
Synonym for belie [verb]

The synonym belie synonymous definition words:
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Further results for the word "belie"

contradict [verb]

means "counter"
repudiate, belie, disprove, oppose, counteract, negate

corrupt [verb]

means "falsify"
misrepresent, belie, garble, disguise, colour, varnish

disprove [verb]

means "invalidate"
refute, dispute, deny, contradict, belie, counter

explode [verb]

means "disprove"
refute, belie, confute, discredit

invalidate [verb]

means "disprove"
refute, dispute, deny, contradict, belie, counter

misstate [verb]

means "falsify"
misrepresent, belie, garble, disguise, colour, varnish

negate [verb]

means "deny"
refute, oppose, contradict, belie, cross, impugn

refute [verb]

means "disprove"
invalidate, dispute, deny, contradict, belie, counter

belief [noun]

means "creed"
notion, tenet, thought, view, doctrine, idea, opinion

belief [noun]

means "conviction"
hypothesis, assurance, postulate, philosophy, inference, persuasion, conclusion

belief [noun]

means "affirmation"
faith, acceptance, assent, credence, credit, trust, confidence

beliefs [noun]

means "ideology"
dogma, convictions, philosophy, tenets

believable [adjective]

means "faithful"
credible, creditable, reliable, trustworthy

believe [verb]

means "give credence to"
accept, understand, conclude

believe [verb]

means "assume"
suppose, gather, guess, think, presume, have faith in, trust

believe in [verb]

means "put faith in"
have faith in, depend on, trust, rely on, confide in, count on

believer [noun]

means "disciple"
convert, proselyte, novice, neophyte

accept [verb]

means "knowledge"
believe, hold, maintain, embrace, trust, swallow

admirer [noun]

means "supporter"
believer, follower, patron, enthusiast, fan, devotee

anticipating [adjective]

means "hoping"
expecting, awaiting, trusting, believing, desiring

apprehension [noun]

means "idea"
knowledge, opinion, sentiment, view, sense, belief

assume [verb]

means "acknowledgement"

christian [adjective]

means "religious"
gentile, orthodox, catholic, believing, pietistic, faithful

conceit [noun]

means "idea"
belief, thought, conception, fancy, notion, caprice

confide [verb]

means "trust"
entrust, believe, rely on

confide in [verb]

means "trust"
believe, credit, have faith in

confidence [noun]

means "reliance"
faith, belief, trusting, trust, hope, dependence

consider [verb]

means "regard"
adjudge, deem, hold, believe, reckon, suppose

convert [noun]

means "disciple"
believer, proselyte, novice, neophyte

convincing [adjective]

means "credible"
believable, plausible, trustworthy, rational, probable, acceptable

credence [noun]

means "faith"
acceptance, assent, belief, credit, trust, confidence

credible [adjective]

means "convincing"
believable, plausible, trustworthy, rational, probable, acceptable

credit [verb]

means "feeling"
trust, believe, confide in, have faith in

credit [noun]

means "quality"
trust, belief, confidence, credence, faith, reliance

credulous [adjective]

means "ingenuous"
believing, artless, innocent, candid, spontaneous, guileless

denomination [noun]

means "religion"
church, faith, sect, belief, creed

depend on [verb]

means "put faith in"
have faith in, believe in, trust, rely on, confide in, count on

dependence [noun]

means "reliance"
trust, belief, credence, faith

disciple [noun]

means "follower"
partisan, learner, adherent, believer, pupil, scholar

dream [verb]

means "creed"
believe, assume, create, credit, understand, presume

espousal [noun]

means "advocacy"
promotion, belief, adoption, embracing a cause, aiding, upholding

faith [noun]

means "religion"
belief, conviction, creed, profession, doctrine, dogma

feel [verb]

means "mental condition"
believe, consider, credit, deem, hold, sense

follower [noun]

means "disciple"

have faith in [verb]

means "assume"
suppose, gather, guess, think, presume, believe

hold [verb]

means "opinion"
believe, consider, think, deem, espouse, entertain

hope [noun]

means "state"
confidence, faith, reliance, trust, belief, assurance

hoping [adjective]

means "anticipating"
expecting, awaiting, trusting, believing, desiring

idea [noun]

means "view"
opinion, belief, judgment, supposition, sentiment

imagine [verb]

means "understand"
assume, suppose, believe, expect, gather

ingenuous [adjective]

means "naive"
believing, artless, innocent, candid, spontaneous, guileless

mind [noun]

means "opinion"
belief, consideration, contemplation, judgement

naive [adjective]

means "ingenuous"
believing, artless, innocent, candid, spontaneous, guileless

notion [noun]

means "conception"
belief, understanding, impression, concept, judgment, inkling

philosophy [noun]

means "outlook"
view, belief, opinion, attitude, conviction, viewpoint

pietistic [adjective]

means "religious"
orthodox, believing, Christian

presume [verb]

means "assume"
infer, conclude, believe, presuppose, suppose

presumption [noun]

means "assumption"
conjecture, guess, hypothesis, belief, postulate, premise

presuppose [verb]

means "presume"
infer, give, assume, suppose, deem, believe

reliance [noun]

means "confidence"
faith, belief, trusting, trust, hope, dependence

religion [noun]

means "faith"
belief, conviction, creed, profession, doctrine, dogma

rely on [verb]

means "trust"
entrust, believe, confide

sect [noun]

means "religion"
church, faith, denomination, belief, creed

stand [noun]

means "opinion"
attitude, belief, position, view, sentiment, notion

suppose [verb]

means "presume"
infer, give, presuppose, assume, deem, believe

tenet [noun]

means "creed"
notion, belief, thought, view, doctrine, idea

theology [noun]

means "divinity"
religion, faith, belief, scripture, dogma, convictions

thesis [noun]

means "proposition"
opinion, side, contention, argument, assumption, belief

think [verb]

means "state"
believe, deem, hold, anticipate, expect, suppose

thought [noun]

means "thinking"
belief, concept, conviction, idea, notion, opinion

trust [verb]

means "state"
confide in, believe in, depend upon, rely on, esteem, presume

trust [verb]

means "opinion"
believe, credit

trust [noun]

means "conviction"
belief, confidence, faith, reliance, dependence, assurance

trusted [adjective]

means "reliable"
close, assured, certain, constant, believable, dependable

trusting [adjective]

means "accepting"
candid, believing, confident, certain, convinced, convincing

understand [verb]

means "accept"
believe, fathom, take in, conclude

view [noun]

means "opinion"
notion, belief, theory, judgment, idea, conception

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