Synonym for ma [noun]
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Further results for the word "ma"
mater [noun]
means "mother"mom, mama, ma, mommy, mummy
mom [noun]
means "mother"ma, mama, mater, mommy, mummy
businessman [noun]
means "merchant"industrialist, entrepreneur, capitalist, broker, manager, retailer
businesswoman [noun]
means "merchant"industrialist, entrepreneur, capitalist, broker, manager, retailer
chairman [noun]
means "speaker"chairwoman, president, director, master of ceremonies, toastmaster, moderator
dramatize [verb]
means "exaggerate"overstate, caricature, magnify, amplify
foreman [noun]
means "supervisor"overseer, forelady, director, manager, superintendent, administrator
formative [adjective]
means "influential"sensitive, determinative, pliant, soft, flaccid, malleable
handmaid [noun]
means "servant"chambermaid, maid, domestic
machiavellian [adjective]
means "cunning"subtle, sly, tricky, wily, crafty, clever, artful, shrewd, designing, intriguing, insidious, deceitful, arch, unscrupulous
machine [noun]
means "mechanism"device, contrivance, instrument, motor, implement, gadget, computer
machine [noun]
means "drudge"grind, labourer, automaton, robot
mad [adjective]
means "state"angry, furious, enraged, irate, raging, incensed, wrathful, infatuated, desirous, wild about
mad [adjective]
means "mental condition"insane, crazy, crazed, lunatic, deranged, maniacal, raving, distracted
mad [adjective]
means "behaviour"unsound, senseless, absurd, foolish, nonsensical, dangerous, reckless, perilous
madam [noun]
means "person"mistress, mrs., dame, administrator, matron, housekeeper, housemother, hostess, adviser, prostitute, whore, bawd
magazine [noun]
means "journal"periodical, review, circular, publication, gazette, brochure, pamphlet
magical [adjective]
means "enchanting"magic, marvellous, miraculous, mystical, enchanted, mysterious, occult
magnanimity [noun]
means "kindness"generosity, benevolence, compassion, charity, tolerance, munificence, open-handedness
magnanimous [adjective]
means "generous"charitable, liberal, unselfish, big, large, forgiving, disinterested
magnetic [adjective]
means "captivating"inviting, irresistible, alluring, appealing, fascinating, attractive, drawing
magnetize [verb]
means "attract"invite, entice, lure, magnetise, draw, allure, induce
magnificent [adjective]
means "grand"extraordinary, splendid, excellent, brilliant, dazzling, imposing, impressive
magnitude [noun]
means "importance"consequence, significance, degree, distinction, eminence, renown, repute
maid [noun]
means "servant"chambermaid, handmaid, domestic
main [adjective]
means "position"principal, chief, primary, paramount, leading, foremost, capital, cardinal
mainly [adjective]
means "emphasis"chiefly, largely, primarily, mostly, overall, predominantly, principally, essentially
maintenance [noun]
means "sustenance"support, subsistence, living, livelihood, provisions, victuals, food
majesty [noun]
means "grandeur"splendour, dignity, glory, magnificence, nobility, greatness, illustriousness
make [verb]
means "process"manufacture, create, construct, assemble, build, produce, fabricate, erect, change, transform, convert, turn, compose
make [verb]
means "activity"earn, obtain, gain, acquire, procure, get, secure, win, estimate, judge, gauge, reckon
make [verb]
means "action"prompt, give rise to, occasion, perform, accomplish, execute, effect, bring about, do, act, practice, cause, induce, start, effect, compel, force
make amends [verb]
means "conciliate"moderate, accommodate, concede, compromise, reconcile, appease, propitiate
make clear [verb]
means "clear up"clarify, elucidate, explain, simplify, interpret, specify, undeceive
make over [verb]
means "rebuild"reconstruct, reassemble, overhaul, remake, restore, rework, remodel
make up for [verb]
means "compensate"equalise, equalize, counteract, balance, offset, counterbalance
make-believe [adjective]
means "pretended"feigned, false, unreal, fantastic, fraudulent, fabricated
make-up [noun]
means "disposition"character, nature, temperament, temper, humour, personality, individuality
making [noun]
means "fabrication"conception, composition, devising, formulation, producing, shaping
making [adjective]
means "creating"building, fashioning, forming, manufacturing, producing, shaping
malady [noun]
means "ailment"affection, complaint, derangement, disease, illness, indisposition, disorder
malapropos [adjective]
means "improper"inappropriate, inopportune, untimely, out of place, unfit, ill-timed, unbefitting, unsuitable, irrelevant, inexpedient, undue, unseasonable
malediction [noun]
means "denunciation"anathema, ban, hex, commination, fulmination, imprecation, curse
malefactor [noun]
means "juvenile offender"offender, miscreant, wrongdoer, delinquent, law-breaker, reprobate
malformed [adjective]
means "deformed"disfigured, distorted, twisted, warped, marred, abnormal, grotesque
malicious [adjective]
means "vicious"refractory, malevolent, spiteful, malignant, bad-tempered, ill-tempered, vengeful
maliciousness [noun]
means "malice"ill will, spite, malevolence, rancour, grudge, hate, hatred
malign [adjective]
means "malevolent"injurious, pernicious, baneful, malicious, baleful, malignant, evil
malignancy [noun]
means "virulence"malice, hatred, fatality, grudge, malevolence, ill-will, malignity, spite, spitefulness
malignant [adjective]
means "diseased"harmful, deadly, fatal, dangerous, cancerous, destructive, hurtful
mama [noun]
means "mother"mom, mommy, mummy, mater, parent
man [noun]
means "person"male, fellow, chap, guy, gentleman, beau, swain, blade, partner, lover, spouse, husband, boyfriend, married man
management [noun]
means "administration"government, supervision, organisation, organization, command, authority
maneuver [verb]
means "scheme"plot, plan, design, trick, devise, manipulate, intrigue, contrive, machinate, finesse, handle
maneuver [noun]
means "stratagem"scheme, plot, plan, procedure, design, trick, move, ruse, artifice
maniacal [adjective]
means "insane"crazy, crazed, lunatic, deranged, mad, raving, distracted
manifest [adjective]
means "apparent"clear, distinct, evident, obvious, plain, unmistakable, visible
manifestation [noun]
means "display"demonstration, exhibition, presentation, show, materialisation, materialization
manifesto [noun]
means "formal statement"statement, affirmation, confirmation, declaration, proclamation, profession, attestation
manipulation [noun]
means "orchestration"machination, manoeuvre, deception, ruse, stratagem, administration
manlike [adjective]
means "anthropological"anthropomorphic
manly [adjective]
means "masculine"male, virile, manful
mannered [adjective]
means "polite"courteous, mannerly, considerate, tactful, respectful, cordial, polished
mannerism [noun]
means "characteristic"quality, property, make-up, constitution, character, feature
mannerly [adjective]
means "civilised"civilized, courteous, well-behaved, respectful, refined, civil, polite, complaisant
manoeuvre [verb]
means "scheme"plot, plan, design, trick, devise, manipulate, intrigue
manoeuvre [noun]
means "stratagem"scheme, plot, plan, procedure, design, trick, move
manufacturing [noun]
means "production"fabrication, building, construction, assembly, assembling, casting, tooling
manuscript [noun]
means "written output"article, document, text, composition, essay, correspondence, writing
mark [verb]
means "activity"imprint, print, inscribe, sign, label, score, blaze, tag, register, record, chronicle, list
marked [adjective]
means "remarkable"striking, conspicuous, distinct, noticeable, obvious, exceptional, singular
marked up [adjective]
means "more expensive"raised, increased, elevated, inflated, boosted, added on
market place [noun]
means "display"fair, demonstration, performance, pageant, mart, exhibit, exposition
marketable [adjective]
means "mercantile"trading, trade, business, commercial, economic, financial, fiscal
mart [noun]
means "store"shop, emporium, market, outlet
martial [adjective]
means "concerning the armed forces"combat, military, fighting, ground, belligerent, army
marvellous [adjective]
means "wonderful"extraordinary, amazing, fabulous, spectacular, fantastic, outstanding, remarkable
marvellous [adjective]
means "miraculous"supernatural, phenomenal, unusual, astonishing, astounding, strange, stupendous
marvelous [adjective]
means "wonderful"extraordinary, amazing, fabulous, spectacular, fantastic, outstanding, remarkable, superb, unusual, magnificent
marvelous [adjective]
means "miraculous"supernatural, phenomenal, unusual, astonishing, astounding, strange, stupendous, incredible, inconceivable
masquerade [verb]
means "disguise"mask, act, pose, dissemble, pretend
masquerade [noun]
means "masked ball"carnival, ball, mask, revel
massacre [verb]
means "kill in great numbers"annihilate, depopulate, slaughter, liquidate, exterminate, murder, cut down
massive [adjective]
means "huge"enormous, giant, mammoth, immense, gigantic, tremendous, extensive
master [noun]
means "person"expert, authority, genius, maestro, sage, virtuoso, scholar, champion, leader, ruler, chief, commander, boss, director, supervisor, superintendent
master [adjective]
means "property"proficient, adept, skilled, accomplished, deft, skilful, expert, practiced
master [adjective]
means "characteristic"major, chief, principal, excellent, leading, main, supreme
masterful [adjective]
means "authoritarian"commanding, impressive, imperious, authoritative, dictatorial, arrogant, autocratic
mastermind [verb]
means "plan"plot, engineer, design, direct, manage, supervise
mastery [noun]
