
Synonym for form [verb]

The synonym form synonymous definition words:
- conjugate verb form
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form [verb]

means "origin"
make, create, originate, produce, compose, constitute, make up, invent

form [verb]

means "education"
teach, discipline, rear, educate, instruct, train

form [verb]

means "activity"
arrange, combine, dispose, order, organise, organize, systematise, systematize, invent, contrive, devise, frame

form [noun]

means "thing"
appearance, plan, conformation, cast, framework, configuration, structure, cut

form [noun]

means "shape"
model, mould, pattern

form [noun]

means "process"
formula, approach, method, mode, practice, procedure, system

form [noun]

means "manner"
arrangement, kind, order, sort, style, type

form [noun]

means "group"
assemblage, organisation, organization

form [noun]

means "event"
ceremony, ceremonial, conformity, liturgy, convention, formality, formula, ritual

form [noun]

means "application"
duplicate, blank, questionnaire, pattern, document, paper
Further results for the word "form"

anatomy [noun]

means "structure of the body"
bone structure, physique, shape, figure, form, skeleton

arrange [verb]

means "place"
order, array, form

bench [noun]

means "thing"
pew, bank, seat, stall, settee, form

blank [noun]

means "thing"
form, questionnaire, application

block [verb]

means "thing"
form, mould, shape, pattern, press, steam

cast [noun]

means "characteristic"
appearance, mien, semblance, demeanour, form, guise

combine [verb]

means "associate"
couple, connect, link, affiliate, incorporate, form

composition [noun]

means "arrangement"
form, symmetry, proportion, harmony, consonance, agreement

conformation [noun]

means "structure"
shape, form, formation, symmetry

construction [noun]

means "structure"
arrangement, form

contour [verb]

means "shape"
form, carve, mould

contour [noun]

means "outline"
shape, profile, form, silhouette, conformation, figure

create [verb]

means "activity"
make, constitute, produce, effect, form, erect

custom [noun]

means "convention"
order, proprieties, manner, form, way, formality

cut [noun]

means "characteristic"
fashion, form, garb, kind, stamp, mode

develop [verb]

means "grow"
acquire, mature, form, evolve, advance, ripen

discipline [verb]

means "instruct"
form, prepare, drill, control, harden, educate

draw [verb]

means "activity"
formulate, compose, draw up, form, frame, prepare

educate [verb]

means "teach"
discipline, rear, form, instruct, train

establish [verb]

means "found"
locate, fix, place, form, situate, constitute

evolve [verb]

means "grow"
acquire, mature, form, develop, advance, ripen

extrude [verb]

means "force out"
squeeze out, protrude, expel, form, shape

fabricate [verb]

means "build"
form, construct, erect, frame, make, manufacture

fashion [verb]

means "construct"
forge, form, contrive, frame, make, mould

formulate [verb]

means "draw"
compose, draw up, form, frame, prepare, write

garb [noun]

means "style"
form, mode, semblance, cut, guise, fashion

image [noun]

means "thing"
representation, figure, likeness, semblance, form, icon

make [noun]

means "characteristic"
brand, style, build, form, shape, structure

manner [noun]

means "method"
custom, fashion, mode, style, way, form

model [verb]

means "activity"
form, design, fashion, mould, pattern, plan

mold [verb]

means "fashion"
form, model, shape, make, forge

mould [verb]

means "fashion"
form, model, shape, make, forge

organisation [noun]

means "design"
plan, form, creation, structure, construction, grouping

organization [noun]

means "design"
plan, form, creation, structure, construction, grouping

pew [noun]

means "lawn-seat"
bench, bank, seat, stall, settee, form

physique [noun]

means "structure of the body"
bone structure, anatomy, shape, figure, form, skeleton

profile [noun]

means "outline"
shape, contour, form, silhouette, conformation, figure

semblance [noun]

means "appearance"
exterior, form, aspect, air, bearing, mien

settee [noun]

