
Synonym for bright [adjective]

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bright [adjective]

means "characteristic"
illustrious, fair, distinguished, eminent, prosperous, famous, rich, glorious, lively, brisk, animated, serene, cheerful, gay, genial, happy

bright [adjective]

means "character trait"
smart, acute, alert, clever, lucid, discerning, ingenious, intelligent

bright [adjective]

means "attraction"
favourable, auspicious, encouraging, enlivening, inspiring, promising, exhilarating
Further results for the word "bright"

acute [adjective]

means "smart"
astute, bright, clever, discerning, ingenious, intelligent

agile [adjective]

means "property"
bright, clever, keen, alert, ready, smart

apt [adjective]

means "character trait"
adroit, competent, adept, bright, able, talented

beaming [adjective]

means "glistening"
deep, bright, blazing, brilliant, burnished, effulgent

brave [adjective]

means "property"
bright, brilliant, debonair, colourful, effective, fine

brilliant [adjective]

means "dazzling"
bright, gleaming, sparkling, shiny, effulgent

cheerful [adjective]

means "gladdening"
sunny, sparkling, bright, promising, encouraging, cheery

clarion [adjective]

means "rainless"
bright, placid, fair, cloudless, calm, pleasant

clear [adjective]

means "property"
bright, transparent, lucid, limpid, crystal-clear, unclouded

clever [adjective]

means "character trait"
bright, able, smart, apt, intelligent, gifted

colored [adjective]

means "property"
glowing, reddened, tinged, kaleidoscopic, psychedelic, bright

crystal [adjective]

means "clear"
cloudless, bright, limpid, lucid, pellucid, translucent

deep [adjective]

means "characteristic"
wise, artful, designing, astute, bright, cunning

effulgent [adjective]

means "brilliant"

exhilarating [adjective]

means "favourable"
auspicious, encouraging, enlivening, inspiring, promising, bright

fair [adjective]

means "nature"
rainless, bright, placid, clarion, cloudless, calm

favorable [adjective]

means "auspicious"
advantageous, benign, predisposed, bright, dexter, fortunate

favourable [adjective]

means "auspicious"
advantageous, benign, predisposed, bright, fortunate, propitious

fresh [adjective]

means "property"
vivid, colourful, sharp, bright, definite

gala [adjective]

means "festive"
lively, bright, splendid, gay, elaborate, colourful

gay [adjective]

means "property"
brilliant, bright, showy, fine

glad [adjective]

means "property"
bright, happy, joyful, joyous, cheerful, light

glaring [adjective]

means "too bright"
bright, brilliant, intense, dazzling, blazing, radiant

gleaming [adjective]

means "dazzling"
bright, brilliant, sparkling, shiny, effulgent

glittering [adjective]

means "festive"
lively, bright, splendid, gay, elaborate, colourful

glowing [adjective]

means "lit up"
gleaming, radiant, bright, vivid, lustrous

igneous [adjective]

means "produced by volcanic heat"
molten, fiery, slag, bright

immaculate [adjective]

means "very clean"
clean, spotless, unsullied, bright, impeccable, stainless

ingenious [adjective]

means "smart"
astute, bright, clever, discerning, acute, intelligent

intelligent [adjective]

means "keen"
astute, bright, smart, shrewd, quick, clever

lighted [adjective]

means "illuminated"
bright, brilliant, glowing, alight

lively [adjective]

means "property"
bright, vivid, brilliant, sparkling, glowing, clear

luminous [adjective]

means "smart"
bright, clever, intelligent, brilliant, enlightening

lustrous [adjective]

means "shiny"
brilliant, gleaming, burnished, bright, glossy, polished

opalescent [adjective]

means "iridescent"
prismatic, rainbow-coloured, bright

optimistic [adjective]

means "cheerful"
bright, favourable, rosy, promising, alluring

polished [adjective]

means "shiny"
brilliant, gleaming, burnished, bright, glossy, lustrous

prismatic [adjective]

means "multi-coloured"
kaleidoscopic, colourful, spectral, bright, brilliant

promising [adjective]

means "favourable"
auspicious, encouraging, enlivening, inspiring, bright, exhilarating

