
Synonym for inform [verb]

The synonym inform synonymous definition words:
means "speech"
snitch, tattle, squeal, testify
- conjugate verb inform
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inform [verb]

means "language"
acquaint, familiarise, familiarize, make known, notify, tell, clue, warn, advise

inform [verb]

means "activity"
teach, instruct, inspire, inspirit, enliven, animate, quicken
Further results for the word "inform"

acquaint [verb]

means "accustom"
familiarise, familiarize, reconnoitre, advise, inform

advise [verb]

means "direction"
notify, forewarn, report, inform, surprise, warn

alert [verb]

means "warn"
caution, inform, signal

brief [verb]

means "counsel"
edify, advise, inform, enlighten

communicate [verb]

means "make known"
inform, announce, tell, speak, declare, proclaim

counsel [verb]

means "recommend"
advise, teach, admonish, direct, inform

describe [verb]

means "outline"
inform, summarise, summarize, recapitulate

direct [verb]

means "wish"
instruct, require, bid, command, inform, will

disabuse [verb]

means "clarify"
purge, inform

edify [verb]

means "brief"
advise, inform, enlighten, instruct

enlighten [verb]

means "educate"
edify, acquaint, tell, inform, instruct, teach

enliven [verb]

means "animate"
inform, vitalise, vitalize, excite, refresh, inspirit

fire [verb]

means "activity"
animate, inspirit, exalt, enliven, inform, inspire

illuminate [verb]

means "edify"
enlighten, explain, illustrate, inform, elucidate, illumine

instil [verb]

means "teach"
educate, impart, indoctrinate, instruct, inform, guide

instruct [verb]

means "teach"

make known [verb]

means "communicate"
inform, announce, tell, speak, declare, proclaim

outline [verb]

means "describe"
inform, summarise, summarize, recapitulate

report [verb]

means "language"
recount, inform, notify, relate, summarise, summarize

reveal [verb]

means "language"
divulge, announce, disclose, impart, inform, tell

teach [verb]

means "education"
inform, instruct, inspire, inspirit, enliven, animate

tell [verb]

means "speech"
inform, impart, explain, communicate, acquaint, apprise

warn [verb]

means "action"
alert, notify, inform, apprise

inform against [verb]

means "deliver"
betray, turn in, give up, inform on

informal [adjective]

means "casual"
relaxed, natural, easy, unofficial, unceremonious, breezy, off-hand

informality [noun]

means "familiarity"
freedom, unconstraint

information [noun]

means "material"
data, facts, figures

informative [adjective]

means "polite"
mannerly, pleasant, civil, polished, social, hospitable

informed [adjective]

means "well-versed"
apprised, abreast, familiar, acquainted

informer [noun]

means "stool pigeon"
spy, secret agent, squealer, infiltrator

Epistle [noun]

means "letter"
statement, missive, disclosure, note, information, communication

acquainted [adjective]

means "well-versed"
apprised, abreast, informed, familiar

aware [adjective]

means "knowledge"
apprised, informed, advised, notified, familiar with, enlightened

betray [verb]

means "deliver"
inform against, turn in, give up, inform on

candid [adjective]

means "plain"
informal, spontaneous, extemporaneous, impromptu, unpretentious, unrehearsed

chatty [adjective]

means "talkative"
friendly, spontaneous, informal, familiar, intimate

colloquial [adjective]

means "common"
ordinary, vulgar, vernacular, familiar, popular, informal

communication [noun]

means "letter"
statement, missive, disclosure, note, information, epistle

counsel [noun]

means "advice"
lore, admonition, guidance, information, caution, instruction

cultural [adjective]

means "educational"
informative, uplifting

data [noun]

means "fact"
material, information, figures

data base [noun]

means "computer"
file, information

denounce [verb]

means "accuse"
charge, give away, indict, inform against, arraign

dictionary [noun]

means "source"
guidebook, informant, reference, encyclopedia, thesaurus, footnote

documents [noun]

means "any printed matter"
information, questionnaire, check, circular, enclosure, money

ease [noun]

means "naturalness"
freedom, informality, lightness, unconstraint

easy [adjective]

means "property"
effortless, free, elementary, informal, smooth, simple

easygoing [adjective]

means "casual"
breezy, off-hand, common, informal, relaxed, unconstrained

educational [adjective]

means "cultural"
informative, uplifting

effortless [adjective]

means "easy"
free, elementary, informal, smooth, simple, unconstrained

enclosure [noun]

