
Synonym for prom [noun]

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ball [noun]

means "music"
dance, masquerade, reception, prom, promenade, assembly

ballet [noun]

means "music"
ball, prom, promenade, dance

dance [noun]

means "music"
ball, prom, promenade, ballet

promenade [verb]

means "walk"
pace, stroll, hike, saunter, meander, ramble, wander

promenade [noun]

means "stroll"
walk, ramble, saunter, outing, hike, exercise

promenade [noun]

means "parade"
path, esplanade, sidewalk

prominence [noun]

means "projection"
bump, jut, protrusion, bulge, outgrowth, extrusion

prominence [noun]

means "fame"
distinction, renown, eminence, influence, greatness, popularity, note

prominent [adjective]

means "protuberant"
extended, extrusive, projecting

prominent [adjective]

means "main"
chief, conspicuous, important, manifest, noticeable, outstanding, principal

prominent [adjective]

means "famous"
celebrated, distinguished, eminent, famed, important, leading, well-known

promiscuous [adjective]

means "mixed"
confused, garbled, hotchpotch, indiscriminate

promiscuous [adjective]

means "indiscriminate"
immoral, careless, lewd, loose, licentious

promise [verb]

means "pledge"
agree, espouse, covenant, betroth, engage, guarantee, assure

promise [noun]

means "pledge"
assurance, pact, engagement, covenant, pass, word, vow

promised [adjective]

means "affianced"
matched, contracted, intended, engaged, betrothed, pledged

promontory [noun]

means "altitude"
rise, elevation, top, eminence, platform, height, hill

promote [verb]

means "elevate"
aggrandise, aggrandize, exalt, upgrade, raise, graduate, advance, ascend

promote [verb]

means "assist"
advance, urge, aid, succour, patronise, patronize, encourage, advocate

promoter [noun]

means "supporter"
defender, adherent, patron, advocate, upholder, ally

promotion [noun]

means "encouragement"
improvement, support, patronage, furtherance, help, aid, enhancement

promotion [noun]

means "advertising"
publicity, broadcasting, fanfare, pushing, advertisement, notice, propaganda

promotion [noun]

means "advance"
improvement, elevation, betterment, raise, rise, advancement, graduation

prompt [verb]

means "assistance"
hint, assist, prod, suggest, propose, aid, help

prompt [verb]

means "activity"
incite, arouse, provoke, urge, inspire, induce, cause, goad

prompt [verb]

means "action"
push, press, drive, admonish, propel, impel, shove

prompt [adjective]

means "time"
timely, precise, immediate, instant, punctual, quick, direct, rapid

promptly [object]

means "seasonably"
betimes, early, soon, presently, timely

promptness [noun]

means "haste"
promptitude, dispatch, importance

promulgate [verb]

means "publicise"
publicize, proclaim, broadcast, promote, declare, communicate, advertise

promulgation [noun]

means "emission"
delivery, sending, issue, announcement

accent [noun]

means "speech"
emphasis, importance, significance, stress, highlight, prominence

accession [noun]

means "inauguration"
installation, investment, promotion, succession, induction, initiation

advance [verb]

means "urge"
better, promote, foster, encourage, further, serve

advancement [noun]

means "advance"
improvement, elevation, betterment, raise, rise, promotion

advertise [verb]

means "publicize"
publicise, proclaim, broadcast, promote, declare, communicate, promulgate

advocate [verb]

means "defend"
urge, promote, support, advance, uphold

advocate [noun]

means "supporter"
defender, adherent, patron, promoter, upholder, ally

aid [verb]

means "behaviour"
ease, encourage, simplify, facilitate, promote, bolster

altitude [noun]

means "elevation"
rise, promontory, top, eminence, platform, height

ambitious [adjective]

means "aspiring"
determined, enterprising, resourceful, industrious, intent, promising

ask [verb]

means "invitation"
call in, suggest, urge, prompt, beckon

aspiring [adjective]

means "ambitious"
determined, enterprising, resourceful, industrious, intent, promising

assurance [noun]

means "guaranty"
promise, guarantee, pledge, oath, insurance, word

assure [verb]

means "affirmation"
affirm, attest, pledge, guarantee, promise, aver

beautify [verb]

means "improve"
spread, enlarge, stretch, expand, promote, advance

beckon [verb]

means "gesture"

betimes [object]

means "seasonably"
early, promptly, soon, presently, timely

betterment [noun]

