
Synonym for mate [noun]

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Further results for the word "mate"

approximation [noun]

means "equivalent"
equal, peer, counterpart, mate, analogue, match

associate [noun]

means "comrade"

clone [noun]

means "stand in"
double, counterpart, duplicate, twin, mate, match

companion [noun]

means "associate"
comrade, buddy, friend, mate, fellow, familiar

comrade [noun]

means "associate"

double [noun]

means "person"
stand in, clone, counterpart, duplicate, twin, mate

duplicate [noun]

means "reproduction"
copy, replica, match, transcript, twin, mate

equivalent [noun]

means "match"
equal, peer, counterpart, mate, analogue, approximation

join [verb]

means "people"
wed, marry, couple, mate, unite

liken [verb]

means "equate"
equal, even, balance, pair, unite, mate

marry [verb]

means "joining"

match [verb]

means "comparison"
mate, liken

match [noun]

means "comparison"
equivalent, equal, peer, counterpart, mate, analogue

pair [verb]

means "action"
combine, couple, join, marry, match, mate

pendant [noun]

means "match"
equivalent, counterpart, mate, equal, parallel, correspondent

replica [noun]

means "reproduction"
copy, duplicate, match, transcript, twin, mate

reproduction [noun]

means "duplicate"
copy, replica, match, transcript, twin, mate

transcript [noun]

means "reproduction"
copy, replica, match, duplicate, twin, mate

mater [noun]

means "mother"
mom, mama, ma, mommy, mummy

material [noun]

means "textile"
cloth, fabric

material [noun]

means "substance"
matter, stuff, object, element, body, component

material [noun]

means "information"
data, facts, figures

material [adjective]

means "tangible"
solid, corporeal, palpable, physical, real, touchable, sensible

material [adjective]

means "important"
substantial, considerable, significant, meaningful, momentous, consequential, weighty

materialise [verb]

means "develop"
evolve, emerge, unfold, grow

materialise [verb]

means "appear"
emerge, loom, arise, arize, manifest, actualise, actualize

materialistic [adjective]

means "mercenary"
practical, mundane, advertising, prosaic, commercial

materialize [verb]

means "develop"
evolve, emerge, unfold, grow

materialize [verb]

means "appear"
emerge, loom, arise, arize, manifest, actualise, actualize

maternal [adjective]

means "motherly"
protective, sympathetic

actual [adjective]

means "real"
present, existent, tangible, substantive, concrete, material

bodily [adjective]

means "physical"
fleshly, carnal, corporeal, human, tangible, material

call up [verb]

means "enchant"
materialise, materialize

cloth [noun]

means "thing"
textile, material, fabric

commercial [adjective]

means "mercenary"
practical, mundane, advertising, prosaic, materialistic

complementary [adjective]

means "interrelated"
matched, mated, corresponding, paired, interconnected, companion

conjure [verb]

means "enchant"
materialise, materialize

corporal [adjective]

means "physical"
bodily, corporeal, material

corporeal [adjective]

means "tangible"
solid, material, palpable, physical, real, touchable

data [noun]

means "fact"
material, information, figures

duo [noun]

means "two people"
pair, mates, couple, twosome, dyad

embody [verb]

means "manifest"
actualise, actualize, externalise, externalize, incarnate, materialise, materialize

fabric [noun]

means "substance"
foundation, structure, make up, material, framework, matrix

fabric [noun]

means "cloth"
material, textile, weave, stuff

facts [noun]

means "information"
data, material, figures

figures [noun]

means "information"
data, facts, material

haunt [verb]

means "appear as a phantom"
materialise, materialize, spook, possess

important [adjective]

means "significant"
substantial, consequential, considerable, meaningful, material, momentous

interconnected [adjective]

means "interrelated"
matched, mated, corresponding, paired, complementary, companion

interrelated [adjective]

means "complementary"
matched, mated, corresponding, paired, interconnected, companion

kit [noun]

means "set of useful items"
set, parts, tools, collection, material, assortment

literature [noun]

means "the written word"
printed matter, material, account, passage, excerpt, reading

loom [verb]

means "appear"
rise, materialise, materialize, emerge, come into view, emanate

ma [noun]

means "mother"
mom, mama, mater, mommy, mummy

mama [noun]

means "mother"
mom, mommy, mummy, mater, parent

manifestation [noun]

means "display"
demonstration, exhibition, presentation, show, materialisation, materialization

matched [adjective]

means "alike"
paired, co-ordinated, similar, mated, equated

matter [noun]

means "thing"
substance, material, element, medium, body, stuff

meaningful [adjective]

means "important"
significant, consequential, material, substantial, momentous, useful

mom [noun]

means "mother"
ma, mama, mater, mommy, mummy

mommy [noun]

means "mother"
mom, mama, mummy, ma, mater, female parent

objectify [verb]

means "make objective"
materialise, materialize, substantiate, embody, manifest, personify

objective [adjective]

means "actual"
external, material, scientific, sure, extrinsic, measurable

occurrence [noun]

means "incident"
affair, episode, materialisation, materialization, circumstance, go

pair [noun]

means "quantity"
couple, mates, brace, twosome, span, team

palpable [adjective]

means "tangible"
corporeal, material, real

pop [verb]

means "show"
materialise, materialize

reading [noun]

means "the written word"
printed matter, material, account, passage, excerpt, literature

real [adjective]

means "characteristic"
material, existent, tangible, substantive, physical, incarnate

scientific [adjective]

means "actual"
external, material, objective, sure, extrinsic, measurable

stuff [noun]

means "substance"
material, matter, essence, character

substance [noun]

means "object"
element, matter, material, stuff, thing

substantial [adjective]

means "real"
actual, tangible, concrete, material, physical, visible

substantial [adjective]

means "important"
essential, valuable, material, worthy

substantiate [verb]

means "materialize"
materialise, actualise, actualize, embody, externalise, externalize

tactile [adjective]

means "actual"
external, material, scientific, sure, extrinsic, measurable

tangible [adjective]

means "touchable"
substantial, material, corporeal, palpable, tactile, discernible

textile [noun]

means "cloth"
material, fabric, weave, stuff

touchable [adjective]

means "tangible"
tactile, palpable, actual, real, concrete, material

twosome [noun]

means "two people"
pair, mates, couple, duo, dyad

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