means "any printed matter"
information, questionnaire, check, circular, documents, money

enlightening [adjective]

means "illuminating"
illuminant, instructive, elucidating, informative, illuminative, edifying

entry [noun]

means "item in a log"
item, note, passage, data, information

evidence [noun]

means "documentation"
affidavit, data, deposition, confirmation, exhibit, information

explanatory [adjective]

means "exegetic"
illustrative, scholastic, informative, instructive

extemporaneous [adjective]

means "plain"
informal, spontaneous, candid, impromptu, unpretentious, unrehearsed

familiar [adjective]

means "well-versed"
apprised, abreast, informed, acquainted

feedback [noun]

means "anything put in"
data, information, facts, contribution, input, reaction

free [adjective]

means "behaviour"
familiar, easy, frank, informal, open, unceremonious

guidebook [noun]

means "source"
reference, informant, dictionary, encyclopedia, thesaurus, footnote

hospitable [adjective]

means "polite"
mannerly, pleasant, civil, polished, informative, social

idiomatic [adjective]

means "vernacular"
peculiar, local, regional, informal, dialect

illumination [noun]

means "enlightenment"
information, teaching, education, edification, erudition, knowledge

infiltrator [noun]

means "stool pigeon"
spy, secret agent, squealer, informer

input [noun]

means "thing"
data, information, facts, contribution, feedback

instructed [adjective]

means "educated"
notified, told, trained, informed, enlightened, advised

instructive [adjective]

means "educational"
instructional, enlightening, didactic, informative, explanatory, illuminating

intelligence [noun]

means "knowledge"
information, news, tidings

lore [noun]

means "knowledge"
learning, erudition, information, science

missive [noun]

means "letter"
statement, communication, disclosure, note, information, epistle

monitor [noun]

means "adviser"
counsellor, director, supervisor, informant

naturalness [noun]

means "ease"
freedom, informality, lightness, unconstraint

news [noun]

means "knowledge"
information, advice, discovery, enlightenment, intelligence, recognition

newsy [adjective]

means "full of news"
informative, detailed, elaborate, significant, instructive

notice [noun]

means "language"
information, report

observation [noun]

means "memorandum"
information, record

reference [noun]

means "source"
guidebook, informant, dictionary, encyclopedia, thesaurus, footnote

regional [adjective]

means "vernacular"
peculiar, local, idiomatic, informal, dialect

secret agent [noun]

means "stool pigeon"
spy, informer, squealer, infiltrator

sensible [adjective]

means "aware"
informed, sensitive, cognisant, cognizant, attentive, conscious

social [adjective]

means "behaviour"
polite, mannerly, pleasant, civil, polished, informative

spontaneous [adjective]

means "plain"
informal, candid, extemporaneous, impromptu, unpretentious, unrehearsed

squeal [noun]

means "snitch"
inform on, blab

squealer [noun]

means "stool pigeon"
spy, secret agent, informer, infiltrator

tattle [verb]

means "blurt out"
inform on, disclose, reveal, spill the beans, squeal

telltale [adjective]

means "revealing"
informative, ominous, meaningful, suggestive

thesaurus [noun]

means "source"
guidebook, informant, dictionary, encyclopedia, reference, footnote

tidings [noun]

means "report"
news, information, account, intelligence, advice, word

told [adjective]

means "educated"
notified, instructed, trained, informed, enlightened, advised

unceremonious [adjective]

means "familiar"
easy, frank, informal, open, free, unconstrained

unforced [adjective]

means "spontaneous"
instinctive, unassuming, modest, simple, unpretentious, informal

unofficial [adjective]

means "casual"
relaxed, natural, easy, informal, unceremonious, breezy

unprompted [adjective]

means "plain"
informal, spontaneous, extemporaneous, impromptu, unpretentious, unrehearsed

unreserved [adjective]

means "casual"
informal, relaxed, loose, breezy, outgoing, expansive

unstudied [adjective]

means "spontaneous"
instinctive, unassuming, modest, simple, unpretentious, informal

uplifting [adjective]

means "cultural"
informative, educational

vernacular [adjective]

means "native"
indigenous, informal, colloquial, everyday, natural, ordinary

well-versed [adjective]

means "familiar"
apprised, abreast, informed, acquainted

wisdom [noun]

means "intelligence"
knowledge, learning, enlightenment, erudition, perspicacity, information

word [noun]

means "language"
report, news, information, account, intelligence, advice

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