
Synonym for term [noun]

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term [noun]

means "language"
word, phrase, name, designation, terminology, locution, expression
Further results for the word "term"

date [noun]

means "duration"
epoch, period, era, day, term, course

day [noun]

means "duration"
epoch, period, era, date, term, course

duration [noun]

means "length"
period, interval, term, time, continuance, season

entitle [verb]

means "designate"
term, call, label, subtitle, style, dub

epoch [noun]

means "period of time"
date, period, era, day, term, course

expression [noun]

means "idiom"
locution, phrase, term

interlude [noun]

means "period"
term, interval, spell

length [noun]

means "duration"
period, interval, term, time, continuance, season

locution [noun]

means "idiom"
expression, phrase, term

mete [noun]

means "boundary"
limit, bound, term

name [verb]

means "action"
entitle, address, call, term, baptise, baptize

period [noun]

means "duration"
age, day, epoch, era, interval, term

period of time [noun]

means "date"
epoch, period, era, day, term, course

season [noun]

means "duration"
term, period, time, division

shape [verb]

means "speech"
term, express, word

shift [noun]

means "time"
term, turn, time, spell, tour, hitch

spell [noun]

means "time"
period, term, interval, interlude

style [verb]

means "action"
designate, entitle, name, dub, title, term

time [noun]

means "duration"
term, interval, period, space, span, spell

title [verb]

means "action"
entitle, term, designate, call, denominate, style

year [noun]

means "time"
interval, period, space, span, spell, term

termagant [noun]

means "shrew"
nag, maenad, beldam, virago, vixen, xantippe

terminal [noun]

means "end"
boundary, limit, termination, terminus, extremity

terminal [noun]

means "computer screen"
monitor, screen

terminate [verb]

means "limit"
confine, restrict, tether, bound

terminate [verb]

means "finish"
complete, conclude, end, close, eventuate, issue, prove

terminate [verb]

means "abolish"
eliminate, end, stop, cancel

terminated [adjective]

means "concluded"
finished, done, completed, complete, consummated

termination [noun]

means "dissolution"
adjournment, end, ending, dismissal, death

terminology [noun]

means "dialect"
idiom, jargon, lingo, language, vernacular, speech

terminus [noun]

means "boundary"
separation, margin, demarcation, confine

abatement [noun]

means "end"
remission, cessation, ending, suppression, termination

abort [verb]

means "scrap"
miss, terminate, cancel, fail, destroy, fall short

airfield [noun]

means "battlefield"
terrain, terminal, field, airport, range

airport [noun]

means "battlefield"
terrain, terminal, airfield, field, range

analogue [noun]

means "meaning"
signification, terminology, denotation, explication, interpretation, definition

base [noun]

means "place"
centre, garrison, terminal

battlefield [noun]

means "field"
terrain, terminal, airfield, airport, range

bound [verb]

means "restrict"
circle, confine, rim, terminate

bring to an end [verb]

means "conclude"
close, complete, cease, desist, terminate, end

cessation [noun]

means "stop"
end, halt, termination, arrest, standstill, pause

close [verb]

means "stop"
conclude, terminate, consummate, complete, determine, end

close [noun]

means "stop"
end, conclusion, adjournment, finale, termination

come out [verb]

means "end"
conclude, terminate, succeed, result in

complete [verb]

means "finish"
end, close, clinch, terminate, conclude, consummate

complete [adjective]

means "concluded"
finished, done, completed, terminated, consummated

compromise [noun]

means "agreement"
terms, settlement, concession, negotiation, covenant, understanding

conclude [verb]

means "bring to an end"
close, complete, cease, desist, terminate, end

concluded [adjective]

means "ended"
terminated, finished, closed, resolved

conclusion [noun]

means "end"
finish, close, termination, completion, ending, finale

dead [adjective]

means "state"
out, extinguished, terminated, ended, extinguished, terminated, extinct

definition [noun]

means "meaning"
signification, terminology, denotation, explication, interpretation, analogue

demarcation [noun]

means "boundary"
separation, margin, terminus, confine

end [verb]

means "activity"
finish, fulfil, close, complete, conclude, terminate

ended [adjective]

means "dead"
extinguished, terminated, extinct

ending [noun]

means "stop"
end, finish, close, termination, completion, conclusion

eradicate [verb]

means "destroy"
demolish, overthrow, exterminate, level, terminate, raze

eventuate [verb]

means "result"
come about in the end, terminate, happen, conclude, end, befall

expiration [noun]

means "end"
closing, close, finish, termination, culmination

fall short [verb]

means "scrap"
miss, terminate, cancel, fail, destroy, abort

field [noun]

means "place"
battlefield, terrain, terminal, airfield, airport, range

figure [noun]

means "amount"
value, price, worth, terms, sum, total

finale [noun]

means "end"
finish, close, termination, completion, ending, conclusion

finish [verb]

means "stop"
conclude, cease, close, end, terminate, complete

finish [noun]

means "stop"
close, conclusion, end, termination

fulfil [verb]

means "complete"
conclude, end, finish, terminate

fulfill [verb]

means "complete"
conclude, end, finish, terminate

fury [noun]

means "shrew"
maenad, nag, termagant, virago, vixen, hag

go [verb]

means "activity"
terminate, conclude

hag [noun]

means "shrew"
nag, termagant, vixen, fury

hindmost [adjective]

means "final"
last, terminal, concluding

idiom [noun]

means "language"
dialect, jargon, lingo, terminology, vernacular, speech

kick out [verb]

means "throw out"
expel, eject, remove, evict, oust, terminate

language [noun]

means "dialect"
idiom, jargon, lingo, terminology, vernacular, speech

leave [verb]

means "action"
abandon, cease, stop, terminate, forbear, let alone

lexicon [noun]

means "dictionary"
thesaurus, terminology

lingo [noun]

means "dialect"
idiom, jargon, language, terminology, vernacular, speech

nag [noun]

means "nuisance"
maenad, pest, annoyance, shrew, termagant, virago

overthrow [verb]

means "destroy"
demolish, eradicate, exterminate, level, terminate, raze

pass [verb]

means "stop"
end, cease, expire, terminate

point of departure [noun]

means "base"
terminal, goal, object, radical

provision [noun]

means "proviso"
condition, prerequisite, if, terms, requirement, stipulation

quit [verb]

means "relinquish"

relinquish [verb]

means "quit"

result in [verb]

means "end"
conclude, terminate, succeed, come out

run through [verb]

means "spend"
consume, use up, exhaust, expend, go, terminate

shrew [noun]

means "fury"
nag, termagant, vixen, hag

standstill [noun]

means "cessation"
end, halt, termination, arrest, stop, pause

station [noun]

means "depot"

stop [verb]

means "action"
halt, end, terminate, discontinue, arrest, restrain

stop [noun]

means "place"
depot, station, terminal

stop [noun]

means "event"
cessation, end, halt, termination, arrest, standstill

stopover [noun]

means "stop"
stay, sojourn, depot, station, terminal

suppression [noun]

means "end"
remission, cessation, ending, abatement, termination

virago [noun]

means "shrew"
termagant, harridan, scold, vixen, amazon, fishwife

wind up [verb]

means "conclude"
terminate, consummate, complete, determine, end, culminate

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