
Synonym for wit [noun]

The synonym wit synonymous definition words:
means "person"
humorist, comedian, wag

wit [noun]

means "mental condition"
intelligence, intellect, reason, sagacity, sense, understanding, wisdom, lucidity

wit [noun]

means "language"
satire, humour, repartee, witticism, quip, esprit, facetiousness
Further results for the word "wit"

brains [noun]

means "reason"

comedian [noun]

means "humorist"
wit, wag, joker

humor [noun]

means "amusement"
facetiousness, buffoonery, tomfoolery, wit, drollery

mentality [noun]

means "intelligence"
intellect, brain, wit, mind, reasoning, comprehension

repartee [noun]

means "satire"
humour, wit, witticism, quip, esprit, facetiousness

salt [noun]

means "characteristic"
wit, spice, humour, relish, piquancy, pungency

satire [noun]

means "character trait"
wit, humour, repartee, witticism, quip, esprit

sense [noun]

means "mental condition"
mind, wit

eyewitness [noun]

means "spectator"
bystander, onlooker, witness, beholder

in consultation with [adjective]

means "in cooperation with"
together with, with help from, in concert with

in cooperation with [adjective]

means "in collaboration with"
together with, with help from, in concert with, assisting

quick-witted [adjective]

means "clever"
humorous, witty, jocular, intelligent, acute, keen

witch [noun]

means "sorcerer"
seer, magician, wizard, conjurer

witch doctor [noun]

means "medicine man"
wizard, shaman

witchcraft [noun]

means "magic"
sorcery, incantation, hex, spell, charm

with [object]

means "position"
by, among, at, along with, beside

with angles [adjective]

means "angular"
jagged, angled, pointed, forked

with difficulty [adjective]

means "severely"
gallingly, harshly, hard

withdraw [verb]

means "retread"
retreat, depart, retire, secede

withdraw [verb]

means "remove"
retract, revoke, take back, subtract, recall, recant, repeal

withdrawal [noun]

means "retirement"
solitude, seclusion, privacy, retreat, departure, recession, evacuation

withdrawn [adjective]

means "retiring"
bashful, aloof, solitary, absent, unsociable, reclusive, distant

withdrawn [adjective]

means "removed"
secluded, cloistered, isolated, recalled

wither [verb]

means "decompose"
spoil, disintegrate, blight, putrefy, moulder, rot, decay

withered [adjective]

means "moth-eaten"
dusty, fusty, crumbling, antediluvian, musty, dry

withering [noun]

means "disease"
mildew, decay, blight, curse

withhold [verb]

means "disown"
disclaim, disallow, refuse, keep back, repudiate, deny

within [object]

means "position"
inside, inside of

without [object]

means "outside"

without [object]

means "lacking"

without bloodshed [adjective]

means "bloodless"

without delay [object]

means "immediately"
instantly, now, right away, directly, at once

withstand [verb]

means "support"
survive, bear, brave, experience, face, endure

witless [adjective]

means "mindless"
brainless, insensate, simple, silly, fatuous

witness [verb]

means "testify"

witness [verb]

means "see"
behold, observe, watch, look at, note, perceive, notice

witness [noun]

means "spectator"
bystander, onlooker, eyewitness, beholder

witticism [noun]

means "joke"
gag, quip, jest, pleasantry

witty [adjective]

means "amusing"
clever, facetious, humorous, jocose, jocular, playful, pleasant

Xanthippe [noun]

means "shrew"
scold, old hag, witch, harpy [US], fishwife, nag

abandonment [noun]

means "desertion"
apostasy, withdrawal, defection, falseness, tergiversation

about [object]

means "concerning"
connected with, respecting, with regard to, of

abstract [verb]

means "separate"
distil, withdrawn, draw away, fractionate, remove, take away

allege [verb]

means "speech"
testify, attest, certify, plead, maintain, witness

apostasy [noun]

means "desertion"
defection, withdrawal, abandonment, falseness, tergiversation

at once [adjective]

means "immediately"
instantly, now, right away, directly, without delay

authority [noun]

means "testimony"

back [verb]

means "action"
reverse, retreat, retire, withdraw, repel

bank draft [noun]

means "cheque"
withdrawal, debit, draft, payment

behold [verb]

means "observe"
view, see, look at, survey, witness, regard

beholder [noun]

means "spectator"
bystander, onlooker, eyewitness, witness

betoken [verb]

