
Synonym for cove [noun]

The synonym cove synonymous definition words:
means "cave"
cavern, retreat, hole, nook
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cove [noun]

means "bay"
inlet, bayou, lagoon, sound, arm, firth, creek
Further results for the word "cove"

arch [noun]

means "physical condition"
arching, bend, curvature, span, camber, cove

bay [noun]

means "nature"
body of water, harbour, gulf, cove, inlet, lagoon

burrow [noun]

means "cave"
cavern, cove, hole, den, tunnel, hovel

camber [noun]

means "arching"
bend, curvature, span, arch, cove

cave [noun]

means "nature"
hole, cavern, cove, burrow, den, tunnel

cavern [noun]

means "cave"
hole, cove, burrow, den, tunnel, hovel

curvature [noun]

means "arching"
bend, arch, span, camber, cove

firth [noun]

means "body of water"
harbour, gulf, cove, inlet, lagoon, bay

gulf [noun]

means "bay"
inlet, cove, sound, arm

hole [noun]

means "place"
cave, cavern, cove, burrow, den, tunnel

lagoon [noun]

means "body of water"
harbour, gulf, cove, inlet, bay, firth

tunnel [noun]

means "nature"
cave, cavern, cove, burrow, den, hole

covenant [verb]

means "agree"
pledge, promise, concur, contract

covenant [noun]

means "agreement"
bond, pact, treaty, promise, contract

cover [verb]

means "protection"
shade, defend, screen, guard, house, shelter, shield

cover [verb]

means "cost"
pay for, compensate for, counterbalance, defray, offset, suffice

cover [verb]

means "action"
conceal, cloak, hood, disguise, enshroud, hide, mask, screen, include, comprehend, incorporate, comprise, contain, embody, embrace

cover [noun]

means "thing"
covering, hatch, ceiling, case, umbrella, roofing, attic, integument, disguise, curtain, concealment, cloak, camouflage, spread, mask, screen, wrapper, sheath, capsule, pod, casing, case, wrapping, jacket, clothes, bonnet, cowl, cap, cloak, mantle, muffler, cosy, rug, carpet, runner, curtain, canopy

cover [noun]

means "protection"
harbour, screen, asylum, pretence, concealment, defence, guard

cover [noun]

means "nature"
copse, bower, covert, growth, shrubbery, thicket, underbrush

cover up [verb]

means "inundate"
immerse, sink, engulf, conceal, bury, enshroud, hide

cover-up [noun]

means "disguise"
deceit, mask, facade, masquerade, make-up, camouflage, subterfuge

covered [adjective]

means "sheltered"
protected, hidden, topped, surfaced, disguised

covered [adjective]

means "attended to"
included, recorded, noted, written

covering [noun]

means "cover"
hatch, ceiling, case, umbrella, roofing, attic, integument

coverlet [noun]

means "bedspread"
quilt, comforter, cover, spread

covert [noun]

means "thicket"
copse, bushes, brush, underbrush

covert [adjective]

means "secret"
clandestine, surreptitious, concealed, sneak, hidden, veiled

covertly [object]

means "secretly"
furtively, stealthily, slyly, surreptitiously

covet [verb]

means "desire"
long, choose, pant, crave, fancy, long for

covetous [adjective]

means "anxious"
eager, desirous, greedy

covetousness [noun]

means "avarice"
greed, cupidity

covey [noun]

means "group"
bevy, brood, company, flock, crowd, drove, flight

undercover [adjective]

means "underground"
clandestine, secretly, privately, covertly, furtively, secret

acquisitiveness [noun]

means "greed"
covetousness, cupidity, selfishness, rapacity, avarice

agreement [noun]

means "contract"
arrangement, deal, understanding, bargain, covenant, compact

armor [noun]

means "protective covering"
cuirass, shield, covering, flack vest, gauntlet, steel plating

attic [noun]

means "architecture"
covering, hatch, ceiling, roofing, cover, integument

avarice [noun]

means "greed"
covetousness, cupidity, selfishness, rapacity, acquisitiveness

avaricious [adjective]

means "greedy"
grasping, rapacious, covetous, selfish, grudging, miserly

awning [noun]

means "shutter"
blind, curtain, covering, screen, shade

bargain [verb]

means "negotiate"

begrudge [verb]

means "grudge"
spite, covet

bevy [noun]

means "group"
flock, brood, company, covey, crowd, drove

binder [noun]

means "device for holding pages"
notebook, cover, jacket, coupler

blanket [noun]

