
Synonym for bat [verb]

The synonym bat synonymous definition words:
means "blow"
knock, hit, rap, swat, sock, whack, strike
- conjugate verb bat
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bat [noun]

means "stick"
club, mallet, racket, pole

bat [noun]

means "baseball concept"
round, turn, up
Further results for the word "bat"

billy [noun]

means "stick"
bat, cudgel, bludgeon, shillelagh, club

bludgeon [noun]

means "stick"
bat, cudgel, club, shillelagh, billy

club [noun]

means "thing"
stick, bat, cudgel, bludgeon, shillelagh, billy

mallet [noun]

means "stick"
club, bat, racket, pole, hammer

stick [noun]

means "thing"
bat, billet

swat [verb]

means "blow"
knock, hit, rap, bat, sock, whack

thump [verb]

means "rap"
bat, tap, cudgel, hit, slap, beat

wink [verb]

means "twinkle"
sparkle, gleam, flash, bat, nictitate

abate [verb]

means "discount"
allow, bate, deduct, rebate, remit, subtract

bat around [verb]

means "debate"
discuss, talk about, consider, cruise, journey, tour

batch [noun]

means "cluster"
bunch, bundle, clump, pack, group, stack

bath [noun]

means "place"
bathroom, lavatory, shower, spa, sauna, shower room

bathe [verb]

means "wash"
shower, soak, immerse, douse

bathing [noun]

means "shower"
bath, sauna, shower room

bathing suit [noun]

means "swim suit"

bathroom [noun]

means "bath"
lavatory, shower, spa, sauna, shower room

baton [noun]

means "wand"
rod, staff, club, truncheon, night stick, billy club, stick

battalion [noun]

means "armed force"
military, troops, infantry, army, corps

batten [verb]

means "prosper"
luxuriate, be successful, flower, grow, flourish, increase, burgeon

batter [verb]

means "pound"
beat, buffet, smash, shatter, break, mangle, smack

batter [verb]

means "abuse"
mistreat, beat up, bruise, mishandle, smack, pummel, lash

batter [noun]

means "dough"
mix, paste, preparation

battered [adjective]

means "beaten"
bruised, attacked, pounded, hit

battery [noun]

means "set"
series, array, chain, sequence, bank

battery [noun]

means "gunnery unit"

battery [noun]

means "attack"
beating, violence, assault, aggression, hitting

battle [verb]

means "conflict"
fight, attack, combat, skirmish, struggle, resist

battle [noun]

means "conflict"
combat, clash, strife, struggle, contention, contest, fight

battlefield [noun]

means "field"
terrain, terminal, airfield, airport, range

battlement [noun]

means "bulwark"
barrier, bastion, bunker, rampart, dike, wall

combat [noun]

means "armed conflict"
battle, warfare, fighting, encounter, conflict, contest

action [noun]

means "conflict"
affair, sortie, battle, contest, brush, combat

anarchism [noun]

means "disturbance"
hubbub, brawl, battle, stir, bustle, discord

army [noun]

means "armed forces"
military, troops, infantry, battalion, corps

backlog [noun]

means "reserve"
supply, quantity, stock, batch, queue

bang [verb]

means "strike"
pound, batter, slap, burst, slam, smash

baste [verb]

means "beat"
thrash, trounce, club, pummel, lambaste, batter

beat [verb]

means "action"
strike, hit, batter, punch, cudgel, knock

beat up [verb]

means "abuse"
mistreat, batter, bruise, mishandle, smack, pummel

beating [noun]

means "attack"
battery, violence, assault, aggression, hitting

bikini [noun]

means "swim suit"
bathing suit, bathing costume

bleeding [noun]

means "carnage"
gore, battle, slaughter, butchery, killing, bloodshed

bloodshed [noun]

means "carnage"
gore, battle, slaughter, butchery, killing, bleeding

break [verb]

means "activity"
crash, batter, dash, crush, demolish, fracture

brush [noun]

means "conflict"
combat, action, scrap, affair, battle, collision

buffet [verb]

means "hit"
beat, batter, strike, flail, slap, flap

bunch [noun]

means "thing"
cluster, batch, bundle, clump, pack, group

butt [verb]

means "bump with the head"
bump, batter, ram, run into

campaign [verb]

means "wage war"
war, fight, battle, invade

cannon [noun]

means "gunnery unit"

clash [noun]

means "disagreement"
disharmony, conflict, struggle, strife, battle, opposition

club [verb]

means "activity"
beat, bludgeon, batter, pommel, whack, hit

cluster [noun]

means "bunch"
clump, batch, group, knot, bundle, tuft

conflict [verb]

means "contest"
fight, battle, combat, contend, struggle, interfere

confrontation [noun]

means "combat"
action, fight, affair, affray, battle, conflict

contest [verb]

means "fight"
battle, contend, struggle, wrangle, compete, combat

contest [noun]

means "conflict"
battle, struggle, combat, fray, encounter, contention

corps [noun]

