
Synonym for command [verb]

The synonym command synonymous definition words:
- conjugate verb command
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command [verb]

means "dominate"
overlook, tower above, eclipse

command [verb]

means "demand"
order, charge, bid, direct, decree, impose, instruct

command [noun]

means "order"
dictate, regulation, decree, mandate, behest, ordinance, bidding

command [noun]

means "mastery"
authority, ascendancy, head, dominion, control, power, domination
Further results for the word "command"

ability [noun]

means "aptitude"
craft, qualification, gift, aptness, command, faculty

administration [noun]

means "management"
government, supervision, organisation, organization, command, authority

appoint [verb]

means "direct"
command, order, require, insist on, ordain, decree

aptness [noun]

means "aptitude"
craft, qualification, gift, ability, command, faculty

ascendancy [noun]

means "mastery"
authority, command, head, dominion, control, power

authorisation [noun]

means "sanction"
authority, command

authorization [noun]

means "authorisation"
authority, command

behest [noun]

means "order"
dictate, regulation, decree, mandate, command, ordinance

bid [verb]

means "demand"
order, will, charge, command, direct, enjoin

bring [verb]

means "activity"
yield, draw, command, take, gross, earn

call [verb]

means "activity"
ordain, ring, command, proclaim

call [noun]

means "invitation"
summons, command, solicitation, bidding, request, invitation

canon [noun]

means "rule"
order, formula, regulation, law, command

charge [verb]

means "matter"
command, bid, instruct, order, demand, exhort

charge [noun]

means "matter"
instruction, requirement, command, admonition, direction, exhortation

citation [noun]

means "summons"
ticket, charge, bidding, writ, command, subpoena

claim [verb]

means "demand"
require, challenge, ask, command, call for, deserve

commission [noun]

means "order"
command, direction, authorisation, authorization, permission, ordinance

control [verb]

means "direct"
guide, manage, command, lead, manipulate, govern

control [noun]

means "direction"
power, authority, command, dominion, disposition, charge

demand [verb]

means "activity"
call for, command

demands [noun]

means "claim"
warning, command, proposition, proposal, requirements, mandate

direct [verb]

means "wish"
instruct, require, bid, command, inform, will

direction [noun]

means "management"
supervision, administration, regulation, control, command, superintendence

domination [noun]

means "mastery"

enjoy [verb]

means "activity"
use, benefit, hold, process, command

expertise [noun]

means "aptitude"
craft, qualification, gift, aptness, command, faculty

fiat [noun]

means "order"
decree, command, proclamation, authorisation, authorization, sanction

govern [verb]

means "rule"
reign, command, overrule, control, sway, hold sway

government [noun]

means "act of governing"
command, ruling, direction, power, equity, dominion

head [verb]

means "activity"
direct, command, oversee, supervise, govern, manage

head [noun]

means "position"
authority, command

hegemony [noun]

means "authority"
ascendancy, domination, jurisdiction, command, power, omnipotence

insist on [verb]

means "direct"
command, order, require, appoint, ordain, decree

instruct [verb]

means "order"
direct, command, charge, prescribe, enjoin

instruction [noun]

means "direction"
command, order, charge, mandate

lord it over [verb]

means "order around"
boss, dictate, order, command, abuse

management [noun]

means "administration"
government, supervision, organisation, organization, command, authority

mandate [noun]

means "order"
dictate, regulation, decree, command, behest, ordinance

manipulate [verb]

means "direct"
guide, manage, command, lead, control, govern

mastery [noun]

means "control"
power, command, dominance, authority, jurisdiction, sovereignty

mastery [noun]

means "ability"
command, expertise, skill, proficiency, adeptness, adroitness

oblige [verb]

means "demand"
require, bind, command, coerce, compel, constrain

officiate [verb]

means "direct"
preside, conduct, serve, act, function, command

omnipotence [noun]

means "authority"
ascendancy, domination, jurisdiction, command, hegemony, power

operate [verb]

means "function"
carry on, conduct, manage, administer, perform, command

ordain [verb]

means "decree"
dictate, foreordain, command, determine, enact, order

order [verb]

means "demand"
command, bid, dictate, decree, direct, instruct

order [noun]

means "demand"
command, canon, direction, injunction, instruction, law

potency [noun]

