
Synonym for sham [verb]

The synonym sham synonymous definition words:
- conjugate verb sham
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sham [noun]

means "fake"
fraud, imitation, counterfeit, forgery, pretext, pretence

sham [adjective]

means "untrue"
false, lying, bogus, forged, fraudulent, simulated, counterfeit
Further results for the word "sham"

affect [verb]

means "pretence"
fake, feign, adopt, sham, assume

airs [noun]

means "affectation"
show, put-on, pretence, front, facade, sham

bluff [verb]

means "feign"
pretend, fake, sham, dissemble, lie

burlesque [noun]

means "travesty"
caricature, parody, mockery, cartoon, sham, satire

cartoon [noun]

means "travesty"
caricature, parody, mockery, burlesque, sham, satire

cheapness [noun]

means "ostentation"
show, affectation, tinsel, falseness, sham, hypocrisy

counterfeit [verb]

means "pretend"
feign, cheat, delude, sham, simulate, dissemble

counterfeit [noun]

means "imitation"
falsification, forgery, sham

cushion [noun]

means "pillow"
sham, bolster, mat, pad, seat

deceit [noun]

means "trick"
artifice, sham, chicane, chicanery, device, stratagem

dissemble [verb]

means "pretend"
forge, feign, fake, sham, simulate, deceive

fairy tale [noun]

means "pretence"
fantasy, sham, make-believe, fancy, unreality

fake [noun]

means "counterfeit"
imitation, forgery, deception, phony, sham, fraud

false [adjective]

means "characteristic"
counterfeit, artificial, bogus, forged, phony, sham

falsification [noun]

means "imitation"
counterfeit, forgery, sham

farce [noun]

means "absurd situation"
fun, horseplay, nonsense, travesty, sham, burlesque

fictitious [adjective]

means "false"
fake, mock, sham, simulated

flash [adjective]

means "quality"
fake, counterfeit, false, fraudulent, sham

forgery [noun]

means "falsifying a document"
imitation, imposture, sham

fraud [noun]

means "deceit"
swindle, artifice, racket, sham, misrepresentation, deception

fraudulent [adjective]

means "untrue"
false, lying, bogus, forged, sham, simulated

humbug [noun]

means "deception"
sham, falseness, hypocrisy, charlatanism, pretence

imitative [adjective]

means "parroting"
false, forged, sham, copying, phony

make-believe [noun]

means "pretence"
fantasy, sham, fairy tale, fancy, unreality

mock [adjective]

means "false"

mockery [noun]

means "farce"

phony [noun]

means "counterfeit"
imitation, forgery, deception, fake, sham, fraud

pillow [noun]

means "thing"
cushion, sham, bolster, mat, pad, seat

put on [noun]

means "pretence"
affectation, show, airs, front, facade, sham

quack [adjective]

means "unprincipled"
pretentious, fake, phony, false, pseudo, sham

show [noun]

means "pretence"
pomp, illusion, sham, deception, ostentation, simulation

spoof [noun]

means "hoax"

tinsel [noun]

means "ostentation"
show, affectation, cheapness, falseness, sham, hypocrisy

vanity [noun]

means "futility"
uselessness, sham, folly, emptiness, hollowness, idleness

ashamed [adjective]

means "abashed"

shaman [noun]

means "medicine man"
wizard, witch doctor

shamble [verb]

means "scuffle"
walk, shovel, shuffle, scuff

shame [verb]

means "activity"
dishonour, disgrace, defile, scandalise, scandalize, tarnish, soil, sully, stain

shame [verb]

means "action"
embarrass, humiliate, mortify, humble

shame [noun]

means "matter"
disgrace, scandal, contempt, stigma, dishonour, infamy, ignominy, opprobrium

shame [noun]

means "feeling"
humiliation, embarrassment, mortification, abashment, chagrin, compunction, remorse, discomposure, remorse, guilt, compunction, contrition

shamed [adjective]

means "ashamed"
chagrined, embarrassed, dishonoured, humiliated, mortified, disgraced

shamefaced [adjective]

means "embarrassed"
ashamed, crest-fallen, humiliated, perplexed, abashed, confused

shameful [adjective]

means "unchaste"
indecent, lewd, immoral, vulgar, immodest, carnal, corrupt

shameful [adjective]

means "drunken"
debauched, intemperate

shameful [adjective]

means "dishonourable"
disgraceful, disreputable, scandalous, outrageous, obscene, notorious, opprobrious

shameful [adjective]

means "corrupt"
profligate, wicked, villainous, diabolical, sinful, reprobate

shameless [adjective]

means "immoral"
corrupt, depraved, sinful, profligate, dissolute, reprobate, unchaste

shameless [adjective]

means "hardened"
adamant, obdurate, stony, hard, incorrigible

shameless [adjective]

means "brazen"
bold, blatant, immodest, unabashed, unashamed, insolent, audacious

shaming [noun]

means "mean action"
defaming, meanness, degrading, cheating, deceiving

abasement [noun]

means "disgrace"
ignominy, shame, dishonour, desecration, disrepute

abashed [adjective]

means "ashamed"

barefaced [adjective]

means "bold"
audacious, shameless, rude, impudent

base [adjective]

means "characteristic"

blushing [adjective]

means "turning red"
reddening, colouring, shame, embarrassment

bold [adjective]

means "insolent"
impertinent, audacious, brassy, brazen, shameless, defiant

brassy [adjective]

means "insolent"
impertinent, audacious, bold, brazen, shameless, defiant

charmer [noun]

