
Synonym for pit [noun]

The synonym pit synonymous definition words:
means "hollow"
dent, depression, indentation
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pit [noun]

means "excavation"
pitfall, trap, well

pit [noun]

means "cavity"
burrow, hole, hollow
Further results for the word "pit"

abyss [noun]

means "valley"
depth, gulf, pit, shaft, well, crater

bonanza [noun]

means "excavation"
quarry, pit, lode, shaft, well, tunnel

compete with [verb]

means "oppose"
pit, array, rival, match, play

crater [noun]

means "valley"
abyss, gulf, pit, shaft, well, depth

dent [noun]

means "indentation"
impression, dimple, depression, concavity, dip, pit

depth [noun]

means "nature"
valley, abyss, gulf, pit, shaft, well

dimple [noun]

means "indentation"
impression, dent, depression, concavity, dip, pit

excavation [noun]

means "hole in the ground"
hole, cavity, pit, mine, hollow, quarry

kernel [noun]

means "grain"
seed, stone, germ, nut, pit, fruit

lode [noun]

means "excavation"
quarry, pit, mine, shaft, well, tunnel

match [verb]

means "conflict"
oppose, pit, array, rival, compete with, play

mine [noun]

means "excavation"
quarry, pit, lode, shaft, well, tunnel

quarry [noun]

means "excavation"
pit, hole, hollow, crater, lode, shaft

underworld [noun]

means "hell"
hades, inferno, abyss, pit

valley [noun]

means "nature"
abyss, gulf, pit, shaft, well, crater

pitch [verb]

means "property"
slope, rise, fall, ascend, lean, tilt, dip

pitch [verb]

means "action"
throw, lob, hurl, fling, toss, fall, plunge, flop, vault, dive, lurch

pitch [noun]

means "direction"
slope, inclination, slant, incline

pitch [noun]

means "action"
throw, toss, fling, hurl, cast, heave

pitch-black [adjective]

means "black"
coal-black, jet, inky, dark, shadowy, gloomy

piteous [adjective]

means "unlucky"
doomed, hapless, luckless, miserable, poor, pitiable, star-crossed

pitfall [noun]

means "snare"
trap, blind

pith [noun]

means "matter"
meat, heart, gist, nucleus, kernel, essence

pithy [adjective]

means "epigrammatic"

pithy [adjective]

means "effective"
forceful, useful, terse

pitiable [adjective]

means "deplorable"
distressing, pathetic, mournful, depressing, joyless, melancholic, saddening

pitiful [adjective]

means "pathetic"
distressed, poor, piteous, dismal, rueful, pitiable, depressing

pitiful [adjective]

means "contemptible"
base, deplorable, despicable, low, mean, vile

pitiless [adjective]

means "barbarous"
fierce, unkind, barbarian, unnatural, barbaric, brutish, cruel

pittance [noun]

means "earnings"
allowance, commission, fee, income, payment, emolument, pay

pity [verb]

means "feeling"
commiserate, condole, comfort, feel for

pitying [adjective]

means "sorry"
regretful, sorrowing, sympathetic, touching

affectionate [adjective]

means "kind"
compassionate, sympathetic, tender, responsive, merciful, pitiful

ambush [noun]

means "ambuscade"
trap, hiding place, snare, camouflage, deception, pitfall

bank [verb]

means "movement"
turn, soar, slope, pitch, incline, angle

black as soot [adjective]

means "sooty"
coal black, pitch, black, dark, dull

blind [noun]

means "thing"
trap, hiding place, pitfall, snare

brevity [noun]

means "briefness"
economy, shortness, crispness, compactness, condensation, pithiness

brief [adjective]

means "property"
laconic, pithy

briefness [noun]

means "brevity"
economy, shortness, crispness, compactness, condensation, pithiness

cast [noun]

means "action"
fling, pitch, lob, throw, hurl, toss

come forward [verb]

means "offer oneself"
present oneself, pitch in, volunteer

commiserate [verb]

means "empathize"
empathise, sorrow, console, condole, pity

commiseration [noun]

means "compassion"
empathy, consolation, sympathy, sharing, pity

compact [adjective]

means "concise"
succinct, brief, terse, summary, laconic, pithy

compactness [noun]

