
Synonym for control [verb]

The synonym control synonymous definition words:
- conjugate verb control
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control [verb]

means "subdue"
tame, bully, whip, overpower, monopolise, monopolize, intimidate, manipulate

control [verb]

means "steer"
navigate, pilot, drive

control [verb]

means "restrain"
repress, regulate, master, reduce, contain, check, hinder

control [verb]

means "direct"
guide, manage, command, lead, manipulate, govern, subject

control [noun]

means "political power"
reign, rule, sovereignty, government, ascendancy, sway, subjugation

control [noun]

means "monopoly"
corner, dominance, manipulation, strategy

control [noun]

means "discipline"
limitation, restraint, regulation, subordination, mastery, poise, restriction

control [noun]

means "direction"
power, authority, command, dominion, disposition, charge, domination

control [noun]

means "check"
curb, restraint
Further results for the word "control"

administer [verb]

means "manage"
conduct, control, carry out, direct, execute, govern

ascendancy [noun]

means "mastery"
authority, command, head, dominion, control, power

authority [noun]

means "command"
power, strength, sway, influence, control, supremacy

bit [noun]

means "thing"
bridle, check, control, curb, rein

bridle [verb]

means "restrain"
repress, check, slacken, control, curb, govern

bridle [noun]

means "restraint"
check, leash, control, curb, governor, halter

carry out [verb]

means "manage"
conduct, control, administer, direct, execute, govern

charge [noun]

means "protection"
care, keeping, supervision, custody, control, responsibility

check [verb]

means "activity"
control, curb, bridle, govern, curtail, impede

clutches [noun]

means "power"
grasp, control, domain, keeping, possession, custody

command [verb]

means "rule"
control, dominate, govern, superintend, oversee, lead

command [noun]

means "mastery"
authority, ascendancy, head, dominion, control, power

conduct [noun]

means "guidance"
control, administration, direction, management, execution, leadership

confinement [noun]

means "detainment"
constraint, detention, incarceration, bonds, control, limitation

constraint [noun]

means "reserve"
control, restraint, temperance, abstinence, humility, modesty

curb [verb]

means "check"

delivery [noun]

means "baseball"
ball, control, performance, arm, game

determine [verb]

means "induce"
control, impel, govern, incline, lead

deterrence [noun]

means "restriction"
obstruction, deprivation, hindrance, arrest, control, frailty

dial [noun]

means "thing"
disc, front, face, compass, control, circle

direct [verb]

means "counsel"
control, oversee

direction [noun]

means "management"
supervision, administration, regulation, control, command, superintendence

discipline [verb]

means "instruct"
form, prepare, drill, control, harden, educate

disposition [noun]

means "management"
mercy, appointment, will, control, direction, regulation

domination [noun]

means "mastery"
authority, ascendancy, head, dominion, control, power

dominion [noun]

means "government"
administration, control, management, jurisdiction, domination

dominion [noun]

means "ascendancy"
jurisdiction, reign, supremacy, sway, sovereignty, control

draft [noun]

means "thing"
air valve, damper, check, flap, control

duress [noun]

means "coercion"
pressure, compulsion, discipline, control, restraint, force

fly [verb]

means "activity"

govern [verb]

means "rule"
reign, command, overrule, control, sway, hold sway

guidance [noun]

means "conduct"
control, administration, direction, management, execution, leadership

halter [noun]

means "restraint"
check, leash, control, curb, governor, bridle

handle [verb]

means "activity"
control, deal with, manage, operate, work, supervise

harness [verb]

means "equip for work"
outfit, cinch, control, fetter

hold [noun]

means "possession"
control, retention, influence, ownership, tenure, tenacity

humility [noun]

means "reserve"
control, restraint, temperance, abstinence, constraint, modesty

influence [verb]

means "sway"
affect, bias, direct, control, impress, carry

influence [noun]

means "power"
authority, control, sway, effect, prestige, predominance

knob [noun]

means "handle"
grip, handhold, doorknob, pull, dial, control

leadership [noun]

means "authority"
control, administration, effectiveness, influence, superiority, supremacy

leash [noun]

means "restraint"
check, bridle, control, curb, governor, halter

limitation [noun]

means "restriction"
obstruction, deprivation, hindrance, arrest, control, frailty