means "advance"
improvement, elevation, promotion, raise, rise, advancement

bolster [verb]

means "ease"
encourage, simplify, facilitate, promote, aid, accelerate

bond [noun]

means "surety"
bail, collateral, security, obligation, promise, promissory note

boost [noun]

means "assistance"
aid, help, promotion

bright [adjective]

means "attraction"
favourable, auspicious, encouraging, enlivening, inspiring, promising

bulge [noun]

means "swelling"
protuberance, protrusion, hump, outgrowth, growth, prominence

bulging [adjective]

means "jutting"
projecting, obtrusive, prominent, protruding

call forth [verb]

means "incite"
induce, animate, galvanise, galvanize, prompt, arouse

call in [verb]

means "invite"
ask, suggest, urge, prompt, beckon

calming [adjective]

means "encouraging"
promising, uplifting, fortifying, favourable, reassuring, hopeful

cheerful [adjective]

means "gladdening"
sunny, sparkling, bright, promising, encouraging, cheery

circulate [verb]

means "distribute"
broadcast, report, disseminate, promote, publicise, publicize

coach [verb]

means "activity"
train, drill, instruct, direct, prompt, teach

collateral [noun]

means "security"
guarantee, money, warrant, endorsement, pledge, promise

coming [adjective]

means "improving one's place"
climbing, advancing, promising, aspiring

commission [verb]

means "entrust"
endow, empower, invest, charge, promote, delegate

commit [verb]

means "action"
entrust, commend, promise, confide, delegate, consign

commitment [noun]

means "pledge"
promise, guarantee, assurance, word, warrant

consequence [noun]

means "distinction"
value, standing, prestige, elevation, importance, prominence

contract [verb]

means "covenant"
pact, make terms, agree on, pledge, promise, assent

contribute [verb]

means "advance"
encourage, advantage, uphold, assist, forward, promote

covenant [verb]

means "agree"
pledge, promise, concur, contract

covenant [noun]

means "agreement"
bond, pact, treaty, promise, contract

curious [adjective]

means "remarkable"
salient, prominent, visible

deputize [verb]

means "entrust"
endow, empower, invest, charge, promote, delegate

develop [verb]

means "improve"
spread, enlarge, stretch, expand, promote, advance

dignify [verb]

means "elevate"
exalt, erect, support, ennoble, foster, promote

direct [adjective]

means "characteristic"
immediate, evident, prompt, personal, simple, unbroken

draft [noun]

means "banking"
promissory note, note, letter of credit, bank draft, cheque, coupon

early [object]

means "time"
seasonably, betimes, promptly, soon, presently, timely

elevation [noun]

means "altitude"
rise, promontory, top, eminence, platform, height

eminent [adjective]

means "high"
tall, lofty, elevated, projecting, raised, prominent

emission [noun]

means "issue"
delivery, sending, promulgation

emphasis [noun]

means "stress"
accent, importance, significance, highlight, prominence

encouraging [adjective]

means "hopeful"
likely, promising, rosy

engaged [adjective]

means "affianced"
matched, contracted, intended, promised, betrothed, pledged

enhancement [noun]

means "encouragement"

ennoble [verb]

means "elevate"
dignify, erect, support, exalt, foster, promote

enter into [verb]

means "covenant"
pact, make terms, agree on, pledge, promise, assent

espousal [noun]

means "advocacy"
promotion, belief, adoption, embracing a cause, aiding, upholding

exalt [verb]

means "elevate"
dignify, erect, support, ennoble, foster, promote

exhilarating [adjective]

means "favourable"
auspicious, encouraging, enlivening, inspiring, promising, bright

expedite [verb]

means "assist"
push, promote, advance

expedition [noun]

means "speed"
expeditiousness, alacrity, dispatch, haste, promptness, quickness

extrusion [noun]

means "projection"
bump, jut, protrusion, bulge, outgrowth, prominence

fair [adjective]

means "characteristic"
promising, favourable, hopeful, likely

famous [adjective]

means "characteristic"
prominent, celebrated, distinguished, eminent, famed, important

fanfare [noun]

means "advertising"
publicity, broadcasting, promotion, pushing, advertisement, notice

footpath [noun]

means "path"
sidewalk [US], lane, avenue, alley, passage, promenade

forward [adjective]

means "eager"
earnest, prompt, ready, sincere, willing, zealous

furtherance [noun]

means "encouragement"
improvement, support, patronage, promotion, help, aid

gesticulate [verb]

