
Synonym for hap [noun]

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hazard [noun]

means "chance"
accident, possibility, uncertainty, venture, fortuity, hap

opportunity [noun]

means "luck"
fitness, fortuity, fortune, hap, possibility, probability

hapless [adjective]

means "unlucky"
doomed, poor, luckless, miserable, piteous, pitiable, star-crossed

happen [verb]

means "event"
occur, turn out, befall, transpire, come, chance, take place, come to pass

happiness [noun]

means "satisfaction"
rapture, blessedness, bliss, tranquillity

happiness [noun]

means "merriment"
mirth, cheer, vivacity, laughter, delight, exuberance

happy [adjective]

means "property"
fitting, appropriate, apt, befitting, felicitous, opportune, pertinent

happy [adjective]

means "characteristic"
fortunate, advantageous, favoured, lucky, propitious, prosperous, successful

happy [adjective]

means "behaviour"
laughing, shouting, cheering, sparkling, jesting, smiling

unhappy [adjective]

means "unfortunate"
unlucky, hapless, untimely, black

accident [noun]

means "incident"
fortune, happening, crash, pileup, wreck, bad luck

affair [noun]

means "society"
gathering, entertainment, party, rendezvous, event, happening

afoot [adjective]

means "stirring"
cooking, in progress, happening, forthcoming

aimless [adjective]

means "pointless"
purposeless, futile, fatuous, haphazard, accidental, random

aimless [adjective]

means "drifting"
stray, wandering, erratic, haphazard, rambling, wayward

anyhow [object]

means "property"
about, anywise, in any way, haphazardly

bad luck [noun]

means "incident"
fortune, happening, crash, pile-up, wreck, accident

blessed [adjective]

means "joyous"
happy, content, glad, ecstatic

blessedness [noun]

means "satisfaction"
rapture, happiness, bliss, tranquillity

blissful [adjective]

means "glad"
happy, blithe, cheerful, contented, delighted, gay

bright [adjective]

means "characteristic"
genial, happy

buoyancy [noun]

means "good humour"
gaiety, happiness, cheerfulness, cheer, light-heartedness

carefree [adjective]

means "untroubled"
unconcerned, jaunty, careless, nonchalant, lighthearted, happy

careless [adjective]

means "untroubled"
unconcerned, jaunty, carefree, nonchalant, lighthearted, happy

chance [verb]

means "event"
occur, arrive, befall, happen, come about, take place

cheerfulness [noun]

means "good humour"
gaiety, happiness, buoyancy, cheer, light-heartedness

come about [verb]

means "occur"
happen, take place, result, effect

come again [verb]

means "occur again"
recur, happen, repeat

come between [verb]

means "interpose"
interrupt, intervene, meddle, happen, obstruct

come over [verb]

means "overcome"
happen, befall, seize, take possession of

come to [verb]

means "result in"
result, conclude, happen

content [noun]

means "satisfaction"
contentment, happiness

contentment [noun]

means "ease"
comfort, happiness, relaxation, well-being, satisfaction

cooking [adjective]

means "stirring"
afoot, in progress, happening, forthcoming

debonair [adjective]

means "jaunty"
cheery, buoyant, pleasant, carefree, happy

delectation [noun]

means "pleasure"
happiness, delight, ecstasy, enjoyment, joy, rapture

delight [noun]

means "pleasure"
happiness, delectation, ecstasy, enjoyment, joy, rapture

delighted [adjective]

means "very pleased"
excited, happy, elated, ecstatic, entranced, exhilarated

drifting [adjective]

means "aimless"
stray, wandering, erratic, haphazard, rambling, wayward

ease [noun]

means "contentment"
comfort, happiness, relaxation, well-being

ecstasy [noun]

means "transport"
bliss, rapture, joy, happiness

ecstatic [adjective]

means "exhilarated"
rapt, intoxicated, happy, overjoyed, vivacious, rollicking

elation [noun]

means "hopefulness"
cheerfulness, happiness, brightness, enthusiasm, optimism, exhilaration

euphoria [noun]

means "feeling of well-being"
well-being, happiness, relaxation, giddiness, elation, ebullience

event [noun]

means "affair"
occurrence, eventuality, case, circumstance, episode, happening

eventuate [verb]

means "result"
come about in the end, terminate, happen, conclude, end, befall

exaltation [noun]

means "elation"
rapture, happiness, jubilation, exultation

exhilaration [noun]

means "hopefulness"
cheerfulness, happiness, brightness, enthusiasm, elation, optimism

fact [noun]

means "event"
happening, phenomenon, occurrence, incident, experience, episode

fall [verb]

means "event"
occur, happen, befall, arrive

fare [verb]

means "activity"
do, happen, manage, prosper, proceed, turn out

fortuitous [adjective]

means "lucky"
fortunate, happy

fortuitous [adjective]