means "control"power, command, dominance, authority, jurisdiction, sovereignty, influence
mastery [noun]
means "ability"command, expertise, skill, proficiency, adeptness, adroitness, knowledge
mat [noun]
means "covering"floor covering, doormat, pad, rug
match [noun]
means "joining"union, marriage, espousal
matchmaker [noun]
means "marriage broker"agent, go-between
mate [noun]
means "comrade"assistant, affiliate, equal, colleague, companion, accomplice, associate
material [adjective]
means "tangible"solid, corporeal, palpable, physical, real, touchable, sensible
material [adjective]
means "important"substantial, considerable, significant, meaningful, momentous, consequential, weighty
materialize [verb]
means "develop"evolve, emerge, unfold, grow
materialize [verb]
means "appear"emerge, loom, arise, arize, manifest, actualise, actualize
mathematics [noun]
means "arithmetic"calculation, addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, computation
matriarch [noun]
means "dowager"matron, dame, queen
matriarchal [adjective]
means "hereditary"matrilineal, patrimonial, inherited, patriarchal, ancestral, innate, inborn
matron [noun]
means "administrator"superintendent, housemother, housekeeper, supervisor
matter-of-course [adjective]
means "common"ordinary, commonplace, customary, natural, prevailing, prevalent, general
matter-of-fact [adjective]
means "impersonal"cold, objective, emotionless, prosaic, unimpassioned, cold-blooded
maturation [noun]
means "growth"developing, disclosure, unfolding, development, enlargement, maturing, opening
matured [adjective]
means "developed"grown, adult, full-fledged, full-grown, ripened, completed, aged, mellowed, middle-aged, prime, perfected, at a high peak, cured, evolved
maturing [noun]
means "growth"developing, disclosure, unfolding, maturation, enlargement, development, opening
maudlin [adjective]
means "tearfully sentimental"sentimental, over-emotional, gushing, insipid, tear-jerking, mushy, sappy
maverick [noun]
means "nonconformist"bohemian, independent, eccentric, individualist, renegade, radical, extremist
maverick [adjective]
means "unaffiliated"independent, in opposition, radical, self-styled, contentious, aberrant
mawkish [adjective]
means "behaviour"sentimental, nauseating, maudlin, mushy, tear-jerking, cloying, over-emotional
maximise [verb]
means "magnify"over-emphasise, maximize, overplay, stress, emphasise, emphasize, accentuate, highlight
maximize [verb]
means "magnify"maximise, over-emphasise, overplay, stress, emphasise, emphasize, accentuate, highlight
proclamation [noun]
means "formal statement"statement, affirmation, confirmation, manifesto, declaration, profession
remarkable [adjective]
means "outstanding"phenomenal, marvellous, unusual
tomahawk [noun]
means "hatchet"adze, mattock, axe, pickaxe, cleaver
workman [noun]
means "worker"artisan, craftsman, skilled worker, master, handworker, working man, mechanic, machinist, machine operator, artist, journeyman [US], blue-collar worker
Highness [noun]
means "title"eminence, majesty, sire, lord, king, queen
Mrs. [noun]
means "polite address"mistress, madam, dame
acting [noun]
means "pretending"feigning, impersonation, make believe
adept [adjective]
means "knowledge"proficient, master, skilled, accomplished, deft, skilful
administrator [noun]
means "leader"master
adult [adjective]
means "animal"full-grown, mature, grown-up, ripe, developed, grown
adulthood [noun]
means "maturity"majority, infancy, decline, age, childhood, old age
advance [verb]
means "improve"flourish, grow, increase, make progress, rise, progress
affinity [noun]
means "ionization"magnetism, susceptibility
age [noun]
means "state"maturity, majority, infancy, decline, adulthood, childhood
agree [verb]
means "agreement"harmonize, match
air [noun]
means "behaviour"attitude, look, demeanour, appearance, manner, affectation
akin [adjective]
means "similar"identical, matching, alike, same, like, cognate
alike [adjective]
means "agreement"similar, identical, matching, akin, same, like
angle for [verb]
means "try by artful means to get"manipulate
angry [adjective]
means "manner"mad, furious, enraged, irate, raging, incensed
anthropoid [adjective]
means "humanoid"anthropomorphic, manlike
aphorism [noun]
means "saying"maxim, proverb, cliché, motto, slogan, adage
apparent [adjective]
means "evident"clear, manifest, open, conspicuous, plain, obvious
appease [verb]
means "conciliate"moderate, accommodate, concede, compromise, reconcile, make amends
aquatic [adjective]
means "nautical"seafaring, naval, marine, navigational, maritime
arbitrator [noun]
means "arbiter"judge, magistrate, court, justice, referee, umpire
architect [noun]
means "originator"creator, author, prime mover, mastermind, designer, engineer
army [adjective]
means "armed forces"combat, military, fighting, ground, belligerent, martial
array [verb]
means "assemble"arrange, line up, marshal, organise, organize, order
artery [noun]
means "thoroughfare"highway, main road, conduit, passage
articulate [adjective]
means "lucid"clear, loquacious, plain, manifest, crystal-clear, intelligible
artist [noun]
means "art"creator, virtuoso, maestro, adept, master, sketcher
aspire [verb]
means "try"attempt, make an effort, endeavour, strive, essay, seek
assemble [verb]
means "put together"fabricate, manufacture, erect, build, set up, construct
assembled [adjective]
means "constructed"fabricated, completed, built, created, produced, made
asseverate [verb]
means "aver"contend, state, affirm, declare, maintain, allege
associate [noun]
means "comrade"mate
astute [adjective]
means "shrewd"clever, crafty, cunning, sly, wily, machiavellian
attempt [verb]
means "try"aspire, make an effort, endeavour, strive, essay, seek
attune [verb]
means "adjust"make up
authoritative [adjective]
means "authoritarian"commanding, impressive, imperious, masterful, dictatorial, arrogant
aver [verb]
means "assert"declare, swear, maintain, warrant, affirm, claim
awe-inspiring [adjective]
means "grand"overwhelming, impressive, majestic, stately, imposing, august
axe [noun]
means "hatchet"adze, mattock, tomahawk, pickaxe, cleaver
badge [noun]
means "identification"marker, emblem, button, symbol, label, tag
badness [noun]
means "depravity"vice, evil, crime, malfeasance, baseness, malignancy
balance [verb]
means "compensate"equalise, equalize, counteract, make up for, offset, counterbalance
banter [verb]
means "mock"tease, deride, heckle, jeer, jest, make fun of
barrow [noun]
means "burial"vault, mausoleum, sepulchre, mound, tomb, grave
bat [noun]
means "stick"club, mallet, racket, pole
be astonished [verb]
means "wonder at"marvel, stare
beautiful [adjective]
means "superb"splendid, marvellous, magnificent, excellent, impressive, grand
become [verb]
means "direction"get, turn, mature, develop, grow, change
behaviour [noun]
means "conduct"manner, manners, comportment, bearing, demeanour, carriage
behest [noun]
means "order"dictate, regulation, decree, mandate, command, ordinance
being [noun]
means "essence"substance, nature, marrow, principle, quintessence
belabour [verb]
means "revile"malign, vilify
believing [adjective]
means "accepting"assuming, holding a view, maintaining, presuming, under the impression, putting faith in
belligerent [noun]
means "concerning the armed forces"combat, military, fighting, ground, army, martial
benevolence [noun]
means "kindness"generosity, charity, compassion, magnanimity, tolerance, munificence
benevolent [adjective]
means "noble"chivalrous, high-minded, considerate, magnanimous, generous, large
bewitched [adjective]
means "under a magic spell"enchanted, hexed, cursed, charmed, magic, captivated
bill [noun]
means "animal"beak, projection, mandible, nib
blanket [noun]
means "layer"covering, sheath, mantle, snowfall
blotch [noun]
means "spot"stain, blot, smear, smudge, blemish, mark
bold [adjective]
means "prominent"manifest
bolshevik [noun]
means "communist"socialist, revolutionary, soviet, marxian socialist, collectivist, bolshevist, marxist, proletarian, radical, menshevik, rebel, commie
bracelet [noun]
means "ornament on the arm"ornament, arm band, manacle, jewellery, trinket, circlet
brand [noun]
means "trademark"mark, label, name, kind, seal
breadth [noun]
means "fullness"amplitude, magnitude, compass, largeness, scope, extent
brick [noun]
means "thing"mass, slab, chunk, cube, block, section
bring [verb]
means "cause"make, do, effect
bring about [verb]
means "produce"induce, cause, make, work, procure, effect
broad [adjective]
means "property"chief, general, important, main, obvious
broad-minded [adjective]
means "tolerant"generous, unprejudiced, liberal, magnanimous, advanced, honourable
brown [adjective]
means "colour"chestnut, mahogany, reddish-brown, tan
brute [noun]
means "beast"animal, mammal, quadruped, creature
build [verb]
means "activity"make, put together, manufacture, set up, fashion, assemble
built [adjective]
means "constructed"fabricated, completed, assembled, created, produced, made
bulk [noun]
means "majority"plurality, body, mass, most
business [noun]
means "affair"interest, concern, matter
cabal [noun]
means "plan"plot, practice, conspiracy, intrigue, machination, scheme
call up [verb]
means "enchant"materialise, materialize
cancerous [adjective]
means "having or causing cancer"malignant, virulent, destructive, mortal, harmful
cannibal [noun]
means "animal feeding on its own species"savage being, man who eats the flesh of his fellow men
capital [adjective]
means "chief"leading, main, major, primary, vital, foremost
carnage [noun]
means "killing"assassination, annihilation, blood, homicide, murder, manslaughter