means "armed force"
military, troops, infantry, battalion, army

cruise [verb]

means "speech"
debate, discuss, talk about, consider, bat around

cudgel [verb]

means "strike"
hit, batter, punch, beat, knock, pound

decrease [verb]

means "decline"
lower, abate, bate, reduce, contract, drain

dip [noun]

means "swim"
plunge, bath, dive

discount [verb]

means "abate"
allow, bate, deduct, rebate, remit, subtract

disorder [noun]

means "disturbance"
hubbub, brawl, battle, stir, bustle, discord

encounter [verb]

means "attack"
strike, battle, struggle, cope with

encounter [noun]

means "fight"
clash, battle, passage, combat, shock, conflict

examination [noun]

means "test"
quiz, review, trial, questionnaire, practical, battery

field [noun]

means "place"
battlefield, terrain, terminal, airfield, airport, range

fight [verb]

means "activity"
battle, clash, challenge, scramble, combat, resist

fight [noun]

means "conflict"
action, confrontation, affair, affray, battle, combat

flail [verb]

means "hit"
beat, batter, strike, buffet, slap, flap

flourish [verb]

means "prosper"
luxuriate, be successful, flower, grow, batten, increase

freshen up [verb]

means "clean up"
bathe, air

graze [verb]

means "feed on grass"

group [noun]

means "quantity"
collection, set, sort, array, batch, bunch

hitting [noun]

means "attack"
beating, violence, assault, aggression, battery

immersion [noun]

means "washing"
soaking, shower, showering, bath, soak

infantry [noun]

means "armed force"
military, troops, army, battalion, corps

injure [verb]

means "activity"
torment, torture, batter, afflict, sting, pique

interfere [verb]

means "contest"
fight, battle, combat, contend, struggle, conflict

lavatory [noun]

means "bathroom"
bath, shower, spa, sauna, shower room, toilet

legion [noun]

means "army"
battalion, troops, brigade, division, company, detachment

lot [noun]

means "group"
assortment, bunch, set, batch, crowd, array

mashed [adjective]

means "crushed"
pressed, pulpy, pounded, battered, smashed

mass [noun]

means "thing"
lump, hunk, chunk, piece, batch, portion

maul [verb]

means "beat"
bruise, mangle, batter, pound, whip, trample

military [noun]

means "armed force"
army, troops, infantry, battalion, corps

offence [noun]

means "attack"
aggression, battery, assault, onset

offense [noun]

means "attack"
aggression, battery, assault, onset

oppose [verb]

means "conflict"
fight, violate, combat, battle, counter, confront

parcel [noun]

means "amount"
lot, batch, collection, group, quantity

paste [noun]

means "thing"
batter, purée

pelt [verb]

means "beat"
batter, knock, hit, belabour, strike

pressed [adjective]

means "crushed"
mashed, pulpy, pounded, battered, smashed

prosper [verb]

means "flourish"
luxuriate, be successful, flower, grow, batten, increase

pummel [verb]

means "beat"
thrash, trounce, club, baste, lambaste, batter

rampart [noun]

means "bulwark"
barrier, bastion, bunker, wall, dike, battlement

rinse [noun]

means "bath water"
bath, suds, wash

ruminate [verb]

means "feed on grass"

scepter [noun]

means "ornamental rod"
mace, wand, staff, baton, rod, badge of office

shatter [verb]

means "break"

shower [noun]

means "place"
bath, sauna, shower room

smash [verb]

means "break"

soaking [noun]

means "washing"
bath, shower, showering, immersion, soak

stack [noun]

means "heap"
mound, pile, accumulation, mass, batch, store

strife [noun]

means "disagreement"
disharmony, conflict, struggle, clash, battle, opposition

struggle [verb]

means "fight"
conflict, battle, grapple, oppose, contend, contest

struggle [noun]

means "fight"
battle, clash, conflict, skirmish, strife, contest

suds [noun]

means "bath water"
rinse, bath, wash

swim [verb]

means "activity"
dip, plunge, bath, dive

thrive [verb]

means "blossom"
flower, bloom, grow, burgeon, batten, wax

toilet [noun]

means "appearance"
dressing, grooming, bathing, showering

troops [noun]

means "armed force"
military, army, infantry, battalion, corps

trounce [verb]

means "thrash"
flog, lambaste, batter, abuse, pommel

tuft [noun]

means "bunch"
clump, batch, group, knot, bundle, cluster

wage war [verb]

means "campaign"
war, fight, battle, invade

wall [noun]

means "thing"

wane [verb]

means "decline"
lower, abate, bate, reduce, contract, drain

war [noun]

means "conflict"
battle, warfare, fighting, encounter, contest, combat

warfare [noun]

means "armed conflict"
battle, combat, fighting, encounter, conflict, contest

wash [verb]

means "activity"
bathe, shower, soak, immerse, douse

wash [noun]

means "activity"
washing, bathing, cleansing, ablution

wet [verb]

means "activity"
soak, drench, saturate, deluge, bathe, douse

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