
Synonym for understand [verb]

The synonym understand synonymous definition words:
means "sense"
perceive, digest, cognise, learn, hear
- conjugate verb understand
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understand [verb]

means "comprehend"
conceive, grasp, realise, realize, see, perceive, discern, interpret

understand [verb]

means "accept"
believe, fathom, take in, conclude
Further results for the word "understand"

accept [verb]

means "interpretation"
understand, construe, interpret, appreciate, conclude

appreciate [verb]

means "be aware of"
realise, realize, comprehend, sense, understand, conceive

apprehend [verb]

means "comprehend"
perceive, understand, recognise, recognize, appreciate, grasp

assimilate [verb]

means "digest"
absorb, take up, learn, understand, grasp, sense

be aware of [verb]

means "appreciate"
realise, realize, comprehend, sense, understand, conceive

believe [verb]

means "give credence to"
accept, understand, conclude

conceive [verb]

means "believe"
understand, appreciate, apprehend, grasp, hold, perceive

dig [verb]

means "action"
understand, comprehend, follow, recognise, recognize

draw [verb]

means "activity"

dream [verb]

means "creed"
believe, assume, create, credit, understand, presume

extract [verb]

means "deduce"
divine, understand

gather [verb]

means "conclude"
infer, assume, deduce, learn, understand

get [verb]

means "process"
learn, grasp, perceive, understand, apprehend, comprehend

interpret [verb]

means "explain"
construe, clarify, translate, understand

know [verb]

means "knowledge"
understand, comprehend, fathom, perceive, discern, cognise

master [verb]

means "activity"
learn, comprehend, understand, control, dominate, study

read [verb]

means "language"
perceive, grasp, understand, comprehend, interpret, discern

see [verb]

means "perception"
understand, comprehend, discern, distinguish, perceive, recognise

understanding [noun]

means "comprehension"
intelligence, cognition, handle, grasp, grip, awareness, sharpness

understanding [adjective]

means "sympathetic"
patient, accepting, tolerant, thoughtful, considerate, generous, kindly

agreement [noun]

means "contract"
arrangement, deal, understanding, bargain, covenant, compact

appreciation [noun]

means "grasp"
awareness, recognition, understanding, judgment, visualisation, visualization

appreciative [adjective]

means "sympathetic"
sensitive, supportive, understanding, favourable, enlightened, cordial

appreciative [adjective]

means "aware"
cognisant, cognizant, responsive, understanding, comprehending, perceptive

charity [noun]

means "indulgence"
leniency, tolerance, understanding, clemency, patience, mercy

clear-sighted [adjective]

means "perceptive"
discerning, perceiving, observant, understanding, perspicacious, clairvoyant

cognition [noun]

means "acquaintance"
comprehension, knowledge, familiarity, understanding, awareness

compact [noun]

means "arrangement"
agreement, understanding, treaty, settlement, concordat, bond

comprehensible [adjective]

means "distinct"
conspicuous, understandable

compromise [noun]

means "agreement"
terms, settlement, concession, negotiation, covenant, understanding

conception [noun]

means "thought"
impression, representation, interpretation, explanation, version, understanding

conclusion [noun]

means "inference"
deduction, realisation, realization, presumption, understanding, assumption

consequent [adjective]

means "logical"
reasonable, consistent, understandable, inferential

contract [noun]

means "agreement"
deal, understanding, covenant, pact, obligation, compact

deal [noun]

means "trade"
contract, understanding, arrangement, pledge, bargain, pact

discernible [adjective]

means "visible"
observable, understandable, macroscopic, perceivable, noticeable

excusable [adjective]

means "forgivable"
understandable, justifiable, pardonable, defensible, reasonable, permissible

familiarity [noun]

means "acquaintance"
comprehension, knowledge, cognition, understanding, awareness

impression [noun]

means "sensation"
feeling, understanding, sense

indulgence [noun]

means "gratification"
lenience, forbearance, tolerance, understanding, patience, gratifying

intelligence [noun]

means "mentality"
aptitude, discernment, acumen, sense, reason, understanding

intelligent [adjective]

means "bright"
sharp, quick, intellectual, understanding

intelligible [adjective]

means "sane"
rational, reasonable, lucid, understandable, normal

intent [noun]

means "meaning"
significance, import, sense, understanding, projection

ken [noun]

means "reach"
grasp, understanding, range, horizon, purview

knowable [adjective]

means "comprehensible"
recognizable, understandable

leniency [noun]

means "indulgence"
charity, tolerance, understanding, clemency, patience, mercy

logic [noun]

means "rationalism"
common sense, intellect, reason, intelligence, judgement, understanding

lucid [adjective]

means "sane"
rational, reasonable, intelligible, understandable, normal

lucid [adjective]

means "clear"

mind [noun]

means "character trait"
intellect, intelligence, reason, sense, understanding, memory

notion [noun]

means "conception"
belief, understanding, impression, concept, judgment, inkling

observable [adjective]

means "discernible"
visible, understandable, macroscopic, perceivable

partnership [noun]

means "contract"
agreement, settlement, pact, understanding, arrangement, deal

pellucid [adjective]

means "simple"
clear, plain, explicit, understandable

perceivable [adjective]

means "discernible"
observable, understandable, macroscopic, visible

perception [noun]

means "perceiving"
apprehension, cognition, discernment, recognition, understanding

psyche [noun]

means "mind"
reason, understanding, soul, consciousness, intellect

purview [noun]

means "reach"
grasp, understanding, range, horizon, ken

rationalism [noun]

means "reason"
common sense, intellect, logic, intelligence, judgement, understanding

realisation [noun]

means "cognisance"
understanding, cognition

realization [noun]

means "cognizance"
understanding, cognition

reason [noun]

means "mental condition"
understanding, discernment

retention [noun]

means "memory"
recall, retaining, recognition, comprehension, understanding

sense [noun]

means "perception"
understanding, recognition, insight, discernment, awareness, reasonableness

sensible [adjective]

means "aware"
observant, understanding

simple [adjective]

means "quality"
clear, lucid, intelligible, understandable, unmistakable

soul [noun]

means "mental condition"
mind, reason, understanding, psyche, consciousness, intellect

supportive [adjective]

means "sympathetic"
sensitive, appreciative, understanding, favourable, enlightened, cordial

sympathetic [adjective]

means "appreciative"
sensitive, supportive, understanding, favourable, enlightened, cordial

sympathy [noun]

means "empathy"
compassion, understanding, commiseration, warmth

terms [noun]

means "agreement"
compromise, settlement, concession, negotiation, covenant, understanding

universal [noun]

means "concept"
understanding, notion, idea

visible [adjective]

means "discernible"
observable, understandable, macroscopic, perceivable

vision [noun]

means "perception"
discernment, understanding, acumen, astuteness, intuition

visualisation [noun]

means "grasp"
awareness, recognition, understanding, judgment, appreciation, visualization

visualization [noun]

means "grasp"
awareness, recognition, understanding, judgment, visualisation, appreciation

wisdom [noun]

means "common sense"
prudence, sagacity, sense, understanding, discretion, insight

wit [noun]

means "mental condition"
intelligence, intellect, reason, sagacity, sense, understanding

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