
Synonym for dire [adjective]

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awful [adjective]

means "property"
fearful, appalling, dire, dreadful, formidable, frightful

deplorable [adjective]

means "unfortunate"
lamentable, woeful, grievous, distressing, dire, calamitous

dread [adjective]

means "terrible"
formidable, dire, dreadful, frightful, horrible

dreadful [adjective]

means "grim"
dire, appalling, frightful, ghastly, grisly, gruesome

fearful [adjective]

means "awful"
appalling, dire, dreadful, formidable, frightful, horrible

frightful [adjective]

means "fearful"

grim [adjective]

means "dreadful"
dire, appalling, frightful, ghastly, grisly, gruesome

grisly [adjective]

means "fearful"

gruesome [adjective]

means "dreadful"
dire, appalling, frightful, ghastly, grisly, grim

horrible [adjective]

means "frightful"
appalling, awful, dire, dreadful, formidable, ghastly

instant [adjective]

means "immediate"
urgent, pressing, dire, imperative, burning

menacing [adjective]

means "ominous"
sinister, foreboding, threatening, disastrous, dire, unfortunate

ominous [adjective]

means "dangerous"
dire, grim, gloomy, perilous, fearful, clouded

pressing [adjective]

means "immediate"
urgent, instant, dire, imperative, burning

sad [adjective]

means "state"
tragic, unfortunate, grievous, dire, woeful, poignant

sinister [adjective]

means "ominous"
menacing, foreboding, threatening, disastrous, dire, unfortunate

somber [adjective]

means "gloomy"
lugubrious, dire, mournful

tragic [adjective]

means "property"
sad, unfortunate, grievous, dire, woeful, poignant

traumatic [adjective]

means "fearful"

unfortunate [adjective]

means "deplorable"
lamentable, woeful, grievous, distressing, dire, calamitous

unlucky [adjective]

means "ominous"
dire, apocalyptic, baleful

direct [verb]

means "wish"
instruct, require, bid, command, inform, will, order

direct [verb]

means "counsel"
guide, enjoin, advise, head, conduct, influence, control, oversee

direct [verb]

means "aim"
level, sight, turn, point

direct [adjective]

means "quality"
straight, true, uninterrupted, undeviating

direct [adjective]

means "property"
open, main, categorical, naked, downright, officious, earnest, plump

direct [adjective]

means "characteristic"
immediate, evident, prompt, personal, simple, unbroken

directed [adjective]

means "aimed"
pointed, explicit, marked, personal

direction [noun]

means "point of the compass"
bearing, objective, area, road, route, spot, way

direction [noun]

means "order"
charge, injunction, regulation, instruction, guidance, bent, bias

direction [noun]

means "management"
supervision, administration, regulation, control, command, superintendence

directive [noun]

means "pointer"
indicator, needle, arrow, gauge, sign

directly [object]

means "straight"
dead, direct, due, right

directly [adjective]

means "at once"
immediately, instantly, quickly, instantaneously

director [noun]

means "moving-picture director"
producer, leader

director [noun]

means "executive officer"
manager, supervisor, administrator, leader

directory [noun]

means "catalogue"
inventory, gazette, bulletin, brief, register, schedule

accelerated [adjective]

means "fast"
quick, direct, express, non-stop, rapid, swift

address [verb]

means "greet"
hail, accost, apply, direct, approach, speak to

administer [verb]

means "manage"
conduct, control, carry out, direct, execute, govern

administrator [noun]

means "leader"
chief, head, chieftain, commander, commander in chief, director

aimed [adjective]

means "intended"
pointed at, planned, designed, calculated, steered, directed

allusion [noun]

means "reference"
referral, mention, direction, citation

arrow [noun]

means "thing"
indicator, needle, directive, gauge, sign, pointer

at once [adjective]

means "immediately"
instantly, now, right away, directly, without delay

avowed [adjective]

means "downright"
artless, frank, direct, ingenuous, outright, undisguised

bearing [noun]

means "bearings"
orientation, course, direction, location, position, aim

bend [verb]

means "deed"
influence, manipulate, persuade, direct, compel, coerce

bid [verb]

means "demand"
order, will, charge, command, direct, enjoin

bidding [noun]

means "command"
direction, charge, demand, request

bluff [adjective]

means "blunt"
brusque, abrupt, frank, coarse, crude, direct

blunt [adjective]

means "candid"
straightforward, frank, direct, forthright

bound [adjective]

means "going"
directed, destined

captain [noun]

means "commander"
director, leader, authority, administrator, guide, chief

carry out [verb]

means "manage"
conduct, control, administer, direct, execute, govern

charge [noun]

means "matter"
instruction, requirement, command, admonition, direction, exhortation

