
Synonym for act [verb]

The synonym act synonymous definition words:

act [verb]

means "activity"
do, bear, execute, officiate, make, transact, react

act [noun]

means "performance"
sketch, impersonation, scene, routine, stint, turn

act [noun]

means "law"
award, verdict, decree, order, edict, writ, judgment
Further results for the word "act"

accomplishment [noun]

means "achievement"
exploit, feat, success, quality, acquisition, act

action [noun]

means "deed"
exercise, act, blow, accomplishment, feat, manoeuvre

amendment [noun]

means "legislative addition"
bill, measure, act, revision, rider, supplement

bear [verb]

means "behaviour"
act, conduct, operate, succeed, work, govern

bill [noun]

means "law"
act, draft, proposed law, measure, proposal

conduct [verb]

means "conduct oneself"
behave, bear, act, deport

deal [verb]

means "behaviour"
act, confront

do [verb]

means "activity"
perform, play, act, render, practice, behave, act, seem, appear, fare, manage

doing [noun]

means "deed"
exercise, act, accomplishment, feat, manoeuvre, action

enact [verb]

means "accomplish"
perform, act, personify, achieve, execute, act out

enactment [noun]

means "decree"
edict, law, act, mandate, order, statute

execute [verb]

means "do"
render, accomplish, act, achieve, carry out, complete

fact [noun]

means "deed"
action, act, proceeding, accomplishment, transaction, affair

feat [noun]

means "action"
step, accomplishment, achievement, exploit, act, performance

function [verb]

means "perform"
act, officiate, go, operate, run, work

impersonate [verb]

means "perform"
act, enact, imitate, present, personate, represent

make [verb]

means "action"
act, practice

mask [verb]

means "disguise"
masquerade, act, pose, dissemble, pretend

masquerade [verb]

means "disguise"
mask, act, pose, dissemble, pretend

officiate [verb]

means "direct"
preside, conduct, serve, act, function, command

operate [verb]

means "work"
drive, act, behave, handle, run, turn

operation [noun]

means "procedure"
act, action, execution, deed, manipulation, handling

performance [noun]

means "show"
act, appearance, exhibition, production, presentation, offering

play [verb]

means "activity"
act, characterise, characterize, enact, impersonate, perform

present [verb]

means "perform"
act, enact, imitate, impersonate, personate, represent

procedure [noun]

means "manoeuvre"
act, deed, transaction

rehearse [verb]

means "drill"
practice, train, repeat, recite, act

rider [noun]

means "legislative addition"
bill, measure, act, revision, amendment, supplement

sketch [noun]

means "art"
play, skit, act, routine, piece, stint

skit [noun]

means "play"
sketch, act, routine, piece, stint, monograph

writ [noun]

means "law"
award, verdict, decree, order, edict, act

acting [noun]

means "pretending"
feigning, impersonation, make believe

acting [noun]

means "behaving"
dramatizing, performing, pantomime, depiction, dramatic performance

acting [adjective]

means "pro tem"
temporary, alternate, deputy, surrogate

action [noun]

means "thing"
mechanism, apparatus, contrivance

action [noun]

means "movement"
activity, moving, response, operation, energy, performance, business

action [noun]

means "law"
lawsuit, case, claim, litigation, proceeding, process, suit

action [noun]

means "deed"

action [noun]

means "conflict"
affair, sortie, battle, contest, brush, combat, encounter

action [noun]

means "behaviour"
practice, conduct

actions [noun]

means "behaviour"
action, manners, response, comportment, performance, demeanour, conduct

activate [verb]

means "enliven"
animate, quicken, energise, energize, vitalise, vitalize

active [adjective]

means "quality"
practical, applicable, applied, working

active [adjective]

means "property"
busy, tireless, animated, diligent, eager, earnest, efficient

active [adjective]

means "movement"
living, acting, mobile, alive, motive, dynamic, operative

active [adjective]

means "finance"
profitable, busy, interest-bearing

active [adjective]

means "agility"
fast, lissome, alert, mercurial, brisk, sharp, lively

activist [noun]

means "romantic"
visionary, romanticist, radical, idealist

activity [noun]