castle [noun]
means "building"palace, residence, chateau, mansion
caterpillar [noun]
means "larva"maggot, grub
cause [verb]
means "activity"produce, induce, bring about, make, work, procure
chap [noun]
means "male"fellow, man, guy, gentleman, beau, blade
character [noun]
means "characteristic"quality, property, make-up, constitution, mannerism, features
characterize [verb]
means "name"demarcate, characterise, distinguish, identify, mark, label
charitable [adjective]
means "broad-minded"magnanimous, considerate, kind, lenient, kindly, liberal
charity [noun]
means "kindness"generosity, benevolence, compassion, magnanimity, tolerance, munificence
charmer [noun]
means "conjurer"sorcerer, wizard, shaman, magician, diviner, enchanter
chart [noun]
means "drawing"blueprint, sketch, diagram, graph, outline, map
chief [adjective]
means "characteristic"principal, fundamental, central, cardinal, leading, main
childhood [noun]
means "maturity"majority, infancy, decline, adulthood, age, old age
chop [verb]
means "cooking"mangle, hash
circumference [noun]
means "circuit"boundary, margin, perimeter, circle, periphery
civil [adjective]
means "behaviour"mannerly, polite, complaisant
civilised [adjective]
means "civil"civilized, courteous, well-behaved, respectful, refined, mannerly
civilized [adjective]
means "civilised"civil, courteous, well-behaved, respectful, refined, mannerly
clarify [verb]
means "clear up"make clear, elucidate, explain, simplify, interpret, specify
cleaver [noun]
means "hatchet"adze, mattock, tomahawk, pickaxe, axe
cliché [noun]
means "saying"maxim, proverb, adage, motto, slogan, aphorism
coin [verb]
means "action"make up, invent, rhyme
collation [noun]
means "comparison"resemblance, examination, relationship, juxtaposition, matching, relation
commercial [adjective]
means "mercenary"practical, mundane, advertising, prosaic, materialistic
commercial [adjective]
means "mercantile"trading, trade, business, marketable, economic, financial
commination [noun]
means "ban"threatening, menace, malediction, diatribe, obloquy, aspersion, execration, malison
commissioner [noun]
means "government official"deputy, spokesman, magistrate, administrator, bureaucrat, proxy
compete with [verb]
means "oppose"pit, array, rival, match, play
competition [noun]
means "athletic event"match, bout, game, sport, contest, race
complementary [adjective]
means "interrelated"matched, mated, corresponding, paired, interconnected, companion
comportment [noun]
means "conduct"manner, manners, behaviour, bearing, demeanour, carriage
compound [verb]
means "intensify"make intricate, multiply, confound, complicate, exacerbate, augment
compulsory [adjective]
means "obligatory"mandatory, requisite, compelled, forced, required, inescapable
comrade [noun]
means "associate"mate
conceivably [object]
means "possibly"perchance, maybe, feasible
concentration [noun]
means "collection"mass
conciliate [verb]
means "appease"moderate, accommodate, concede, compromise, reconcile, make amends
concoct [verb]
means "contrive"make up, devise, create, plan, invent, elaborate
conduct [noun]
means "guidance"control, administration, direction, management, execution, leadership
conduct [noun]
means "behaviour"action, manners, response, comportment, performance, demeanour
conduit [noun]
means "channel"main, duct, pipe
conjuration [noun]
means "wizardry"necromancy, divination, enchantment, magic, sorcery
conjure [verb]
means "enchant"materialise, materialize
conquer [verb]
means "surmount"overcome, master
conqueror [noun]
means "winner"master, champion, victor, hero
consist of [adjective]
means "constitute"comprise, make up, compose, belong to
conspicuous [adjective]
means "noticeable"perceptible, salient, distinct, clear, discernible, manifest, marked
conspiracy [noun]
means "plan"cabal, practice, plot, intrigue, machination, scheme
conspire [verb]
means "plot"plan, scheme, intrigue, machinate, contrive, devise
constable [noun]
means "administrative officer"chief, marshal [US], deputy [US], sheriff [US], police officer, policeman
contentious [adjective]
means "unaffiliated"independent, in opposition, radical, self-styled, maverick, aberrant
contest [noun]
means "competition"match
continuing [adjective]
means "on-going"persisting, sustaining, enduring, maintaining, progressing, progressive
control [verb]
means "direct"guide, manage, command, lead, manipulate, govern
copy [verb]
means "activity"manifold
copy [noun]
means "thing"model, exemplar, archetype, paragon, manuscript, prototype, imitation, image, manifold, photostat, issue, duplicate
corporeal [adjective]
means "tangible"solid, material, palpable, physical, real, touchable
counteract [verb]
means "compensate"equalise, equalize, balance, make up for, offset, counterbalance
coupling [noun]
means "combination"affiliation, affinity, union, marriage, alliance, merger
cover [verb]
means "action"mask, screen
cover-up [noun]
means "disguise"deceit, mask, facade, masquerade, make-up, camouflage
cowl [noun]
means "clothes"bonnet, cover, cap, cloak, mantle, muffler
created [adjective]
means "constructed"fabricated, completed, assembled, built, produced, made
creator [noun]
means "originator"architect, author, prime mover, mastermind, designer, engineer
cripple [verb]
means "incapacitate"mangle
crowd [noun]
means "people"run, masses, rank and file, mob, populace, proletariat
crush [verb]
means "press"jam, beat, bruise, mash, mangle, compress
crystal-clear [adjective]
means "lucid"clear, loquacious, plain, manifest, articulate, intelligible
cunning [adjective]
means "sly"machiavellian
curse [noun]
means "denunciation"malediction
dealing [noun]
means "business"trading, communion, commerce, marketing, dealings, exchange
deathly [adjective]
means "lethal"malignant, virulent, fatal, deadly, pestilent, mortal
deceitful [adjective]
means "dishonest"deceiving, hypocritical, designing, insidious, disingenuous, machiavellian
declaration [noun]
means "formal statement"statement, affirmation, confirmation, manifesto, proclamation, profession
deface [verb]
means "stain"mar, blotch, sully, blot, spot, smudge
deft [adjective]
means "proficient"adept, skilled, accomplished, master, skilful, expert
delinquent [noun]
means "juvenile offender"offender, miscreant, wrongdoer, malefactor, law-breaker, reprobate
demeanour [noun]
means "poise"address, bearing, manner, appearance, behaviour
demented [adjective]
means "insane"deranged, lunatic, psychotic, crazy, mad, maniacal
demolish [verb]
means "destroy"dissolve, consume, atomise, atomize, mangle, dash
demonstrate [verb]
means "political protest"protest, manifest, exhibit, display, parade, picket, march
deploy [verb]
means "assemble"arrange, line up, marshal, organise, organize, order
deportment [noun]
means "behaviour"action, manners, response, comportment, performance, demeanour
deputy [noun]
means "administrative officer"chief, constable, marshal, sheriff, police officer, stand in
deranged [adjective]
means "insane"lunatic, demented, psychotic, crazy, mad, maniacal
destroy [verb]
means "demolish"dissolve, consume, atomise, atomize, mangle, dash
details [noun]
means "insides"constituents, filling, matter, contents, sum
develop [verb]
means "grow"acquire, mature, form, evolve, advance, ripen
development [noun]
means "growth"developing, disclosure, unfolding, maturation, enlargement, maturing
diagnostic [noun]
means "set of symptoms"concurrence of symptoms, complex, syndrome, evidence, manifestation, disease
diagram [noun]
means "drawing"outline, chart, blueprint, plan, draft, map
director [noun]
means "executive officer"manager, supervisor, administrator, leader
discern [verb]
means "notice"know, note, apprehend, make out, penetrate, behold
discernible [adjective]
means "visible"observable, understandable, macroscopic, perceivable, noticeable
disfigurement [noun]
means "distortion"deformity, malformation, ugliness
disingenuous [adjective]
means "deceitful"villainous, false, treasonable, disloyal, malicious, faithless
disorder [noun]
means "ailment"malady
disparate [adjective]
means "miscellaneous"odd, divers, different, manifold, dissimilar, distant
dissimilar [adjective]
means "miscellaneous"odd, divers, disparate, manifold, different, distant
distended [adjective]
means "bulky"massive, hefty, fat, swollen, big, heavy
distinction [noun]
means "difference"peculiarity, feature, separation, marking, differentiation, sharpness
distinguish [verb]
means "name"demarcate, characterise, characterize, identify, mark, label
distinguishable [adjective]
means "perceptible"apparent, discernible, open, visible, manifest
do [verb]
means "activity"fulfil, carry out, make, complete, take, conclude, behave, act, seem, appear, fare, manage
dock [noun]
means "boat landing"marina, wharf, quay, harbour, jetty
domesticate [verb]
means "tame"train, master, break, subdue
dominant [adjective]
means "governing"ascendant, master, common, controlling, first, important
double [noun]
means "person"stand in, clone, counterpart, duplicate, twin, mate, match
dowager [noun]
means "widow"matron, dame, lady, woman, matriarch
drag [verb]
means "draw"pull, magnetise, magnetize
draw [verb]
means "action"attract, invite, entice, lure, magnetise, magnetize
draw up [verb]
means "arrange"dispose, array, marshal, order, place, range
dressing [noun]
means "fertiliser"fertilizer, manure
drive [verb]
means "activity"make, run, compel, turn, constrain, force
dwarf [noun]
means "midget"gnome, homunculus, lilliputian, manikin, pygmy
earliest [adjective]
means "original"first, beginning, initial, anterior, maiden, primeval