means "conjurer"
sorcerer, wizard, shaman, magician, diviner, enchanter

colouring [noun]

means "turning red"
reddening, blushing, shame, embarrassment

compunction [noun]

means "remorse"
guilt, shame, contrition

confuse [verb]

means "disconcert"
rattle, abash, confound, fluster, startle, shame

contrition [noun]

means "remorse"
guilt, compunction, shame

cool [adjective]

means "behaviour"
discourteous, insolent, audacious, impertinent, impudent, shameless

debase [verb]

means "adulterate"
profane, cheapen, pervert, shame, devaluate, befoul

defaming [noun]

means "mean action"
meanness, shaming, degrading, cheating, deceiving

defiant [adjective]

means "insolent"
impertinent, audacious, brassy, brazen, shameless, bold

degradation [noun]

means "odium"
dishonour, disgrace, shame, obloquy, opprobrium, scandal

devaluate [verb]

means "adulterate"
profane, cheapen, pervert, shame, debase, befoul

disfavour [verb]

means "lower"
foul, defile, debase, depress, shame, defame

disgrace [verb]

means "lower"
foul, defile, debase, depress, shame, defame

disgrace [noun]

means "odium"
dishonour, degradation, shame, obloquy, opprobrium, scandal

dishonor [noun]

means "disgrace"
ignominy, shame, abasement, desecration, disrepute

dishonorable [adjective]

means "disgraceful"
shameful, shameless

dishonour [noun]

means "disgrace"
ignominy, shame, abasement, desecration, disrepute

dishonourable [adjective]

means "disreputable"
base, disgraceful, infamous, notorious, scandalous, shameful

disreputable [adjective]

means "base"
dishonourable, disgraceful, infamous, notorious, scandalous, shameful

flagrant [adjective]

means "gross"
glaring, outrageous, grievous, heinous, shameful

foul [verb]

means "deed"
disgrace, defile, dishonour, shame

foul [adjective]

means "characteristic"
base, abominable, infamous, scandalous, shameful, sinful

graceless [adjective]

means "lacking sense of propriety"
shameless, immoral, corrupt, degenerate, rude, depraved

grievous [adjective]

means "atrocious"
heinous, iniquitous, outrageous, shameful, deplorable, dreadful

gross [adjective]

means "property"
flagrant, glaring, outrageous, grievous, heinous, shameful

guilt [noun]

means "feeling"
remorse, shame, compunction, contrition

humble [verb]

means "degrade"
debase, demean, humiliate, mortify, shame, reduce

humiliated [adjective]

means "ashamed"
embarrassed, mortified, humbled, shamed, abashed, disgraced

ignominy [noun]

means "disgrace"
scandal, contempt, stigma, dishonour, infamy, shame

incorrigible [adjective]

means "hardened"
adamant, obdurate, stony, hard, shameless

indecent [adjective]

means "nasty"
gross, immoral, immodest, indelicate, shameful, lascivious

infamous [adjective]

means "wicked"
nefarious, shameful, vile, villainous, bad, base

inglorious [adjective]

means "disgraceful"
ignominious, shameful, appalling, undignified, degrading, offensive

lumber [verb]

means "trudge"
plod, clump, shamble, barge, stumble, slog

magician [noun]

means "conjurer"
sorcerer, wizard, shaman, charmer, diviner, enchanter

meanness [noun]

means "mean action"
defaming, shaming, degrading, cheating, deceiving

mortification [noun]

means "embarrassment"
humiliation, shame, disgrace, remorse, regret, chagrin

mortify [verb]

means "embarrass"
humiliate, shame, humble

nasty [adjective]

means "behaviour"
indecent, gross, immoral, immodest, indelicate, shameful

notorious [adjective]

means "disreputable"
dishonourable, disgraceful, infamous, base, scandalous, shameful

odium [noun]

means "discredit"

opprobrious [adjective]

means "abusive"
shaming, contemptuous, insolent, derogative, insulting, offensive

opprobrium [noun]

means "discredit"

outrageous [adjective]

means "shocking"
scandalous, disgraceful, offensive, shameful, contemptible, intolerable

pretense [noun]

means "dishonesty"
make-believe, evasion, pretending, pretext, deception, shamming

reproach [noun]

means "dishonour"
insult, disgrace, disrepute, shame, scandal, ignominy

saucy [adjective]

means "insolent"
impertinent, audacious, brassy, brazen, shameless, defiant

scandal [noun]

means "disgrace"
discredit, shame, dishonour, infamy, disrepute, ignominy

scurrilous [adjective]

means "insolent"
abusive, offensive, shameless, insulting, opprobrious, blasphemous

shocking [adjective]

means "outrageous"
scandalous, disgraceful, offensive, shameful, contemptible, intolerable

shuffle [verb]

means "scuffle"
walk, shovel, shamble, scuff

stigmatise [verb]

means "disgrace"
discredit, dishonour, defame, shame, besmirch, brand

stigmatize [verb]

means "disgrace"
discredit, dishonour, defame, shame, besmirch, brand

sully [verb]

means "disgrace"
shame, debase, dishonour, soil, stain, taint

unchaste [adjective]

means "impure"
immodest, ungallant, shameless, non-virginal, sensual, lewd

undignified [adjective]

means "disgraceful"
ignominious, shameful, appalling, inglorious, degrading, offensive

unforgiving [adjective]

means "revengeful"
relentless, shameful, awful, terrible, hurting, ruthless

warlock [noun]

means "sorcerer"
magician, enchanter, wizard, witch doctor, shaman

witch doctor [noun]

means "medicine man"
wizard, shaman

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