means "layer"
covering, sheath, mantle, snowfall

blind [noun]

means "thing"
cover, curtain, screen, shade, visor, ruse, cover, front, decoy, trick, pretence

board [verb]

means "action"
board up, plank, cover, paper

board up [verb]

means "cover with boards"
board, plank, cover, paper

bower [noun]

means "shelter"
copse, cover, covert, growth, shrubbery, thicket

brood [verb]

means "incubate"
hatch, set, sit, cover

bury [verb]

means "action"
inundate, immerse, sink, engulf, conceal, cover up

camouflage [verb]

means "conceal"
disguise, cover, veil, deceive, hide

camouflage [noun]

means "disguise"
deceit, mask, facade, masquerade, make-up, cover-up

camouflage [noun]

means "concealment"
dissimulation, cover, front, blind, netting

canopy [noun]

means "furnishings"
rug, carpet, runner, curtain, cover

carpet [verb]

means "activity"
cover with carpet, superimpose

case [noun]

means "thing"
container, cover, box, sheath, crate, carton

casing [noun]

means "wrapper"
sheath, capsule, pod, cover, case, wrapping

ceiling [noun]

means "covering"
hatch, cover, case, umbrella, roofing, attic

cellophane [noun]

means "wrapping"
covering, packaging, box, wrapper, paper, carton

clandestine [adjective]

means "hidden"
concealed, secret, covert, arcane, cryptic, shrouded

cloak [noun]

means "pretext"
disguise, camouflage, cover, screen, blind, mask

coat [verb]

means "activity"
cover, paint, surface, glaze, wash, whitewash

coat [noun]

means "thing"
coating, cover, layer, overlay, glaze, finish

coating [noun]

means "coat"
cover, layer, overlay, glaze, finish, lacquer

compromise [noun]

means "agreement"
terms, settlement, concession, negotiation, covenant, understanding

concealment [noun]

means "camouflage"
dissimulation, cover, front, blind, netting, hiding

contract [noun]

means "agreement"
deal, understanding, covenant, pact, obligation, compact

convention [noun]

means "agreement"
contract, compact, treaty, covenant, code, precept

cosy [noun]

means "thing"

counterpane [noun]

means "bedspread"
eiderdown, comforter, quilt, coverlet, cover

cowl [noun]

means "clothes"
bonnet, cover, cap, cloak, mantle, muffler

crave [verb]

means "want"
long, desire, covet, lust, hunger for, yearn for

curtain [verb]

means "hide"
cover, shroud

curtain [noun]

means "veil"
concealment, cover

defend [verb]

means "activity"
cover, guard

defray [verb]

means "pay for"
compensate for, counterbalance, cover, offset, suffice

desired [adjective]

means "wanted"
popular, coveted, in demand, needed

disguised [adjective]

means "sheltered"
protected, hidden, topped, surfaced, covered

dissemble [verb]

means "disguise"
conceal, camouflage, mask, cover, hide, shroud

do [verb]

means "movement"
traverse, cover, journey, explore

drape [verb]

means "clothe loosely"
dress, cover, clothe, don, enclose, hang

drool [verb]

means "want badly"
want, desire, covet

eiderdown [noun]

means "bedspread"
counterpane, comforter, quilt, coverlet, cover

embrace [verb]

means "contain"

enfold [verb]

means "envelop"
cover, roll, wrap

enshroud [verb]

means "inundate"
immerse, sink, engulf, conceal, cover up, bury

envelop [verb]

means "wrap"
wind, conceal, muffle, cover, enfold, hide

envelope [noun]

means "pouch"
container, cover, wrapper, pocket, sheath, casing

envious [adjective]

means "discontented"
covetous, greedy, resentful, jealous, spiteful, grasping

envy [verb]

means "behaviour"
begrudge, grudge, lust after, covet, crave

envy [noun]

means "feeling"
jealousy, covetousness, ill will, enviousness, spite, rivalry

face [verb]

means "activity"
cover, refinish, veneer, decorate, remodel, plaster

facing [noun]

means "surface treatment"
front, covering, surface, false front, facade

façade [noun]

means "disguise"
deceit, mask, camouflage, masquerade, make-up, cover-up

flap [noun]

means "flat hanging appendage"
fold, tab, wing, ply, fly, cover

flock [noun]

means "group"
bevy, brood, company, covey, crowd, drove

front [verb]

means "activity"
veneer, border, overlay, cover

grasping [adjective]