economic [adjective]
means "mercantile"trading, trade, business, marketable, commercial, financial
educator [noun]
means "teacher"mentor, instructor, master, preceptor
effect [verb]
means "activity"make
electrify [verb]
means "charge with electricity"magnetise, magnetize, energise, energize, galvanise, galvanize
embody [verb]
means "manifest"actualise, actualize, externalise, externalize, incarnate, materialise, materialize
emigrant [noun]
means "émigré"exile, expatriate, refugee, migrant, displaced person, man without a country
emperor [noun]
means "title"eminence, highness, sire, lord, king, majesty
employ [verb]
means "activity"utilize, make use of, manipulate
emporium [noun]
means "store"shop, market, mart, outlet
empress [noun]
means "female ruler"czarina, queen, maharanee, emperor's wife, ruler, monarch
enchanted [adjective]
means "under a magic spell"bewitched, hexed, cursed, charmed, magic, captivated
endeavour [verb]
means "try"aim, attempt, essay, labour, make an effort, seek
enfranchise [verb]
means "free"liberate, emancipate, release, manumit
engineer [verb]
means "plan"plot, mastermind, design, direct, manage, supervise
enmity [noun]
means "hatred"abhorrence, odium, antipathy, malice, dislike, aversion
enraged [adjective]
means "angered"angry, burned up, mad, furious, infuriated
enter into [verb]
means "covenant"pact, make terms, agree on, pledge, promise, assent
entrepreneur [noun]
means "businessman"manager, administrator, capitalist, contractor, executive, producer
enzyme [noun]
means "chemical substance"chemical, catalyst, matter
equivalent [noun]
means "match"equal, peer, counterpart, mate, analogue, approximation
evidence [verb]
means "show"denote, demonstrate, connote, make clear, designate, manifest
evil [noun]
means "property"depravity, vice, badness, crime, malfeasance, baseness, malignancy, turpitude
evolve [verb]
means "grow"acquire, mature, form, develop, advance, ripen
excellently [object]
means "very well"masterfully, remarkably, supremely, magnificently, distinctively, admirably
excommunication [noun]
means "denunciation"anathema, curse, ban, malediction
execution [noun]
means "putting to death"capital punishment, electrocution, hanging, martyrdom
exhibit [noun]
means "demonstration"performance, display, presentation, exhibition, exposition, manifestation
expose [verb]
means "action"jeopardize, jeopardise, make liable, endanger, imperil, lay open, disclose, betray, bring to light, discover, show up, make known
exposition [noun]
means "display"fair, demonstration, performance, pageant, mart, exhibit, market place
exterior [adjective]
means "extraneous"peripheral, marginal, extrinsic, foreign, outlying, superficial
fabric [noun]
means "cloth"material, textile, weave, stuff
facsimile [noun]
means "image"copy, match, mirror, counterpart, reflection
facts [noun]
means "information"data, material, figures
fair [noun]
means "event"market
fairy tale [noun]
means "pretence"fantasy, sham, make-believe, fancy, unreality
false [adjective]
means "character trait"deceitful, villainous, disingenuous, treasonable, disloyal, malicious
fashion [noun]
means "kind"make, sort, brand, type
fated [adjective]
means "doomed"condemned, marked
façade [noun]
means "disguise"deceit, mask, camouflage, masquerade, make-up, cover-up
feign [verb]
means "imagine"make believe, pretend
feigning [noun]
means "pretending"acting, impersonation, make believe
fellow [noun]
means "guy"man, person, apprentice, youth, human being, young man
fen [noun]
means "bog"marsh, swamp, slough, morass, wash
fertilizer [noun]
means "fertiliser"dressing, manure
fester [verb]
means "discharge pus"matter, decay
figures [noun]
means "information"data, facts, material
financial [adjective]
means "mercantile"trading, trade, business, marketable, economic, commercial
first [adjective]
means "origin"earliest, beginning, initial, anterior, maiden, primeval
fiscal [adjective]
means "mercantile"trading, trade, business, marketable, economic, financial
fixed [adjective]
means "repaired"corrected, prepared, rebuilt, made up, in order
flawless [adjective]
means "faultless"perfect, excellent, matchless, impeccable, exquisite, pure
formulation [noun]
means "fabrication"conception, composition, devising, making, producing, shaping
freak [noun]
means "monstrosity"abnormality, monster, malformation, curiosity, abortion, rarity
free [verb]
means "action"liberate, deliver, discharge, loosen, emancipate, manumit
freethinker [noun]
means "independent thinker"eclectic, heretic, radical, atheist, non-believer, maverick
frenzied [adjective]
means "demoniac"wild, furious, mad, insane, violent, aroused
frugality [noun]
means "preservation"husbandry, conservation, economy, maintenance, saving, thrift
full-grown [adjective]
means "grown"adult, mature, grown-up, ripe, developed
fulmination [noun]
means "denunciation"malediction
furious [adjective]
means "frenzied"delirious, frantic, frenetic, mad, rabid, wild
fusty [adjective]
means "musty"malodorous, frowzy, funky, unusual, earthy, rank
gabardine [noun]
means "garment"cloak, mantle, wrap, shawl, cape
general [adjective]
means "common"matter-of-course
generous [adjective]
means "noble"chivalrous, high-minded, considerate, magnanimous, benevolent, large
genteel [adjective]
means "excessively polite"polite, mannerly, well-behaved, well-bred, affected, courteous
gestation [noun]
means "making ready"priming, formation, preparing, manufacture, establishment, preparation
get ready [verb]
means "prepare"get, arrange, make
glorify [verb]
means "exalt"bless, magnify, aggrandise, aggrandize, swell, extol
gnome [noun]
means "midget"dwarf, homunculus, Lilliputian, manikin, pygmy
gorge [noun]
means "throat"craw, maw, gullet
governing [adjective]
means "dominant"ascendant, master, common, controlling, first, important
gracefulness [noun]
means "loveliness"attractiveness, charm, splendour, elegance, magnificence, beauty
grand [adjective]
means "great"exalted, illustrious, imposing, kingly, majestic, princely
grandeur [noun]
means "glory"pomp, resplendence, splendour, magnificence, richness, brilliance
grandiose [adjective]
means "ostentatious"magnificent, pretentious, ambitious, showy, lofty
granny [noun]
means "parent's mother"matriarch, elder, grandmother
grave [noun]
means "place"vault, mausoleum, sepulchre, mound, tomb, barrow
great [adjective]
means "property"majestic, august, exalted, grand, lofty, noble
great [adjective]
means "position"chief, main, principal, grand, leading
gross [noun]
means "thing"bulk, mass, body
gross [adjective]
means "size"large, great, big, bulky, massive
growing [adjective]
means "increasing"enlarging, expansive, maturing, spreading, swelling, developing
grub [noun]
means "larva"maggot, caterpillar
guidance [noun]
means "conduct"control, administration, direction, management, execution, leadership
gullet [noun]
means "throat"craw, maw, gorge
guy [noun]
means "fellow"man, person, apprentice, youth, human being, young man
handbook [noun]
means "course book"textbook, manual, text
handle [verb]
means "activity"ply, manipulate, manage, wield, adjust, examine, control, deal with, manage, operate, work, supervise, manipulate, advise
hang-up [noun]
means "obsession"phobia, mania, neurosis, fixation, repression, complex
harangue [noun]
means "tirade"diatribe, malediction
harm [verb]
means "activity"maltreat
hatchet [noun]
means "small axe"tomahawk, adze, pickaxe, cleaver, machete
havoc [noun]
means "death"fate, annihilation, destruction, massacre, ravage, murder
head [noun]
means "person"director, master
head [adjective]
means "characteristic"main, principal
heed [verb]
means "listen"mark
hefty [adjective]
means "heavy"massive, weighty, cumbersome, ponderous
hellish [adjective]
means "horrible"agonizing, malignant, wicked, fiendish, diabolical, intolerable
heterogeneous [adjective]
means "composite"elaborate, compound, conglomerate, multiple, mixed, manifold
hew [verb]
means "form"make, shape, fashion
hexed [adjective]
means "under a magic spell"bewitched, enchanted, cursed, charmed, magic, captivated
high seas [noun]
means "sea"ocean, main
highness [noun]
means "title"eminence, majesty, sire, lord, king, queen
holding [adjective]
means "keeping"gripping, retaining, maintaining, grasping
hospitable [adjective]
means "polite"mannerly, pleasant, civil, polished, informative, social
host [noun]
means "person"entertainer, hostess, master of ceremonies
host [noun]
means "group"mass, army
hostess [noun]
means "one who entertains guests"entertainer, host, master of ceremonies
hugeness [noun]
means "immensity"bulk, enormity, magnitude, vastness
husband [noun]
means "bridegroom"spouse, groom, married man
iconoclast [noun]
means "nonconformist"maverick
identical [adjective]
means "similar"alike, matching, akin, same, like, cognate
idiosyncrasy [noun]
means "attribute"mark
idolatry [noun]
means "fan's idol worship"infatuation, obsession, mania, fervour, excitement, enthusiasm
ill-timed [adjective]
means "untimely"inopportune, inappropriate, unseasonable, mistimed, malapropos, ill-seasoned
impart [verb]
means "tell"make known
impeccable [adjective]
means "faultless"flawless, excellent, matchless, perfect, exquisite, pure
imperative [adjective]
means "domineering"masterful, autocratic, bossy, commanding, aggressive, powerful
important [adjective]
means "significant"substantial, consequential, considerable, meaningful, material, momentous
important [adjective]
means "pompous"self-important, arrogant, stuffy, bloated, magisterial
imposture [noun]
means "pretence"deception, feint, show, guise, masquerade, disguise
imprecation [noun]