means "furniture"
pew, bank, seat, stall, bench, form

shape [verb]

means "activity"
mould, model, form, fashion, sculpt, carve

shape [noun]

means "appearance"
form, figure, build, contour, frame, silhouette

state [noun]

means "constitution"
form, phase, structure

statue [noun]

means "representation"
figure, likeness, semblance, form, icon, idol

structure [noun]

means "construction"
form, shape

style [noun]

means "characteristic"
kind, sort, form, type, character, appearance

turn [verb]

means "activity"
form, mould, shape, fashion

type [noun]

means "sort"
kind, classification, form, class, breed, group

type [noun]

means "object"
symbol, character, image, sign, form, figure

version [noun]

means "account"
rendition, form, story, report, variant

weave [verb]

means "contrive"
fabricate, spin, compose, construct, form

work [verb]

means "activity"
form, fashion, make, finish, execute

formal [adjective]

means "property"
ceremonial, orthodox, ceremonious, sententious, conventional, ritual, explicit, express, official, rigid, rigourous, strict, stodgy, fixed, methodical, regular, rigid, rigourous, set, stiff

formal [adjective]

means "characteristic"
prim, ceremonious, precise, punctilious, starched, stiff

formal [adjective]

means "agreement"
conforming, conformist, conventional

formality [noun]

means "official act"
ritual, rite, ceremony

formality [noun]

means "observing customs"
ceremony, conventionality, correctness, etiquette, protocol, behaviour, decorum

formality [noun]

means "being precise and ceremonious"
rigidity, sententiousness, conventionality

formally [object]

means "strictly"
by the book, rigourously, officially

formation [noun]

means "configuration"
disposition, arrangement, pattern, constellation, shape, order

formation [noun]

means "being formed"
creation, arrangement, constitution, fabrication, development, crystallisation, crystallization, accumulation

formative [adjective]

means "influential"
sensitive, determinative, pliant, soft, flaccid, malleable

formed [adjective]

means "shaped"
moulded, created, carved, forged, built

formerly [object]

means "earlier"
sooner, previously, before, already, heretofore, once, erstwhile

formidable [adjective]

means "overpowering"
all-powerful, overwhelming

formidable [adjective]

means "dreadful"
fierce, appalling, impregnable, dread, fearful, frightful, horrible

formula [noun]

means "symbolic representation"
theorem, ratio, recipe

formula [noun]

means "exact method"
method, recipe, prescription, description, blueprint

formula [noun]

means "established mode of speech"
creed, credo, code, ritual, protocol, custom

formulation [noun]

means "fabrication"
conception, composition, devising, making, producing, shaping

already [object]

means "earlier"
sooner, previously, formerly, before, heretofore, once

ambitious [adjective]

means "challenging"
severe, rigourous, difficult, formidable

austere [adjective]

means "grave"

austerity [noun]

means "inflexibility"
hardness, stiffness, rigidity, acerbity, formality

awful [adjective]

means "property"
fearful, appalling, dire, dreadful, formidable, frightful

before [object]

means "time"
earlier, sooner, previously, formerly, already, heretofore

build [verb]

means "activity"
found, establish, institute, organise, organize, formulate

business-like [adjective]

means "methodical"
correct, regular, formal, systematic, orderly

by the book [object]

means "strictly"
formally, rigourously, officially

canon [noun]

means "rule"
order, formula, regulation, law, command

carved [adjective]

means "shaped"
moulded, created, formed, forged, built

ceremonial [adjective]

means "ritual"
formal, stately, solemn, ceremonious, triumphal, conventional

ceremonious [adjective]

means "prim"
formal, precise, punctilious, starched, stiff

ceremony [noun]

means "ritual"
formality, rite, observance, practice, liturgy, service

challenging [adjective]

means "ambitious"
severe, rigourous, difficult, formidable

chill [adjective]

means "unfriendly"
indifferent, distant, aloof, unresponsive, cold, formal

circumstance [noun]

