
Synonym for mat [verb]

The synonym mat synonymous definition words:
means "plait"
twine, twist, weave, braid

mat [noun]

means "covering"
floor covering, doormat, pad, rug
Further results for the word "mat"

cushion [noun]

means "pillow"
sham, bolster, mat, pad, seat

doormat [noun]

means "covering"
floor covering, mat, pad, rug

entangle [verb]

means "confuse"
embroil, complicate, bewilder, knot, mat, tangle

lusterless [adjective]

means "property"
dim, flat, mat, lifeless

pad [noun]

means "cushion"
mat, pillow, stuffing, wadding, filling, padding

pillow [noun]

means "thing"
cushion, sham, bolster, mat, pad, seat

ravel [verb]

means "complicate"

snarl [verb]

means "complicate"

approximation [noun]

means "equivalent"
equal, peer, counterpart, mate, analogue, match

immature [adjective]

means "green"
unripe, maturing, sappy, young, sour, inedible

matador [noun]

means "bullfighter"
toreador, torero, fighter, contestant

match [verb]

means "conflict"
oppose, pit, array, rival, compete with, play

match [verb]

means "comparison"
equate, equal, even, balance, pair, unite, mate, liken

match [verb]

means "agreement"
correspond, fit, resemble, harmonise, harmonize, go with, suit

match [noun]

means "sport"
contest, competition, tournament, event, game, meet, rivalry

match [noun]

means "joining"
union, marriage, espousal

match [noun]

means "comparison"
equivalent, equal, peer, counterpart, mate, analogue, approximation

matched [adjective]

means "alike"
paired, co-ordinated, similar, mated, equated

matching [adjective]

means "similar"
identical, alike, akin, same, like, cognate

matchless [adjective]

means "peerless"
unequaled, unique, alone, unsurpassed, unrivalled

matchmaker [noun]

means "marriage broker"
agent, go-between

mate [noun]

means "comrade"
assistant, affiliate, equal, colleague, companion, accomplice, associate

mater [noun]

means "mother"
mom, mama, ma, mommy, mummy

material [noun]

means "textile"
cloth, fabric

material [noun]

means "substance"
matter, stuff, object, element, body, component

material [noun]

means "information"
data, facts, figures

material [adjective]

means "tangible"
solid, corporeal, palpable, physical, real, touchable, sensible

material [adjective]

means "important"
substantial, considerable, significant, meaningful, momentous, consequential, weighty

materialise [verb]

means "develop"
evolve, emerge, unfold, grow

materialise [verb]

means "appear"
emerge, loom, arise, arize, manifest, actualise, actualize

materialistic [adjective]

means "mercenary"
practical, mundane, advertising, prosaic, commercial

materialize [verb]

means "develop"
evolve, emerge, unfold, grow

materialize [verb]

means "appear"
emerge, loom, arise, arize, manifest, actualise, actualize

maternal [adjective]

means "motherly"
protective, sympathetic

matriarch [noun]

means "dowager"
matron, dame, queen

matriculate [verb]

means "enroll"
register, sign up for, enter, join

matrimony [noun]

means "marriage"
union, wedlock, nuptials, commitment, joining, coupling

matrix [noun]

means "array"
table, list, vector

matron [noun]

means "dowager"
dame, matriarch, lady, mother, woman, wife

matron [noun]

means "administrator"
superintendent, housemother, housekeeper, supervisor

matted [adjective]

means "tangled"
entangled, snarled, dishevelled

matter [verb]

means "health"
discharge pus, fester, decay

matter [verb]

means "consequence"
count, value, mean, signify, weigh, import

matter [noun]

means "thing"
substance, material, element, medium, body, stuff, substantiality

matter [noun]

means "subject"
topic, content, essence, focus, theme, resolution, interest

matter [noun]

means "health"
pus, sore, infection, maturation

matter [noun]

means "effect"
trouble, difficulty, distress, perplexity

matter [noun]