means "avaricious"
greedy, rapacious, covetous, selfish, grudging, miserly

greedy [adjective]

means "avaricious"
grasping, rapacious, covetous, selfish, grudging, miserly

greedy [adjective]

means "anxious"
eager, desirous, covetous

grudge [verb]

means "envy"
covet, begrudge

grudging [adjective]

means "avaricious"
grasping, rapacious, covetous, selfish, greedy, miserly

harbor [noun]

means "refuge"
asylum, chamber, cover, haven, protection, house

harbour [noun]

means "refuge"
asylum, chamber, cover, haven, protection, house

herd [noun]

means "flock"
pack, swarm, bevy, covey, drove, crowd

hidden [adjective]

means "concealed or secret"
unseen, secret, covert, clandestine, unknown, out of sight

hide [verb]

means "activity"
conceal, cloak, cover, obscure, disguise, mask

hiding [adjective]

means "in concealment"
covering, out of sight

hood [noun]

means "metal cover"
cover, bonnet, carp, canopy

hood [noun]

means "head gear"
cowl, cover, bonnet, hat, shawl

hull [noun]

means "frame"
framework, skeleton, cast, mould, covering

in demand [adjective]

means "wanted"
popular, coveted, desired, needed

included [adjective]

means "attended to"
covered, recorded, noted, written

incrust [verb]

means "coat"

itching to [adjective]

means "eager"
greedy, covetous, acquisitive, desirous, craving, hankering

jealously [noun]

means "envy"
covetousness, ill will, enviousness, spite, rivalry

lacquer [noun]

means "coating"
cover, layer, overlay, glaze, finish, coat

layer [noun]

means "blanket"
covering, sheath, mantle, snowfall

lid [noun]

means "thing"
cover, cap, hood, top, roof, stopper

mantle [noun]

means "layer"
covering, sheath, blanket, snowfall

muffle [verb]

means "bundle"
insulate, cover, wrap

netting [noun]

means "concealment"
dissimulation, cover, front, blind, camouflage

notebook [noun]

means "device for holding pages"
binder, cover, jacket, coupler

obligation [noun]

means "contract"
agreement, bond, covenant, stipulation

obscure [adjective]

means "remote"
hidden, devious, retired, covered, lonesome, secluded

on [object]

means "position"
upon, over, above, touching, in contact with, covering

outer [adjective]

means "place"
outside, exterior, surface, covering, external, outward

outside [noun]

means "exterior"
surface, covering, facade, face, sheath, skin

outside [adjective]

means "outer"
exterior, surface, covering, external, outward, over

over [object]

means "place"
above, about, overtop, upper, covering, aloft

overreach [verb]

means "extend over"
cover, spread, overlap, overlay

overwhelm [verb]

means "drown"
overflow, bury, submerge, deluge, cover, waste

packaging [noun]

means "wrapping"
covering, cellophane, box, wrapper, paper, carton

paint [verb]

means "activity"
coat, veneer, cover, swab, tint, daub

paint [noun]

means "thing"
veneer, varnish, coat, covering, overlay, layer, cover

pall [noun]

means "coffin cover"
cover, cloth, cloak, covering

panoply [noun]

means "complete covering"
armour, covering, protection, shield, defence, guard

papered [adjective]

means "paper-covered"
covered, decorated

parsimonious [adjective]

means "avaricious"
grasping, rapacious, covetous, selfish, grudging, miserly

peruse [verb]

means "examine"

plaster [verb]

means "coat with plaster"
cover, daub, face, mortar, bind, cement

plate [verb]

means "activity"
coat, cover, gild, overlay, enamel, veneer

pod [noun]

means "wrapper"
sheath, capsule, cover, casing, case, wrapping

pretence [noun]

means "disguise"
cloak, cover, cover-up, pageant, dissembling, mask

pretense [noun]

means "disguise"
cloak, charade, cover, cover-up, pageant, dissembling

promise [verb]

means "pledge"
agree, espouse, covenant, betroth, engage, guarantee

promise [noun]

means "pledge"
assurance, pact, engagement, covenant, pass, word

protection [noun]

means "guardianship"
safekeeping, cover, defense, custody, guard, preservation

protocol [noun]

means "agreement"
contract, obligation, treaty, compact, pact, covenant

rain [verb]

means "activity"
deluge, pour, cover, inundate, shower, drench

rapacious [adjective]

means "avaricious"
grasping, greedy, covetous, selfish, grudging, miserly

rapacity [noun]