means "accidental"
haphazard, casual, chance, incidental

frolicsome [adjective]

means "cheerful"
happy, convivial, gay, good-humoured, jovial, joyful

fruition [noun]

means "enjoyment"
delectation, pleasure, delight, gladness, gratification, happiness

gay [adjective]

means "character trait"
cheerful, happy, convivial, frolicsome, good-humoured, jovial

geniality [noun]

means "friendliness"
cheerfulness, warmth, kindliness, benevolence, happiness

giddiness [noun]

means "feeling of well-being"
well-being, happiness, relaxation, euphoria, elation, ebullience

glad [adjective]

means "state"
happy, delighted, pleased, elated, contented, gratified

glad [adjective]

means "property"
bright, happy, joyful, joyous, cheerful, light

good-humored [adjective]

means "cheerful"
amiable, good-natured, happy, pleasant, merry

high [adjective]

means "feeling"
happy, elated, merry, hilarious

hit [verb]

means "action"
find, discover, happen upon, come upon, meet with

in progress [adjective]

means "stirring"
cooking, afoot, happening, forthcoming

incident [noun]

means "event"
affair, happening, instant, circumstance, occasion, season

indiscriminate [adjective]

means "random"
haphazard, aimless, confused, indistinguishable, unplanned, purposeless

indistinguishable [adjective]

means "random"
haphazard, aimless, confused, indiscriminate, unplanned, purposeless

joviality [noun]

means "gaiety"
merriment, good humour, frolic, happiness, mirth, vivacity

joy [noun]

means "feeling"
pleasure, bliss, ecstasy, happiness, transport, enchantment

joyous [adjective]

means "blessed"
happy, content, glad, ecstatic

light [adjective]

means "feeling"
happy, carefree, cheerful, cheery, gay, light-hearted

locate [verb]

means "find"
discover, come across, position, happen upon, come upon

luckless [adjective]

means "unlucky"
unsuccessful, unfortunate, hapless, star-crossed, unhappy, ill-starred

occasion [noun]

means "event"
affair, happening, instant, circumstance, incident, season

opportunity [noun]

means "event"
juncture, happening, contingency

optimism [noun]

means "hopefulness"
cheerfulness, happiness, brightness, enthusiasm, elation, exhilaration

overjoyed [adjective]

means "exhilarated"
rapt, intoxicated, ecstatic, happy, vivacious, rollicking

pass [verb]

means "activity"
occur, go on, happen, take place

phenomenon [noun]

means "event"
circumstance, aspect, appearance, fact, happening, incident

pileup [noun]

means "incident"
fortune, happening, crash, accident, wreck, bad luck

piteous [adjective]

means "unlucky"
doomed, hapless, luckless, miserable, poor, pitiable

pleasure [noun]

means "enjoyment"
delectation, fruition, delight, gladness, gratification, happiness

poor [adjective]

means "state"
unlucky, doomed, hapless, luckless, miserable, piteous

pride [noun]

means "self-satisfaction"
self-respect, happiness

purposeless [adjective]

means "pointless"
aimless, futile, fatuous, haphazard, accidental, random

random [adjective]

means "indiscriminate"
haphazard, aimless, confused, indistinguishable, unplanned, purposeless

rapture [noun]

means "ecstasy"
bliss, transport, joy, happiness

rise [verb]

means "event"
happen, occur

rollicking [adjective]

means "exhilarated"
rapt, intoxicated, ecstatic, overjoyed, vivacious, happy

satisfaction [noun]

means "contentment"
gratification, happiness, complacency, relief, comfort, joy

self-respect [noun]

means "self-satisfaction"
pride, happiness

slapdash [adjective]

means "slipshod"
haphazard, messy, untidy, sloppy, thoughtless, disorderly

smiling [adjective]

means "laughing"
shouting, cheering, sparkling, jesting, happy

star-crossed [adjective]

means "unlucky"
doomed, hapless, luckless, miserable, piteous, pitiable

sunshine [noun]

means "cheer"
cheerfulness, happiness, gaiety, joy, encouragement, light-heartedness

take place [verb]

means "occur"
arrive, befall, happen, come about, chance, turn up

take possession of [verb]

means "overcome"
happen, befall, seize, come over

transport [noun]

means "ecstasy"
bliss, rapture, joy, happiness

turn up [verb]

means "occur"
arrive, befall, happen, come about, take place, chance

unfortunate [adjective]

means "unlucky"
unsuccessful, luckless, hapless, star-crossed, unhappy, ill-starred

unlucky [adjective]

means "unfortunate"
hapless, ill-fated, luckless, unsuccessful, catastrophic, ill-starred

wayward [adjective]

means "drifting"
stray, wandering, erratic, haphazard, rambling, aimless

well [adjective]

means "state"
successful, fortunate, well-off, happy

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