means "pomp"
ceremony, formality, ritual, solemnity

composition [noun]

means "creation"
invention, conception, origination, innovation, shaping, formation

conceive [verb]

means "imagine"
formulate, fancy

conception [noun]

means "beginning"
inception, creation, formation, genesis, birth, generation

concoct [verb]

means "combine ingredients"
prepare, formulate, combine, compound, brew, cook

constellation [noun]

means "configuration"
disposition, arrangement, pattern, formation, shape, order

constituent [adjective]

means "component"
constituting, forming, combining, integral, fundamental, elemental

constituting [adjective]

means "component"
constituent, forming, combining, integral, fundamental, elemental

contrive [verb]

means "devise"
concoct, design, formulate, invent, prepare, hatch

conventionality [noun]

means "behaviour"
conformity, fashion, trend, custom, formality, style

create [verb]

means "activity"
conceive, devise, formulate

credo [noun]

means "established mode of speech"
creed, formula, code, ritual, protocol, custom

declamatory [adjective]

means "eloquent"
oratorical, rhetorical, fluent, formal

decorum [noun]

means "observing customs"

dictate [verb]

means "compose"
speak, deliver, interview, formulate, record

dignified [adjective]

means "solemn"
formal, ceremonial, ceremonious, ritual, serious, sedate

discovery [noun]

means "findings"
results, formula, find, invention, breakthrough

dogmatic [adjective]

means "unchangeable"
inevitable, categorical, immovable, formal, unqualified, eternal

draft [verb]

means "activity"
draw up, plan, sketch, outline, formulate, delineate

dread [adjective]

means "terrible"
formidable, dire, dreadful, frightful, horrible

earlier [object]

means "before"
sooner, previously, formerly, already, heretofore, once

early [adjective]

means "time"
previous, primitive, primordial, former

edit [verb]

means "be editor of"
publish, formulate, distribute, issue, regulate

erstwhile [adjective]

means "earlier"
sooner, previously, formerly, already, heretofore, once

etiquette [noun]

means "observing customs"
ceremony, conventionality, correctness, formality, protocol, behaviour

fashion [noun]

means "behaviour"
conformity, conventionality, trend, custom, formality, style

fearful [adjective]

means "awful"
appalling, dire, dreadful, formidable, frightful, horrible

flaccid [adjective]

means "infirm"
loose, slack, pliant, soft, limp, formative

generation [noun]

means "production"
formation, engendering, creation, origination, invention

genteel [adjective]

means "cultured"

gestation [noun]

means "making ready"
priming, formation, preparing, manufacture, establishment, preparation

gesture [noun]

means "minor concession"
posture, formality, attitude, display, appearance

hard [adjective]

means "property"
complicated, complex, formidable, difficult, intricate, perplexing

hardness [noun]

means "inflexibility"
austerity, stiffness, rigidity, acerbity, formality

heretofore [object]

means "earlier"
sooner, previously, formerly, already, before, once

horrible [adjective]

means "frightful"
appalling, awful, dire, dreadful, formidable, ghastly

initially [object]

means "originally"
primarily, first, formerly, basically

invent [verb]

means "activity"
concoct, lie, formulate, conceive, devise, create

late [adjective]

means "property"
dead, departed, defunct, extinct, lifeless, former

layout [noun]

means "scheme"
plan, blueprint, contrivance, design, strategy, formula

limp [adjective]

means "infirm"
loose, slack, pliant, soft, flaccid, formative

make-up [noun]

means "composition"
design, arrangement, formation, structure, scheme

making [noun]

means "fabrication"
conception, composition, devising, formulation, producing, shaping

making [adjective]

means "creating"
building, fashioning, forming, manufacturing, producing, shaping

method [noun]

means "manner"
procedure, routine, formula, mode, process, technique

methodical [adjective]

means "orderly"
correct, regular, formal, systematic, business-like

motto [noun]

means "principle"
formula, rule, truism, credo, tenet

nominal [adjective]