means "affair"
business, undertaking, circumstance, concern, situation

matter-of-fact [adjective]

means "impersonal"
cold, objective, emotionless, prosaic, unimpassioned, cold-blooded

mattock [noun]

means "hatchet"
adze, axe, tomahawk, pickaxe, cleaver

maturation [noun]

means "growth"
developing, disclosure, unfolding, development, enlargement, maturing, opening

mature [verb]

means "activity"
grow, develop, age, ripen, evolve, mellow

mature [adjective]

means "property"
adult, developed, grown, aged, full-grown, ripe

matured [adjective]

means "developed"
grown, adult, full-fledged, full-grown, ripened, completed, aged, mellowed, middle-aged, prime, perfected, at a high peak, cured, evolved

maturing [noun]

means "growth"
developing, disclosure, unfolding, maturation, enlargement, development, opening

actual [adjective]

means "real"
present, existent, tangible, substantive, concrete, material

adult [adjective]

means "animal"
full-grown, mature, grown-up, ripe, developed, grown

adz [noun]

means "hatchet"
axe, mattock, tomahawk, pickaxe, cleaver

age [verb]

means "state"
mature, decline, ripen, develop, season, deteriorate

age [noun]

means "state"
maturity, majority, infancy, decline, adulthood, childhood

agree [verb]

means "agreement"
harmonize, match

akin [adjective]

means "similar"
identical, matching, alike, same, like, cognate

alike [adjective]

means "agreement"
similar, identical, matching, akin, same, like

argument [noun]

means "statement"
matter, subject, theme, thesis, topic

associate [noun]

means "comrade"

axe [noun]

means "hatchet"
adze, mattock, tomahawk, pickaxe, cleaver

become [verb]

means "direction"
get, turn, mature, develop, grow, change

bodily [adjective]

means "physical"
fleshly, carnal, corporeal, human, tangible, material

bout [noun]

means "athletic event"
match, competition, game, sport, contest, race

business [noun]

means "affair"
interest, concern, matter

call up [verb]

means "enchant"
materialise, materialize

carpet [noun]

means "thing"
floor covering, rug, shag, matting

catalyst [noun]

means "chemical reactor"
chemical, enzyme, matter

cleaver [noun]

means "hatchet"
adze, mattock, tomahawk, pickaxe, axe

click [verb]

means "harmonise"
harmonize, match, succeed, go over

clone [noun]

means "stand in"
double, counterpart, duplicate, twin, mate, match

cloth [noun]

means "thing"
textile, material, fabric

collate [verb]

means "examine"
compare, match, relate

collation [noun]

means "comparison"
resemblance, examination, relationship, juxtaposition, matching, relation

commercial [adjective]

means "mercenary"
practical, mundane, advertising, prosaic, materialistic

companion [noun]

means "attendant"
nurse, aide, escort, chaperon, matron

companion [noun]

means "associate"
comrade, buddy, friend, mate, fellow, familiar

compeer [noun]

means "peer"
equal, counterpart, match, fellow, coequal, colleague

compete with [verb]

means "oppose"
pit, array, rival, match, play

competition [noun]

means "athletic event"
match, bout, game, sport, contest, race

complementary [adjective]

means "interrelated"
matched, mated, corresponding, paired, interconnected, companion

comrade [noun]

means "associate"

concern [noun]

means "affair"
part, business, interest, matter, problem, duty

conform [verb]

means "correspond"
agree, harmonise, harmonize, tally, match, suit

conjure [verb]

means "enchant"
materialise, materialize

contents [noun]

means "insides"
constituents, filling, matter, details, sum

contest [noun]

means "competition"

corporal [adjective]

means "physical"
bodily, corporeal, material

corporeal [adjective]

means "tangible"
solid, material, palpable, physical, real, touchable

dame [noun]

means "widow"
matron, dowager, lady, woman, matriarch

data [noun]

means "fact"
material, information, figures

debate [noun]

means "speech"
argument, contest, contention, match, controversy, discussion

details [noun]