means "gesture"

glaring [adjective]

means "unpleasantly conspicuous"
conspicuous, obvious, obtrusive, visible, prominent

graduation [noun]

means "advance"

great [adjective]

means "characteristic"
prominent, renowned

greatness [noun]

means "eminence"
excellence, magnanimity, prominence, fame, renown, merit

guarantee [verb]

means "ensure"
secure, vouch for, assure, attest, promise, guaranty

guaranty [noun]

means "pledge"
security, certificate, obligation, promise, assurance, certification

haste [noun]

means "rapidity"

haste [noun]

means "promptness"
promptitude, dispatch, importance

head [noun]

means "nature"
headland, cape, promontory

height [noun]

means "geography"
rise, slope, prominence, hill, mountain

height [noun]

means "characteristic"
elevation, altitude, prominence, tallness, loftiness, highness

help [verb]

means "activity"
ease, foster, further, promote, facilitate

high [adjective]

means "characteristic"
exalted, prominent, distinguished, important, pre-eminent, elevated

highlight [noun]

means "stress"
emphasis, importance, significance, accent, prominence

hint [verb]

means "speech"
prompt, foreshadow

hopeful [adjective]

means "encouraging"
promising, uplifting, fortifying, favourable, reassuring, calming

hump [noun]

means "mound"
speed bump, protrusion, knob, projection, prominence

inauguration [noun]

means "accession"
installation, investment, promotion, succession, induction, initiation

incite [verb]

means "provoke"
induce, animate, galvanise, galvanize, prompt, arouse

indiscriminate [adjective]

means "random"

indistinguishable [adjective]

means "random"

instantaneously [object]

means "instantly"
immediately, abruptly, at once, directly, without delay, promptly

insurance [noun]

means "security"
guarantee, money, warrant, endorsement, pledge, promise

intended [adjective]

means "affianced"
matched, contracted, engaged, promised, betrothed, pledged

issue [noun]

means "event"
emission, delivery, sending, promulgation

jack [noun]

means "increase"
rise, advance, boost, promotion, hike, raise

jutting [adjective]

means "obtrusive"
projecting, bulging, prominent, protruding

known [adjective]

means "characteristic"
prominent, noted, proverbial

landmark [noun]

means "marker"
position, promontory, guide, blaze, mark

leading [adjective]

means "famous"
well-known, popular, prominent, notorious

likely [adjective]

means "property"
hopeful, encouraging, promising, rosy

loose [adjective]

means "character trait"
immoral, promiscuous, libertine, licentious, corrupt, whorish

make [verb]

means "action"
prompt, give rise to, occasion

march [verb]

means "activity"
stride, stalk, flounce, saunter, promenade, stroll

merchandise [verb]

means "sell"
market, promote, distribute, retail, advertise, publicise

motion [verb]

means "action"
call, prompt

mound [noun]

means "hump"
speed bump, protrusion, knob, projection, prominence

noted [adjective]

means "familiar"
recognised, recognized, famous, well-known, notorious, prominent

notify [verb]

means "announce"
proclaim, herald, blazon, assert, promulgate, advertise

now [object]

means "time"
today, soon, presently, promptly, nowadays, in a minute

obtrusive [adjective]

means "jutting"
projecting, bulging, prominent, protruding

obvious [adjective]

means "apparent"
observable, prominent

occasion [noun]

means "cause"
prompting, call, ground, incident, necessity, inducement

on the spur of the moment [adjective]

means "spontaneously"
suddenly, quickly, instantaneously, promptly, immediately

on time [adjective]

means "punctual"
prompt, dependable, timely, precise, seasonable, regular

optimistic [adjective]

means "cheerful"
bright, favourable, rosy, promising, alluring

overplay [verb]

means "magnify"
promote, work

pact [noun]

means "covenant"
contract, make terms, agree on, pledge, promise, assent

placard [verb]

means "post"
broadcast, promulgate

plug [verb]

means "activity"
promote, publicise, publicize, advertise, sell, mention

pre-eminent [adjective]

means "exalted"
prominent, distinguished, important, high, elevated, eminent

prefer [verb]

means "proposal"
offer, advance, present, proffer, promote, tender

presently [object]

means "today"
soon, now, promptly, nowadays, in a minute

principal [adjective]

means "main"
capital, predominate, cardinal, prevalent, chief, prominent

prod [verb]

means "urge"
drive, inspire, impel, push, persuade, promote

projecting [adjective]