means "testify"
attest, verify, argue, witness, announce, indicate

between [object]

means "among"
betwixt, halfway, mid, within, midway, amid

big [adjective]

means "animal"
pregnant, gravid, expecting, with child, enceinte

blight [noun]

means "disease"
mildew, decay, withering, curse

brainless [adjective]

means "mindless"
insensate, witless, simple, silly, fatuous

but [object]

means "part of speech"
without, disregarding

certify [verb]

means "vouch"
attest, swear, state, assure, witness, reassure

charm [noun]

means "magic"
sorcery, incantation, hex, spell, witchcraft

cheque [noun]

means "bank draft"
withdrawal, debit, draft, payment

clever [adjective]

means "characteristic"
witty, facile, piquant, scintillating

combat [verb]

means "battle"
confront, assail, contest, resist, contend, withstand

come through [verb]

means "live through"
endure, withstand, survive

concerning [object]

means "about"
connected with, respecting, with regard to, regarding, of

conjurer [noun]

means "sorcerer"
seer, magician, wizard, witch

countermand [verb]

means "retract"
revoke, recant, repeal, rescind, withdraw, recall

crack [noun]

means "speech"
comment, return, witticism, jest, mot

decay [verb]

means "decompose"

defection [noun]

means "desertion"
apostasy, withdrawal, abandonment, falseness, tergiversation

defy [verb]

means "oppose"
face, resist, withstand

deluxe [adjective]

means "luxurious"
with all the trimmings

deny [verb]

means "action"

departed [adjective]

means "left"
forsaken, gone, withdrawn, moved, disappeared

deprive [verb]

means "strip"
bankrupt, dispossess, withhold, divest, dismantle, bare

desist [verb]

means "cease"
end, stop, finish, quit, surrender, withdraw

detain [verb]

means "retain"
keep back, hold, withhold

die [verb]

means "activity"
wither, dissolve, decay, wane, decline, lapse

disciple [noun]

means "apostle"

disclaim [verb]

means "disown"
deny, disallow, refuse, keep back, repudiate, withhold

disown [verb]

means "deny"
disclaim, disallow, refuse, keep back, repudiate, withhold

dispossess [verb]

means "deprive"
bankrupt, strip, withhold, divest, dismantle, bare

disregarding [object]

means "except"
aside from, excepting, save, let alone, excluding, without

distil [verb]

means "extract"
press out, derive, withdraw

diviner [noun]

means "seer"
prophet, magician, sorcerer, witch, sorceress

dock [verb]

means "decrease"
diminish, withhold, deduct, lessen

draw away [verb]

means "separate"
distil, withdraw, abstract, fractionate, remove, take away

dry [verb]

means "activity"
wipe, evaporate, soak up, wither, swab, drain

drying [adjective]

means "parching"
searing, withering, burning

dusty [adjective]

means "characteristic"
moth-eaten, musty, fusty, crumbling, antediluvian, withered

embalm [verb]

means "mummify"
preserve, wither, shrivel, mortify

enchanter [noun]

means "magician"
wizard, witch, sorceress, conjurer

endure [verb]

means "support"
survive, bear, brave, experience, face, withstand

epigram [noun]

means "quip"
joke, pun, witticism, motto, slogan, aphorism

epigrammatic [adjective]

means "clever"
witty, smart, facetious

estrange [verb]

means "withdraw"
withdrawn, separate, part, withhold, leave

estrangement [noun]

means "alienation"
disaffection, distancing, enmity, withdrawal

evacuation [noun]

means "vacating"
withdrawal, abandonment, departure, retreat

except [object]

means "but"
saving, apart from, excepting, without, aside from, excluding

excepting [object]

means "except"
aside from, but, save, let alone, excluding, without

excluding [object]

means "except"
aside from, excepting, save, let alone, but, without

exit [noun]

means "departure"
leave-taking, leaving, withdrawal

expectant [adjective]

means "pregnant"
gravid, expecting, parturient, with child, enceinte

expecting [adjective]

means "pregnant"
gravid, big, with child, enceinte

extract [verb]

means "distil"
press out, derive, withdraw

facetious [adjective]

means "clever"
witty, smart, epigrammatic

fairy [noun]

means "demon"
witch, warlock, vampire, ghoul, poltergeist, devil

fooling [adjective]

means "joking"

gravid [adjective]