means "insides"
constituents, filling, matter, contents, sum

develop [verb]

means "grow"
acquire, mature, form, evolve, advance, ripen

development [noun]

means "growth"
developing, disclosure, unfolding, maturation, enlargement, maturing

disputation [noun]

means "argument"
contest, contention, match, controversy, discussion, debate

double [noun]

means "person"
stand in, clone, counterpart, duplicate, twin, mate, match

dowager [noun]

means "widow"
matron, dame, lady, woman, matriarch

due [adjective]

means "state"
unpaid, mature, unsatisfied, payable, owing, outstanding

duo [noun]

means "two people"
pair, mates, couple, twosome, dyad

duplicate [noun]

means "reproduction"
copy, replica, match, transcript, twin, mate

element [noun]

means "component"
member, matter, portion, factor, substance, constituent

embody [verb]

means "manifest"
actualise, actualize, externalise, externalize, incarnate, materialise, materialize

engaged [adjective]

means "affianced"
matched, contracted, intended, promised, betrothed, pledged

enlarging [adjective]

means "size"
increasing, growing, expansive, maturing, spreading, swelling

enroll [verb]

means "sign up"
register, enlist, catalogue, engross, poll, matriculate

enzyme [noun]

means "chemical substance"
chemical, catalyst, matter

equal [verb]

means "activity"
match, equate, measure up, balance, co-ordinate, meet

equate [verb]

means "liken"
assimilate, compare, match, paragon, parallel

equivalent [noun]

means "match"
equal, peer, counterpart, mate, analogue, approximation

evolve [verb]

means "grow"
acquire, mature, form, develop, advance, ripen

experience [noun]

means "knowledge"
training, skill, seasoning, sagacity, maturity, practice

fabric [noun]

means "substance"
foundation, structure, make up, material, framework, matrix

fabric [noun]

means "cloth"
material, textile, weave, stuff

facsimile [noun]

means "image"
copy, match, mirror, counterpart, reflection

facts [noun]

means "information"
data, material, figures

familial [adjective]

means "genealogical"
ancestral, patrimonial, matrilineal, consanguine, tribal

faultless [adjective]

means "perfect"
flawless, excellent, matchless, impeccable, exquisite, pure

female [noun]

means "person"
woman, lady, girl, dame, matron, hussy

fester [verb]

means "discharge pus"
matter, decay

figures [noun]

means "information"
data, facts, material

fit [adjective]

means "property"
qualified, competent, matched, suited, adapted, tailor-made

flawless [adjective]

means "faultless"
perfect, excellent, matchless, impeccable, exquisite, pure

fruit [noun]

means "thing"
mature seed pod, capsule, nut

full [adjective]

means "characteristic"
mature, grown, entire, complete

full-grown [adjective]

means "grown"
adult, mature, grown-up, ripe, developed

gear [verb]

means "activity"
adapt, adjust, match, harness, regulate, equip

genealogical [adjective]

means "ancestral"
familial, patrimonial, matrilineal, consanguine, tribal

general [adjective]

means "common"

grandmother [noun]

means "parent's mother"
matriarch, elder, granny

granny [noun]

means "parent's mother"
matriarch, elder, grandmother

green [adjective]

means "characteristic"
immature, unripe, maturing, sappy, young, sour

growing [adjective]

means "increasing"
enlarging, expansive, maturing, spreading, swelling, developing

haunt [verb]

means "appear as a phantom"
materialise, materialize, spook, possess

identical [adjective]

means "similar"
alike, matching, akin, same, like, cognate

image [noun]

means "reproduction"
facsimile, copy, match, mirror, counterpart, reflection

impeccable [adjective]

means "faultless"
flawless, excellent, matchless, perfect, exquisite, pure

important [adjective]

means "significant"
substantial, consequential, considerable, meaningful, material, momentous

inedible [adjective]

means "immature"
unripe, maturing, sappy, young, sour, green

inherited [adjective]