means "denunciation"malediction
in particular [adjective]
means "especially"particularly, chiefly, principally, specifically, mainly
incensed [adjective]
means "angry"furious, enraged, irate, raging, mad, wrathful
indecorous [adjective]
means "improper"unbecoming, indecent, unseemly, rough, malodorous
indicate [verb]
means "show"denote, mark, connote, say, register, record
indisposition [noun]
means "ailment"malady
individualist [noun]
means "independent thinker"eclectic, heretic, radical, atheist, non-believer, maverick
industrialist [noun]
means "nobleman"tycoon, aristocrat, magnate, lord, mogul, noble
industry [noun]
means "sector of commerce"sector, branch, business, trade, manufacturing, enterprise
inedible [adjective]
means "immature"unripe, maturing, sappy, young, sour, green
infirmity [noun]
means "sickness"disease, ailment, disorder, malady, illness, indisposition
inflict [verb]
means "coerce"require, compel, enforce, make, constrain, demand
inherited [adjective]
means "hereditary"matrilineal, patrimonial, ancestral, patriarchal, matriarchal, innate
initial [adjective]
means "first"original, earliest, primary, opening, maiden, virginal
injure [verb]
means "activity"spoil, mar
injured [adjective]
means "spoiled"marred, damaged, harmed
innate [adjective]
means "hereditary"matrilineal, patrimonial, inherited, patriarchal, matriarchal, ancestral
insist [verb]
means "speech"assert, contend, claim, maintain, allege, warrant
installation [noun]
means "equipment"apparatus, machinery, electrification, foundation
instruction [noun]
means "direction"command, order, charge, mandate
instructor [noun]
means "physical education instructor"trainer, tutor, mentor, coach, manager
intended [adjective]
means "affianced"matched, contracted, engaged, promised, betrothed, pledged
intensify [verb]
means "compound"make intricate, multiply, confound, complicate, exacerbate, augment
interconnected [adjective]
means "interrelated"matched, mated, corresponding, paired, complementary, companion
interrelated [adjective]
means "complementary"matched, mated, corresponding, paired, interconnected, companion
invertebrate [noun]
means "living thing"creature, quadruped, organism, mammal, reptile, animal
irate [adjective]
means "angry"furious, enraged, mad, raging, incensed, wrathful
ire [noun]
means "anger"frenzy, fury, rage, madness, passion, raving
irregularity [noun]
means "impropriety"violation, infringement, transgression, misdemeanour, malfeasance
join [verb]
means "people"wed, marry, couple, mate, unite
journalism [noun]
means "news media"mass media, broadcasting, television, radio
judge [noun]
means "person"arbiter, arbitrator, magistrate, court, justice, referee
juxtaposition [noun]
means "comparison"resemblance, examination, relationship, collation, matching, relation
key [noun]
means "thing"index, catalogue, guide, manual, code, clue
killing [adjective]
means "murder"manslaughter, violent death, slaying, homicide, assassination, bloodshed
kingly [adjective]
means "great"exalted, illustrious, imposing, grand, majestic, princely
knead [verb]
means "rub the body"rub, massage, stimulate, stroke, manipulate, press
label [verb]
means "action"identify, designate, mark, brand, name, classify
lacerated [adjective]
means "torn"mangled, rent
lady [noun]
means "person"woman, adult, matron, dame
large [adjective]
means "size"big, enormous, colossal, gigantic, huge, massive
largely [object]
means "chiefly"mainly, primarily, mostly, overall, predominantly, principally
lass [noun]
means "girl"maiden, miss, young woman, maid, lassie
lassie [noun]
means "girl"maiden, lass, young woman, maid, miss
law [noun]
means "principle"maxim
leader [noun]
means "person"boss, head, chief, master, chieftain
leadership [noun]
means "administration"direction, management, guidance
leeway [noun]
means "space"room, elbowroom, latitude, margin, play, scope
left-handed [adjective]
means "clumsy"awkward, gawky, inept, bumbling, gauche, maladroit
lengthen [verb]
means "stretch out"mantle, attenuate, draw, draw out, elongate, continue
liberal [adjective]
means "tolerant"generous, unprejudiced, broad-minded, magnanimous, advanced, honourable
liberate [verb]
means "free"deliver, discharge, loosen, emancipate, manumit, release
lieutenant [noun]
means "officer"captain, major
lifeline [noun]
means "salvation"mainstay, sustenance, safeguard, preservation, husbandry, maintenance
liken [verb]
means "equate"equal, even, balance, pair, unite, mate, match
line up [verb]
means "assemble"arrange, array, marshal, organise, organize, order
liquidation [noun]
means "murder"manslaughter, violent death, slaying, homicide, assassination, bloodshed
literature [noun]
means "the written word"printed matter, material, account, passage, excerpt, reading
living thing [noun]
means "animal"creature, quadruped, organism, mammal, reptile, invertebrate
lofty [adjective]
means "exalted"grand, magnificent, elevated, commanding, sublime, striking
look [noun]
means "appearance"air, manner, mien, aspect
looter [noun]
means "bandit"thief, marauder, raider, ravisher, despoiler, brigand
lordly [adjective]
means "tyrannical"despotic, dictatorial, domineering, overbearing, magisterial, imperious
lordly [adjective]
means "majestic"magnificent
loveliness [noun]
means "beauty"attractiveness, charm, splendour, elegance, magnificence, gracefulness
lover [noun]
means "paramour"admirer, sweetheart, boyfriend, man, master, gigolo
lunatic [noun]
means "madman"maniac, imbecile, idiot, moron, simpleton
lunatic [adjective]
means "insane"deranged, demented, psychotic, crazy, mad, maniacal
meaningful [adjective]
means "important"significant, consequential, material, substantial, momentous, useful
meet [noun]
means "sport"competition, tournament, contest, match, meeting
mellow [adjective]
means "ripe"mature, soft
mentor [noun]
means "teacher"master, instructor, educator, preceptor
migrant [noun]
means "émigré"exile, expatriate, refugee, emigrant, displaced person, man without a country
mint [noun]
means "coin"stamp, counterfeit, manufacture, strike, issue
miracle [noun]
means "wonder"milestone, event, adventure, holiday, marvel, celebration
mischief [noun]
means "evil"sabotage, atrocity, malice, misfortune, trouble, vandalism
miscreant [noun]
means "juvenile offender"offender, delinquent, wrongdoer, malefactor, law-breaker, reprobate
mishandle [verb]
means "abuse"harm, mistreat, man-handle
miss [noun]
means "person"girl, maiden, lass, young woman, maid, lassie
mister [noun]
means "title"mr., signor, man, Herr, monsieur, master
mistreat [verb]
means "injure"maltreat, abuse, bully, wrong
misuse [verb]
means "abuse"ill-treat, maltreat, mistreat, ill-use, wrong
mob [noun]
means "people"run, masses, rank and file, crowd, populace, proletariat
mold [verb]
means "fashion"form, model, shape, make, forge
momentous [adjective]
means "portentous"crucial, major, fraught, serious, consequential, significant
monarchical [adjective]
means "regal"royal, imperial, majestic, kingly, princely, sovereign
monopolise [verb]
means "subdue"intimidate, manipulate
monopolize [verb]
means "subdue"intimidate, manipulate
monstrous [adjective]
means "huge"colossal, cracking, enormous, fantastic, gigantic, massive
morass [noun]
means "bog"marsh, swamp, slough, wash, fen
mortal [noun]
means "people"human, human being, creature, man
moth-eaten [adjective]
means "scruffy"scabby, dirty, sick, mangy, tattered
motivate [verb]
means "force"coerce, constrain, make, oblige, drive, exact
motor [noun]
means "thing"mechanism, device, contrivance, instrument, machine, implement
mould [verb]
means "fashion"form, model, shape, make, forge
mould [noun]
means "form"model, cast, die, matrix, pattern, shape
muddle through [verb]
means "get by"manage, make it, survive, succeed
muffler [noun]
means "scarf"mantle, stole, neckerchief, shawl, boa, fur piece
multifarious [adjective]
means "multiple"numerous, various, manifold, assorted, miscellaneous, motley
multifarious [adjective]
means "diverse"many-sided, eclectic, heterogeneous, mixed, different
multiform [adjective]
means "various"many, several, manifold, plural
multiple [adjective]
means "various"varied, complicated, many, manifold, compound, aggregated, many-sided
munificence [noun]
means "kindness"generosity, benevolence, compassion, magnanimity, tolerance, charity
murder [verb]
means "action"ruin, abuse, destroy, mar, spoil
murder [noun]
means "criminality"killing, assassination, annihilation, homicide, carnage, manslaughter
mush [noun]
means "soft mass"paste, pulp, mash, slush, dough, curd
naked [adjective]
means "property"manifest, natural
naval [adjective]
means "sea"nautical, seafaring, maritime, marine, navigational, aquatic
navigational [adjective]
means "nautical"maritime, oceanic, thalassic, marine
net [verb]
means "activity"profit, clear, make, accumulate, gain
neurosis [noun]
means "obsession"phobia, mania, complex, fixation, repression, hang-up
nib [noun]
means "beak"projection, mandible, bill
noble [adjective]
means "grand"elevated, princely, exalted, magnificent, generous, splendid
nonsense [noun]
means "irrationality"madness, stupidity
notability [noun]
means "characteristic"feature, mark, peculiarity, property, trait
noticeable [adjective]
means "conspicuous"perceptible, salient, distinct, clear, discernible, manifest, marked
numerous [adjective]
means "many"frequent, abundant, manifold
obelisk [noun]
means "monument"statue, mausoleum, monolith, memorial, crypt, shrine
objectify [verb]
means "make objective"materialise, materialize, substantiate, embody, manifest, personify
obliterate [verb]