means "stated"
formal, so-called, mentioned, titular, suggested, simple

nostrum [noun]

means "panacea"
elixir, cure-all, placebo, remedy, medicine, formula

official [adjective]

means "customary"
formal, fitting, suitable, befitting, established, ceremonious

once [object]

means "time"
formerly, previously, long ago, earlier, before, already

once upon a time [adjective]

means "long ago"

one-time [adjective]

means "bygone"
erstwhile, late, old, once, former, past

orderly [adjective]

means "methodical"
correct, regular, formal, systematic, business-like

originally [object]

means "initially"
primarily, first, formerly, basically

origination [noun]

means "creation"
invention, conception, composition, innovation, shaping, formation

past [adjective]

means "property"
former, antecedent, prior, preceding, foregoing, anterior

pedant [noun]

means "intellectual"
scholar, pedagogue, formalist, doctrinaire, methodologist, bluestocking

plan [noun]

means "representation"
formula, premeditation

premeditation [noun]

means "scheme"
layout, blueprint, contrivance, design, strategy, formula

preparation [noun]

means "making ready"
priming, formation, preparing, manufacture, establishment, gestation

prescription [noun]

means "exact method"
method, recipe, formula, description, blueprint

previous [adjective]

means "earlier"
antecedent, foregoing, former, preceding, prior

previously [object]

means "earlier"
sooner, before, formerly, already, heretofore, once

prig [noun]

means "prude"
pedant, puritan, bigot, formalist, snob, fuddy-duddy

primordial [adjective]

means "previous"
primitive, early, former

proper [adjective]

means "property"
correct, accurate, exact, formal, just, precise

quondam [adjective]

means "preceding"
former, lapsed, ancient, extinct, past, prior

recipe [noun]

means "model"
method, formula, prescription, description, blueprint

redoubtable [adjective]

means "resolute"
firm, steadfast, uncompromising, formidable, stalwart

rehearsal [noun]

means "making ready"
priming, formation, preparing, manufacture, establishment, gestation

results [noun]

means "findings"
discovery, formula, find, invention, breakthrough

rigidity [noun]

means "inflexibility"
hardness, stiffness, austerity, acerbity, formality

ritual [adjective]

means "ceremonial"

solemn [adjective]

means "property"
dignified, formal, ceremonial, ceremonious, ritual, serious

stalwart [adjective]

means "resolute"
firm, steadfast, uncompromising, formidable, redoubtable

starched [adjective]

means "prim"
ceremonious, precise, punctilious, formal, stiff

stiff [adjective]

means "characteristic"
formal, ceremonious, prim, priggish, punctilious, constrained

stiffness [noun]

means "inflexibility"
hardness, austerity, rigidity, acerbity, formality

stodgy [adjective]

means "explicit"
express, official, rigid, rigourous, strict, formal

stoical [adjective]

means "grave"

strictly [object]

means "by the book"
formally, rigourously, officially

synthesis [noun]

means "combination"
organisation, organization, organism, amalgam, formation, arrangement

synthesis [noun]

means "building a whole"
creation, combination, union, integration, formation, construction

systematic [adjective]

means "methodical"
correct, regular, formal, orderly, business-like

theorem [noun]

means "symbolic representation"
formula, ratio, recipe

think up [verb]

means "imagine"
formulate, fancy

thorny [adjective]

means "troublesome"
bothersome, difficult, perplexing, formidable

triumphal [adjective]

means "ritual"
formal, stately, solemn, ceremonious, ceremonial, conventional

unchangeable [adjective]

means "dogmatic"
inevitable, categorical, immovable, formal, unqualified, eternal

visualise [verb]

means "imagine"
formulate, fancy

visualize [verb]

means "imagine"
formulate, fancy

wooden [adjective]

means "property"
clumsy, awkward, formal, rigid, stilted, stolid

word [verb]

means "language"
express, voice, phrase, put, formulate, style

write [verb]

means "language"
compose, draft, formulate, record

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