chieftain [noun]

means "leader"
chief, administrator, head, commander, commander in chief, director

coach [verb]

means "activity"
train, drill, instruct, direct, prompt, teach

command [verb]

means "demand"
order, charge, bid, direct, decree, impose

commander [noun]

means "captain"
director, leader, authority, administrator, guide, chief

commander in chief [noun]

means "leader"
chief, administrator, chieftain, commander, head, director

commission [noun]

means "order"
command, direction, authorisation, authorization, permission, ordinance

comptroller [noun]

means "administrator"
director, executive, leader, official

conduct [noun]

means "guidance"
control, administration, direction, management, execution, leadership

counsel [verb]

means "recommend"
advise, teach, admonish, direct, inform

crude [adjective]

means "blunt"
indelicate, bare, direct, rough, undisguised

dead [adjective]

means "property"
exact, direct, precise, straight, sure, unerring

deliver [verb]

means "issue"
cast, bring forth, deal, direct, discharge, emit

demand [verb]

means "speech"
ask, direct, call, inquire, charge, crave

dictate [verb]

means "impose"
decree, instruct, direct, lay down, regiment, ordain

dispensation [noun]

means "management"
administration, regulation, supervision, direction

disposition [noun]

means "management"
mercy, appointment, will, control, direction, regulation

earthy [adjective]

means "artless"
unrefined, direct, unaffected, unblushing, natural, unsophisticated

economy [noun]

means "management"
order, conduct, method, direction, system, supervision

education [noun]

means "teaching"
edification, instruction, study, schooling, direction, tutelage

engineer [verb]

means "plan"
plot, mastermind, design, direct, manage, supervise

enjoin [verb]

means "command"
bid, ordain, charge, appoint, direct, order

express [adjective]

means "fast"
quick, direct, accelerated, non-stop, rapid, swift

fair [object]

means "property"
directly, straight

foreman [noun]

means "supervisor"
overseer, forelady, director, manager, superintendent, administrator

frank [adjective]

means "character trait"
downright, artless, avowed, direct, ingenuous, outright

going [adjective]

means "bound"
directed, destined

govern [verb]

means "activity"
manage, handle, direct, guide, superintend, supervise

government [noun]

means "act of governing"
command, ruling, direction, power, equity, dominion

governor [noun]

means "administrator"
presiding officer, executive officer, executive head of a state, director, ruler

greet [verb]

means "language"
address, hail, accost, apply, direct, approach

guidance [noun]

means "conduct"
control, administration, direction, management, execution, leadership

guide [verb]

means "activity"
lead, conduct, direct, pilot, steer

guide [noun]

means "person"
leader, director, helmsman, path-finder, pilot, escort

head [verb]

means "activity"
direct, command, oversee, supervise, govern, manage

head [noun]

means "person"
director, master

helmsman [noun]

means "leader"
director, guide, path-finder, pilot, escort, steersman

immediate [adjective]

means "instantaneous"
instant, present, without delay, direct

immediately [object]

means "at once"
instantaneously, instantly, directly, contiguously, forthwith, presently

incidence [noun]

means "rate of occurrence"
occurrence, frequency, range, scope, spread, direction

indelicate [adjective]

means "blunt"
crude, bare, direct, rough, undisguised

index [noun]

means "office"
organizational table, card file, directory

indicator [noun]

means "pointer"
arrow, needle, directive, gauge, sign

influence [verb]

means "sway"
affect, bias, direct, control, impress, carry

injunction [noun]

means "command"
canon, direction, order, instruction, law, mandate

insistence [noun]

means "command"
decree, direction, order, bidding, behest, will

instantaneously [object]

means "instantly"
immediately, abruptly, at once, directly, without delay, promptly

instruct [verb]

means "order"
direct, command, charge, prescribe, enjoin

lead [verb]

means "activity"
guide, direct, usher, escort, conduct, precede

leadership [noun]

means "administration"
direction, management, guidance

level [verb]

means "action"
aim, direct, guide, point, sight

lighthouse [noun]

means "beacon"
sentinel, direction, guidance

lineal [adjective]

means "on a line"
direct, marking

manage [verb]

means "rule"
direct, administer, conduct, control, govern, regulate

master [noun]

means "person"
leader, ruler, chief, commander, boss, director

mastermind [verb]

means "plan"
plot, engineer, design, direct, manage, supervise

monitor [noun]

means "adviser"
counsellor, director, supervisor, informant

motion [noun]

means "action"
gesture, stir, direction, move, stirring, course

naked [adjective]

means "speech"
direct, blunt, outspoken, plain, uncoloured, unvarnished

needle [noun]

means "thing"
indicator, gauge, pointer, director, dial

officer [noun]