means "greed"
avarice, covetousness, grossness, marauding, theft

recorded [adjective]

means "attended to"
included, covered, noted, written

roll [verb]

means "action"
envelop, cover, enfold, wrap

roof [noun]

means "protection"
cover, shelter, canopy, ceiling, roofing, thatch

roofing [noun]

means "covering"
hatch, ceiling, case, umbrella, cover, attic

rug [noun]

means "thing"
cover, carpet, runner, curtain, canopy

run [noun]

means "group"

ruse [noun]

means "blind"
cover, front, decoy, trick, pretence, pretext

scale [noun]

means "substance"
covering, layer, film, coating, crust, plate

screen [verb]

means "protection"
cover, shelter, shield, veil, cloak, defend

screen [noun]

means "protection"
cloak, cover, defense, guard, shield, partition

seclude [verb]

means "hide"
conceal, cover

secret [adjective]

means "property"
hidden, concealed, clandestine, covert, arcane, cryptic

secrete [verb]

means "hide"
conceal, shroud, disguise, cover, seclude

settlement [noun]

means "agreement"

shade [verb]

means "action"
hide, conceal, obscure, cover, protect, veil

shade [noun]

means "thing"
shutter, blind, curtain, covering, screen, awning

sheathe [verb]

means "wrap"
cover, surround, envelop

sheet [noun]

means "thing"
layer, covering, coat, mantle, leaf, thickness

shelter [verb]

means "hide"
conceal, cover, shroud, screen, defend, guard

shelter [noun]

means "safety"
asylum, haven, refuge, retreat, sanctuary, cover

shield [verb]

means "protection"

shield [noun]

means "protection"
defence, armour, guard, cover, buffer, aegis

shroud [noun]

means "cerements"
covering, garment, cover, cloth

shrubbery [noun]

means "shelter"
copse, bower, covert, growth, cover, thicket

skin [noun]

means "substance"
covering, coating, coat, crust, membrane, surface

smear [verb]

means "spread"
cover, coat, apply, spray, paint

snowfall [noun]

means "layer"
covering, sheath, mantle, blanket

sought after [adjective]

means "wanted"
in demand, desired, popular, coveted, hunted

spite [verb]

means "grudge"
begrudge, covet

spread [verb]

means "activity"
cover, coat, smear, overlay, varnish, veneer

spread [noun]

means "thing"
cover, bedspread, cloth

suppress [verb]

means "conceal"
hide, censor, bury, cover up, contain, expurgate

surface [noun]

means "exterior"
outside, covering, face, plane, superficies

surreptitiously [object]

means "secretly"
furtively, covertly, stealthily

terms [noun]

means "agreement"
compromise, settlement, concession, negotiation, covenant, understanding

transact [verb]

means "negotiate"

ulterior [adjective]

means "hidden"
concealed, guarded, shrouded, obscured, covert

umbrella [noun]

means "covering"
hatch, ceiling, case, cover, roofing, attic

underground [adjective]

means "undercover"
clandestine, secretly, privately, covertly, furtively, secret

underground [adjective]

means "subterraneous"
buried, covered, tunnel, mine

unseen [adjective]

means "concealed or secret"
hidden, secret, covert, clandestine, unknown, out of sight

upon [object]

means "on"
over, above, touching, in contact with, covering, on top of

upper [adjective]

means "position"
above, about, overtop, over, covering, aloft

varnish [verb]

means "embellish"
cover up

veil [noun]

means "head covering"
concealment, mask, scarf, cover, kerchief

veiled [adjective]

means "secret"
clandestine, surreptitious, concealed, sneak, hidden, covert

veneer [noun]

means "facing"
thin layer, surface treatment, cover, wrapper, coating

voracity [noun]

means "insatiability"
gluttony, greed, covetousness, rapacity, acquisitiveness

vow [noun]

means "promise"
pledge, swear, covenant, plight

want [verb]

means "feeling"
lack, covet

wanted [adjective]

means "in demand"
popular, coveted, desired, needed

wanting [adjective]

means "desirous of"
covetous, longing for, grasping, acquisitive, greedy, envious

wish [verb]

means "feeling"
covet, lack

wrap [noun]

means "thing"
coat, cape, cloak, jacket, blanket, cover

wrapping [noun]

means "wrapper"
sheath, capsule, pod, casing, case, cover

yearn for [verb]

means "want"
long, desire, covet, lust, hunger for, crave

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