means "pregnant"
big, expecting, with child, enceinte

harbor [verb]

means "hide"
conceal, suppress, withhold, secrete

harbour [verb]

means "hide"
conceal, suppress, withhold, secrete

hard [object]

means "property"
severely, gallingly, harshly, with difficulty

held up [adjective]

means "delayed"
postponed, put off, detained, caught up, withheld

hex [noun]

means "magic"
sorcery, incantation, charm, spell, witchcraft

immediate [adjective]

means "instantaneous"
instant, present, without delay, direct

impolitic [adjective]

means "foolish"
silly, senseless, witless, imprudent, injudicious, unwise

in [object]

means "place"
inside of, surrounded by, within, pertaining to

in cold blood [adjective]

means "relentlessly"
deliberately, cruelly, willfully, with malice aforethought

in the background [adjective]

means "unnoticed"
obscure, out of sight, withdrawn, shy, unseen

indicate [verb]

means "testify"
attest, verify, argue, witness, announce, betoken

injudicious [adjective]

means "foolish"
silly, senseless, witless, imprudent, unwise, impolitic

insensate [adjective]

means "mindless"
brainless, witless, simple, silly, fatuous

inside [object]

means "place"
within, inside of

instantaneous [adjective]

means "immediate"
instant, present, without delay

instantaneously [object]

means "instantly"
immediately, abruptly, at once, directly, without delay, promptly

jest [noun]

means "joke"
gag, quip, witticism, pleasantry

jocular [adjective]

means "amusing"

joke [noun]

means "play"
gag, jest, prank, crack, quip, witticism

knowingly [object]

means "intentionally"
deliberately, wilfully, on purpose, mindfully, with malice aforethought

leave [verb]

means "action"
go, desert, abandon, vacate, depart from, withdraw from

leaving [noun]

means "departure"
leave-taking, exit, withdrawal

let alone [object]

means "except"
aside from, excepting, save, but, excluding, without

magic [noun]

means "charm"
sorcery, incantation, hex, spell, witchcraft

medicine man [noun]

means "shaman"
wizard, witch doctor

mildew [noun]

means "disease"
blight, decay, withering, curse

minus [object]

means "reduction"
diminished, lacking, without, deficient, wanting, less

mot [noun]

means "saying"
adage, maxim, remark, proverb, bon mot, witty saying, comment, return, witticism, jest, crack

moulder [verb]

means "decompose"

mummify [verb]

means "embalm"
preserve, wither, shrivel, mortify

musty [adjective]

means "moth-eaten"
dusty, fusty, crumbling, antediluvian, withered, dry

necromancer [noun]

means "sorcerer"
magician, warlock, wizard, enchanter, witch, charmer

nullification [noun]

means "retraction"
revocation, repeal, recall, withdrawal

observer [noun]

means "spectator"
beholder, onlooker, witness, bystander, eyewitness, watcher

odorless [adjective]

means "scentless"
flat, smell-less, unscented, without odour, without odor [US]

of [object]

means "part of speech"
concerning, connected with, respecting, with regard to, about

omission [noun]

means "missing"
blank, overlooking, chasm, overlook, withholding, oversight

omitting [adjective]

means "overlooking"
discarding, repudiating, disregarding, leaving out, withholding, passing over

onlooker [noun]

means "spectator"
bystander, witness, eyewitness, beholder

out [object]

means "property"
lacking, missing, wanting, without

out-of-doors [object]

means "outdoors"
out, without

outdoors [object]

means "outdoor"
out, outside, without

outright [object]

means "entirely"
totally, without reservation, utterly, completely, absolutely, wholly

parching [adjective]

means "drying"
searing, withering, burning

part [verb]

means "action"
depart, withdraw, die, go, leave, pass away

passer-by [noun]

means "bystander"
witness, observer, spectator, pedestrian, onlooker, watcher

pleasant [adjective]

means "amusing"

pleasantry [noun]

means "joke"
quip, gag, wisecrack, jest, game, witticism

postpone [verb]

means "suspend"
delay, intermit, hold up, withhold, defer, hold off

privacy [noun]

means "retirement"
solitude, seclusion, retreat, withdrawal, departure, recession

pull [verb]

means "action"
withdraw, uproot

pull away [verb]

means "depart"
leave, go, detach, withdraw, retire, disconnect

quit [verb]

means "leave"
depart from, vacate, go, withdraw from

recall [verb]

