
Synonym for prim [adjective]

The synonym prim synonymous definition words:
means "demure"
priggish, prudish
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Further results for the word "prim"

formal [adjective]

means "characteristic"
prim, ceremonious, precise, punctilious, starched, stiff

mincing [adjective]

means "affected"
artificial, stilted, pretentious, unnatural, priggish, prim

priggish [adjective]

means "formal"
ceremonious, prim, stiff, punctilious, constrained, stilted

stiff [adjective]

means "characteristic"
formal, ceremonious, prim, priggish, punctilious, constrained

primary [adjective]

means "principal"
chief, first, highest, main

primary [adjective]

means "immediate"

primary [adjective]

means "fundamental"
basic, beginning, elementary, opening

primary [adjective]

means "earliest"
beginning, aboriginal, prime, first, original, primeval, primitive

primate [noun]

means "mammal"
anthropoid, man, ape, monkey

prime [adjective]

means "primary"
principal, chief, fundamental

prime [adjective]

means "original"
earliest, beginning, first

prime [adjective]

means "excellent"
unparalleled, superior, top, choice, best

primer [noun]

means "handbook"
text, guidebook, manual, bible, authority

primeval [adjective]

means "high"
prehistoric, early, arctic, polar, remote, antediluvian, northerly

primitive [adjective]

means "uncivilized"
uncivilised, quaint, savage, simple, barbarous, untamed, uncultured, uncouth

primitive [adjective]

means "simple"
austere, rudimentary, fundamental, spartan

primitive [adjective]

means "ancient"
aboriginal, antediluvian, first, original, prehistoric, primary

primordial [adjective]

means "previous"
primitive, early, former

Creator [noun]

means "originator"
architect, author, prime mover, mastermind, designer, engineer

abecedarian [adjective]

means "rudimentary"
basic, primary

aboriginal [adjective]

means "native"
local, original, autochthonous, domestic, indigenous, primitive

adolescence [noun]

means "immaturity"
youth, juvenility, prime, greenness, minority

ancestor [noun]

means "forefather"
forebear, sire, founder, parent, primogenitor, progenitor

ancient [adjective]

means "antiquated"
archaic, primitive, obsolete, antediluvian, old-fashioned, out-of-date

anterior [adjective]

means "original"
earliest, beginning, initial, first, maiden, primeval

ape [noun]

means "animal"
primate, monkey, gorilla, chimpanzee

archetypal [adjective]

means "classic"

architect [noun]

means "originator"
creator, author, prime mover, mastermind, designer, engineer

ascendant [noun]

means "forefather"
forebear, sire, founder, parent, primogenitor, progenitor

austere [adjective]

means "severe"

autochthonous [adjective]

means "native"
local, original, indigenous, domestic, aboriginal, primitive

basic [adjective]

means "property"
fundamental, key, essential, primary, cardinal, elementary

basically [object]

means "fundamentally"
primarily, essentially, radically, in essence

beginning [adjective]

means "initial"
primary, first, basic, elementary, introductory, rudimentary

best [noun]

means "comparison"
first, choice, favourite, prime, elite, prize

bible [noun]

means "religion"
manual, primer, authority

bloom [noun]

means "freshness"
flush, blush, glow, vigour, prime, blossom

book [noun]

means "publishing"
reference work, edition, volume, primer, treatise, work

budding [adjective]

means "recent"
new, fresh, prime, early

capital [adjective]

means "chief"
leading, main, major, primary, vital, foremost

cardinal [adjective]

means "principal"
fundamental, central, chief, leading, main, primary

central [adjective]

means "main"
nuclear, chief, primary, overruling, pivotal

centrally [object]

means "mainly"
chiefly, principally, predominantly, primarily

chief [adjective]

means "characteristic"
primary, top

chiefly [object]

means "mainly"
eminently, especially, mostly, particularly, primarily, principally

classic [adjective]

means "archetypal"

creator [noun]

means "originator"
architect, author, prime mover, mastermind, designer, engineer

dawning [noun]

means "initial"
primary, first, basic, elementary, introductory, rudimentary

earliest [adjective]

means "original"
first, beginning, initial, anterior, maiden, primeval

early [adjective]

means "time"
previous, primitive, primordial, former, recent, new, fresh, prime, budding

elementary [adjective]

means "beginning"
primary, introductory, rudimentary

essential [adjective]

means "fundamental"
key, basic, primary, cardinal, elementary

first [adjective]

means "position"
chief, arch, greatest, champion, prime, foremost

first [adjective]

means "origin"
earliest, beginning, initial, anterior, maiden, primeval

forebear [noun]

means "forefather"
ancestor, sire, founder, parent, primogenitor, progenitor

forefather [noun]

means "ancestor"
forebear, progenitor, patriarch, primogenitor, originator, begetter

forgotten [adjective]

means "ancient"
remote, antiquated, archaic, primeval

founder [noun]

means "originator"
forefather, patron, prime mover, benefactor, author

freshness [noun]

