Synonym for fear [verb]
The synonym fear synonymous definition words:fear [noun]
means "feeling"anxiety, perturbation, concern, disquietude, solicitude, foreboding, pusillanimity, suspicion, alarm, apprehension, consternation, dismay, dread, fright, horror, terror
Further results for the word "fear"
anxiety [noun]
means "distress"fear
consternation [noun]
means "apprehension"horror, dread, dismay, fear, fright, trepidation
dismay [noun]
means "fright"alarm, dread, consternation, anxiety, fear, horror
dread [verb]
means "be afraid"apprehend, fear, misdoubt
quail [verb]
means "cower"fear
solicitude [noun]
means "anxiety"fear, care, worry, consideration, burden, thought
terror [noun]
means "feeling"horror, fear
fearful [adjective]
means "awful"appalling, dire, dreadful, formidable, frightful, horrible, shocking
apprehensive [adjective]
means "anxious"distressed, afraid, fearful, panicky, wild, agitated
aroused [adjective]
means "afraid"frightened, fearful, alarmed, worried, disturbed, distressed
dauntless [adjective]
means "courageous"bold, daring, adventurous, brave, audacious, fearless
distressed [adjective]
means "afraid"frightened, fearful, aroused, worried, disturbed, alarmed
frightened [adjective]
means "afraid"alarmed, fearful, aroused, worried, disturbed, distressed
hardihood [noun]
means "courage"confidence, brazenness, boldness, fearlessness, gallantry, resolution
jumpy [adjective]
means "anxious"solicitous, nervous, panicky, fearful
lily-livered [adjective]
means "faint-hearted"cowardly, faint, dastardly, irresolute, weak, fearful
panicky [adjective]
means "apprehensive"distressed, afraid, fearful, anxious, wild, agitated
timorous [adjective]
means "afraid"timid, apprehensive, shy, fearful, tremulous
tremulous [adjective]
means "timid"shy, fearful, frightened, timorous, cowardly, afraid
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