means "briefness"
economy, shortness, crispness, brevity, condensation, pithiness

concise [adjective]

means "compact"
succinct, brief, terse, summary, laconic, pithy

conciseness [noun]

means "brevity"
pithiness, sententiousness, terseness

contribute [verb]

means "donate"
add, pitch in, present, give, endow, kick in

danger [noun]

means "event"
hazard, chance, evil, insecurity, exposure, pitfall

decline [noun]

means "slope"
descent, pitch, declivity, dip, hill, incline

deepness [noun]

means "depth"
pitch, drop, bottom

depth [noun]

means "property"
deepness, pitch, drop, bottom

didactic [adjective]

means "pointed"
pithy, sententious, terse, succinct, laconic, concise

difficulty [noun]

means "problem"
trial, pitfall, trouble

donate [verb]

means "contribute"
add, pitch in, present, give, endow, kick in

drumming [noun]

means "tapping"
patter, pitter-patter, pounding, pulsation

earnings [noun]

means "pay"

emolument [noun]

means "earnings"

empathise [verb]

means "empathize"
commiserate, sorrow, console, condole, pity

empathize [verb]

means "empathise"
commiserate, sorrow, console, condole, pity

empathy [noun]

means "seat of passion"
breast, feeling, spirit, response, soul, pity

endow [verb]

means "donate"
add, pitch in, present, give, contribute, kick in

essence [noun]

means "basic nature"
nature, core, gist, pith, sum and substance, spirit

fall [verb]

means "action"
stumble, drop, totter, go down, trip, pitch

feeling [noun]

means "sentiment"
pity, sensitivity, sentimentality, susceptibility, tenderness

fleshy [adjective]

means "pulpy"
edible, succulent, pithy, soft, peachy, organic

fling [verb]

means "throw"
hurl, dump, pitch, sling, toss

grade [noun]

means "nature"
ascent, pitch

gradient [noun]

means "slope"

gum [noun]

means "resin"
pitch, tree sap, glue

hapless [adjective]

means "unlucky"
doomed, poor, luckless, miserable, piteous, pitiable

heart [noun]

means "position"
nucleus, pith

heart [noun]

means "feeling"
breast, seat of passion, spirit, response, soul, pity

heave [verb]

means "slosh"
roll, rock, bob, pitch, lurch, waft

heavy [adjective]

means "property"
intense, concentrated, important, momentous, pithy, serious

hillside [noun]

means "slope"
grade, pitch, gradient, bank, embankment, acclivity

hurl [verb]

means "throw"
cast, fling, toss, pitch, heave, launch

income [noun]

means "profession"
emolument, pittance

infuriated [adjective]

means "inhuman"

inhuman [adjective]

means "savage"
monstrous, cruel, pitiless, heartless, barbarous, fierce

keel [verb]

means "stumble"
drop, totter, go down, trip, pitch, plunge

kernel [noun]

means "essence"
gist, heart, centre, nucleus, core, pith

kick in [verb]

means "donate"
add, pitch in, present, give, endow, contribute

kind-hearted [adjective]

means "kind"
compassionate, sympathetic, affectionate, responsive, merciful, pitiful

laconic [adjective]

means "condensed"

lob [verb]

means "throw"
pitch, hurl, fling, toss

meaningful [adjective]

means "profound"
explicit, pithy, purposeful, eloquent, expressive, rich

meaty [adjective]

means "significant"
important, weighty, pithy, juicy, factual

mournful [adjective]

means "deplorable"
distressing, pathetic, pitiable, depressing, joyless, melancholic

note [noun]

means "representation"
sign, figure, mark, symbol, pitch

nucleus [noun]

means "matter"
meat, heart, gist, pith, kernel, essence

pathetic [adjective]

means "touching"
affecting, moving, pitiable, tender

pathetic [adjective]

means "pitiable"
miserable, pitiful, wretched

patter [verb]

means "walk lightly"
scurry, scuttle, skip, pitter-patter, tiptoe

patter [noun]

means "tapping"
drumming, pitter-patter, pounding, pulsation

pay [noun]

means "compensation"
emolument, pittance

peachy [adjective]

means "pulpy"
edible, succulent, pithy, soft, fleshy, organic

plant [verb]