means "retract"
revoke, recant, repeal, rescind, withdraw, countermand

recall [noun]

means "retraction"
revocation, repeal, nullification, withdrawal

recant [verb]

means "retract"
revoke, recall, repeal, rescind, withdraw, countermand

recession [noun]

means "going back"
withdrawal, regression, reversal, respite, retreat, receding

refrain [verb]

means "abstain"
cease, restrain, desist, withhold, forbear, keep

refuse [verb]

means "action"
reject, decline, withdraw, deny, spurn, rebuff

relentlessly [object]

means "in cold blood"
deliberately, cruelly, willfully, with malice aforethought

removal [noun]

means "taking off"
extraction, withdrawal

repel [verb]

means "resist"
oppose, repulse, rebuff, withstand, ward off, confront

repudiate [verb]

means "disown"
disclaim, disallow, refuse, keep back, deny, withhold

repulse [verb]

means "resist"
oppose, repel, rebuff, withstand, ward off, confront

reserved [adjective]

means "saved"
preserved, conserved, withheld, funded

resist [verb]

means "action"
repel, oppose, repulse, rebuff, withstand, ward off

retain [verb]

means "keep"
hold, detain, maintain, preserve, reserve, withhold

retention [noun]

means "holding"
hold, detention, charge, safekeeping, captivity, withholding

retirement [noun]

means "retreat"
solitude, seclusion, privacy, withdrawal, departure, recession

retreat [noun]

means "retirement"
solitude, seclusion, privacy, withdrawal, departure, recession

revocation [noun]

means "retraction"
recall, repeal, nullification, withdrawal

right away [object]

means "immediately"
instantly, now, at once, directly, without delay

sagacious [adjective]

means "clever"
keen, witty, perceptive, sharp, shrewd, astute

searing [adjective]

means "drying"
parching, withering, burning

seclusion [noun]

means "retirement"
retreat, withdrawal, solitude, privacy, sequestration, aloofness

see [verb]

means "view"
observe, witness, notice, look, watch, behold

shaman [noun]

means "medicine man"
wizard, witch doctor

shrink [verb]

means "shrivel"

shrink [verb]

means "cringe"
recoil, withdraw, shudder, wince, flinch, demur

silly [adjective]

means "behaviour"
foolish, stupid, witless, fatuous, senseless

sorcerer [noun]

means "magician"
warlock, wizard, sorceress, witch

sorceress [noun]

means "seer"
prophet, magician, sorcerer, witch, diviner

sorcery [noun]

means "magic"
charm, incantation, hex, spell, witchcraft

spare [verb]

means "action"
withhold, refrain from, omit, forbear

stand [verb]

means "conflict"
oppose, resist, confront, compete, withstand, face

stand-offish [adjective]

means "aloof"
unsociable, snooty, distant, reserved, cool, withdrawn

standoffish [adjective]

means "aloof"
unsociable, snooty, distant, reserved, cool, withdrawn

stop [verb]

means "action"
withdraw, relinquish

strip [verb]

means "activity"
deprive, bankrupt, dispossess, withhold, divest, dismantle

suspend [verb]

means "postpone"
delay, intermit, hold up, withhold, defer, hold off

swab [verb]

means "wipe"
evaporate, soak up, wither, dry, drain, bake

take away [verb]

means "separate"
distil, withdrawn, draw away, fractionate, remove, abstract

thoughtless [noun]

means "irrational"
stupid, foolish, witless, inept, vacuous, dull

timid [adjective]

means "character trait"
shy, withdrawn, modest, humble, reticent

uncommunicative [adjective]

means "unsociable"
unfriendly, aloof, distant, withdrawn, reserved

unwise [adjective]

means "foolish"
silly, senseless, witless, imprudent, injudicious, impolitic

vacate [verb]

means "go"
desert, abandon, leave, depart from, withdraw from, escape from

view [verb]

means "activity"
observe, behold, see, look at, survey, witness

viewer [noun]

means "person"
spectator, beholder, onlooker, witness, bystander, eyewitness

vouch [verb]

means "certify"
attest, swear, state, assure, witness, reassure

warlock [noun]

means "sorcerer"
magician, enchanter, wizard, witch doctor, shaman

watcher [noun]

means "spectator"
beholder, onlooker, witness, bystander, eyewitness, observer

wilfully [object]

means "relentlessly"
deliberately, cruelly, in cold blood, with malice aforethought

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