means "demolish"dissolve, consume, atomise, atomize, mangle, dash
observable [adjective]
means "discernible"visible, understandable, macroscopic, perceivable
obsession [noun]
means "complex"phobia, mania, neurosis, fixation, repression, hang-up
occurrence [noun]
means "incident"affair, episode, materialisation, materialization, circumstance, go
oceanic [adjective]
means "marine"maritime, aquatic, nautical, thalassic
oddity [noun]
means "curiosity"conversation, singularity, peculiarity, piece, rarity, marvel
odium [noun]
means "hatred"abhorrence, enmity, antipathy, malice, dislike, aversion
off the cuff [adjective]
means "impromptu"spontaneous, improvised, makeshift, unrehearsed, extemporaneous
offence [noun]
means "transgression"insult, crime, malfeasance, affront, fault, misdemeanour
offender [noun]
means "juvenile offender"delinquent, miscreant, wrongdoer, malefactor, law-breaker, reprobate
officer [noun]
means "executive"administrator, manager, official, director, leader, president
offset [verb]
means "compensate"equalise, equalize, counteract, make up for, balance, counterbalance
old age [noun]
means "maturity"majority, infancy, decline, adulthood, childhood, age
open-mindedness [noun]
means "tolerance"impartiality, liberality, allowance, variation, magnanimity, lenity
operate [verb]
means "function"carry on, conduct, manage, administer, perform, command
operating [noun]
means "operation"management, direction, control, managing
operating [adjective]
means "handling"guiding, running, using, regulating, managing
operation [noun]
means "administration"guidance, superintendence, ordering, order, maintenance, supervision
opine [verb]
means "think"suppose, comprehend, reason, master, figure
oppose [verb]
means "conflict"encounter, match
oratory [noun]
means "religious rite"rite, prayer, ritual, mass, meeting, church
order [verb]
means "activity"arrange, adjust, furnish, dispose, establish, marshal
orderly [adjective]
means "obedient"docile, well-behaved, manageable, good
organism [noun]
means "living thing"creature, quadruped, animal, mammal, reptile, invertebrate
originator [noun]
means "architect"creator, author, prime mover, mastermind, designer, engineer
outlying [adjective]
means "extraneous"peripheral, marginal, extrinsic, foreign, exterior, superficial
outrage [verb]
means "abuse"maltreat, insult
outstanding [adjective]
means "remarkable"phenomenal, marvellous, unusual
over-emphasise [verb]
means "magnify"maximise, maximize, overplay, stress, emphasise, emphasize
over-emphasize [verb]
means "magnify"maximise, maximize, overplay, stress, emphasise, emphasize
overplay [verb]
means "magnify"overdo, maximise, maximize, show off, over-emphasise, over-emphasize
overseer [noun]
means "supervisor"foreman, director, manager, superintendent, administrator
overvalue [verb]
means "overestimate"magnify, over-emphasise, over-emphasize, overrate, exaggerate, exceed
pact [noun]
means "covenant"contract, make terms, agree on, pledge, promise, assent
pageant [noun]
means "exhibition"exposition, circus, array, display, manifestation, fanfare
pair [verb]
means "action"combine, couple, join, marry, match, mate
palace [noun]
means "building"castle, residence, chateau, mansion
palaver [verb]
means "talk foolishly"jabber, chatter, prattle, maunder, chat, gab
palpable [adjective]
means "tangible"corporeal, material, real
palpable [adjective]
means "obvious"evident, manifest, plain, unmistakable
palpate [verb]
means "touch"toy with, handle, manipulate, finger, point out, designate
parade [noun]
means "event"procession, march, review, pageant, cavalcade, progression
paramount [adjective]
means "principal"chief, primary, main, leading, foremost, capital
particular [adjective]
means "notable"extraordinary, marked, noteworthy, odd, peculiar, singular
paste [verb]
means "activity"set, make fast
paste [noun]
means "thing"mash, pulp, dough, curd, spread, mush
patent [adjective]
means "characteristic"obvious, apparent, clear, conspicuous, evident, manifest
patriarchal [adjective]
means "hereditary"matrilineal, patrimonial, inherited, ancestral, matriarchal, innate
patrician [adjective]
means "aristocratic"majestic
payable [adjective]
means "to be paid"mature
peculiarity [noun]
means "characteristic"notability, mark, feature, property, trait
peer [noun]
means "equal"compeer, rival, companion, match
perceivable [adjective]
means "discernible"observable, understandable, macroscopic, visible
perceptible [adjective]
means "apparent"distinguishable, discernible, open, visible, manifest
perfect [adjective]
means "faultless"flawless, excellent, matchless, impeccable, exquisite, pure
personage [noun]
means "individual"human being, person, woman, man
pestilent [adjective]
means "lethal"malignant, virulent, fatal, deathly, deadly, mortal
phenomenal [adjective]
means "extraordinary"sensational, spectacular, marvellous, amazing, astonishing
philanthropic [adjective]
means "charitable"altruistic, benevolent, magnanimous, open-handed, generous, munificent
pickaxe [noun]
means "pick"mattock, tool
pickle [noun]
means "brine"solution, steep, marinade, sauce, alcohol
pier [noun]
means "landing"marina, dock, harbour, wharf, port
pillow [noun]
means "thing"cushion, sham, bolster, mat, pad, seat
pilot [verb]
means "activity"manage, navigate
piracy [noun]
means "robbery"plunder, pillage, ravaging, depredation, marauding
plan [noun]
means "thing"map, representation
plot [noun]
means "practice"plan, cabal, conspiracy, intrigue, machination, scheme
plural [adjective]
means "quantity"various, many, multiform, manifold, several
plurality [noun]
means "majority"bulk, body, mass, most
ply [verb]
means "utilize"utilise, employ, wield, use, apply, manipulate
pointed [adjective]
means "aimed"directed, explicit, marked, personal
poisonous [adjective]
means "deadly"killing, malignant, fatal, mortal, final, lethal
police officer [noun]
means "administrative officer"chief, constable, deputy, sheriff, marshal
polite [adjective]
means "behaviour"mannerly, civil, complaisant
ponderous [adjective]
means "heavy"bulky, massive, weighty
pop [verb]
means "show"materialise, materialize
populace [noun]
means "people"run, masses, rank and file, mob, crowd, proletariat
portentous [adjective]
means "momentous"crucial, major, fraught, serious, consequential, significant
pose [noun]
means "affectation"stance, air, carriage, attitude, position, mannerism
post [noun]
means "thing"column, mast, pillar, prop, pole, support
potency [noun]
means "strength"virility, concentration, vigour, manhood, energy, effectiveness
potency [noun]
means "power"mastery
precept [noun]
means "principle"maxim, rule
preparation [noun]
means "making ready"priming, formation, preparing, manufacture, establishment, gestation
prepare [verb]
means "make"compose, fit, compound, get, fix, make up, manufacture
preponderant [adjective]
means "prevalent"predominant, dominant, prevailing, widespread, extensive, major
prerequisite [adjective]
means "necessary"essential, required, imperative, mandatory, needed, wanted
preservation [noun]
means "saving"husbandry, conservation, economy, maintenance, frugality, thrift
press [verb]
means "activity"compress, constrain, crowd, crush, jam, mash
pressed [adjective]
means "crushed"mashed, pulpy, pounded, battered, smashed
prime mover [noun]
means "originator"creator, author, architect, mastermind, designer, engineer
primer [noun]
means "handbook"text, guidebook, manual, bible, authority
principle [noun]
means "postulate"axiom, source, fundamental, law, maxim, proposition
proceeding [noun]
means "action"measure, move, manoeuvre, procedure, step
procession [noun]
means "parade"march
prodigious [adjective]
means "unusual"marvellous
produced [adjective]
means "constructed"fabricated, completed, assembled, created, built, made
profess [verb]
means "assert"declare, maintain, affirm, claim, pronounce, aver
progression [noun]
means "advance"course, march, impetus, procedure, procession, way
proletariat [noun]
means "people"run, masses, rank and file, mob, populace, crowd
prom [noun]
means "dance"masquerade, reception, ball, promenade, assembly
promised [adjective]
means "affianced"matched, contracted, intended, engaged, betrothed, pledged
pronounce [verb]
means "assert"maintain
proprietor [noun]
means "owner"possessor, landholder, landlord, master
protract [verb]
means "sustain"hold, maintain, keep, preserve, carry on, continue
provoke [verb]
means "cause"bring about, give rise to, make, induce, produce
psychotic [adjective]
means "insane"deranged, demented, lunatic, crazy, mad, maniacal
pus [noun]
means "matter"sore, infection, maturation
put together [verb]
means "assemble"fabricate, manufacture, erect, build, set up, construct
pygmy [noun]
means "midget"gnome, homunculus, Lilliputian, manikin, dwarf
quadruped [noun]
means "living thing"creature, animal, organism, mammal, reptile, invertebrate
quantity [noun]
means "amount"aggregate, measure, mass, bulk, number
quay [noun]
means "boat landing"marina, wharf, dock, harbour, jetty
queen mother [noun]
means "female sovereign"female ruler, matriarch, regent, monarch, ruler, woman monarch
rabble [noun]
means "people"run, masses, rank and file, mob, populace, proletariat
race [noun]
means "people"mankind, man, children, family, culture, generation
railing [noun]
means "accusation"invective, vituperation, malediction
raised [adjective]
means "grown"cultivated, developed, made
rancour [noun]
means "malice"ill will, maliciousness, malevolence, spite, grudge, hate
rank and file [noun]
means "people"run, masses, crowd, mob, populace, proletariat
ravel [verb]
means "complicate"mat