manage [verb]

means "rule"
direct, administer, conduct, control, govern, regulate

manipulate [verb]

means "direct"
guide, manage, command, lead, control, govern

master [verb]

means "activity"
learn, comprehend, understand, control, dominate, study

modesty [noun]

means "reserve"
control, restraint, temperance, abstinence, humility, constraint

monitor [verb]

means "observe"
watch, regulate, supervise, oversee, control

monopolise [verb]

means "subdue"
tame, bully, whip, overpower, control, monopolize

monopolize [verb]

means "subdue"
tame, bully, whip, overpower, monopolise, control

navigate [noun]

means "steer"
control, pilot, drive

operating [noun]

means "operation"
management, direction, control, managing

operation [noun]

means "administration"

oversee [verb]

means "guide"
enjoin, advise, head, conduct, influence, control

oversight [noun]

means "supervision"
care, conduct, charge, handling, control, direction

own [verb]

means "possession"
have, enjoy, hold, control, dominate, boast

patent [noun]

means "principle"
control, protection, concession, licence, copyright, privilege

poise [noun]

means "composure"
self-assurance, confidence, control, aplomb, self-control, self-possession

police [verb]

means "activity"
control, regulate, patrol, guard, watch

potency [noun]

means "power"
authority, command, dominion, rule, influence, control

predominance [noun]

means "authority"
mastery, power, influence, sway, control, dominion

predominate [verb]

means "prevail"
control, command

preponderate [verb]

means "exceed"

prevail [verb]

means "predominate"
control, command

regulate [verb]

means "govern"
legislate, manage, control, rule

regulate [verb]

means "adjust"
set, arrange, control, direct, manage, order

regulation [noun]

means "management"
control, arrangement, direction, adjustment, disposal, disposition

rein [noun]

means "bridle"
check, control, curb, bit

repress [verb]

means "restrain"
bridle, check, slacken, control, curb, govern

restrain [verb]

means "check"
control, govern, harness, constrain, bridle, hold

restraint [noun]

means "bridle"
check, leash, control, curb, governor, halter

rule [verb]

means "activity"
govern, administer, order, command, direct, control

self-control [noun]

means "composure"
self-assurance, confidence, control, aplomb, poise, self-possession

self-possession [noun]

means "composure"
self-assurance, confidence, control, aplomb, self-control, poise

slacken [verb]

means "restrain"
bridle, control, curb, subdue, check, repress

superintend [verb]

means "rule"
control, dominate, govern, command, oversee, lead

superintendence [noun]

means "care"
keeping, supervision, custody, control, responsibility, management

sway [verb]

means "govern"
rule, control, direct, reign, dominate, prevail

sway [noun]

means "authority"
mastery, power, influence, predominance, control, dominion

take off [verb]

means "navigate"
pilot, operate, jet, fly, manoeuvre, control

temperance [noun]

means "reserve"
control, restraint, constraint, abstinence, humility, modesty

upper hand [noun]

means "advantage"
dominion, control, command, rule, power, authority

wield [verb]

means "use"

work [verb]

means "activity"
operate, run, manage, control, handle, drive

controlled [adjective]

means "composed"
tranquil, calm, patient, self-possessed, serene, cool, imperturbable

controlling [adjective]

means "governing"
ascendant, master, common, dominant, first, important, predominant

commanding [verb]

means "guiding"
controlling, determining

dominant [adjective]

means "governing"
ascendant, master, common, controlling, first, important

governing [adjective]

means "dominant"
ascendant, master, common, controlling, first, important

guiding [adjective]

means "commanding"
controlling, determining

held [adjective]

means "clutched"
retained, defended, controlled, occupied, taken

obsessed [adjective]

means "beset"
haunted, controlled, overpowered, captivated, perplexed

out of bounds [adjective]

means "illegal"
forbidden, controlled, inappropriate, unsuitable

patent [adjective]

means "law"
controlled, licensed, protected, exclusive, patented

predominant [adjective]

means "governing"
ascendant, master, common, controlling, first, important

sober [adjective]

means "character trait"
calm, collected, composed, controlled, rational, reasonable

using [adjective]

means "utilizing"
testing, accepting, controlling, proving, wearing out, adopting

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