means "executive"
administrator, manager, official, director, leader, president

official [noun]

means "administrator"
director, executive, leader, comptroller

officious [adjective]

means "forward"
direct, self-important, forceful, impertinent, rude, obtrusive

openhearted [adjective]

means "candid"
frank, direct, honest, true, straightforward, open

operating [noun]

means "operation"
management, direction, control, managing

orchestrate [verb]

means "co-ordinate"
organise, organize, manage, plan, direct, assist

order [verb]

means "demand"
command, bid, dictate, decree, direct, instruct

order [noun]

means "demand"
command, canon, direction, injunction, instruction, law, commission, engagement, direction, reservation, application, requisition

orient [verb]

means "align"
adjust, line up, lead, turn, direct, locate

orientation [noun]

means "alignment"
direction, placement, arrangement, adjustment

oversee [verb]

means "guide"

overseer [noun]

means "supervisor"
foreman, director, manager, superintendent, administrator

oversight [noun]

means "supervision"
care, conduct, charge, handling, control, direction

pilot [noun]

means "person"
guide, leader, scout, director, chief, head

plain [adjective]

means "property"
direct, downright, sheer, transparent

plain [adjective]

means "behaviour"
honest, artless, blunt, candid, direct, frank

plump [object]

means "property"
directly, abruptly, suddenly

plump [adjective]

means "property"
full, ample, blunt, rounded, complete, direct

pointed [adjective]

means "aimed"
directed, explicit, marked, personal

pointer [noun]

means "arrow"
indicator, needle, directive, gauge, sign

positive [adjective]

means "incontestable"
absolute, categorical, certain, clear, definite, direct

precede [verb]

means "guide"
direct, usher, escort, conduct, lead, convey

primary [adjective]

means "immediate"

prompt [adjective]

means "time"
direct, rapid

punctual [adjective]

means "timely"
precise, immediate, instant, prompt, quick, direct

purely [object]

means "simply"
directly, sincerely, plainly, straightforwardly, genuinely, truly

purpose [noun]

means "aim"
direction, design, prospect, determination, aspiration, end

quarter [noun]

means "area"
region, country, zone, province, neighbourhood, direction

quickly [adjective]

means "immediately"
instantly, instantaneously, directly, forthwith, promptly, soon

recommendation [noun]

means "advice"
counsel, suggestion, direction, proposal, approbation, endorsement

refer [verb]

means "activity"
direct, designate, submit, consign, deliver, commit

reference [noun]

means "allusion"
referral, mention, direction, citation

regulate [verb]

means "adjust"
set, arrange, control, direct, manage, order

regulation [noun]

means "management"
control, arrangement, direction, adjustment, disposal, disposition

regulation [noun]

means "law"
rule, statute, ordinance, precept, direction, order

require [verb]

means "demand"
direct, obligate, order, oblige, enjoin, request

requirement [noun]

means "order"
command, directive, mandate, charge, precept, injunction

right [object]

means "time"
directly, immediately, straight away

right away [object]

means "immediately"
instantly, now, at once, directly, without delay

route [noun]

means "travel"
course, itinerary, path, circuit, direction, detour

rule [verb]

means "activity"
govern, administer, order, command, direct, control

rule [noun]

means "control"
command, dominion, direction, mastery, domination, government

set [noun]

means "opinion"
inclination, attitude, direction, bent, disposition, position

simply [object]

means "easily"
sincerely, openly, frankly, plainly, directly, honestly

speak to [verb]

means "greet"
hail, accost, apply, direct, approach, address

steer [verb]

means "drive"
pilot, fly, direct, conduct, lead, navigate

steersman [noun]

means "leader"
director, helmsman, path-finder, pilot, escort, guide

superintendent [noun]

means "leader"
ruler, chief, commander, boss, director, supervisor

sway [verb]

means "govern"
rule, control, direct, reign, dominate, prevail

timely [adjective]

means "prompt"
precise, immediate, instant, punctual, quick, direct

trend [noun]

means "tendency"
course, direction, drift, inclination, bias, tenor

turn [verb]

means "aim"
direct, point, set

unassuming [adjective]

means "artless"
unrefined, direct, unaffected, unblushing, natural, unsophisticated

unfeigned [adjective]

means "genuine"
candid, sincere, open, direct, guileless, forthright

usher [verb]

means "escort"
lead, guide, pilot, steer, conduct, direct

will [verb]

means "demand"
command, bid, decree, direct, determine, decide

will [noun]

means "demand"
command, decree, direction, order, bidding, behest

wish [verb]

means "demand"
command, direct, order, bid, instruct

without delay [object]

means "immediately"
instantly, now, right away, directly, at once

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