means "protuberant"
extended, extrusive, prominent

pronounced [adjective]

means "conspicuous"
noticeable, clear, notable, obvious, prominent, salient

pronouncement [noun]

means "proclamation"
broadcast, announcement, publication, disclosure, revelation, promulgation

propaganda [noun]

means "advertising"

propagate [verb]

means "disseminate"
promulgate, spread, transmit, circulate, distribute, communicate

propitious [adjective]

means "auspicious"
lucky, favourable, advantageous, promising, beneficial, hopeful

protruding [adjective]

means "high"
tall, lofty, elevated, projecting, raised, prominent

protrusion [noun]

means "swelling"
protuberance, bulge, hump, outgrowth, growth, prominence

proverbial [adjective]

means "familiar"
recognised, recognized, famous, well-known, notorious, prominent

provoke [verb]

means "incite"
induce, animate, galvanise, galvanize, prompt, arouse

publication [noun]

means "proclamation"
broadcast, announcement, pronouncement, disclosure, revelation, promulgation

publicity [noun]

means "advertising"
promotion, broadcasting, fanfare, pushing, advertisement, notice

publish [verb]

means "advertise"

punctual [adjective]

means "timely"
precise, immediate, instant, prompt, quick, direct

push [verb]

means "speech"
urge, drive, inspire, impel, persuade, promote

quickly [adjective]

means "immediately"
instantly, instantaneously, directly, forthwith, promptly, soon

quickness [noun]

means "speed"
expeditiousness, alacrity, dispatch, haste, promptness, expedition

raise [verb]

means "position"
promote, advance, exalt, elevate

raise [noun]

means "activity"
increase, rise, advance, boost, promotion, hike

random [adjective]

means "indiscriminate"

rapidity [noun]

means "haste"

reminder [noun]

means "admonition"
prompting, notice, warning, hint, suggestion

report [verb]

means "language"

reputable [adjective]

means "celebrated"
distinguished, famous, illustrious, notable, prominent, renowned

reputation [noun]

means "fame"
celebrity, notoriety, prominence, eminence, distinction, renown

rise [noun]

means "profession"
promotion, advance, elevation

rosy [adjective]

means "cheerful"
bright, favourable, optimistic, promising, alluring

sanguine [adjective]

means "gladdening"
sunny, sparkling, bright, promising, encouraging, cheery

saunter [verb]

means "stroll"
walk, hike, march, turn, pace, promenade

security [noun]

means "collateral"
bail, deposit, forfeit, pledge, promise, hostage

serve [verb]

means "profession"
promote, advance, forward, contribute, assist, work

sidewalk [noun]

means "path"
walk, lane, avenue, alley, passage, promenade

simplify [verb]

means "ease"
encourage, aid, facilitate, promote, bolster, accelerate

smart [adjective]

means "agility"
nimble, alert, prompt, quick, active

soon [object]

means "time"
today, now, presently, promptly, nowadays, in a minute

stroll [noun]

means "movement"
walk, promenade, saunter, ramble

swear [verb]

means "vow"
avow, promise, warrant, declare, state, testify

swift [adjective]

means "eager"
zealous, ready, alert, prompt, quick

tallness [noun]

means "elevation"
altitude, prominence, height, loftiness, highness

terrace [noun]

means "patio"
promenade, garden, lawn, balcony

uncritical [adjective]

means "undiscriminating"
undifferentiating, indiscriminate, promiscuous, unselective, imprudent, uninformed

undeniable [adjective]

means "unexceptionable"
guaranteed, immutable, good, promised

undiscriminating [adjective]

means "uncritical"
undifferentiating, indiscriminate, promiscuous, unselective, imprudent, uninformed

unexceptionable [adjective]

means "undeniable"
guaranteed, immutable, good, promised

upholder [noun]

means "supporter"
defender, adherent, patron, promoter, advocate, ally

utter [verb]

means "announce"
proclaim, state, deliver, promulgate, publish

vouch for [verb]

means "affirm"
attest, pledge, guarantee, promise, aver, assure

walk [noun]

means "thing"
promenade, footpath

walk [noun]

means "activity"
promenade, tramp

well-known [adjective]

means "famous"

willing [adjective]

means "zealous"
enthusiastic, eager, active, energetic, prompt

wish [noun]

means "aim"
ambition, aspiration, dream, goal, promise

word [noun]

means "speech"
pledge, promise, guarantee, assurance, commitment, warrant

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