means "bloom"
flush, blush, glow, vigour, prime, blossom

gestation [noun]

means "making ready"
priming, formation, preparing, manufacture, establishment, preparation

high [adjective]

means "characteristic"
primeval, prehistoric, early, arctic, polar, remote

immemorial [adjective]

means "ancient"
primeval, prehistoric, old, antediluvian, olden

indigenous [adjective]

means "native"
local, original, autochthonous, domestic, aboriginal, primitive

initial [adjective]

means "foremost"
leading, primary

initial [adjective]

means "first"
original, earliest, primary, opening, maiden, virginal

initially [object]

means "originally"
primarily, first, formerly, basically

introductory [adjective]

means "preliminary"
primary, preparative, initial, beginning, early, incipient

largely [object]

means "chiefly"
mainly, primarily, mostly, overall, predominantly, principally

lead [adjective]

means "position"
first, primary, front, head

main [adjective]

means "position"
principal, chief, primary, paramount, leading, foremost

mainly [adjective]

means "emphasis"
chiefly, largely, primarily, mostly, overall, predominantly

major [adjective]

means "comparison"
greater, superior, dominant, larger, primary, capital

manual [noun]

means "language"
guidebook, handbook, textbook, text, guide, primer

matured [adjective]

means "developed"
aged, mellowed, middle-aged, prime, perfected, at a high peak

monkey [noun]

means "animal"
primate, gorilla, chimpanzee, orang-outang

native [adjective]

means "indigenous"
aboriginal, original, endemic, autochthonous, primitive, primary

old-fashioned [adjective]

means "quaint"
primitive, amusing, odd

optimum [adjective]

means "best"
ideal, peak, prime, select, maximum, excellent

organic [adjective]

means "initial"
principal, prime

organic [adjective]

means "essential"

original [adjective]

means "first"
aboriginal, rudimentary, primary, rudimental, primeval, elementary, primitive

originally [object]

means "initially"
primarily, first, formerly, basically

originator [noun]

means "architect"
creator, author, prime mover, mastermind, designer, engineer

overriding [adjective]

means "major"
determining, predominant, chief, principal, primary, key

overruling [adjective]

means "main"
nuclear, chief, primary, central, pivotal

par excellence [adjective]

means "in the highest degree"
pre-eminent, excellent, prime, superior, supreme, foremost

paramount [adjective]

means "principal"
chief, primary, main, leading, foremost, capital

pivotal [adjective]

means "main"
nuclear, chief, primary, overruling, central

pontiff [noun]

means "prelate"
pope, primate, cardinal

predecessor [noun]

means "forefather"
forebear, sire, founder, parent, primogenitor, progenitor

predispose [verb]

means "prearrange"
prepare, ready, cultivate, prime, set up, make ready

predominantly [object]

means "mainly"
chiefly, principally, centrally, primarily

prelate [noun]

means "pontiff"
pope, primate, cardinal

preparation [noun]

means "making ready"
priming, formation, preparing, manufacture, establishment, gestation

preparative [adjective]

means "preliminary"
primary, introductory, initial, beginning, early, incipient

preponderance [noun]

means "majority"
ascendancy, primacy, supremacy, superiority, dominance, sovereignty

pristine [adjective]

means "primitive"
primary, original, primordial, early, incipient, initial

rehearsal [noun]

means "making ready"
priming, formation, preparing, manufacture, establishment, gestation

remote [adjective]

means "characteristic"
ancient, forgotten, antiquated, archaic, primeval

royalty [noun]

means "monarchy"
kingship, majesty, sovereignty, primacy, supremacy, dominion

rudimentary [adjective]

means "immature"
undeveloped, primitive, elementary, imperfect, embryonic, abortive

savage [adjective]

means "uncultivated"
feral, primitive

savage [adjective]

means "original"
primitive, native, primary, natural, earliest, first

simian [noun]

means "ape"
monkey, chimpanzee, gorilla, orang-outang, primate

spring [adjective]

means "time"
springtime, prime

springtime [noun]

means "spring"

sterling [adjective]

means "excellent"
superior, exceptional, first-rate, choice, esteemed, prime

textbook [noun]

means "guidebook"
handbook, manual, text, guide, primer

top [adjective]

means "comparison"
best, chief, prime, first, foremost, head

transcendental [adjective]

means "of remarkable degree"
primordial, intuitive, transcendent, otherworldly, intellectual, original

trim [noun]

means "trimming"
clipping, cutting, priming, decoration, embellishment, reduction

uncultured [adjective]

means "uncivilised"
uncivilized, quaint, simple, untamed, primitive, uncouth

unparalleled [adjective]

means "excellent"
prime, superior, top, choice, best

vitally [object]

means "mainly"
eminently, especially, mostly, particularly, primarily, principally

wonderful [adjective]

means "fine"
excellent, superb, prime, enjoyable, pleasing, pleasant

youth [noun]

means "characteristic"
immaturity, adolescence, juvenility, prime, greenness, minority

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