means "activity"
seed, pitch, set, farm, put in, sow

poor [adjective]

means "state"
unlucky, doomed, hapless, luckless, miserable, piteous, pitiable, star-crossed

pounding [noun]

means "tapping"
drumming, pitter-patter, patter, pulsation

project [verb]

means "throw"
cast, pitch, heave, toss, propel

pulp [noun]

means "flesh"
marrow, pith, heart, meat

quicksand [noun]

means "swamp"
quagmire, bog, swampland, pitfall, marsh, mire

quintessence [noun]

means "core"

regrettable [adjective]

means "unfortunate"
lamentable, distressing, dreadful, deplorable, pitiful, woeful

resin [noun]

means "gum"
pitch, tree sap, glue

rueful [adjective]

means "pathetic"
wretched, miserable, pitiable, pitiful, disheartened, despondent

sad [adjective]

means "state"
moving, pitiable

saddening [adjective]

means "deplorable"
distressing, pathetic, pitiable, depressing, joyless, melancholic

sap [noun]

means "organic fluid"
milk, juice, tree sap, pitch

savage [adjective]

means "inhuman"

sententious [adjective]

means "pointed"
pithy, didactic, terse, succinct, laconic, concise

sentimentality [noun]

means "sentiment"
pity, sensitivity, feeling, susceptibility, tenderness

serpent [noun]

means "snake"
reptile, viper, rattlesnake, boa-constrictor, coral snake, pit viper

shabby [adjective]

means "property"
poor, squalid, pitiful, miserable, wretched, mean

shortness [noun]

means "briefness"
economy, brevity, crispness, compactness, condensation, pithiness

shy [verb]

means "action"
throw, hurl, toss, pitch, fling, cast

slant [noun]

means "incline"
grade, pitch, slope, gradient, obliqueness, inclination

sling [verb]

means "throw"
chuck, pitch, heave, fling, hurl, toss

small [adjective]

means "property"
modest, humble, unpretentious, poor, pitiful

snare [noun]

means "trap"
net, trick, pitfall, lure, decoy

sooty [adjective]

means "black as soot"
coal black, pitch, black, dark, dull

sorrowful [adjective]

means "sorry"
piteous, dreary, dismal, doleful, distressing, lugubrious

sorry [adjective]

means "state"
pitiful, regretful, sorrowful, sympathetic, touching

sound [noun]

means "music"
tone, noise, vibration, resonance, note, pitch

star-crossed [adjective]

means "unlucky"
doomed, hapless, luckless, miserable, piteous, pitiable

succinct [adjective]

means "concise"
compact, brief, terse, summary, laconic, pithy

summary [adjective]

means "condensed"

swampland [noun]

means "swamp"
quagmire, bog, quicksand, pitfall, marsh, mire

tar [noun]

means "asphalt"
pitch, resin, creosote, distillate

tattoo [noun]

means "signal"
summons, drumming, pulse, tapping, pitter-patter

tender [adjective]

means "behaviour"
pitiful, mild

terse [adjective]

means "condensed"

throw [verb]

means "action"
hurl, cast, fling, toss, pitch, heave

tiptoe [verb]

means "movement"
walk lightly, scurry, scuttle, skip, pitter-patter, patter

tone [noun]

means "sound"
timbre, resonance, pitch

toss [verb]

means "throw"
fling, pitch, cast, hurl

toss [noun]

means "throw"

touching [adjective]

means "moving"
poignant, pathetic, sentimental, pitiful, stirring, tender, pitiable

tragic [adjective]

means "property"
moving, pitiable

trap [noun]

means "thing"
snare, pitfall, blind

trap [noun]

means "means"
ambush, trick, pitfall, stratagem, manoeuvre, artifice

vibration [noun]

means "tone"
noise, sound, resonance, note, pitch, intonation

viper [noun]

means "snake"
reptile, serpent, rattlesnake, boa-constrictor, coral snake, pit viper

volunteer [verb]

means "offer oneself"
present oneself, pitch in, come forward

wretched [adjective]

means "distressed"
miserable, woeful, dejected, depressed, forlorn, pitiable

wretched [adjective]

means "despicable"
low, contemptible, miserable, pitiful, sorry, vile

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