Synonym for act [verb]
The synonym act synonymous definition words:act [verb]
means "arts"dramatise, dramatize, present, play, imitate, simulate, rehearse, impersonate, parody
act [noun]
means "action"step, accomplishment, achievement, exploit, feat, performance, transaction
Further results for the word "act"
do [verb]
means "activity"perform, play, act, render, practice, behave, act, seem, appear, fare, manage
feat [noun]
means "action"step, accomplishment, achievement, exploit, act, performance
make [verb]
means "action"act, practice
present [verb]
means "perform"act, enact, imitate, impersonate, personate, represent
rider [noun]
means "legislative addition"bill, measure, act, revision, amendment, supplement
writ [noun]
means "law"award, verdict, decree, order, edict, act
action [noun]
means "deed"doing
action [noun]
means "behaviour"practice, conduct
actions [noun]
means "behaviour"action, manners, response, comportment, performance, demeanour, conduct
activity [noun]
means "movement"action, moving, response, operation, energy, performance, business
actress [noun]
means "artiste"actor, artist, singer, thespian
enactment [noun]
means "theatrical representation"acting, playing, personification, dramatisation, dramatization, portrayal
practically [object]
means "virtually"in effect, substantially, almost, nearly, actually, essentially
artist [noun]
means "art"actor, actress, singer, thespian
artiste [noun]
means "artist"actor, actress, singer, thespian
being [noun]
means "existence"presence, life, reality, actuality, animation
complete [verb]
means "achieve"execute, accomplish, actualise, actualize, effectuate, effect
conduct [noun]
means "behaviour"action, manners, response, comportment, performance, demeanour, actions
deed [noun]
means "act"action
depiction [noun]
means "behaving"dramatizing, performing, pantomime, acting, dramatic performance
deportment [noun]
means "behaviour"action, manners, response, comportment, performance, demeanour, actions
dramatisation [noun]
means "theatrical representation"acting, playing, personification, enactment, dramatization, portrayal
dramatization [noun]
means "theatrical representation"acting, playing, personification, dramatisation, enactment, portrayal
effectuate [verb]
means "achieve"execute, accomplish, actualise, actualize, complete, effect
embody [verb]
means "manifest"actualise, actualize, externalise, externalize, incarnate, materialise
energise [verb]
means "enliven"activate, quicken, animate, energize, vitalise, vitalize
energize [verb]
means "enliven"activate, quicken, energise, animate, vitalise, vitalize
exertion [noun]
means "action"activity, exercise, labour, toil, work
existent [adjective]
means "true"absolute, actual, categorical, extant, certain, factual
fast [adjective]
means "mental condition"active, alert, energetic, quick
feigning [noun]
means "pretending"acting, impersonation, make believe
fight [noun]
means "conflict"action, confrontation, affair, affray, battle, combat
fulfilled [adjective]
means "completed"realized, satisfied, attained, actualized, consummated, concluded
genuine [adjective]
means "not hypocritical"sincere, unaffected, real, bona fide, actual, authentic
idealist [noun]
means "romantic"visionary, romanticist, radical, activist
in effect [object]
means "virtually"practically, substantially, almost, nearly, actually, essentially
instigate [verb]
means "induce"incite, persuade, impel, influence, move, activate, actuate
life [noun]
means "characteristic"animation, vitality, vigour, vivacity, activity, energy
lissome [adjective]
means "agile"fast, active, alert, mercurial, brisk, sharp
litigation [noun]
means "lawsuit"suit, action, proceeding, petition, plea, entreaty
make believe [noun]
means "pretending"feigning, impersonation, acting
materialize [verb]
means "appear"emerge, loom, arise, arize, manifest, actualise, actualize
mercurial [adjective]
means "agile"fast, lissome, alert, active, brisk, sharp
mettlesome [adjective]
means "high spirited"spirited, spunky, vigourous, active, high-spirited, fiery
pantomime [noun]
means "behaving"dramatizing, performing, acting, depiction, dramatic performance
play [noun]
means "action"activity, exercise, motion, movement, operation
playing [noun]
means "theatrical representation"acting, enactment, personification, dramatisation, dramatization, portrayal
project [noun]
means "undertaking"business, activity, work, homework, lesson
quick [adjective]
means "agility"alert, active, agile, animated, brisk, energetic
real [adjective]
means "property"genuine, actual, authentic, true, sincere, indisputable
realise [verb]
means "actualise"actualize, accomplish, complete, perfect, effect, effectuate
reality [noun]
means "existence"presence, life, being, actuality, animation
realize [verb]
means "actualise"actualize, accomplish, complete, perfect, effect, effectuate
sharp [adjective]
means "agility"lively, brisk, energetic, active, quick
singer [noun]
means "person"artiste, actor, actress, artist, thespian
smart [adjective]
means "agility"vigourous, brisk, energetic, lively, active, effective, nimble, alert, prompt, quick, active
sprightly [adjective]
means "spry"fresh, alert, active
spry [adjective]
means "energetic"active, vigourous, vivacious, animated, brisk, quick
substantiate [verb]
means "materialize"materialise, actualise, actualize, embody, externalise, externalize
suit [noun]
means "law"litigation, action, proceeding, petition, plea, entreaty
thespian [noun]
means "actor"performer, player, histrionic artist, dramatist, stage player, actress
transit [noun]
means "movement"action, motion, progress, move
urge [verb]
means "activity"activate, move
veritable [adjective]
means "authentic"actual, real, genuine, factual, truthful, true
vital [adjective]
means "agility"vigourous, lively, energetic, active, animated
vitality [noun]
means "animation"life, vigour, vivacity, activity, energy, spirit
vivacious [adjective]
means "energetic"active, vigourous, lively, animated, brisk, quick
working [adjective]
means "practical"applicable, applied, active
zip [noun]
means "agility"action
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