, partial, fanatic, warped, unreasoning, blind

permission [noun]

means "authority"
liberty, warrant

permit [noun]

means "permission"
warranty, franchise, consent, licence, favour, sanction

pervert [verb]

means "distort"
misconstrue, delude, warp, misinterpret, misrepresent, falsify

perverted [adjective]

means "kinky"
warped, unnatural, sick, twisted, depraved, degenerate

pledge [noun]

means "promise"
earnest, guarantee, pawn, security, token, warrant

portend [verb]

means "predict"
forebode, foretell, forecast, herald, hint, warn

precaution [noun]

means "forethought"
foresight, anticipation, providence, prudence, wariness

precinct [noun]

means "district"
division, territory, ward, department, parish

prejudice [verb]

means "bias"
predispose, incline, influence, predetermine, twist, warp

prejudiced [adjective]

means "biased"
slanted, bent, partial, twisted, warped, partisan

prison guard [noun]

means "prison warden"
jailer, turnkey, warden, keeper, screw, watchman

products [noun]

means "reserve"
wares, stocks, commodity, goods, store

protector [noun]

means "guard"
guardian, defender, ward, sentinel, sentry, watchman

providence [noun]

means "care"
circumspection, discretion, wariness, heedfulness, prudence, vigilance

radiate [verb]

means "glow"

reminder [noun]

means "admonition"
prompting, notice, warning, hint, suggestion

repel [verb]

means "resist"
oppose, repulse, rebuff, withstand, ward off, confront

repelling [noun]

means "repulsion"
refusal, warding off

repulse [verb]

means "resist"
oppose, repel, rebuff, withstand, ward off, confront

repulsion [noun]

means "repelling"
refusal, warding off

requirements [noun]

means "final"
warning, command, proposition, proposal, ultimatum, mandate

resist [verb]

means "action"
repel, oppose, repulse, rebuff, withstand, ward off

resistance [noun]

means "fighting back"
warding off, insubordination, insurgency

roast [verb]

means "cooking"
cook, bake, toast, broil, microwave, warm

rouge [noun]

means "cosmetics"
war paint, make-up, powder

safe [adjective]

means "behaviour"
careful, cautious, wary

shelter [verb]

means "hide"

shy [adjective]

means "quality"
careful, cautious, reluctant, suspicious, wary, cagey

simmer [verb]

means "bubble"

sing [verb]

means "music"
chant, warble, yodel, versify

sorcerer [noun]

means "magician"
warlock, wizard, sorceress, witch

spring [verb]

means "action"
warp, bend, crack, split

spring [noun]

means "thing"
crack, split, fissure, bend, warp

store [noun]

means "thing"
reserve, wares, stocks, commodity, goods, products

stuffy [adjective]

means "oppressive"
warm, close, congested, stifling, heavy, sweltering

suspicious [adjective]

means "distrustful"
mistrustful, wary, doubting, jealous, sceptical

swear [verb]

means "vow"
avow, promise, warrant, declare, state, testify

sweltering [adjective]

means "oppressive"
warm, stuffy, congested, stifling, heavy, close

sympathy [noun]

means "empathy"
compassion, understanding, commiseration, warmth

temperate [adjective]

means "balmy"
mild, pleasant, warm

tepid [adjective]

means "lukewarm"

testify [verb]

means "affirm"
attest, swear, warrant, certify, point

texture [noun]

means "fibre"
grain, fabric, nap, striation, warp, woof

thaw [verb]

means "melt"
dissolve, liquefy, warm

threat [noun]

means "language"
intimidation, caveat, warning, coercion

tolerate [verb]

means "permit"
sanction, warrant

tropical [adjective]

means "mild"
gentle, balmy, pleasant, warm, temperate, fair

truck [noun]

means "motor vehicle"
lorry, platform truck [US], wagon, warehouse truck [US]

trustee [noun]

means "keeper"
sponsor, warden, supervisor, guardian

turnkey [noun]

means "prison warden"
prison guard, jailer, warden, keeper, screw, watchman

tutelage [noun]

means "care"
custody, supervision, trust, conservation, charge, ward

ultimatum [noun]

means "final"
warning, command, proposition, proposal, requirements, mandate

uneasy [adjective]

means "unsettled"
unquiet, wary, restless, frightened, perplexed, shaky

uniform [noun]

means "clothing"
wardrobe, habit, robe, dress, livery

validate [verb]

means "legalize"
legalise, codify, notarise, notarize, sanction, warrant

vigilance [noun]

means "caution"
alertness, signal, alert, alarm, wariness, warning

vigilant [adjective]

means "aware"
wakeful, attentive, alert, on the ball, circumspect, wary

vow [verb]

means "promise"
swear, pledge, warrant, assure, affirm

wakeful [adjective]

means "watchful"
alert, observant, vigilant, wary

watchman [noun]

means "protector"
guardian, defender, ward, sentinel, sentry, guard

well-disposed [adjective]

means "friendly"

whistle [verb]

means "make a shrill noise"
trill, flute, shriek, signal, pipe, warble

word [noun]

means "speech"
pledge, promise, guarantee, assurance, commitment, warrant

yodel [verb]

means "vocalise"
warble, sing

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