raving [adjective]
means "insane"crazy, crazed, lunatic, deranged, maniacal, mad
reading [noun]
means "the written word"printed matter, material, account, passage, excerpt, literature
ready [verb]
means "activity"prepare, make ready
real [adjective]
means "characteristic"material, existent, tangible, substantive, physical, incarnate
rebuild [verb]
means "reconstruct"make over, reassemble, overhaul, remake, restore, rework
recognise [verb]
means "identify"know, distinguish, make out, tell, detect, perceive
recognize [verb]
means "identify"know, distinguish, make out, tell, detect, perceive
reconcile [verb]
means "adjust"make up
reconstruct [verb]
means "rebuild"make over, reassemble, overhaul, remake, restore, rework
record [verb]
means "activity"matriculate, inscribe
red [noun]
means "colour"maroon
reduced [adjective]
means "simplified"made easy, uncomplicated, clarified
refinement [noun]
means "elegance"erudition, breeding, enlightenment, cultivation, culture, manners
regal [adjective]
means "great"exalted, illustrious, imposing, kingly, majestic, princely
regiment [verb]
means "direct"guide, manage, command, lead, manipulate, govern
register [verb]
means "show"manifest, disclose, display, evince, demonstrate
regulate [verb]
means "adjust"set, arrange, control, direct, manage, order
rehearsal [noun]
means "making ready"priming, formation, preparing, manufacture, establishment, gestation
render [verb]
means "perform"do, execute, make
renegade [noun]
means "nonconformist"bohemian, independent, eccentric, individualist, maverick, radical
repaired [adjective]
means "fixed"corrected, prepared, rebuilt, made up, in order
replica [noun]
means "reproduction"copy, duplicate, match, transcript, twin, mate
requirements [noun]
means "final"warning, command, proposition, proposal, ultimatum, mandate
requisite [adjective]
means "required"compulsory, mandatory, imperative, needed, indispensable, essential
resplendence [noun]
means "grandeur"pomp, glory, splendour, magnificence, richness, brilliance
responsive [adjective]
means "agreeable"amenable, manageable, docile, pliable, open, tractable
retail [verb]
means "trade"do business, wheel and deal, market, handle, sell, deal
retailer [noun]
means "merchant"industrialist, entrepreneur, capitalist, broker, manager, businessman
retaining [adjective]
means "keeping"gripping, holding, maintaining, grasping
revengeful [adjective]
means "spiteful"malicious, malevolent, implacable, hateful, malignant, resentful
review [noun]
means "event"inspection, procession, parade, march, drill, cavalcade
rhyme [verb]
means "language"make up, invent, coin
rim [noun]
means "edge"brim, border, boundary, confine, lip, margin
rouge [noun]
means "cosmetics"war paint, make-up, powder
royal [adjective]
means "property"superior, magnificent
royal [adjective]
means "position"imperial, majestic, regal, sovereign, kingly, princely
rule [noun]
means "control"command, dominion, direction, mastery, domination, government
run [verb]
means "activity"continue, persevere, conduct, manage, carry on, operate
sagacity [noun]
means "knowledge"training, skill, seasoning, experience, maturity, practice
sailing [adjective]
means "marine"maritime, navigational, naval, seafaring, nautical
salted [adjective]
means "salt"pickled, preserved, cured, marinated
salvation [noun]
means "lifeline"mainstay, sustenance, safeguard, preservation, husbandry, maintenance
savant [noun]
means "expert"authority, genius, maestro, sage, virtuoso, scholar
save [verb]
means "protection"keep, protect, safeguard, preserve, maintain, conserve
saving [noun]
means "preservation"husbandry, conservation, economy, maintenance, frugality, thrift
scabby [adjective]
means "scruffy"mangy, dirty, sick, moth-eaten, tattered
scandalise [verb]
means "abuse"maltreat, insult
scandalize [verb]
means "abuse"maltreat, insult
scarlet [adjective]
means "colour"maroon
sceptre [noun]
means "ornamental rod"mace, wand, staff, rod
scheme [noun]
means "plot"conspiracy, stratagem, cabal, intrigue, machination, contrivance
scientific [adjective]
means "actual"external, material, objective, sure, extrinsic, measurable
scoff at [verb]
means "deride"disparage, taunt, mock, chaff, make fun of, ridicule
scope [noun]
means "extent"magnitude, range, reach, limits, sweep, confine
scuff [noun]
means "damage"abrasion, scrape, scratch, mark, laceration
sculptor [noun]
means "creator"virtuoso, maestro, adept, master, sketcher, artist
seafarer [noun]
means "sailor"navigator, tar, salt, mariner, sea dog
seafaring [adjective]
means "nautical"maritime, naval, marine, navigational, aquatic
seduction [noun]
means "captivation"mastery, conquest, domination, allure
self-styled [adjective]
means "unaffiliated"independent, in opposition, radical, maverick, contentious, aberrant
senior [noun]
means "person"elder, older person, superior, master, patriarch, ancestor
sensational [adjective]
means "exciting"spectacular, marvellous, thrilling, moving, incredible, astonishing
sententious [adjective]
means "judicial"magisterial
sepulchre [noun]
means "grave"catacomb, crypt, tomb, vault, mausoleum, cavern
several [adjective]
means "various"many, multiform, manifold, plural
shackle [noun]
means "chains"chain, bond, manacle, handcuff, fetter, iron
shag [noun]
means "floor covering"rug, carpet, matting
shawl [noun]
means "garment"cloak, mantle, wrap, cape, gabardine
shift [verb]
means "activity"manage, do, fare
show [verb]
means "indication"manifest
shrine [noun]
means "monument"statue, mausoleum, monolith, obelisk, crypt, memorial
sickness [noun]
means "ailment"malady
side [noun]
means "place"edge, border, flank, rim, fringe, margin
sign [noun]
means "thing"symbol, emblem, badge, mark, abbreviation, flag
signify [verb]
means "indicate"disclose, signal, communicate, evince, manifest, express
similar [adjective]
means "alike"identical, matching, akin, same, like, cognate
sinister [adjective]
means "harmful"injurious, hurtful, adverse, poisonous, deleterious, malignant, malign
size [noun]
means "quantity"extent, amount, magnitude, greatness, mass, vastness
skulk [verb]
means "shirk"malinger
slaughter [noun]
means "killing"bloodshed, butchery, carnage, massacre, slaying, murder
slice [verb]
means "action"cut, chisel, bisect, dissect, mangle, rive
slush [noun]
means "soft mass"paste, pulp, mash, mush, dough, curd
slushy [adjective]
means "sentimental"maudlin, tear-jerking, effusive, emotional, romantic, mushy
smudge [verb]
means "disgrace"mark
snarl [verb]
means "complicate"mat
snout [noun]
means "mandible"muzzle, maw, beak, jaw, mouth
snowfall [noun]
means "layer"covering, sheath, mantle, blanket
social [adjective]
means "behaviour"polite, mannerly, pleasant, civil, polished, informative
soft [adjective]
means "characteristic"malleable, pliant, mouldable, pliable, yielding, mushy
solid [noun]
means "thing"mass, block, lump
something [noun]
means "thing"commodity, fact, article, matter, manifestation, object
sorceress [noun]
means "seer"prophet, magician, sorcerer, witch, diviner
soul [noun]
means "person"mortal, fellow, chap, being, creature, man
sound [verb]
means "action"gauge, mark, rule, examine
sovereign [noun]
means "potentate"emperor, lord, monarch, king, ruler, majesty
sovereign [adjective]
means "regal"royal, imperial, majestic, kingly, princely, monarchical
sovereignty [noun]
means "sovereign power"majesty, supremacy, power
specialist [noun]
means "expert"master, authority, professional, veteran, maestro, genius
spectacular [adjective]
means "amazing"marvellous, impressive, sensational, dramatic, splendid, striking
spite [noun]
means "malice"ill will, maliciousness, malevolence, rancour, grudge, hate
spiteful [adjective]
means "malicious"refractory, malevolent, vicious, malignant, bad-tempered, ill-tempered
splendour [noun]
means "brilliance"grandeur, magnificence, pomp, dazzle, display, show
spokesperson [noun]
means "government official"deputy, commissioner, magistrate, administrator, bureaucrat, proxy
stack [noun]
means "heap"mound, pile, accumulation, mass, batch, store
stain [noun]
means "thing"blot, smudge, blotch, mark, spot, blemish
stance [noun]
means "affectation"pose, air, carriage, attitude, position, mannerism
stole [noun]
means "scarf"mantle, muffler, neckerchief, shawl, boa, fur piece
store [noun]
means "place"market, shop, emporium, outlet, repository, showroom
streak [verb]
means "stripe"run, mark
stretch out [verb]
means "extend"mantle, attenuate, draw, draw out, elongate, continue
stuff [noun]
means "substance"material, matter, essence, character
stunning [adjective]
means "beautiful"dazzling, gorgeous, charming, exquisite, handsome, magnificent
style [noun]
means "characteristic"mark
subject [verb]
means "expose"lay open, make liable
subsidize [verb]
means "finance"support, maintain, sponsor, fund, back, assist
subsistence [noun]
means "means of support"livelihood, support, maintenance, room and board, earnings
substantial [adjective]
means "real"actual, tangible, concrete, material, physical, visible
substantiate [verb]
means "materialize"materialise, actualise, actualize, embody, externalise, externalize
subterfuge [noun]
means "ruse"artifice, dodge, evasion, machination, manoeuvre, device
success [noun]
means "accomplishment"achievement, prosperity, mastery, victory, attainment, arrival
superb [adjective]
means "beautiful"splendid, marvellous, magnificent, excellent, impressive, grand
superintendence [noun]
means "care"keeping, supervision, custody, control, responsibility, management
superintendent [noun]
means "leader"master
superstar [noun]