means "power"
authority, command, dominion, rule, influence, control

power [noun]

means "rule"
authority, ascendancy, domination, jurisdiction, command, hegemony

predominate [verb]

means "prevail"
control, command

prevail [verb]

means "predominate"
control, command

regime [noun]

means "government"
reign, administration, command, rule, management, jurisdiction

regiment [verb]

means "direct"
guide, manage, command, lead, manipulate, govern

requirement [noun]

means "order"
command, directive, mandate, charge, precept, injunction

requirements [noun]

means "final"
warning, command, proposition, proposal, ultimatum, mandate

rule [verb]

means "activity"
govern, administer, order, command, direct, control

rule [noun]

means "control"
command, dominion, direction, mastery, domination, government

sanction [noun]

means "authorization"
authority, command

scepter [noun]

means "sovereignty"

sceptre [noun]

means "sovereignty"
royalty, majesty, reign, supremacy, power, command

subpoena [noun]

means "summons"
ticket, charge, bidding, writ, command, citation

superintend [verb]

means "rule"
control, dominate, govern, command, oversee, lead

tell [verb]

means "demand"
urge, bid, command, order

tower above [verb]

means "dominate"
overlook, command, eclipse

ultimatum [noun]

means "final"
warning, command, proposition, proposal, requirements, mandate

upper hand [noun]

means "advantage"
dominion, control, command, rule, power, authority

will [verb]

means "demand"
command, bid, decree, direct, determine, decide

will [noun]

means "demand"
command, decree, direction, order, bidding, behest

wish [verb]

means "demand"
command, direct, order, bid, instruct

word [noun]

means "demand"
bidding, command, order

commanded [adjective]

means "dictated"
ordained, ordered, established, determined, decreed, intended

commandeer [verb]

means "induct"
draft, conscript, enlist, abduct, coerce, force

commandeer [verb]

means "appropriate"
confiscate, seize, take possession of, requisition, misappropriate, expropriate, arrogate

commander [noun]

means "captain"
director, leader, authority, administrator, guide, chief

commander in chief [noun]

means "leader"
chief, administrator, chieftain, commander, head, director, master

commanding [verb]

means "guiding"
controlling, determining

administrator [noun]

means "leader"
chief, head, chieftain, commander, commander in chief, director

assertive [adjective]

means "dominant"
commanding, imperious, authoritative, lordly, bossy

authoritative [adjective]

means "authoritarian"
commanding, impressive, imperious, masterful, dictatorial, arrogant

bossy [adjective]

means "assertive"
commanding, imperious, authoritative, lordly, dominant

captain [noun]

means "commander of any vessel"
commander, officer, pilot, operator

chief [noun]

means "person"
head, captain, master, supervisor, commander, lord

chieftain [noun]

means "leader"
chief, administrator, head, commander, commander in chief, director

compelling [adjective]

means "imperious"
imposing, commanding, autocratic, impressive, dictatorial, absolute

dominant [adjective]

means "assertive"
commanding, imperious, authoritative, lordly, bossy

dominant [adjective]

means "advantageous"

grand [adjective]

means "important"
foremost, distinctive, impressive, commanding

head [noun]

means "person"
leader, chief, administrator, chieftain, commander, commander in chief

imperative [adjective]

means "domineering"
masterful, autocratic, bossy, commanding, aggressive, powerful

impound [verb]

means "confiscate"
seize, take away, appropriate, commandeer, usurp

lofty [adjective]

means "exalted"
grand, magnificent, elevated, commanding, sublime, striking

master [noun]

means "person"
leader, ruler, chief, commander, boss, director

masterful [adjective]

means "authoritarian"
commanding, impressive, imperious, authoritative, dictatorial, arrogant

ordained [adjective]

means "dictated"
commanded, ordered, established, determined, decreed, intended

powerful [adjective]

means "authoritative"
almighty, dominant, omnipotent, supreme, commanding, authoritarian

royal [adjective]

means "property"
illustrious, renowned, impressive, imposing, resplendent, commanding

ruler [noun]

means "person"
monarch, sovereign, commander in chief, emperor, chief, president

sequester [verb]

means "seize"
confiscate, expropriate, appropriate, commandeer, secrete

superintendent [noun]

means "leader"
ruler, chief, commander, boss, director, supervisor

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