means "movement"
action, moving, response, operation, energy, performance, business

actor [noun]

means "arts"
artiste, artist, actress, singer, thespian

actress [noun]

means "artiste"
actor, artist, singer, thespian

actual [adjective]

means "true"
absolute, existent, categorical, extant, certain, factual, decided

actual [adjective]

means "real"
present, existent, tangible, substantive, concrete, material

actuality [noun]

means "existence"
presence, life, reality, being, animation

actualize [verb]

means "realize"
complete, perfect, make good

actually [object]

means "precisely"
right, truly, really

actuate [verb]

means "propel"
push, drive, move, impel

enactment [noun]

means "theatrical representation"
acting, playing, personification, dramatisation, dramatization, portrayal

fact [noun]

means "matter"
truth, actuality, certainty, reality, verity, certitude

factual [adjective]

means "accurate"
legitimate, actual, amended, nice, sound, exact

practically [object]

means "virtually"
in effect, substantially, almost, nearly, actually, essentially

radioactive [adjective]

means "hot"
dangerous, active, poisonous

accomplish [verb]

means "achieve"
execute, complete, actualise, actualize, effectuate, effect

accurate [adjective]

means "correct"
legitimate, actual, amended, nice, sound, exact

agency [noun]

means "means"
vehicle, medium, instrument, action, power

agile [adjective]

means "agility"
nimble, active, quick, spry, brisk, sprightly

alert [adjective]

means "sharp-witted"
swift, active, intelligent, quick, brisk, agile

alive [adjective]

means "behaviour"
stirring, active

alive [adjective]

means "animal"
having life, animate, breathing, living, vital, active

animate [verb]

means "enliven"
activate, quicken, energise, energize, vitalise, vitalize

animation [noun]

means "life"
vitality, vigour, vivacity, activity, energy, spirit

artist [noun]

means "art"
actor, actress, singer, thespian

artiste [noun]

means "artist"
actor, actress, singer, thespian

assume [verb]

means "action"
fake, act out

authentic [adjective]

means "genuine"
actual, legitimate, bona fide, true, real, veritable

being [noun]

means "existence"
presence, life, reality, actuality, animation

brush [noun]

means "conflict"
combat, action, scrap, affair, battle, collision

busy [adjective]

means "agility"
active, vigourous, energetic, lively, brisk, bustling

case [noun]

means "law"
litigation, lawsuit, action, process, suit, trial

certainty [noun]

means "truth"
reality, fact, actuality, validity, verity

complete [verb]

means "achieve"
execute, accomplish, actualise, actualize, effectuate, effect

conduct [noun]

means "behaviour"
action, manners, response, comportment, performance, demeanour, actions

confrontation [noun]

means "combat"
action, fight, affair, affray, battle, conflict

correct [adjective]

means "accurate"
legitimate, actual, amended, nice, sound, exact

deed [noun]

means "act"

depiction [noun]

means "behaving"
dramatizing, performing, pantomime, acting, dramatic performance

deportment [noun]

means "behaviour"
action, manners, response, comportment, performance, demeanour, actions

disposal [noun]

means "disposition"
action, provision, conclusion, determination

drama [noun]

means "activity"
acting, farce, showmanship, climax, emotion, tension

dramatisation [noun]

means "theatrical representation"
acting, playing, personification, enactment, dramatization, portrayal

dramatization [noun]

means "theatrical representation"
acting, playing, personification, dramatisation, enactment, portrayal

effective [adjective]

means "in force"
prevailing, active, sovereign, standing, operative

effectuate [verb]

means "achieve"
execute, accomplish, actualise, actualize, complete, effect

effervescence [noun]

means "liveliness"
animation, gaiety, zip, excitement, vigour, action

embody [verb]

means "manifest"
actualise, actualize, externalise, externalize, incarnate, materialise

energise [verb]

means "enliven"
activate, quicken, animate, energize, vitalise, vitalize

energize [verb]

means "enliven"
activate, quicken, energise, animate, vitalise, vitalize

exercise [noun]

means "action"
activity, exertion, labour, toil, work

exertion [noun]