means "hereditary"
matrilineal, patrimonial, ancestral, patriarchal, matriarchal, innate

innate [adjective]

means "hereditary"
matrilineal, patrimonial, inherited, patriarchal, matriarchal, ancestral

intended [adjective]

means "affianced"
matched, contracted, engaged, promised, betrothed, pledged

interconnected [adjective]

means "interrelated"
matched, mated, corresponding, paired, complementary, companion

interrelated [adjective]

means "complementary"
matched, mated, corresponding, paired, interconnected, companion

join [verb]

means "people"
wed, marry, couple, mate, unite

juxtaposition [noun]

means "comparison"
resemblance, examination, relationship, collation, matching, relation

kit [noun]

means "set of useful items"
set, parts, tools, collection, material, assortment

lady [noun]

means "person"
woman, adult, matron, dame

like [noun]

means "comparison"
equal, equivalent, match, corollary, counterpart

liken [verb]

means "equate"
equal, even, balance, pair, unite, mate, match

literature [noun]

means "the written word"
printed matter, material, account, passage, excerpt, reading

loom [verb]

means "appear"
rise, materialise, materialize, emerge, come into view, emanate

ma [noun]

means "mother"
mom, mama, mater, mommy, mummy

madam [noun]

means "person"
administrator, matron, housekeeper, housemother, hostess, adviser

mama [noun]

means "mother"
mom, mommy, mummy, mater, parent

manifestation [noun]

means "display"
demonstration, exhibition, presentation, show, materialisation, materialization

marriage [noun]

means "matrimony"
wedlock, union, go-between, match

marry [verb]

means "joining"

meaningful [adjective]

means "important"
significant, consequential, material, substantial, momentous, useful

meet [verb]

means "conflict"
oppose, match, encounter, jostle

meet [noun]

means "sport"
competition, tournament, contest, match, meeting

mellow [adjective]

means "ripe"
mature, soft

mold [noun]

means "form"
model, cast, die, matrix, pattern, shape

mom [noun]

means "mother"
ma, mama, mater, mommy, mummy

mommy [noun]

means "mother"
mom, mama, mummy, ma, mater, female parent

mother [noun]

means "person"
parent, ma, matriarch, mama, mom, mommy

mould [noun]

means "form"
model, cast, die, matrix, pattern, shape

nuptials [noun]

means "wedding"
matrimony, marriage, wedlock, marriage ceremony, bridal, spousal

object [noun]

means "thing"
commodity, fact, article, matter, manifestation, something

objectify [verb]

means "make objective"
materialise, materialize, substantiate, embody, manifest, personify

objective [adjective]

means "actual"
external, material, scientific, sure, extrinsic, measurable

occurrence [noun]

means "incident"
affair, episode, materialisation, materialization, circumstance, go

old [adjective]

means "behaviour"
matured, intelligent, sedate, adult, sensible, grown

oppose [verb]

means "conflict"
encounter, match

pad [noun]

means "cushion"

pair [verb]

means "action"
combine, couple, join, marry, match, mate

pair [noun]

means "quantity"
couple, mates, brace, twosome, span, team

palpable [adjective]

means "tangible"
corporeal, material, real

parallel [noun]

means "counterpart"
analogue, match, correlation

patriarchal [adjective]

means "hereditary"
matrilineal, patrimonial, inherited, ancestral, matriarchal, innate

payable [adjective]

means "to be paid"

peer [noun]

means "equal"
compeer, rival, companion, match

peerless [adjective]

means "unique"
unequaled, matchless, alone, unsurpassed, unrivalled

pendant [noun]

means "match"
equivalent, counterpart, mate, equal, parallel, correspondent

perfect [adjective]

means "faultless"
flawless, excellent, matchless, impeccable, exquisite, pure

pick [noun]

means "thing"
pickaxe, mattock, tool

pickaxe [noun]

means "pick"
mattock, tool

pop [verb]

means "show"
materialise, materialize

promised [adjective]