prosperous [adjective]

means "fortunate"
auspicious, bright, favourable, golden, lucky, propitious

resplendent [adjective]

means "brilliant"
bright, shining, vivid, glowing, intense, clear

rich [adjective]

means "colour"
deep, strong, vivid, bright, gay

rosy [adjective]

means "cheerful"
bright, favourable, optimistic, promising, alluring

sanguine [adjective]

means "gladdening"
sunny, sparkling, bright, promising, encouraging, cheery

serene [adjective]

means "clear"
translucent, unclouded, fair, limpid, pellucid, bright

sharp [adjective]

means "character trait"
observant, alert, astute, bright, active, discerning

shimmering [adjective]

means "colour"
silvery, silver, lustrous, bright, shiny, gleaming

shining [adjective]

means "brilliant"
bright, luminous, radiant, resplendent, effulgent, glistening

shiny [adjective]

means "polished"
brilliant, gleaming, burnished, bright, glossy, lustrous

silver [adjective]

means "colour"
silvery, shimmering, lustrous, bright, shiny, gleaming

silvery [adjective]

means "shimmering"
glittering, shining, shiny, bright, brilliant, argent

smart [adjective]

means "property"
bright, intelligent, sharp, resourceful, clever, adroit

vivid [adjective]

means "brilliant"
bright, shining, resplendent, glowing, intense, clear

brighten [verb]

means "polish"
shine, burnish, lighten, kindle, intensify

brighten [verb]

means "acquire more light"
lighten, clear up, glow, shine, improve

brightness [noun]

means "brilliance"
gaiety, glare, brilliancy, glory, effulgence, polish, gleam

buff [verb]

means "polish"
shine, brush, burnish, brighten, rub

cheer [verb]

means "activity"
animate, gladden, hearten, brighten, encourage, lighten

clarity [noun]

means "resolution"
visibility, brightness, focus, crispness

clear [verb]

means "activity"
brighten, lighten, expose, clarify, break up, illuminate, brighten, wash, purify, wipe clean, erase, purge

clear up [verb]

means "acquire more light"
lighten, brighten, glow, shine, improve

elation [noun]

means "hopefulness"
cheerfulness, happiness, brightness, enthusiasm, optimism, exhilaration

encourage [verb]

means "hearten"
spirit, assure, brighten, animate, comfort, revitalise

enliven [verb]

means "cheer"
brighten, delight, exhilarate, gladden, inspire

exhilaration [noun]

means "hopefulness"
cheerfulness, happiness, brightness, enthusiasm, elation, optimism

furbish [verb]

means "polish"
brighten, shine, burnish, buff, clean

gladden [verb]

means "animate"
cheer, hearten, brighten, encourage, lighten, console

hearted [verb]

means "encourage"
assure, brighten, animate, comfort, revitalise, revitalize

illumination [noun]

means "light"
brightness, brilliance, flash, glow, gleam

irradiate [verb]

means "illuminate"
brighten, light, dazzle, lighten, enlighten

light [verb]

means "activity"
illuminate, brighten, lighten, illume

loudness [noun]

means "intensity"
depth, concentration, brightness, pungency, strength, fervour

luminosity [noun]

means "radiance"
brilliance, lustre, resplendence, brightness, light

lustre [noun]

means "radiance"
brilliance, luminosity, resplendence, brightness, light

optimism [noun]

means "hopefulness"
cheerfulness, happiness, brightness, enthusiasm, elation, exhilaration

perk up [verb]

means "enliven"
invigorate, shake, animate, brighten, stimulate, cheer up

polish [verb]

means "activity"
shine, brighten, perfect, burnish, round, sleek

polish [noun]

means "characteristic"
shine, brightness, buff, brilliance, gloss, glance

radiance [noun]

means "lustre"
brilliance, luminosity, resplendence, brightness, light

resolution [noun]

means "clarity"
visibility, brightness, focus, crispness

splendor [noun]

means "brilliance"
brightness, lustre, luster [US], dash, elan, eclat

splendour [noun]

means "brilliance"

strength [noun]

means "intensity"
depth, concentration, brightness, pungency, loudness, fervour

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