means "action"
activity, exercise, labour, toil, work

existence [noun]

means "being"
actuality, reality

existent [adjective]

means "true"
absolute, actual, categorical, extant, certain, factual

fast [adjective]

means "mental condition"
active, alert, energetic, quick

feigning [noun]

means "pretending"
acting, impersonation, make believe

fight [noun]

means "conflict"
action, confrontation, affair, affray, battle, combat

fresh [adjective]

means "property"
spry, sprightly, alert, active

frisky [adjective]

means "playful"
jaunty, dashing, dapper, active, gleeful, spirited

fulfilled [adjective]

means "completed"
realized, satisfied, attained, actualized, consummated, concluded

fuss [noun]

means "commotion"
trouble, activity, fret, complaint, ado, solicitude

genuine [adjective]

means "not hypocritical"
sincere, unaffected, real, bona fide, actual, authentic

genuine [adjective]

means "authentic"
authenticated, real, true, original, actual, certified

histrionic [adjective]

means "dramatic"
affected, theatrical, artificial, acting

histrionics [noun]

means "theatrical mannerisms"
drama, dramatic performance, showmanship, acting

homework [noun]

means "undertaking"
business, activity, work, project, lesson

idealist [noun]

means "romantic"
visionary, romanticist, radical, activist

impel [verb]

means "propel"
push, drive, move, actuate

in effect [object]

means "virtually"
practically, substantially, almost, nearly, actually, essentially

in force [adjective]

means "effective"
prevailing, active, sovereign, standing, operative

in reality [adjective]

means "in truth"
in actuality, really, in fact, actually, truly, indeed

incumbent [adjective]

means "in office"
elected, inaugurated, acting, official

indisputable [adjective]

means "real"
actual, true, undeniable

influence [verb]

means "induce"
incite, persuade, impel, instigate, move, activate, actuate

instigate [verb]

means "induce"
incite, persuade, impel, influence, move, activate, actuate

kick off [verb]

means "start"
activate, inaugurate, begin, launch, commence, open

lawsuit [noun]

means "suit"
litigation, action, proceeding, petition, plea, entreaty

life [noun]

means "characteristic"
animation, vitality, vigour, vivacity, activity, energy

lissome [adjective]

means "agile"
fast, active, alert, mercurial, brisk, sharp

litigation [noun]

means "lawsuit"
suit, action, proceeding, petition, plea, entreaty

live [adjective]

means "property"
active, energetic, vital, vivid, dynamic, vigourous

lively [adjective]

means "agility"
energetic, active, vigourous, vivacious, animated, brisk

living [adjective]

means "property"
active, lively, vigourous, quickening, strong

make believe [noun]

means "pretending"
feigning, impersonation, acting

materialise [verb]

means "appear"
emerge, loom, arise, arize, manifest, actualise, actualize

materialize [verb]

means "appear"
emerge, loom, arise, arize, manifest, actualise, actualize

mercurial [adjective]

means "agile"
fast, lissome, alert, active, brisk, sharp

mettlesome [adjective]

means "high spirited"
spirited, spunky, vigourous, active, high-spirited, fiery

militant [noun]

means "terrorist"
radical, activist, revolutionary, rioter, protestor, demonstrator

move [noun]

means "movement"
action, motion, progress, transit

movement [noun]

means "action"
transit, change, move, activity, motion, progress

natural [adjective]

means "physical"
actual, tangible, real

operating [adjective]

means "working"
functioning, running, going, producing, acting, performing

operation [noun]

means "effect"
action, efficacy, force, influence, virtue

pantomime [noun]

means "behaving"
dramatizing, performing, acting, depiction, dramatic performance

performing [adjective]

means "executing"
doing, acting, effecting

persuade [verb]

means "influence"
actuate, inveigle, entice, impel, exhort, induce

play [noun]

means "action"
activity, exercise, motion, movement, operation

player [noun]

means "art"
actor, performer, actress, entertainer, thespian

playing [noun]

means "theatrical representation"
acting, enactment, personification, dramatisation, dramatization, portrayal

positively [object]