means "affianced"
matched, contracted, intended, engaged, betrothed, pledged

pus [noun]

means "matter"
sore, infection, maturation

queen [noun]

means "person"
female sovereign, female ruler, matriarch, regent, monarch, ruler

queen mother [noun]

means "female sovereign"
female ruler, matriarch, regent, monarch, ruler, woman monarch

reading [noun]

means "the written word"
printed matter, material, account, passage, excerpt, literature

real [adjective]

means "characteristic"
material, existent, tangible, substantive, physical, incarnate

record [verb]

means "activity"
matriculate, inscribe

replica [noun]

means "reproduction"
copy, duplicate, match, transcript, twin, mate

reproduction [noun]

means "duplicate"
copy, replica, match, transcript, twin, mate

respect [noun]

means "detail"
particular, regard, feature, point, matter

ripe [adjective]

means "property"
mellow, aged, seasoned, matured, grown, mature

rival [verb]

means "conflict"
compete, oppose, equal, match, compete with, contend with

sagacity [noun]

means "knowledge"
training, skill, seasoning, experience, maturity, practice

scientific [adjective]

means "actual"
external, material, objective, sure, extrinsic, measurable

shag [noun]

means "floor covering"
rug, carpet, matting

similar [adjective]

means "alike"
identical, matching, akin, same, like, cognate

something [noun]

means "thing"
commodity, fact, article, matter, manifestation, object

sophisticated [adjective]

means "refined"
cultured, well-bred, mature, adult

stuff [noun]

means "substance"
material, matter, essence, character

substance [noun]

means "object"
element, matter, material, stuff, thing

substantial [adjective]

means "real"
actual, tangible, concrete, material, physical, visible

substantial [adjective]

means "important"
essential, valuable, material, worthy

substantiate [verb]

means "materialize"
materialise, actualise, actualize, embody, externalise, externalize

tactile [adjective]

means "actual"
external, material, scientific, sure, extrinsic, measurable

tangible [adjective]

means "touchable"
substantial, material, corporeal, palpable, tactile, discernible

textile [noun]

means "cloth"
material, fabric, weave, stuff

thing [noun]

means "object"
commodity, fact, article, matter, manifestation, something

tie [verb]

means "comparison"
equal, draw, match, parallel

tilt [noun]

means "joust"
tournament, encounter, engagement, match, collision, contest

tomahawk [noun]

means "hatchet"
adze, mattock, axe, pickaxe, cleaver

touchable [adjective]

means "tangible"
tactile, palpable, actual, real, concrete, material

tournament [noun]

means "competition"

transcript [noun]

means "reproduction"
copy, replica, match, duplicate, twin, mate

tribal [adjective]

means "genealogical"
familial, patrimonial, matrilineal, consanguine, ancestral

twosome [noun]

means "two people"
pair, mates, couple, duo, dyad

unequaled [adjective]

means "peerless"
unique, matchless, alone, unsurpassed, unrivalled, perfect

unfolding [noun]

means "growth"
developing, disclosure, development, maturation, enlargement, maturing

union [noun]

means "marriage"
matrimony, wedlock, nuptials, commitment, joining, coupling

unique [adjective]

means "peerless"
unequaled, matchless, alone, unsurpassed, unrivalled

unripe [adjective]

means "immature"
green, maturing, sappy, young, sour, inedible

unrivaled [adjective]

means "unequaled"
peerless, unparalleled, uncommon, unusual, matchless, unique

unrivalled [adjective]

means "peerless"
unequaled, matchless, alone, unsurpassed, unique

unsatisfied [adjective]

means "unpaid"
mature, due, payable, owing, outstanding

unsurpassed [adjective]

means "peerless"
unequaled, matchless, alone, unique, unrivalled

wedlock [noun]

means "matrimony"
marriage, union, go-between, match

widow [noun]

means "person"
dowager, matron, dame, lady, woman, matriarch

woman [noun]

means "person"
female, lady, girl, dame, broad, matron

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