
Synonym for thin [verb]

The synonym thin synonymous definition words:

thin [adjective]

means "quantity"
sparse, scanty, meagre, insufficient, inadequate, scarce

thin [adjective]

means "property"
insubstantial, slight, poor, flimsy, weak, faint, shallow, sketchy

thin [adjective]

means "characteristic"
slender, slim, lean, skinny, gaunt, lank, scrawny, emaciated, rare, attenuate, attenuated, tenuous, fluid
Further results for the word "thin"

airy [adjective]

means "delicate"
ethereal, fragile, frail, thin, unsubstantial

bony [adjective]

means "emaciated"
skinny, thin, scrawny, cartilaginous

cut [verb]

means "action"
thin, dilute, dissolve, water, water down

dilute [adjective]

means "watery"
diluted, thin, weak

emaciated [adjective]

means "underfed"

gauzy [adjective]

means "transparent"
flimsy, thin, fine, sheer, gossamer, delicate

gossamer [adjective]

means "transparent"
flimsy, thin, fine, gauzy, sheer, delicate

improbable [adjective]

means "implausible"
unbelievable, weak, incredible, thin

incredible [adjective]

means "implausible"
unsubstantial, flimsy, weak, thin

lean [adjective]

means "characteristic"
thin, skinny, lanky, scrawny, gaunt, bony

meager [adjective]

means "scanty"
thin, spare

meagre [adjective]

means "slight"
inconsiderable, unsubstantial, lean, thin, poor

narrow [adjective]

means "property"
slender, thin, tight, tapered, slim, fine

peaked [adjective]

means "unhealthy looking"
sickly, thin, pale, ailing, wan, pallid

rangy [adjective]

means "skinny"
lanky, lean, gangling, thin, tall, weedy

sheer [adjective]

means "transparent"
flimsy, thin, fine, gauzy, gossamer, delicate

slender [adjective]

means "slim"
narrow, slight, thin, skinny, fine, spare

slim [adjective]

means "characteristic"
thin, lean, slender, narrow, slight, fine

spare [adjective]

means "characterisitc"
thin, gaunt, lank, lean, skinny, slender

tapered [adjective]

means "slender"
thin, tight, narrow, slim, fine, spare

tenuous [adjective]

means "slender"
thin, slim, fine, attenuated, minute, narrow

unsubstantial [adjective]

means "frail"
fragile, flimsy, weak, ephemeral, diaphanous, thin

weedy [adjective]

means "skinny"
lanky, lean, gangling, thin, tall, rangy

things [noun]

means "equipment"
tackle, rigging, accoutrements, harness, outfit, gear, items

think [verb]

means "state"
believe, deem, hold, anticipate, expect, suppose

think [verb]

means "proposal"
design, mean, purpose, intend

think [verb]

means "process"
contemplate, ponder, cogitate, meditate, consider, regard, conceive, imagine

think [verb]

means "action"
remember, recall, recollect, bear in mind

think about [verb]

means "consider"
ponder, contemplate, reflect on, deliberate, conceive, meditate, discuss

think over [verb]

means "classify"
arrange, codify, systematise, systematize, digest

think up [verb]

means "imagine"
conceive, invent, visualise, visualize, conjecture, envision, formulate, fancy

thinkable [adjective]

means "conceivable"
feasible, likely, imaginable, workable, potential, possible

thinking [adjective]

means "rational"
reasoning, reasonable, sensible, logical, pragmatic, intelligent, knowing

thinking [adjective]

means "contemplative"
thoughtful, engrossed, pensive, reflective, meditative, pondering, introspective

account [verb]

means "estimate"
think, assess, consider, count, deem, hold

accoutrements [noun]

means "equipment"
tackle, rigging, gear, harness, outfit, things

affair [noun]

means "matter"

article [noun]

means "item"
object, commodity, thing, substance, piece

believe [verb]

means "assume"
suppose, gather, guess, think, presume, have faith in

cogitate [verb]

means "ponder"
contemplate, study, think, reflect, meditate, muse

commodity [noun]

means "item"
object, article, thing, substance, piece

conceivable [adjective]