means "really"
indeed, in reality, actually, in truth, truly, in fact

project [noun]

means "undertaking"
business, activity, work, homework, lesson

quick [adjective]

means "agility"
alert, active, agile, animated, brisk, energetic

quicken [verb]

means "animate"
arouse, enliven, revitalise, revitalize, activate, spring

real [adjective]

means "property"
genuine, actual, authentic, true, sincere, indisputable

realise [verb]

means "actualise"
actualize, accomplish, complete, perfect, effect, effectuate

reality [noun]

means "existence"
presence, life, being, actuality, animation

realize [verb]

means "actualise"
actualize, accomplish, complete, perfect, effect, effectuate

really [object]

means "fact"
actually, in reality, indeed, in effect, in fact, certainly

right [object]

means "manner"
precisely, actually, truly

sappy [adjective]

means "energetic"
vigourous, dynamic, spirited, active, powerful, competent

sharp [adjective]

means "character trait"
observant, alert, astute, bright, active, discerning

sharp [adjective]

means "agility"
lively, brisk, energetic, active, quick

sharp-witted [adjective]

means "alert"
swift, active, intelligent, quick, brisk, agile

sincere [adjective]

means "genuine"
real, true, actual, bona fide, earnest, honest

singer [noun]

means "person"
artiste, actor, actress, artist, thespian

smart [adjective]

means "agility"
vigourous, brisk, energetic, lively, active, effective, nimble, alert, prompt, quick, active

solicit [verb]

means "stimulate"
activate, excite, arouse, awaken, incite, influence

sprightly [adjective]

means "spry"
fresh, alert, active

spry [adjective]

means "energetic"
active, vigourous, vivacious, animated, brisk, quick

strenuous [adjective]

means "energetic"
vigourous, zealous, spirited, active, animated, forceful

substantial [adjective]

means "real"
actual, tangible, concrete, material, physical, visible

substantiate [verb]

means "materialize"
materialise, actualise, actualize, embody, externalise, externalize

suit [noun]

means "law"
litigation, action, proceeding, petition, plea, entreaty

swarming [adjective]

means "bustling"

tangible [adjective]

means "perceptible"
evident, actual, certain, plain, real, obvious

terrorist [noun]

means "militant"
radical, activist, revolutionary, rioter, protestor, demonstrator

thespian [noun]

means "actor"
performer, player, histrionic artist, dramatist, stage player, actress

touchable [adjective]

means "tangible"
tactile, palpable, actual, real, concrete, material

transit [noun]

means "movement"
action, motion, progress, move

treat [verb]

means "behaviour"
consider, regard, approach, look upon, deal with, act toward

true [adjective]

means "authentic"
actual, real, genuine, factual, truthful, veritable

truly [object]

means "precisely"
actually, right, absolutely

truth [noun]

means "fact"
veracity, actuality, genuineness, accuracy, exactness, precision

up and coming [adjective]

means "prospering"
active, busy, advancing, successful, occupied, engaged

urge [verb]

means "activity"
activate, move

use [verb]

means "activity"
treat, manage, handle, deal with, act toward, behave toward

vehicle [noun]

means "instrument"
agency, medium, means, action, power

veracity [noun]

means "accuracy"
precision, exactness, correctness, actuality, authenticity

veritable [adjective]

means "authentic"
actual, real, genuine, factual, truthful, true

verity [noun]

means "truth"
actuality, certainty, reality, fact, certitude, truism

vigor [noun]

means "vitality"
quickness, action

vigorous [adjective]

means "powerful"
active, lively, dynamic, energetic, zealous, forceful

vital [adjective]

means "agility"
vigourous, lively, energetic, active, animated

vitality [noun]

means "animation"
life, vigour, vivacity, activity, energy, spirit

vivacious [adjective]

means "energetic"
active, vigourous, lively, animated, brisk, quick

wake [verb]

means "activity"
animate, activate, provoke, stimulate, motivate, kindle

willing [adjective]

means "zealous"
enthusiastic, eager, active, energetic, prompt

working [adjective]

means "practical"
applicable, applied, active

zip [noun]

means "agility"

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