means "leader of the pack"master, authority, mogul, leader, tycoon, king
support [noun]
means "brace"prop, column, mainstay, buttress, strut, stay
surmount [verb]
means "conquer"overcome, master
swampland [noun]
means "swamp"quagmire, bog, quicksand, pitfall, marsh, mire
sway [noun]
means "authority"mastery, power, influence, predominance, control, dominion
swing [noun]
means "range"margin, scope, sweep, play, freedom
swollen [adjective]
means "bulky"massive, hefty, fat, big, distended, heavy
symptom [noun]
means "indication"evidence, manifestation, sign, explanation, meaning
syndrome [noun]
means "set of symptoms"concurrence of symptoms, complex, diagnostic, evidence, manifestation, disease
syrupy [adjective]
means "romantic"emotional, idealistic, maudlin, mawkish, gushy, sentimental
tan [adjective]
means "colour"cream-coloured, mahogany, chestnut, off-white
tangible [adjective]
means "touchable"substantial, material, corporeal, palpable, tactile, discernible
tattered [adjective]
means "scruffy"scabby, dirty, sick, moth-eaten, mangy
teats [noun]
means "breasts"tits, titties, nipples, boobs, knockers, mammary glands, boobies, jugs [US], mammillae [US], bosom, chest, dugs [US]
telephone [verb]
means "phone"call, make a call, ring up, ring
television [noun]
means "news media"journalism, broadcasting, mass media
temper [noun]
means "state"spirit, make-up
terminus [noun]
means "boundary"separation, margin, demarcation, confine
terrific [adjective]
means "superb"splendid, sensational, marvellous, wonderful, smashing, outstanding
text [noun]
means "thing"textbook, manual, handbook
textbook [noun]
means "guidebook"handbook, manual, text, guide, primer
textile [noun]
means "cloth"material, fabric, weave, stuff
thatch [noun]
means "locks"hair, fur, wool, down, mane
thing [noun]
means "object"commodity, fact, article, matter, manifestation, something
thrift [noun]
means "preservation"husbandry, conservation, economy, maintenance, frugality, saving
tie [verb]
means "comparison"equal, draw, match, parallel
tolerance [noun]
means "open-mindedness"impartiality, liberality, allowance, variation, magnanimity, lenity
tolerant [adjective]
means "liberal"generous, unprejudiced, broad-minded, magnanimous, advanced, honourable
tomb [noun]
means "grave"catacomb, crypt, vault, sepulchre, mausoleum, cavern
tools [noun]
means "building"equipment, machinery, plant, facility
torpedo [noun]
means "murderer"assassin, killer, manslayer
touchable [adjective]
means "tangible"tactile, palpable, actual, real, concrete, material
tournament [noun]
means "competition"match
toy with [verb]
means "touch"finger, handle, manipulate, palpate, point out, designate
tractable [adjective]
means "obedient"docile, manageable, complaisant, compliant, amenable, willing
trading [noun]
means "business"commerce, communion, dealing, marketing, dealings, exchange
tradition [noun]
means "custom"convention, habit, practice, manner, fashion, way
trait [noun]
means "quality"mark
transact [verb]
means "negotiate"agree, contract, confer, arrange, make terms, bargain
transcript [noun]
means "reproduction"copy, replica, match, duplicate, twin, mate
tread [verb]
means "step on"pace, step, stomp, tramp, march, trudge
treasonable [adjective]
means "deceitful"villainous, disingenuous, false, disloyal, malicious, faithless
tribal [adjective]
means "genealogical"familial, patrimonial, matrilineal, consanguine, ancestral
trudge [verb]
means "step on"pace, step, stomp, tramp, march, tread
turpitude [noun]
means "depravity"vice, badness, crime, malfeasance, baseness, malignancy
twosome [noun]
means "two people"pair, mates, couple, duo, dyad
tycoon [noun]
means "nobleman"baron, aristocrat, magnate, lord, mogul, noble
tyrannise [verb]
means "control"master, boss, dominate, manipulate, compel, tyrannize
tyrannize [verb]
means "control"master, boss, dominate, manipulate, tyrannise, compel
ugliness [noun]
means "distortion"disfigurement, malformation, deformity
umbrage [verb]
means "anger"enrage, infuriate, aggravate, madden
unbecoming [adjective]
means "improper"indecorous, indecent, unseemly, rough, malodorous
undeceive [verb]
means "clear up"make clear, elucidate, explain, simplify, interpret, specify
underling [noun]
means "servant"maid, help, domestic
unequaled [adjective]
means "peerless"unique, matchless, alone, unsurpassed, unrivalled, perfect
unfolding [noun]
means "growth"developing, disclosure, development, maturation, enlargement, maturing
unfulfilled [adjective]
means "discontented"restless, dissatisfied, malcontent, unsatisfied
union [noun]
means "marriage"matrimony, wedlock, nuptials, commitment, joining, coupling
unique [adjective]
means "peerless"unequaled, matchless, alone, unsurpassed, unrivalled
universe [noun]
means "nature"earth, cosmos, creation, world, macrocosm
unmistakable [adjective]
means "evident"clear, manifest, open, conspicuous, plain, obvious
unpolished [adjective]
means "clumsy"bungling, bumbling, gauche, inept, maladroit, awkward
unripe [adjective]
means "immature"green, maturing, sappy, young, sour, inedible
unrivaled [adjective]
means "unequaled"peerless, unparalleled, uncommon, unusual, matchless, unique
unrivalled [adjective]
means "peerless"unequaled, matchless, alone, unsurpassed, unique
unsatisfied [adjective]
means "unpaid"mature, due, payable, owing, outstanding
unseasonable [adjective]
means "untimely"inopportune, inappropriate, ill-timed, mistimed, malapropos, ill-seasoned
unsurpassed [adjective]
means "peerless"unequaled, matchless, alone, unique, unrivalled
unveiling [noun]
means "revelation"disclosure, divulgence, manifestation, phenomenon
urge [verb]
means "language"allege, maintain, assert, declare, asseverate, aver
use [verb]
means "activity"employ, utilise, utilize, apply, exploit, make use of, treat, manage, handle, deal with, act toward, behave toward
use [noun]
means "application"operation, utilisation, utilization, manipulation, employment, appliance
utilise [verb]
means "employ"use, utilize, apply, exploit, make use of, work
utilize [verb]
means "employ"utilise, use, apply, exploit, make use of, work
utmost [adjective]
means "supreme"absolute, maximum, ultimate, pre-eminent, extreme, incomparable
various [adjective]
means "miscellaneous"odd, divers, disparate, manifold, dissimilar, distant
vastness [noun]
means "immensity"bulk, hugeness, magnitude, enormity
vault [noun]
means "grave"catacomb, crypt, tomb, sepulchre, mausoleum, cavern
vend [verb]
means "sell"barter, retail, market, exchange
vengeful [adjective]
means "malicious"refractory, malevolent, spiteful, malignant, bad-tempered, ill-tempered
verge [noun]
means "edge"brink, border, limit, point, margin, rim
vicarage [noun]
means "minister's residence"manse
vicious [adjective]
means "malicious"refractory, malevolent, spiteful, malignant, bad-tempered, ill-tempered
victor [noun]
means "winner"master, conqueror, champion, hero
victory [noun]
means "triumph"success, achievement, conquest, mastery, ascendancy
virgin [noun]
means "maiden"miss, maid
virgin [adjective]
means "fresh"maiden
virile [adjective]
means "masculine"male, potent, manly
virility [noun]
means "strength"potency, concentration, vigour, manhood, energy, effectiveness
virtuoso [noun]
means "expert"authority, genius, maestro, sage, master, scholar
virtuous [adjective]
means "chaste"maidenly
virulent [adjective]
means "deadly"lethal, fatal, malignant, poisonous
visible [adjective]
means "obvious"apparent, clear, evident, manifest, unmistakable, observable
visible [adjective]
means "discernible"observable, understandable, macroscopic, perceivable
volume [noun]
means "quantity"amount, mass, size, measure, magnitude, bulk
volume [noun]
means "publishing"edition, book, album, manuscript
walk [noun]
means "activity"stroll, saunter, hike, march, turn, pace
wand [noun]
means "ornamental rod"mace, sceptre, staff, rod
wanton [adjective]
means "lavish"extravagant, frivolous, capricious, luxurious, elegant, magnificent
war paint [noun]
means "cosmetics"make-up, rouge, powder
warring [adjective]
means "at war"waging war, making war on, marching against, in conflict, engaged in a skirmish, doing battle
wash [noun]
means "nature"bog, marsh, swamp, slough, morass, fen
wedlock [noun]
means "matrimony"marriage, union, go-between, match
weight [noun]
means "thing"heaviness, mass, density, ballast
weighty [adjective]
means "heavy"massive, hefty, cumbersome, ponderous
well-behaved [adjective]
means "civilised"civilized, courteous, civil, respectful, refined, mannerly
wharf [noun]
means "boat landing"marina, dock, quay, harbour, jetty
wholesale [adjective]
means "indiscriminate"massive, broad, sweeping, comprehensive, epidemic, widespread
whoop it up [verb]
means "celebrate"make noise, get rowdy, jump for joy, get down, revel, make merry, make whoopee [US]
wild [adjective]
means "mental condition"crazy, insane, mad, frantic, raging, distracted
witch [noun]
means "sorcerer"seer, magician, wizard, conjurer
wonderful [adjective]
means "amazing"extraordinary, marvellous, phenomenal, astounding, awesome, astonishing
work [verb]
means "activity"operate, run, manage, control, handle, drive, manipulate, use, form, fashion, make, finish, execute
wrathful [adjective]
means "angry"furious, enraged, irate, raging, incensed, mad
write down [verb]
means "record"jot down, note, enter, mark down, transcribe, register
writing [noun]
means "written output"manuscript
wrongdoer [noun]
means "juvenile offender"offender, miscreant, delinquent, malefactor, law-breaker, reprobate
zealot [noun]
means "eccentric"maniac, nut, fanatic, weirdo, crank
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