means "possible"
feasible, likely, imaginable, workable, potential, thinkable

conceive [verb]

means "imagine"
think up, invent, visualise, visualize, conjecture, envision

consider [verb]

means "regard"

contemplate [verb]

means "meditate"
muse, consider, ponder, think, brood, reflect on

deem [verb]

means "estimate"
think, assess, consider, count, account, hold

design [verb]

means "activity"
contrive, hatch, model, devise, think, plan

digest [verb]

means "classify"
arrange, codify, systematise, systematize, think over

entity [noun]

means "something"
individual, single, item, singleton, article, thing

equipment [noun]

means "gear"
tackle, rigging, accoutrements, harness, outfit, things

feel [verb]

means "mental condition"

figure [verb]

means "activity"
think, suppose, comprehend, reason, master, opine

film [noun]

means "thing"
membrane, pellicle, gauze, coating, fabric, thin layer

gear [noun]

means "thing"

guess [verb]

means "activity"
hypothesize, suppose, predicate, think

have faith in [verb]

means "assume"
suppose, gather, guess, think, presume, believe

hold [verb]

means "opinion"
believe, consider, think, deem, espouse, entertain

imaginable [adjective]

means "conceivable"
feasible, likely, possible, workable, potential, thinkable

individual [noun]

means "person"
human being, animal, thing, one, unit, woman

kick around [verb]

means "discuss"
debate, think about, toy with

mastermind [verb]

means "conceive"
devise, think up, concoct, contrive

meditate [verb]

means "speculate"
contemplate, consider, reflect on, think over, dwell on, weigh

meditate [verb]

means "ponder"
contemplate, study, think, reflect, cogitate, muse

meditative [adjective]

means "contemplative"
thoughtful, engrossed, pensive, reflective, thinking, pondering

membrane [noun]

means "film"
pellicle, gauze, coating, fabric, thin layer, transparency

movables [noun]

means "possessions"

muse [verb]

means "meditate"
contemplate, consider, ponder, think, brood, reflect on

one [noun]

means "thing"
single item, unit, whole, person, thing, digit

pensive [adjective]

means "contemplative"
thoughtful, engrossed, thinking, reflective, meditative, pondering

point [noun]

means "subject"
article, element, item, particular, thing

possible [adjective]

means "conceivable"
feasible, likely, imaginable, workable, potential, thinkable

pragmatic [adjective]

means "rational"
reasoning, reasonable, sensible, logical, thinking, intelligent

rationalise [verb]

means "reason"
think, contemplate, deliberate

rationalize [verb]

means "reason"
think, contemplate, deliberate

reason [verb]

means "activity"
think, contemplate, infer, deliberate, reflect, analyse

reckon [verb]

means "estimate"
think, assess, consider, count, deem, hold

reflection [noun]

means "consideration"
contemplation, deliberation, thinking, meditation, observation, speculation

reflective [adjective]

means "contemplative"
thoughtful, engrossed, pensive, thinking, meditative, pondering

revolve [verb]

means "ponder"
consider, study, think about, reflect upon

rigging [noun]

means "equipment"
tackle, gear, accoutrements, harness, outfit, things

see [verb]

means "activity"
consider, think, deliberate

singleton [noun]

means "something"
individual, single, item, entity, article, thing

substance [noun]

means "object"
element, matter, material, stuff, thing

surmise [verb]

means "guess"

theorise [verb]

means "conjecture"
suppose, predicate, think

theorize [verb]

means "conjecture"
suppose, predicate, think

transparency [noun]

means "membrane"
pellicle, gauze, coating, fabric, thin layer, film

veneer [noun]

means "facing"
thin layer, surface treatment, cover, wrapper, coating

visualise [verb]

means "imagine"
think up, invent, conceive, visualize, conjecture, envision

visualize [verb]

means "imagine"
think up, invent, visualise, conceive, conjecture, envision

wonder [verb]

means "question"
ponder, speculate, think, mediate, conjecture

workable [adjective]

means "conceivable"
feasible, likely, imaginable, possible, potential, thinkable

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